Genshin Impact: A review of the ten strongest combat powers at the beginning

Chapter 71

Between the world, there has always been such a pair of eyes, silently watching the world, silently guarding the world.

But she can't appear openly, so she can only secretly use various methods to protect the world.

For example, during the Daedric War, the Lone King of the Tower competed with the Wolf of the King of the North Wind for hundreds of years, turning the entire northern realm of Mondstadt into a field of ice and snow.

She finally couldn't stand it anymore and secretly made a move, so there was a wind that brought hope and a turnaround.

In fact, in the incomparably distant past, too far away to be recorded in ancient books.

At that time, human beings had just been born, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be the first to be created, and there were real gods walking the world.

The gods have led the development of human beings in the world, and human tribes have flourished thousands of years ago.

In the region of Gumund, humans built a splendid temple for one of the gods who led them, named after one of the deities.

On the square of the Thousand Winds Temple, countless human beings worshipped the statues in the temple, and the black crowd could not be seen at a glance.

It can be seen that these humans, although they were human beings thousands or even nearly 10,000 years ago, they all wore clothes made of needlework and thread.

They worshipped the idol of the Thousand Winds God with great sincerity.

But what makes people strange is that this statue has no face, and can only be vaguely identified as a woman.

This is a faceless statue! Mankind

in this era is happy, they live in a world of happiness and no oppression.

If there is a hunger, food and rain fall from heaven.

If there is barrenness, then the earth will give birth to mineral deposits.

If melancholy spreads, then the high heavens will respond with a voice.

"Mondstadt: Shocked, it turns out that the birth of the Wind God was watched by someone, this voice sounds so gentle!"

"Liyue People: Hiss, horror, a wisp of a thousand winds has become the God of Wind, how strong is all that?" "

Sumeru people: Brother, it can't be counted like this, the wind elves didn't have much power at the beginning, and in the end it was the Demon God of Gale who passed on their power to it.

"Knight of Favonius: This is the Temple of a Thousand Winds, and it is recorded in the history books that it was already in ruins before the City of Towers was formed, so wasn't it three or four thousand years ago?"

"People of Liyue: It is said that when the Lord of the Rock came to Liyue, the humans of Liyue lived like savages fighting against wild beasts.

"Liyue Passerby: But both Liyue and Mondstadt seem to have a disconnect in their history before the Daedric War.

"Shogunate Miyamoto Daiichi: We haven't recorded the history of Inazuma before the war against the demon gods, but I heard that there are legends in the distant past in Watatsumi Island, but I don't know whether it's true or not.

"People of Watatsumi Island: We don't know if the god of Watatsumi blocked some books on the history of the past more than 2,000 years ago, and all that is left behind is a few legends that I don't know if they are true or false.

"Man from Mondstadt: Look at it this way, the first place should be the Thousand Winds God. "


Under the sincere worship of the people, it finally got a response.

In the sky, a figure slowly descended, and her whole body was shrouded in a divine aura, and mortals could not look directly at her divine face.

But in the video, people all saw the peerless face of this god of a thousand winds.

What kind of goddess is that

! Not only is her appearance peerless, but even her temperament makes all men crazy!

She was wearing a long dress as white as snow, and a pair of jade feet were naked and stepping on the golden divine pattern, and her feet were walking in the void.

The white dress wrapped around her bulging chest, outlining the woman's thin waist.

Slender calves and slender and straight legs, every inch of skin is as delicate as jade carving, as if made of fine mutton fat white jade, without the slightest flaw.

Her lips are red and her teeth are white, as delicate as cherry blossom petals.

Her skin was as clear as congealed snow, as if it melted away at the slightest touch.

She had a smile on her face, as if nothing in the whole world could break her beauty and composure.

Her eyes were beautiful, as if they were made of crystal, as if they were made of stars, and as if they were made of the sun...... Shine brightly, so that the whole world is plunged into a bright light.

In short, her eyes are beautiful, so beautiful that they are suffocating.

She had waist-length hair that fell over her shoulders and fluttered in the wind.

This is the god of a thousand winds!"Meet the god of a thousand winds!" "The god of a thousand winds!" The gods descended, and countless people knelt down to worship and chanted the name of the

god of

a thousand winds.

And everyone outside the video has been suffocated by the beauty of the Thousand Winds God.

Many people's hearts are beating faster and faster, and they are even about to stop, as if they will die in the next moment.

There were also a lot of people who had nosebleeds and giggled.

There are even people who faint directly with excitement.

But with the praise of the thousand winds in the comment area, people quickly discovered a problem.

That is, the thousand winds god in everyone's eyes has a different appearance!

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