General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Mother And Son (One More)

Chapter 178 Mother and Son (One More)

The sky is getting darker and darker, and Su Xiaoxiao’s expression is getting colder.

Along the way, the two did not speak, and searched wholeheartedly.

Not long after, Father Su and Su Ergou also entered the mountain.

To be honest, Father Su did not think that the three children would go into the mountain by themselves, but there was already someone in the village looking for them, so he brought Ergou to the mountain to try their luck.

No one can guarantee that Su Yuniang’s last accident will not happen – maybe the three children were kidnapped by someone.

“Let’s find each other separately, Ergou and I will go over there, son-in-law, you and Da Ya will go to the east.”

“it is good.”

The four acted separately.

Father Su gave Wei Ting a torch, and he held another torch and went southwest with Su Ergou.

It was too dark and the weeds were wet. Father Su fell and fell so hard that he scratched his hand, but he didn’t say a word, got up and continued to look for the child.

Wei Ting’s eyes moved slightly.

The two found three little guys in a damp and dark tree hole.

There are some traces of older children in the tree hole. It seems that it is not the first time that children have come here.

It wasn’t a personal experience. Neither Su Xiaoxiao nor Wei Ting knew that the three little guys would run so far with the older kids on weekdays. Deep in the woods, the arrogant kids were really fat.

In the early spring, it is warm and cold, and the night is especially cold and cold.

The three little guys shivered from the cold, snuggled together tightly, hugging each other for warmth.

Tiger was in the middle, hugging his two younger brothers with his tender arms.

Don’t look at how fiercely he fights with Xiaohu on weekdays, that’s at home, and when he’s outside, he won’t allow his younger brother to be wronged.

His younger brother can only be bullied by him.

It’s just that the current scene is not much better than being bullied.

“Big tiger! Two tigers! Little tiger!”

Su Xiaoxiao squatted down, the tree hole was so small that adults couldn’t get in, let alone a fat girl with a lot of tonnage.

Three small only heard her voice, and subconsciously wanted to jump out, but soon, they also heard Wei Ting’s movement.

“You three, come out to me!”

The three of them shrank back in fear.

“Don’t kill them!” Su Xiaoxiao glared at someone.

Wei Ting’s lips moved, but he didn’t say anything.

Su Xiaoxiao knelt down on the ground, leaned down and looked into the tree hole: “Big tiger, are you hungry? Mother made delicious food, you bring your brothers out first.”

Dahu hesitated for a moment, then slowly exerted force on the little hands holding his younger brothers.

The two younger brothers looked at the older brother.

They wanted to go out, but no one moved.

Su Xiaoxiao said again: “It’s getting dark, and my mother is very scared. Can you come out first?”

Hearing that Su Xiaoxiao was afraid, the small bodies of the three of them unconsciously leaned forward.

However, they gritted their teeth and still held back.

The reaction of the three little guys was too abnormal.

Su Xiaoxiao asked: “Can you tell my mother, why are you hiding here?”

The three of them shook their heads with red eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao rested her hands on the ground, her palms hurt by the branches and stones on the ground.

She was too sensitive to pain, and sweat dripped down her forehead unconsciously.

“You get up!”

Wei Ting pulled the man up, and then directly tore the tree hole and fished out the three little cubs.

As soon as the three of them came out, they hid behind Su Xiaoxiao, just not letting Wei Ting approach.

“You beat them?” Su Xiaoxiao asked Wei Ting.

Wei Ting said: “I don’t.”

Su Xiaoxiao said strangely: “Then why did they suddenly hide from you—”

Wei Ting was silent.

Su Xiaoxiao took a look at the three little fellows with red eyes hiding behind her, grabbing her clothes, and looked at Wei Ting who hesitated to speak.

After a moment, she was also silent.

She said nothing and walked down the mountain with her three children.

The big tiger and the two tigers followed her closely.

Xiaohu accidentally fell, Wei Ting hurriedly reached out to help him.

Xiaohu got up stubbornly and quickly, raised his hand silently and wiped away a handful of tears.

Su Xiaoxiao took the tiger into his arms.

On the other side, Su Cheng and Su Ergou rushed over after hearing the movement.

“Big tiger, two tigers and small tigers!” Su Cheng quickened his pace.

The big tiger and the two tigers ran towards him and plunged into his arms.

He handed the torch to Su Ergou, one in each hand, and picked up the two little guys.

He looked up anxiously: “Why did you all come to the mountain? Let Grandpa take a look, are you alright?”

The two lay on his shoulders and shook their heads, their grievances swish upward.

Su Cheng felt the child’s choking, he frowned and looked at Su Xiaoxiao and Wei Ting: “What’s the matter?”

Xiaohu was also not quite right, he buried his little face in Su Xiaoxiao’s coat and dropped the golden peas.

Su Xiaoxiao did not speak, and silently carried Xiaohu down the mountain.

Su Cheng’s gaze fell on Wei Ting’s face.

Wei Ting’s face was shrouded in the dark night, he looked at the sky covered with dark clouds: “Dad, it’s going to rain, go home first.”

Su Cheng was in a state of embarrassment, and it could be seen that he also fell a few times.

Wei Ting reached out to hold the child.

The two threw the back of his two aggrieved heads.

Wei Ting said: “Grandpa fell and can’t hold you guys.”

Su Cheng: “I can hold it! I can hold it!”

The two hesitated and stretched out their small arms towards Su Ergou.

Su Ergou, who took the initiative to be favored by the little guys for the first time: “…”

After returning home, Su Xiaoxiao carefully checked Sanxiao’s body.

All three had different degrees of scratches and bumps. Xiaohu was the smallest and had the most bumps. Both knees were completely bald and the palms of his hands were cut.

Erhu has bruises on his left elbow.

Tiger’s forehead is swollen.

In addition, although it was not a big winter, there were insects and ants in the tree hole, and all three were stung.

Su Xiaoxiao took out the Sanwu Xiaohuang Pills that the pharmacy rewarded last time, smashed it, and tried it on her own wound first.

The pain disappeared instantly, and a cool and refreshing feeling spread out, much less irritating than the golden sore medicine.

It seems that this medicine can not only be taken internally, but also applied externally.

She also applied it to several children.

From beginning to end, the three little ones didn’t say a word, their eyes were red, and they didn’t cry.

Exhausted from the tossing, the three of them fell into a deep sleep amid the great grievances.

Su Xiaoxiao went to treat Su Cheng’s skin trauma again.

At night, she closed her eyes and lay quietly beside her three children.

Wei Ting opened the cabinet to pack up, she pretended not to hear.

The next morning, Su Xiaoxiao made breakfast.

A very hearty meal, including siu mai, dumplings, winter melon and meatball soup, red bean and barley porridge, steamed eggs with dried shrimp, and a few vegetables picked from Li’s home.

It was quiet at the dinner table.

Su Yuniang gave the three little dogs soup.

“You also have a drink.” She also gave Su Xiaoxiao a bowl.

Su Xiaoxiao picked up the soup bowl, looked at the three little meatballs inside, and said softly, “Father, if, I mean if…”

Before he finished speaking, Su Chengteng stood up and went back to his room without looking back.

Su Yuniang looked at Su Xiaoxiao, who had a calm face, then looked at Su Cheng, who left with a hand, and sighed softly.

Suddenly, Su Cheng strode out.

He has an extra bag in his hand.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at him blankly.

Su Cheng said: “Don’t you want to go to the capital? Don’t be stunned! Hurry up and eat! The boat will leave in a while!”

Su Xiaoxiao was startled.

Su Chengdao: “My son-in-law wants to take us to Beijing. I said it yesterday, don’t you know? You haven’t packed your things yet, have you?”

“Packed up.” Wei Ting said.

Su Xiaoxiao leaned back and looked at the table in the east room.

I saw two bags on it.

He packed up all night.

Not only his, but also… hers.

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(end of this chapter)

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