Gem Merchant and Miss Diamond (GL)

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Lu Qiaowei was at a loss when she asked. She didn’t understand why she suddenly said this. She felt very insecure when she heard her. She asked, “What’s the matter?”

Wen Jinyan kept looking at her, holding her hand tighter and tighter, she must make a promise, Lu Qiaowei sighed, “I don’t like who you like, when did I dislike you?”

“Before.” Wen Jinyan said seriously.

Thinking about what she did, Lu Qiaowei felt that she was too straight to have cancer. She even disliked herself and said: “I apologize to you, I will always like you.”

Wen Jinyan added a serious sentence, “Isn’t it what I said before?”

Lu Qiaowei’s face was full of question marks, “When did you say that?”

Wen Jinyan was silent for a moment, and then said utterly: “I have a nightmare…” The voice was small and scared.

People who are ill will suddenly become very fragile. Lu Qiaowei can feel her eyes sore, she touched her chest, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I will always like you, the world likes you first!”

Wen Jinyan was finally healed, just lowered his eyes and looked at grievances, so that it hurts.

Lu Qiaowei coaxed her and said, “What kind of dream is so terrible, even more terrible than my dream.”

“What’s your dream?” Wen Jinyan held up her hands and leaned against the sofa.

“I just dreamed that I was bankrupt, became a pauper, and scared me to death.” Lu Qiaowei shivered, went to get her coat, found that it was a suit, and frowned: “It’s such a cold day, you still wear a suit. Is not It Cold?”

She took the down jacket and put it on Wen Jinyan, looked at Wen Jinyan’s pants, and then changed another one. When Wen Jinyan was dressed tightly, she urged: “Walk, let’s go to the hospital to see, you Didn’t you realize that you had a cold? He ran all the way to the company to support me.”

Wen Jinyan said dumbly: “I didn’t catch a cold when I got on the plane, and I took my temperature when I got off the plane.”

“Then go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.” Lu Qiaowei packed her things, carried her bag on her back and took her out, turned her head to see Wen Jinyan motionless, and was staring at the table.

Wen Jinyan said: “Can you bring it with you?”

“Yes!” Lu Qiaowei felt sorry for her, took out the insulation box at home, and filled the ribs and porridge.

Wen Jinyan took the things in his hands and followed her. I don’t know if it was because Wen Jinyan had a cold. Looking at her this way, she always thought she was so cute.

Lu Qiaowei couldn’t help but glanced at her, then glanced again, leaning over to hold her hand, Wen Jinyan’s hand was very hot, she asked, “Are you afraid of getting an injection?”

“Huh?” Wen Jinyan turned his head to look at her, and the elevator opened, and she replied like a half-beat slowly: “Aren’t you afraid?”

“Just ask you.” Lu Qiaowei smiled and said, “If you are afraid, I will cover your eyes.”

It takes more than 20 minutes to go to the hospital. When getting in the car, Lu Qiaowei tightened Wen Jinyan’s scarf and fastened her seat belt.

Glancing at her on the road, he said, “If you feel uncomfortable, you can sleep, and I will call you up when I arrive.”

“Fortunately, I am not sleepy.”

It didn’t take long for Wen Jinyan to take a nap with his eyes closed. Lu Qiaowei secretly laughed a few times, and went to the hospital to shout.

After earnestly doing a comprehensive inspection, it was confirmed that it was just a common cold. Lu Qiaowei was relieved and led Wen Jinyan to get an injection.

Lu Qiaowei opened the lunch box, Wen Jin said that it was inconvenient to her hand, she fed her a little bit, the porridge was boiled very fragrant, the salty bone was just delicious, and it was fresh.

Wen Jinyan gave her feedback, “Just the bones are not spicy. Didn’t you put the chili pepper?”

“Your tonsils are inflamed, why do you still want to eat spicy food? I’ll make it for you when I get better. Come on, open your mouth, and take some porridge.” Lu Qiaowei brought the spoon to her mouth.

Wen Jinyan finished squeezing, and said: “Oh, many people around are staring at me, I’m a bit shy, what should I do?”

There is a voice in Lu Qiaowei shouting: It’s too cute and too cute, it can’t stand it anymore, why is her girlfriend so cute!

“Whoever looks at you, who do you stare at! See whose eyes are big!”

“It makes sense.” Wen Jinyan nodded.

Lu Qiaowei waited for her to finish eating and opened another box. She was watching while eating, but let alone, there were really a lot of people staring at them.

She pulled up Wen Jinyan’s scarf to cover half of Wen Jinyan’s face, and Wen Jinyan looked at her suspiciously. Lu Qiaowei said seriously: “The person staring at you is too annoying. You are too beautiful. Others think it will be charged.”

Lu Qiaowei spoke seriously, then glared at the group of people who peeked at Wen Jinyan.

Diaoshui took more than three hours. The two had a conversation. Lu Qiaowei adjusted a TV series to watch Wen Jinyan. The newly released sand sculpture drama, laughing Lu Qiaowei only hiccups.

It was eleven o’clock when she got home in the evening. Lu Qiaowei didn’t dare to let her take a bath, and she wiped her with hot water. Wen Jinyan stared at her, slowly took off her sweater, and when she took it off again, Lu Qiaowei stared at her. “What are you doing!”

“Don’t you want to wipe it?” Wen Jinyan looked at her blankly.

“Can’t you wipe it yourself?” Lu Qiaowei asked.

“I have a cold.” Wen Jinyan blinked and yawned sleepily. Lu Qiaowei quickly wrung out the towel, wiped her neck, and said: “I remember when I was a child with a cold, my mother always shaved **** and liquor. Back, let the heat cool down a little bit faster like this, or try it for you? I still have **** at home…”

“I don’t think the effect is great, I believe in science.” Wen Jinyan said earnestly, lifting up the clothes and let Lu Qiaowei wipe her chest.

Lu Qiaowei shyly turned away from her face, “This is scientific, I remember it was said on the Internet, I will search it later and try it.” She was about to take her hand back, she was held down by Wen Jinyan, “This is pretty good. Scientifically, or…”

“No.” Lu Qiaowei rejected her righteously.

That’s it? If you engage in pornography, the disease will be healed?

The scientific basis for ghosts.

Lu Qiaowei wiped her off, and when Wen Jinyan was playing a rogue taking off her pants, she quickly took out the water basin and came back to undress and lie down with Wen Jinyan.

People who have a fever, the body is not too hot, Lu Qiaowei hugged her, but she was still asleep, and the call came. Lu Qiaowei took a look and found that it was her mother.

Mother Lu looked at Lu Qiaowei’s circle of friends and knew Wen Jinyan had a cold, and she told her: “If you have a fever, use **** soaked in white wine to shave, and sleep under the quilt. It will be fine the next day. You give her a try.

Lu Qiaowei was just about to answer, the receiver was covered by Wen Jinyan, Wen Jin said: “I am much better now, don’t need to scratch.”

“Has the fever gone?” Mother Lu said, “The cold is the most prevalent this season, so I should get better soon.”

Lu Qiaowei touched the ear thermometer to take Wen Jinyan’s body temperature. Wen Jinyan glanced at it and closed her eyes and said, “Auntie, I will have my fever tomorrow. Today is a transitional period.”

“You are still very hot.” Lu Qiaowei said solemnly, “I remember my mom shaved me when I was a child, and the fever went away very quickly.”

“Yes.” Mother Lu taught the technique, “Scrape red. More scraping on the acupuncture points. I’ll send you an acupuncture point map. It’s very useful. Once you get a fever, it will be fine.”

Lu Qiaowei slid out of the bed directly, but she couldn’t find anyone. When she came back, she took a glass of white wine and a piece of **** in her hand.

Wen Jinyan swallowed and said, “Actually…”

Lu Qiaowei raised her eyebrows.

Wen Jinyan whispered: “Actually, I am afraid of pain.”


In the middle of the night, the girlfriend’s sultry time and time again was unbearable, Lu Qiaowei said helplessly: “It doesn’t hurt, I’ll be gentle, and it will be well soon, if it hurts, I’ll blow it up.”

“Then you blow twice.” Wen Jinyan lifted his clothes up.

Lu Qiaowei’s heart was about to explode.

After dipping the liquor, Wen Jinyan didn’t feel the pain in his imagination, so he didn’t resist her.

Wen Jinyan was in good shape, and Lu Qiaowei squeezed her waist and asked, “Are you losing weight? Is it difficult to get it in Paris?”

Wen Jinyan gave a hum.

After Lu Qiaowei wiped her off, she quickly covered her with a quilt and hugged her when she slept and asked, “Does it still feel cold?”

“It’s not cold anymore, you are very warm.”

Lu Qiaowei was also warm in her heart.

She squeezed Wen Jinyan’s hand and touched her hot forehead, as if trying to **** the excess temperature away from her body.

At night, Lu Qiaowei didn’t dare to sleep too dead. She got up several times to take Wen Jinyan’s body temperature and tuck the quilt. She took good care of her, and the fever subsided the next day, but she was not as energetic as usual.

Wen Jinyan was going to work at the company, and Lu Qiaowei just quit her job and did not worry about changing jobs, so she followed her to take care of her.

Lu Qiaowei has come to DMD many times. Everyone knows her and is not surprised, just to see that her eyes are different from before. I have heard that she did not take the exclusive elevator, and took her to the elevator for ordinary employees.

It was the peak time for elevators to work. A group of people huddled together, but after Wen Jinyan walked in, they would automatically move a little bit. They would rather stand against the wall than dared to stand next to them.

It’s embarrassing.

Lu Qiaowei lowered her head, no one dared to look.

Everyone would look at her secretly. When they came out, a relatively face-to-face employee was the first to take the brunt and shouted, “Madam, please.”

lady? lady! ! !

Lu Qiaowei was so silly that she forgot to get out of the elevator. The employees behind were also crowded, and no one dared to remind them.

When the elevator door was about to close, she finally recovered, reached out her hand to stop the elevator, and walked out of it with Wen Jinyan. She walked a few steps and felt wrong. Shouldn’t Wen Jinyan lead her?

She looks like an executive officer now.

Is that what it feels like to be an executive?

It’s so exciting!

Entering the office, Lu Qiaowei talked with Wen Jinyan in a low voice, “Although the title of Madam sounds good, but it is not serious enough in the company to call it that way, so don’t let employees call it that way.”

Wen Jinyan said softly: “I didn’t let them call it that way. They called it by themselves. It’s quite appropriate to call it that way, but it is not appropriate to call Designer Lu.

Her eyebrows were crooked and she was clearly happy for this title. Lu Qiaowei deeply doubted that Wen Jinyan might even reward the employee.


Wen Jinyan was sitting on an office chair with the computer on. Not long after the secretary came, she saw Lu Qiaowei sitting next to Wen Jinyan. She was silent for a long time, and then said, “Madam, do you need something to eat, I will let you Someone sent it over.”

“No, no, no, really no need!” Lu Qiaowei waved her hand again and again, and when the secretary nodded, she quickly added, “Just call me Lu Qiaowei. If you think your name is not easy, call me Designer Lu. It’s weird to call it Madam…”

The secretary also replied earnestly: “It’s weird to call you Designer Lu again…”

It was embarrassing for each other, Lu Qiaowei swallowed, “What is strange, I don’t think it is strange, let you call Designer Lu, you just call it!”


Later, Wen Jinyan is going to a meeting, DMD internal meeting, it is not good for Lu Qiaowei to follow it, Wen Jinyan arranged for someone to take her to visit, saying: “The designer is on the 13th floor, and recently he has done a new decoration and brought in. New equipment, can you go up and see?”

“Okay.” Lu Qiaowei touched her forehead subconsciously, “Take a pill later, don’t talk too much, and drink more hot water.”

The secretarial team was very happy, because when Designer Lu came, Wen always had no shame, and hurried to pour several glasses of hot water.

DMD attaches great importance to designers. Among all departments, the design room is the most luxurious. The entire floor is the scope of activities of the design department.

Lu Qiaowei went around. She had been to DMD several times before, and there would still be many foreign faces, but now there are a lot fewer people.

She asked curiously, and the assistant explained: “The main team has not returned in Paris. It should take another month.”

“Huh?” Lu Qiaowei looked at her questioningly, “Isn’t the Paris jewelry show over yet? Didn’t your executive bring the team back?”

“I’m not very clear.” The assistant said, “Wen always comes back alone.”


After a round, Wen Jinyan came back.

“What’s the matter?” Wen Jinyan felt that her state was wrong, and asked one more sentence, “Isn’t it infected by me?”

“No.” Lu Qiaowei took her temperature and said, “Have your jewelry show not started yet?”

Wen Jinyan gave a hum.

Lu Qiaowei looked at her again and said, “Is it very tiring at work? Look at you, you are all tired and sick.”

“That’s not it, I take a shower.”

Lu Qiaowei: “?”

Wen Jinyan said: “I don’t know who teases me every day, causing me to take a bath several times a day. Once it gets cold and hot, I catch a cold.”

“No, you take a cold shower in winter?”

“No, it’s too hot. I didn’t cover the quilt at night.” Wen Jinyan sighed lightly, looking at her lips, wanting to kiss but didn’t dare to kiss her.

Lu Qiaowei kissed her side of her cheek twice, accidentally put on the lipstick, and cleaned her with a tissue.

Wen Jinyan asked her if she wanted to come to work at DMD.

Just after Lu Qiaowei visited the design room, she knew what Wen Jinyan intended, but she was actually hesitating.

“What should I do if someone bullies me?” Wen Jinyan had a fever, and his eyes were easily dry. He blinked a few times in a row and looked at poor death.

Lu Qiaowei felt soft, “Who is bullying you, tell me your name, and I will kill her.”

Wen Jinyan said: “That’s too much. If you are not there, anyone can bully me. You come to DMD to support me, and we will be together every day, don’t you want to…” She suppressed her voice, “Look at my office. It’s not big, don’t you want to be a little exciting?”

When she opened her clothes, Lu Qiaowei squeezed her zipper solemnly and said, “The office is used for office work. How do you take the company to develop like this?”

Seeing Wen Jinyan’s sad expression, Lu Qiaowei was no longer able to do so, and said: “I’ll get used to it. If I can’t keep up, then forget it.”

Wen Jinyan smiled and nodded.

Lu Qiaowei really didn’t plan to come to DMD at the beginning. DMD is not a personal company. She came here a bit like going through the back door, and it didn’t affect Wen Jinyan. She was also under a lot of pressure, and she was almost so confident in her heart.

Lu Qiaowei didn’t want to give Wen Jinyan the title of “faint monarch”. The most taboo thing in the office was messing.

Work and love still have to be separated, Lu Qiaowei said: “I will go to your design room tomorrow.”

“Okay, I will arrange for someone to take you.”

Wen Jinyan dragged her chin with one hand, her eyes were heavy, and she didn’t know what she was thinking. After a while, she took the initiative to say: “Wrong decision, the design room should be placed in the office.”

In the next few days, Lu Qiaowei has been studying in the DMD design room. Everyone is very enthusiastic about her. If she doesn’t understand anything, she will teach her.

Wen Jinyan would come down from time to time, or call Lu Qiaowei to go up there, saying that she has something to do with her.

In fact, it is not a big deal. It’s just flirting Lu Qiaowei, giving Lu Qiaowei a hint, flirting her hair, and blinking her eyes.

Once I looked at the documents, Wen Jinyan was sitting on the table.

How could Lu Qiaowei stand up to this, her anger got bigger day by day, she almost had a nosebleed, and tried to restrain her, reminding Wen Jinyan not to mess around. If the cold gets worse, she will eat vegetarian food for a month.

In the next few days, Wen Jinyan became honest and called her to come up and eat.

A few days later, Lu Qiaowei stood on the electronic scale and gained three pounds. Lu Qiaowei squeezed the meat on her waist and prepared to do yoga in the evening.

Wen Jinyan went to hug her, “I have something to discuss with you.”

Lu Qiaowei sat on a yoga mat and pressed her waist. After a long time without exercise, she stretched and panted and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Wen Jinyan said: “What do you think of the company? Do you want to come to work? The personnel side has already come to urge me.”

“It’s you who urged people.”

Wen Jinyan pulled her onto the bed, and Lu Qiaowei was puzzled: “Why do you want to talk on the bed? There is no seriousness about business.”

“Because I can blow your ears.”

Lu Qiaowei: “…”

She gave one hundred points for this reason.

Wen Jinyan continued: “Do you want to come to the company?”

Lu Qiaowei was still hesitating.

Wen Jinyan squeezed her chin and kissed her, “If you come to the company, you can play with me casually, aren’t you happy?”

In the past two days, she caught a cold, and the two of them did not do anything violently, and they kept being teased again. Lu Qiaowei didn’t hold it and gave a hum.

Then, she was pushed onto the bed by Wen Jinyan. Wen Jinyan took off her clothes while saying: “The anchor is very beautiful and cute.”

Lu Qiaowei said solemnly: “Our anchor talks about money but not about love.”

This time, Wen Jinyan had saved his money, and asked Lu Qiaowei to do two special services.

Lu Qiaowei was afraid that there would be traces on her body, so she covered herself tightly before bringing the information to DMD personnel.

She just sat at the door and waited for a while, the phone was ticking, and there were many people in the company, so she went to the other side of the corridor to get the phone.

Qu Qingzhu made a good phone call to her and said anxiously: “Weiwei, you are on the hot search, something went wrong with the company.”

“Huh?” Lu Qiaowei leaned against the wall, probably knowing what was going on, and said: “The Mozanstone from that garbage company was discovered?”

Qu Qingzhu said: “Someone reported the company to the industrial and commercial department. I have been investigating these two days, but a blogger broke the news on Weibo.”

“Break the news?” Lu Qiaowei took out her mobile phone and saw that there were more hot topics on Weibo ##, ##, poking into the topic, it was a big V blogger’s revelation.

This blogger is a mixed network design, specializing in the design of some ins style necklaces, usually draws a lottery, has more than one million fans, opened a Taobao shop.

Smile’s first setting: [Recently, a fan submitted a post saying that I went to a recently very popular jewelry store to buy a diamond necklace. I bought a piece of a very popular designer. Now I found out that I was cheated. One carat of diamond was used for one Kara Mozanstone is posing. The following is a real hammer. Another: How do you recognize gemstones for popular science every day, and why are there still people being fooled? 】

The real hammer was a necklace with several Lu Qiaowei’s work business cards in it.

Lu Qiaowei admired her, and the rights defender did not hammer her at the shop.

There were more than 30,000 comments below, and the insults were unsightly, and she was able to find out who she was within two clicks.

[Isn’t it the Lu Qiaowei? This is all guarded, are you blind? Garbage designers get out of the design world! 】

[One carat of diamonds, looking at the small ticket equivalent price of 140,000, using Moissanite instead of the cost is 4,000, is this going crazy? ? ? 】

[Breaking news, this designer has made enough money and is about to hop to DMD, @Diamond, does your family collect all trash? 】

[My house collapsed. DMD is a luxury. My idol is still their image ambassador. Fuck, I love my idol. 】

[Fuck! Look, everyone, there is a newly married couple who bought a diamond ring in this store. Both of them are Moissan diamonds. The two hundred thousand are all in the water. What kind of marriage is this? 】

[The mood is very complicated. I have liked Lu Qiaowei very much before, especially when she posted a picture of her two hot searches for everyone to see. The necklace I bought in the store the day before yesterday, I didn’t expect to be deceived. 】

There is a black word on Weibo, and there are many keywords on the topic! What #DMD#, ##, ##, ##……

Lu Qiaowei also likes to read Weibo. I can see that someone has deliberately hacked her. She changed her hand and said to Qu Qingzhu: “This is not easy, I won’t tell you.”

“Do you need help, what are you going to do with DMD?”

“I’ll talk later.” Lu Qiaowei hung up the phone.

She read the blogger’s Weibo several times and clicked on the blogger’s work picture. She had previously swiped this person’s Weibo because the blogger had rubbed her hot search and didn’t know it at all in private.

In just a few minutes, there were a few more revelations on the anchor’s Weibo.

The vague remarks detained Lu Qiaowei’s plagiarism brain, and also brought a topic, saying that the scum wave blocked her and the DMD big capital was protecting Lu Qiaowei.

Soon there was an additional comment below.

[Wait. 】

Slightly laughed to death you mua: [Blind, I designed this rubbish? @Smile First set, unfilial son, imitating your father so many works, shouldn’t you kneel down and apologize to father]

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