General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Buy A Horse (One More)

Chapter 88 Buying a Horse (One More)

Not bad name this time.

The folks are very curious, did Su Pangya get some expert advice?

Is this the legendary enlightenment?

I heard that she fell on her wedding day—

The aunts and aunts in the village: Do they want to go back and throw their children too…

Su Xiaoxiao did not know what the villagers thought, so she openly accepted a wave of attention from the villagers.

It is mainly a habit, the original owner has gotten too many strange eyes from a small fat to a big one, she will not care, and will not distinguish carefully.

If she took a closer look today, she would find that everyone looked at her differently than before.

Not only because of the lack of maliciousness, but also because she was unconsciously attracted by her new look.

The person is still the same person, and the fat is still very fat, but for some reason, the villagers just think that Fatty Su looks more pleasing to the eye.

It seemed… turned white, the snow reflected in the snow and the dazzling sunlight above her head hit her glutinous face, her skin was so tender that it seemed like she could squeeze out water.

In addition, a few sharp-eyed aunts found that her face was a little different. She used to be a big round cake, but now there is a little line on the edge of her jaw, she is a cute little round face!


said Mr. Fang, who was drying clothes in front of Lao Su’s house.

Su Jinniang spread out her clothes and whispered, “I’m so fat, how can I look good?”

Su Yuniang in the house took over the words leisurely: “Don’t say that, she is fat, and her facial features are not bad. She has lost weight and is much more beautiful than you!”

Su Jinniang was so angry that she hung her clothes on the clothesline!

The snow didn’t fall a few days ago. Today the weather is fine and the wind is not too strong. Sitting on the ox cart is warm and warm, the three little ones are squinting in enjoyment, and they are very angry!

Liu Ping looked at their happy faces and knew that they had a great time at Xiao Su’s house.

She is also a stepmother for others, with a big Wu’s heart, and Su Fatya, who is always regarded as a bully, is better than their own mother.

Thinking of this, Liu Ping unconsciously showed envious eyes.

And Su Xiaoxiao happened to turn his head to look over, and inadvertently met Liu Ping’s eyes.

Liu Ping’s heart skipped a beat.

Su Xiaoxiao squinted: How do I feel that you want to be my son?

An hour later, the three big and three small arrived at the horse market that Liu Ping spoke of.

It is said to be a horse market, but it is actually a few old sheds built on the edge of the wharf, where some livestock waiting to be sold are kept.

It was only the tenth day of the first lunar month, and there were a lot of people coming and going in the horse market.

The big fat village girl and the small dumpling triplets turned heads 100%, and pedestrians looked at them one after another.

Su Xiaoxiao said to the three little ones on the ox cart: “Watch uncle, don’t let uncle get lost, you know?”

The three little ones nodded earnestly and grabbed Su Ergou’s sleeve with a swish, they will definitely look at Uncle Prison!

Liu Ping said to Su Xiaoxiao: “The largest shed is the government’s stage horses. Except for the stage horses, which are not sold, you can choose at will.”

The six people strolled around the horse market. To be honest, except for the official stage horses, which were fat and strong, the rest of the horses were either old or sick, and the price was ridiculous.

“Fifty taels? This is an old horse!” Liu Ping looked at the horse dealer in disbelief, “Don’t bully me for not understanding the market, I have worked here for two years, this kind of old horse is generally Only sell for twenty or thirty taels.”

The dealer said slowly: “Gossip: there is going to be a war in the southwest, and there is a shortage of horses. This horse is always a little old. If you can pull the goods, you think it is too expensive, and the army camp will drag it away another day. If you want to buy it, you can’t buy it! Really! I want, forty-five taels, no more!”

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head and took Liu Ping away.

She doesn’t care whether the gossip is accurate or not, she doesn’t plan to spend all her fortune to buy an old horse that won’t last a few years.

No, it’s still two taels away.

An old trader diagonally opposite Su Xiaoxiao shouted: “Girl! Are you pulling goods or going out? If you are pulling goods, look at the mules! I have all the first-class mules here. They eat less and are strong. Four From the age of ten!”

Liu Ping said: “Nonsense! Horses and mules eat a lot! Donkeys and mules eat less!”

A mule is the offspring of a horse and a donkey. A mare is called a mule, which is closer to a horse, and a female donkey is called a mule, which is closer to a donkey.

The advantages of donkeys and mules are small food intake, strong endurance and long lifespan, which can be used until about 20 years old.

The horse and mule are strong, fast, and smart. The disadvantage is that they are short-tempered, difficult to tame, and their lifespan is shorter than that of donkeys and mules. They will lose their ability to serve at the age of fifteen.

“In general, people are still willing to buy mules. They can work, have more strength than horses, and are not as difficult to raise as horses. Although they eat more than donkeys and mules, they are less than horses.”

Liu Ping continued, “The price of a young and strong mule is generally five to ten taels, the most expensive is no more than fifteen taels, and for donkeys and mules, it is about three to eight taels. The market conditions vary from place to place, and this is the price here. There are places where mules are worthless.”

Su Xiaoxiao felt that hiring Liu Ping was the right one, and Liu Ping made up for her blind spot in knowledge, otherwise she would be blind if she chose it herself.

“Liu Ping!”

A man in his early thirties, who was not tall but very strong, walked towards the two of them with brisk strides.

Liu Ping took a closer look: “Brother Hai!”

He said to Su Xiaoxiao, “I used to work under him, and he is a foreman here.”

Su Xiaoxiao snorted.

Brother Hai came to the two of them, smiled and patted Liu Ping on the shoulder: “I haven’t seen you for two years, where have you been, kid? This is—”

“My boss.” Liu Ping introduced Su Xiaoxiao.

Hearing that the young girl dressed as a village girl in front of him is actually Liu Ping’s owner, Brother Hai was obviously surprised.

“My surname is Su.” Su Xiaoxiao.

The three little dogs couldn’t sit still on the bullock cart, so they took Su Ergou around and the four of them were not around.

The other party smiled and said, “It turned out to be Miss Su. I’m disrespectful. My surname is Huang. Just call me Haizi from Miss Su.”

Su Xiaoxiao smiled slightly: “If you don’t mind, I’ll call you Brother Hai too?”

Huang Hai smiled and said, “Okay, okay!”

He looked at Liu Ping again, “I just got a big job, and I was trying to find out about you, and I wanted to find you to come back to work, but I was late.”

Liu Ping worked hard and never complained, so there was no foreman who didn’t like him.

Liu Ping smiled naively.

Huang Hai did not embarrass him, and said gently: “I just saw that you seem to be choosing livestock? Are you using it yourself? Pulling goods or people?”

“Mainly pulling goods.” Su Xiaoxiao.

Huang Hai looked around and said, “The good stuff is in there, come with me!”

He turned and led the way.

Liu Ping came over and whispered, “Brother Hai’s people are quite reliable, why don’t we go and have a look?”

Su Xiaoxiao: “Okay.”

The two followed Huang Hai to a shed on the edge, and the seller was the old dealer just now.

Huang Haidao: “Uncle Yang, my own person.”

The old dealer glanced at the two of them: “Mule or donkey?”

“Mule.” Su Xiao’s novel.

The old dealer left for a while, and when he came back, he had a fat mule in his hand.

“The first-class mule, twenty taels, the same price!”

This is a four-year-old mule, no matter age or physical fitness.

Huang Hai smiled and said, “Uncle Yang, twenty taels is too expensive! Said it was his own!”

The old dealer hummed: “It’s not the one you brought, I won’t sell it if it’s less than twenty-five taels!”

Huang Hai thought for a while, and said to Su Xiaoxiao and Liu Ping: “The southwest area has not been peaceful recently. There are rumors about war everywhere, and the price of livestock has risen a lot. In the past, a high-quality mule was sold for one. Ten taels, eight taels, the most expensive is fifteen taels. If you wait a few days, I see that the southwest will not be able to fight, and the limelight will pass, and perhaps the price of livestock will drop.”

Then who can guarantee how long the limelight will pass?

Su Xiaoxiao is waiting to use it, if one day is delayed, one less day of business will be done.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the old dealer and said, “Five taels.”

The Yellow Sea choked!

Girl, you really dare to cut!

Others cut a fraction, but you only got a fraction left!

The old dealer was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and almost grabbed the broom and drove Su Xiaoxiao out!

“Who are you bringing with you! Are you buying livestock with sincerity!”

What can happen to the Yellow Sea? He has lived for more than thirty years, and this is the first time he has seen such a wonderful thing.

The old dealer said angrily: “Twenty-three taels! One less son… Not for sale!”

Su Xiaoxiao stretched out a chubby hand: “Five taels.”

Old dealer: “…!”

I have a knife!

Huang Hai looked at Liu Ping beside him, what kind of employer are you looking for? Are you sure you don’t regret it? I still have time to take refuge in—

Liu Ping was also sweating profusely on his forehead.

As expected of a little bully in Xinghua Village, this price was cut—

He was afraid that Su Pangya couldn’t bargain, so she went directly to the bricks to shoot others—

The old dealer trembled: “Two, twenty taels!”

Su Xiaoxiao: “Five taels.”

The old dealer pointed his arms across the board: “Five taels can only buy a donkey!”

Su Xiaoshan said: “Five taels can buy a cow in our country, what kind of donkey are you? Immortal donkey? You can also sell five taels!”

The old dealer covered his old heart, the surname is Huang, next time you bring this kind of guest over, I will break up with you!

Huang Hai cleared his throat and said with a shy smile: “Otherwise, Uncle Yang, you’re selling my face, this mule will only be ten…”

Before he finished speaking, Su Xiaoxiao chubby hand turned over: “Twelve taels!”

The old dealer was furious: “Fifteen taels!”

Yellow Sea: I’m going to cut to eighteen taels,,,

The old dealer regretted it after he finished speaking. What did he just say? Ten, fifteen taels? Did he make this fat girl confused?

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and was ready to pay.

But at this moment, a mutation occurred.

The three little ones ran over and grabbed her sleeve: “Mother.”

Huang Hai and the old dealer were dumbfounded.

This little girl’s son is so old?

San Xiaozhi took her to another shed, which was the official’s stable.

The three pointed to a newly-born foal inside.

It was a premature foal. It was born two days ago. The mare was seriously injured and died shortly after giving birth.

The foal has nothing to eat, and has been hungry for two days, and can’t even stand.

If it goes on like this, it will starve to death in a few days.

A pony without a mare cannot survive, so the officers and soldiers of the inn do not take much care of it.

The three of them looked at the pony who lost his mother, and their eyes were full of deep sympathy.

“Want that pony?” Su Xiaoxiao asked.

The three nodded.

Su Xiaoxiao touched their little heads, they were only two and a half years old, and at such a ignorant age, perhaps even they themselves did not understand why they would have such a strong sympathy for a little orphaned horse.

The three little foals stared at the unattended foal without blinking.

Liu Ping whispered: “No, you don’t have to be so used to children, just go back and buy two candies to coax them.”

“Do you really want to take it home?” Su Xiaoxiao confirmed to the three again.

The three nodded earnestly.

The official horse at the post station is not sold, even if it is just a foal, but this foal is in a special situation, the mare is dead, and there is no other postpartum mare to feed it.

Huang Hai came forward to negotiate with the officers and soldiers: “You keep it, it is also dead, so you can treat it as dead, okay?”

Officers and soldiers said: “No, it’s against the rules.”

Huang Haidao: “It’s legal when it’s dead? Why do people in your government act like this?”

In the end, it was Huang Hai who found the old postmaster who once owed him a favor, and let him be accommodating and sold it to Su Xiaoxiao at the price of a retired old horse.

He helped, but he covered his eyes and didn’t see it.

Forty taels, I bought a foal that was just born, and I couldn’t support it at all.

This is simply a waste of money!

Su Xiaoxiao asked Su Ergou to go to the post station to ask for some hay to spread on the ox cart and carry the weak foal up.

Because she bought a foal, she only had fifty taels of silver left.

She silently came to the old trader’s stable: “That, donkey, do you still sell it?”

Old dealer: “…”

“Five taels!”

Su Xiaoxiao emptied out his purse: “I only have three or two.”

After a quarter of an hour.

A group of six left the horse market with a sickly foal and a bony donkey.

Liu Ping never dreamed that they could buy a livestock like this.

Completely deviated from the original plan!

Liu Ping comforted himself while driving the ox cart: “Donkey…Donkey is good. It eats less, has strong endurance, can pull mills and goods, and has a docile temperament…”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the docile donkey beside him, kicking up his kicks and kicking over the sign at the entrance of the horse market!

Liu Ping:”…”

(end of this chapter)

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