Genetic Ascension

Chapter 180 Sand Scorpion

[3000 PSs bonus]

In those few moments, Sylas felt like he had gained a spatial awareness he never had before. Even from a distance, he could clearly feel where the dungeon he had passed by earlier was, and he also came to understand that, just like he speculated, whatever he did to the disk resulted in this odd mirror world being created.

At the same time, he felt that he finally knew exactly how to get out… at least in theory.

He wasn't 100% certain, but he knew where the walls of this world were. And theoretically, if he was close to the wall, then used this connection rune along with a few others, he should be able to get out.

This was all just speculation on Sylas' part, but he was still quite sure.

Seeing that there was a path to survival, Sylas finally exhaled a breath.

Since that was the case, shouldn't he clear that dungeon? In his situation, even though the dungeon was a bit lackluster, he couldn't take it for granted. Who knew when the next time he'd get such a good excuse to enter a dungeon alone would come?

At the same time, there was another benefit that came with this calamity: he finally knew what to use as the foundation of his Gene Crystal. It would definitely be these Runes.

He didn't know what they were all about, and the Madness Key was still far too steep a price to pay…

But luckily, if he was right about this dungeon, he'd soon have more than enough Genes to splurge with. If he was extra lucky, he could find some Bronze Genes that would be able to feed the Madness Key after this five-day period was up.

Sylas appeared before the dungeon once more.


[Eruption's Landing (F+)]

[Level Maximum: 10]

[Entry Limit: 2]

[Recommended: 130 Physical]

[Description: The flames are all consuming, the undisputed king of the elements. But it has a temper. Tread lightly]


Double-checking that his Aether was stocked up, he took a step and entered.

When his vision cleared, he was surprisingly not in a burning environment. Well, it was hot, but not nearly as much as one might have expected.

Sand stretched for as far as the eye could see, the sun beamed down from above, but all things considered, this was actually an upgrade in Sylas' book.

He tested it first, taking out a beast carcass. When it didn't erupt into flames immediately, he felt a bout of gratefulness.

Noting that there were no beasts around, at least not in the immediate vicinity, the first thing Sylas did was eat to his heart's content and hydrate himself back up to his peak.

He found it a bit odd that no beasts came to harass him but happily took that for granted.

Once he was done, he stood and set off.

This time, Sylas didn't have a convenient map to lead him. But he was sure that this dungeon wouldn't just let him wander around aimlessly without any pushback.

He thought of the possibility that the sun was the challenge, but Sylas shrugged it off. After the sea of lava, how could this shake him? It was practically a vacation, especially with his shield of Aether. It might as well have been a nice spring day.

The more Sylas walked, the more sure he was of his assessment. It seemed that the heat was part of the test.

Soon, though, he saw something change up ahead. It was a forest, but the bark of the trees was black, and the leaves were dancing flames.

However, between it and himself, there was a BOSS.

It was an enormous scorpion. It might have been at least three meters in length, with a shimmering bronze carapace covering its body that looked more like armor than its natural state. Its tail curved up menacingly, its tip flickering with a flame that sometimes formed into a blade.


[Sand Scorpion (F+)]

[Level: 9]


[Physical: 131]

>[Strength: 114]

>[Constitution: 153]

>[Dexterity: 147]

>[Speed: 110]

[Mental: 80]

>[Intelligence: 120]

>[Wisdom: 83]

>[Charisma: 37]

[Will: 53]


Three flying kunai appeared around Sylas as the scorpion unleashed a screech. Its tail pierced out, and a flaming arrow came from its tip, heading straight for Sylas.

Sylas wasn't quite expecting this, but he still reacted quickly.

He cast <Solidify> and the arrow impacted against his shield. The flames scattered, dancing across the shield and then falling to the ground.

Sylas was about to follow up when his shield actually collapsed.


The change was sudden, but Sylas grasped the crux of it quickly. When this elemental Aether was being used, the damage wasn't all dealt out at once. The flames continued to burn, so the damage was continuous. It must be a special ability of the scorpion.

In that case, even if it didn't cross 200 Physical immediately, it would over time.

The flames and the pieces of Sylas' shield both collapsed to the ground, and the scorpion had already scurried up.

Its Speed stat was already beyond Sylas', and on top of that, it didn't seem to face the same debuff Sylas did in the sand. It moved as though it was walking on flat ground, its six legs moving like scythes before two of them chopped at Sylas' neck.

Sylas' expression became serious. It wasn't just the legs that were the problem, but its tail was clearly gearing up for another attack.

Quickly, he cast <Solidify> again.

Both legs landed on it at once, only pausing for a moment before blasting through.

Sylas took advantage of the lull. Just as the scorpion was about to follow through, he cast <Astral Bind>. This time, he didn't hold back in the slightest, and the scorpion fell forward.

All its momentum was in its follow-through, and now that it was frozen, how could it stop itself from falling?

Sylas' kunai moved all at once, flashing with a deathly momentum as they ripped through the carapace of the scorpion, glowing with a green light.

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