Genshin Impact: A review of the ten strongest combat powers at the beginning

Chapter 144

And according to Wu Shengting's thoughts, as long as he came forward, that Golden Immortal Monk would not be subdued by himself on the spot,

but the truth was very different from what he thought.

Because, he found that the Golden Immortal Monk had already broken through the realm!

But this was not the most important thing.

The most important thing is ......

After Lu Xiu's breakthrough realm, his cultivation came directly to the peak of the Immortal Monarch Stage

! Only one step away, it was Immortal Venerable!

Seeing this scene, he realized that Lu Xiu might not be the 'cripple' in his eyes.

What kind of cripple can break through the realm, that is, the peak?!

Even with a large number of immortal crystals as the backing, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary monks to do this!

This must have a rather strong realm accumulation, and even .....

Seeing this, Wu Shengting knew that he couldn't pretend anymore.

If he continued to pretend to be there, when Lu Xiu continued to break through to the Immortal Venerable Stage, even if he was an Immortal Emperor, he would have a headache!

After all, the monks of the Immortal Venerable Stage already had enough means of self-preservation.

If he just wanted to escape, then it would really take some effort for him to catch up with Lu Xiu.

What's even more troublesome is that when the Dream Guiding Immortal Emperor returns, it will be difficult for him to achieve his goal again!

Not daring to think about it, he stepped directly into the sky above the First Continent, holding the Changjian in his hand and rushing to the pitch-black attic.

Moreover, he released his Heavenly Court Avenue outside.

This avenue belongs to the suppressive avenue, and it uses immortal power to transform the illusion of heaven that belongs to the supporters

of the path! This illusion stretches for thousands of miles, and everywhere you can see it, it is all the

illusion of the heavenly court! There are even tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in this illusion

! These heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals have a murderous aura on their faces

! Four of the golden armor heavenly generals have the power of immortal cultivators

! And this is the way of heaven that Wu Shengting has painstakingly cultivated!

If you can refine the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to 100 million, you can turn them into the Heavenly Court Origin

! Its power is even enough to cleanse the First Realm!

In the face of such a powerful Wu Shengting, the monks on the First Continent began to tremble.

Some of the Immortal Monarch monks wanted to come forward and fight.

But before he could see Wu Shengting, he was quickly suppressed by the Heavenly Soldier Illusion!

He didn't even have the qualifications to make a ripple.

During this time, Wu Shengting was like a lord of the heavenly court, looking at all the monks on the continent and saying, "I only need one person, and unrelated people should not come to die!" and seeing that Wu Shengting

only came for one person, the monks on the mainland began to stop resisting.

After all, confronting the Emperor Realm cultivator before he didn't have absolute strength was tantamount to looking for death.

At the same time, they were amazed.

What kind of character could make the Emperor Realm Cultivator care so much?

Lu Xiu stood on top of the attic, silently staring at Wu Shengting.

The Changjian in the other party's hand is just a high-grade immortal weapon, and it can't get into his eyes.

However, the other party's ability to evolve the Illusion Avenue made him very interested.

"It's the first time I've seen a great avenue that can conjure up such a huge illusion, it's interesting. He

had already seen that although the other party's Great Dao had not turned into the Origin, its illusion could actually affect thousands of miles

! If it reached the Origin level, he was afraid that this illusion would condense into the essence!

In this way, ...... The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals transformed by this Great Dao will truly descend into the present world!

And what interests him the most is that those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals who have been transformed from the Great Dao have each a good strength.

Even the lowest-level silver-armored heavenly soldiers also have the power of a Xuanxian Stage cultivator

! You must know that this is a Great Dao Illusion that can be compared to nearly 10 million Xuanxian Stage monks

! If you can Dao its origin, its power will definitely be doubled again!

Seeing this, a few strands of black tentacles spread out from Lu Xiu's cuffs, dancing on his fingertips.

"This avenue is good, I want it!"

Lu Xiu was originally clear, and his eyes were suddenly covered by black.

And at this moment.

Thousands of death omen tentacles pierced the void and emerged from behind Wu Shengting.

This dense tentacle of death made Wu Shengting's heart terrified.

He didn't figure out what it was for a moment, though.

But instinct told him.

If you want

to escape! You must

escape! Otherwise, if you are entangled by this tentacle, the end will definitely be worse than death!

But if he wants to escape at this time, it will already be too late.

Because these omen of death all came from the land

of nothingness! To be precise, it was said that Lu Xiu had controlled the almost endless

omen of death in the land of nothingness! The current Lu Xiu was a veritable lord of omens

of death! As long as he wanted to, he could summon a omen of death tens of thousands of times larger than the Falling White Realm at any time in the land of nothingness!

And now the thousands of omen tentacles he summoned were just the tip of the iceberg.

But even so, Wu Shengting, who was an Emperor Realm cultivator, couldn't resist it.

As long as he is in contact with his body, everything in his body will be stripped away!

Sensing this, Wu Shengting is not thinking about taking Lu Xiu away now.

The only thing he could do was to get out of here as soon as possible!

"Want to leave, leave your things and leave!"

Lu Xiu teleported directly in front of Wu Shengting.

His incomparably black eyes looked like death to Wu Shengting.

What frightened him even more.

The black tentacles that scared him so much that he were terrified of his heart and gall continued to spread behind Lu Xiu's back!

"You!! you're not a Golden Immortal Monk!" "

When did I say I was a Golden Immortal Monk?"

Lu Xiu smiled faintly and waved his cuffs casually.

The omen of death in the sky was like a giant mouth in the abyss, swallowing Wu Shengting whole.

Before, he was overshadowed by the Shenhua Immortal Emperor with the blood of the corpse ancestor.

This time, he won't give this person any chance.

What's more, now that he has become the Lord of Death.

The death omen that could be used was enough to drain the Emperor Realm cultivators

in an instant!And in an instant, Wu Shengting's Heavenly Court Dao was completely drained and turned into the Lu Xiu Divine Sea.

And that's not all.

Wu Shengting's original cultivation in the Immortal Emperor period was all lost at this moment, and he continued to regress.

"How is this possible? My avenue has been taken away by you?!" Wu

Shengting's body was already dry, only his eyes were still clear.

But his eyes, which were still clear, were full of horror.

That was the Heavenly Court Dao that he had built with all his life's painstaking

efforts! In order to cultivate it to the level of tens of millions, he had spent countless immortal crystals!

Now it was so simply snatched away by Lu Xiu?!

And what made him even more shocked was still behind.

Under the extraction of the omen of death, his original long-standing life of millions of years dissipated in an instant.

Now that he is gone, his cultivation is gone, and even his life is gone.

The thought of not wanting to die just flashed.

Wu Shengting's eyes suddenly turned to ashes, and his body turned into dust and drifted away.

And Lu Xiu got everything from the other party!

"Swallowing an Emperor Realm cultivator can actually make my cultivation directly break through the realm?".

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