Genshin Impact: A review of the ten strongest combat powers at the beginning

Chapter 49

When Amos stepped to the top of the tower, the King of the Gale was sitting on his throne in the depths.

He glanced faintly at Amos, then turned his head away, pondering alone.

Amos was in a heavy mood, and the king's eyes were so cold, without a trace of emotion.

Yes, he is a king on high and a god of the world.

How could it be that he had the emotions of a weak human being?

All he cared about was the City

of Towers, only the thousands of people who believed in him! No!

Amos remembered that Gunnhild had taken her through the slums of the City of Towers, and that the suffering people, and that there were still people who believed in kings?

Everywhere she went, she could hear people insulting tyrants without hearing a word of praise!

Does he really have the power of faith, the king?"

Amos nodded.

The king still has the power of faith, she is very sure, for she is the one who believes in

the king! She came to the handsome and withdrawn king, and spoke in the softest voice the deepest desires of her heart.

"I dream of waves and sand, I dream of verdant forests and the earth.

I dreamed of wild boars frolicking in berry bushes, and I dreamed of towering minarets. In

the empty hall, only the gentle voice of the maiden echoed.

After saying that, the hall fell into silence, and the silence was terrifying.

The king's eyes were open, and he could hear Amos's words, but he didn't say a word.

After a moment, a hint of bitterness flashed across Amos's face.

The cold and withdrawn king really didn't understand the tenderness of flesh and blood!

Awakening from blind attachment, she realized that he had no sincerity.

Just as his mouth is full of love for people, but there is only a wind like a knife around him.

She turned in disappointment and left the top of the tower.

The arrogant king was left alone, guarding his throne alone.

Perhaps, in his heart, his heart will also hurt with the departure of Amos.

But his arrogant personality is destined not to speak.

For hundreds of years, Amos was the first and only person to walk by his side.

The bits and pieces of the past ten years have made the king feel different from before.

It's a pity that the character is doomed to success or failure.

The arrogant king, who has lost the only maiden who loves him.

Resistance, here it begins!"

What a poor teenage girl, in this day and age, falling in love with a god she shouldn't have fallen in love with is destined to be a tragedy.

"Liyue Passerby: Damn, does this Gale Demon God have any taste? Such a beautiful girl doesn't even give you a second glance?"

"Liyue people: Why don't you let me come, such a beautiful girl, even if you give me ten years less life!" "

Inazuma passerby: Ten years less? I'm sorry, but you're less than ten years old, so let me come." "

Cao Ze: ........ Forget it, let it be big for you readers.

"Mondstadt Passerby: Upstairs, if someone forces you, you blink an eye, oh no, you just say a word. "


The video continues, and in the calm city of towers, the battle begins!

On the high platform, Wendy plays the piano.

"If someone pulls out your tongue, you can still sing with your eyes.

If someone stabs you blind, you can still look with your ears. The

Wind Elf was by his side, using his faint strength to help Wendy, spreading the sound throughout Tower City.

"If anyone tries to ruin the future, invite him to toast with him.

Even if tomorrow does not come, the song of this moment will lead to eternity!" "

In a country where poetry and music go with the wind, people have a happy and sensitive soul, and the nobility forbids some chords and tunes.

Because the perceptive person can sense the signal of rebellion in the music and piano of poets and singers.

This is the clarion call for rebellion, the song of overthrowing the tyrant!

In the video, a huge battlefield appears, and countless civilians rush to the battlefield with shovels and benches.

Fighting against the army cultivated by the nobility, blood stained the ground red, and the crowd that rushed in front of it fell, and more crowds poured up behind them.

Amos and Gunnhilde rushed to the forefront, although they were women, they were extremely powerful and unstoppable.

In the middle of the battlefield, there was also a fiery red knight figure, which was also very eye-catching, holding a big sword, easily slashing the noble knight captain.

The melodious sound of the piano has been resounding in the battlefield, which is the spiritual pillar of resistance and the banner!

On the battlefield, arrows rain down, and the battle has reached the most brutal stage, and blood has become a river.

When the battle against the nobles was about to be won, the sound of the piano, which had never stopped, suddenly stopped!

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