Genius Club

Chapter 40: The Princess

The Genius Club remained shrouded in mystery, its secrets closely guarded. Lin Xian’s only clue was the invitation Zhao Ying Jun had received. Spotting Chu Shan He in such an unexpected place, Lin Xian felt like an ant caught in a dark vortex, utterly disoriented.

“Let’s just watch and see what Chu Shan He is up to,” he thought, concealing himself behind a tree to observe unnoticed.

Many Donghai University students were also present, making it easy for Lin Xian, a recent graduate, to blend in. Unlike him, they showed no surprise at the arrival of three luxury cars and the appearance of Chu Shan He—they were quite accustomed to it.

“Chu Shan He is here to drop off his daughter again. He really spoils her,” one student commented.

“Why doesn’t he just drive onto campus? With his status, no security would dare stop him,” another wondered aloud.

“It must be because his daughter opposes it. Otherwise, given how much he dotes on her, he’d drop her right at her dorm door,” another added.

“Having such a clingy father must be annoying, even if he is a domineering CEO,” a girl remarked.

“Chu Shan He’s influence goes beyond that of a typical CEO. He’s practically untouchable in Donghai City, but his daughter seems to be the only one who can sway him,” another girl noted.

Lin Xian eavesdropped on these exchanges, realizing he had misunderstood Chu Shan He’s presence; he was not there for Professor Xu Yun but to drop off his daughter.

Lin Xian had previously heard Zhao Ying Jun mention Chu Shan He’s fatherly affection at a party, but he knew little about Chu Shan He’s daughter and had no particular interest in her until now.

From the students’ conversations, especially the girls, Lin Xian learned that this “little princess” had just started her first year at university. She appeared to have a good reputation, being easygoing and unpretentious. If not for Chu Shan He’s conspicuous appearances, no one would have guessed she was his daughter.

Driven by curiosity, Lin Xian stepped closer for a better view.

Across the road, a scene unfolded that contrasted sharply with Chu Shan He’s usual demeanor. The typically imposing man was now smiling warmly, walking around the car to personally open the door, his face showing a doting expression.

Seeing this contrast made Lin Xian chuckle. The rumors were true, perhaps even understated.

Chu Shan He, the most formidable figure in Donghai City, known for his influence both overt and covert, was displaying tender fatherly love. It was a remarkable sight.

Finally, the “little princess” appeared ready. Chu Shan He took her school bag, slung it over his arm, and stepped back with a smile.

A fluffy high ponytail was the first thing to emerge from the car. Her hair was smooth and shiny, slightly curled, tied up high, giving her a youthful, energetic look. She wore a red cashmere scarf and a long white coat. Lin Xian couldn’t see her lower half because of the angle.

High ponytail, red scarf, white coat—nothing particularly surprising. Such attire was common among university girls; it was popular even when Lin Xian was in college.

This “little princess” seemed quite ordinary, just a regular new university student.

“She seems pretty low-key, doesn’t flaunt her status, seems like a good girl,” Lin Xian reflected.

He had wondered about Chu Shan He’s daughter, and what he saw was both unexpected and fitting. It seemed Chu Shan He had raised her well, pampered but not spoiled.

Across the road, Lin Xian watched as she took the school bag from her father and waved goodbye, then jogged towards the campus gates. Her bouncy ponytail captured his attention, and he watched until she disappeared inside.

Once she was gone, the smile vanished from Chu Shan He’s face, replaced by his usual stern expression. He signaled to his bodyguards, who got into the cars. The three luxury vehicles then departed in formation.

The surrounding students started talking louder, many joking that whoever could win the “little princess’s” heart would have a bright future. They encouraged each other to try, but their words were cautious, respecting Chu Shan He’s authority.

“Alright, show’s over, back to business,” Lin Xian muttered, holding the document as he walked into the campus with the crowd.

With his misunderstanding about Chu Shan He resolved, Lin Xian felt relieved. The enigma of the Genius Club could wait. His priority now was to deliver the hibernation materials to Professor Xu Yun, rewrite the future, and alter his dreams.

Riding a campus bike, Lin Xian quickly located the laboratory building. After confirming with the security guard, he went to the second floor and found Professor Xu Yun’s lab. Through the window, he saw the disheveled man working at a microscope, wearing a lab coat and thick glasses, just as he had in the hospital.

Professor Xu Yun was deeply absorbed in his work, oblivious to Lin Xian’s presence. Taking a deep breath, Lin Xian approached the slightly open lab door and knocked.

“Knock, knock!”

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