Genius Club

Chapter 374: New Beginnings for Everyone

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation

Zhao Ying Jun looked down at Yan Qiao Qiao, who had her head lowered and her face turned away. In that moment, she remembered a conversation she had with Brother Wang on the rooftop of the MX Tower.

“When did you first feel like a father?” she had asked him, curious about his experience.

It was an abstract question, but Brother Wang didn’t hesitate. “The moment my daughter felt wronged.”

At the time, Zhao Ying Jun didn’t fully understand what he meant. It seemed overly sentimental to her—maybe even a bit of an overreaction. But now, seeing Qiao Qiao’s sad and lonely expression, something clicked in her heart. She bent down, reached out, and pulled the little girl, who seemed as fragile as a flower bud, into a gentle hug.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered softly.

She hadn’t given birth to this child, and she hadn’t been there to watch her grow up. Still, she felt the need to say it. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, closing her eyes as she felt the cold body in her arms slowly warm up.

Standing up straight again, Zhao Ying Jun’s eyes fell on the wilted bouquet of carnations in Qiao Qiao’s hands. They were old, with crumpled tin foil wrapping and petals scattered about. Yet, to Zhao Ying Jun, this was the most precious gift she could receive.

Pointing to the flowers, she asked, “Where did you get these?”

Qiao Qiao pointed to the deserted park entrance in the distance. “From a trash can.”

Hearing this, Zhao Ying Jun couldn’t help but smile. It made sense—Qiao Qiao didn’t have any money. Where else could she find flowers except from a trash can?

“Can I have them?” Zhao Ying Jun asked hopefully. “I really like these flowers… if you’re willing to give them to me.”

“Even though I’m not your mother, I can try to be kinder, more patient, and more understanding. I can try to be a good sister, to protect you and take care of you.”

Qiao Qiao nodded and lifted the bouquet of pale yellow carnations between them. The lingering scent of the flowers filled the air with a sweet fragrance.

“These are for you,” Qiao Qiao said softly.

Zhao Ying Jun carefully took the bouquet of carnations, admiring it closely. She liked it very much. She gently smoothed out the wrinkled tin foil wrapping. The flowers, though wilted, still looked quite lovely.

“Thank you, Qiao Qiao,” Zhao Ying Jun said warmly. “I really like them.”

She suddenly remembered the crumpled roses Lin Xian had given her on the overpass bridge early last year. She chuckled to herself. “I never thought… the two most important bouquets I’ve ever received were both picked up from somewhere else and were just as wrinkled.”

Qiao Qiao tilted her head. “Two flowers?”

“Who gave you the other one?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Zhao Ying Jun looked at Qiao Qiao’s innocent face and ruffled her hair with a smile. “You’ll find out one day,” she said. “When the time comes, let him tell you the story himself. How about that?”

Qiao Qiao nodded obediently. “Okay.”

Not wanting to crush the delicate bouquet in her handbag, Zhao Ying Jun held it in her left hand instead. She noticed the game token Qiao Qiao was still holding and remembered the scene at the claw machine earlier. Qiao Qiao hadn’t managed to catch a single toy.

“Why don’t we try the claw machine in the mall again?” Zhao Ying Jun suggested.

“Can we win something?” Qiao Qiao asked, looking up hopefully.

“We can try again!” Zhao Ying Jun encouraged. “I’m not good at it either, but I can learn.”

As the sky grew darker, the lights of Donghai City began to twinkle. A tall woman and a small girl walked hand in hand from the park bench, looking like sisters or perhaps a mother and daughter, as they headed into the bustling mall nearby.

A short while later, they walked out of the arcade, with Qiao Qiao triumphantly waving a goofy-looking monkey plush in the air. It might have been ugly, but it was the prize they’d finally caught after a long struggle.

Zhao Ying Jun also realized something. To win a toy from a claw machine—designed to trick people into spending money—you must be persistent. Don’t aim too high or try to find some secret trick; just keep putting in coins and grabbing aimlessly. Eventually, the claw will inexplicably clamp onto the toy like it’s angry and refuse to let go, dropping it straight into the prize slot.

That’s how they got the goofy monkey—pure luck. Just like how Qiao Qiao came into her life.

They walked to the underground parking lot and got into the waiting Alphard minivan. Qiao Qiao couldn’t put down her new toy, and Zhao Ying Jun couldn’t stop admiring her bouquet of carnations.

It was like a perfect version of “The Gift of the Magi.” They both got exactly what they wanted.

Suddenly, Zhao Ying Jun became curious. Qiao Qiao was clearly in a state of amnesia and didn’t remember anything about her parents. But why did she still think about her mother every day?

“Qiao Qiao,” she asked, turning to face her, “didn’t you say you don’t remember who your mother is? You don’t recall any memories with her. So how do you miss her? Or have you started to remember a little?”

Qiao Qiao shook her head. “I don’t have any memories of my mom, but I can’t forget the feeling of missing her.”

Memory. Emotion.

Zhao Ying Jun thought of two questions that had been widely discussed in society recently.

With the third volunteer experiment for the hibernation chamber, the final batch of trials had begun. Humanity was getting closer to the era of hibernation.

Experts predicted that by 2025, mass-produced hibernation chambers would be available for public use. When that time comes, many issues are bound to follow—social problems, ethical dilemmas, population concerns, and questions of morality and law.

But these aren’t things to be feared, because human society has always evolved by discovering problems and then solving them. These issues are for those in power to consider; they don’t have much to do with individuals.

For individuals, the biggest concern about hibernation is the side effects—memory loss—and the potential loss of emotions.

How can one ensure that the memories recovered after hibernation are real? To this day, there isn’t a satisfactory answer.

Emotions are no different. Two people deeply in love before hibernation—will they still love each other as passionately after waking up with no memory? It’s really hard to say.

Most love stories happen by accident, in a thrilling moment that might only come once in a lifetime. After hibernation, can the same history and past really happen again?

Can couples who were once inseparable continue their bond after waking up in a new era after a long hibernation?

Many people lack confidence in this. Zhao Ying Jun was no different.

She was a pessimist when it came to the hibernation project and never considered sleeping in a hibernation chamber. To her, memories and emotions were the most precious things in life, second only to life itself. She didn’t want to lose these things that defined her as Zhao Ying Jun and not someone else.

However, what Qiao Qiao had just said gave her a glimmer of hope that humanity might peacefully get through the hibernation era.

It’s true. Some things, some memories, might be forgotten completely.

But emotions, these elusive things that scientists can’t quite figure out, might be preserved in a place deeper than memory.

Meanwhile, Lin Xian pulled back the curtains as the morning sun streamed into the bedroom, filling the room with a warm glow.

He had stayed up all night.

Finally, he had finished copying all the information about the “Principles of Time-Space Travel and the Construction of a Time-Space Machine.”

It had taken much less time than he’d expected.

After all, Academician Gao Wen’s notes only covered the principles of time-space travel. As for the construction of the time-space machine, it was mostly guesses and predictions—there were no blueprints or practical information.

It wasn’t Gao Wen’s fault. He never knew about the existence of “time-space particles.”

Because he didn’t know about these magical particles, his research had completely stalled at this point. He couldn’t move forward, nor could he continue constructing the time-space machine based on the properties of these particles.

But even so, this was enough.

“Thank you, Academician Gao Wen,” Lin Xian said, clasping his hands together in gratitude as he faced the bright sun. “Thank you for your selfless contribution to the world. I will gratefully accept this exclusive manuscript authorization.”

“Uh… looking forward to your next research breakthrough. I’m sure you’ll change the world once again.”

A cockroach that wouldn’t die; a resilient Gao Wen. He would only stand on the shoulders of giants and grow stronger in battle!

Then, Lin Xian carefully bound the valuable manuscript and placed it in the closet for safekeeping.

It wasn’t time for it to come into play just yet.

At least, he planned to wait until after exploring the fifth dream and transitioning into the sixth. Then he would give it to Liu Feng for research.

Thinking about it…

There’s so much to do when the sixth dream finally arrives.

First, he needed to verify the time-space curvature and coordinates again to answer the first question on the Genius Club exam.

Next, after the time-space changes again, he wanted to try to revive the AI VV in a safe environment and see if he could successfully retrieve his old buddy.

Lastly, he would focus on building his own forces and constructing a time-space machine to elevate the Rhine Company to greater heights, turning it into his solid backing and an unstoppable trump card.

“Finally, it’s time to head toward Queen’s Town,” Lin Xian yawned. Staying up all night made him tired, which would help him fall asleep quickly.

Opening the nearly empty refrigerator, Lin Xian prepared a simple breakfast to fill his stomach. Then, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and drifted into sleep.

“What?” Big Cat Face looked stunned as he tore into a pork knuckle at the dining table. “Bro, you want to sneak into Queen’s Town? Are you out of your mind?”

He split the knuckle in half, putting one piece on Lin Xian’s plate and the other on CC’s, then sighed. “Don’t be stupid. Queen’s Town isn’t like Big Cat’s Village. They’re not so easygoing there.”

“People there are very xenophobic, proud, and arrogant. If you’re caught sneaking in, they’ll shoot you with muskets without a second thought. Look at you two with your skinny arms and legs—stop thinking crazy thoughts. Just live peacefully in Big Cat’s Village. I’ll get someone to build a house for you, and you can settle down, have a few kids, and live a quiet life.”

Lin Xian looked at the steaming half of the pork knuckle in front of him without speaking.

After entering the dream, he first found CC, then old man Wei Sheng Jin, and explained the situation in Big Cat’s Village, along with the rumors of several aluminum alloy safes in Queen’s Town.

The three of them agreed that they had to take a chance and explore Queen’s Town.

So, they came up with a new plan: Lin Xian and CC would still pretend to be a married couple, infiltrate Big Cat’s Village, and gather more information and support.

The more people they had, the stronger they’d be. If Big Cat Face agreed to help them sneak in, it would be a big boost to their chances of success.

At the very least, just like in the second dream, they needed someone to help them build a human ladder. With that, Lin Xian and CC’s agility would be enough to scale the high walls of Queen’s Town and directly address the core issue.

The challenge now was how to convince Big Cat Face and the others to join this crazy plan.

Lin Xian and CC exchanged a glance, leaving the pork knuckle untouched, and prepared to start the next round of persuasion.

“Here’s the thing, Big Cat,” Lin Xian raised his glass and spoke slowly, “I think your father’s concerns are valid. The people of Queen’s Town aren’t going to be satisfied with the status quo. Right now, they’re just collecting protection money, but soon, when they open more safes and get more powerful weapons, they’ll break this balance.”

“After all, like you said, they look down on you, and you don’t have any value to them. You’re just cheap—or rather, free—labor. Right now, things are peaceful because, although the surrounding villages aren’t advanced, if everyone unites, their numbers are still enough to overwhelm Queen’s Town. If they provoke public anger, it won’t end well for them.”

“But if there are extremely powerful technologies and weapons in those aluminum alloy safes, even if all the surrounding villages unite, they won’t pose a threat to Queen’s Town. In that case, Queen’s Town will show its true colors… they’ll ruthlessly swallow you up, enslave you, destroy your villages, and turn you completely into their slaves.”

What Lin Xian described was the path of development that ancient humans had taken.

After hearing his words, silence fell over the dining table.

Big Cat Face, Ah Zhuang, and San Pang said nothing. They seemed to understand what Lin Xian meant, but they still felt hesitant.

Only Wu Jiang Er Zhuzi, as usual, didn’t think too much.


He slammed his fist on the table, cheering loudly, “Great!” He couldn’t help but give Lin Xian a thumbs-up. “Lin Xian! I knew I wasn’t wrong about you! You’re a brave one! I fully support your idea and your plan!”

Lin Xian was a little surprised. Who would have thought? The guy who was always opposing him, Er Zhuzi, was now standing firmly on his side!

At that moment, a warm feeling spread through Lin Xian’s heart as he looked at Er Zhuzi with appreciation. “Will you help me?”

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“Of course I will!” Er Zhuzi exclaimed with passion, standing up and waving his hand. “Lin Xian, just go with confidence! Go boldly! Don’t worry about your sister-in-law. I’ll take good care of her!”

“Huh?” Lin Xian was stunned. He hadn’t expected things to turn out like this. “You’re not coming with me? Then why are you shouting?”

Er Zhuzi chuckled. “I was talking about the worst-case scenario, but I still hope you come back safe and sound.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll give you all my good luck!” he added, taking off his green fabric sun hat and putting it on Lin Xian’s head. “This hat was my prize for winning last year’s dance competition. It’s full of luck! Wear it when you charge into Queen’s Town, and I guarantee you’ll come back safe and sound!”

“Haha, you keep it for yourself,” Lin Xian interrupted, quickly putting the hat back on Er Zhuzi’s head.

“All right, enough,” Big Cat Face waved his muscular arm. “Everyone, quiet down.”

He raised his head, glanced around, and said, “I have something to say!”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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