Genshin Impact: Liyue opens an Internet cafe, and the identities of the seven gods are exposed

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Keqing and Condensing Light moved on.

Suddenly, the game enters the cutscenes again.

The bodies of the two hid uncontrollably, and Paimon jumped out at the same time.

Look back again.

A dragon was lying on the ground, and there was a green-haired young man in front of him.

“Isn’t this Twalin, one of Mond’s Four Winds Guardians?”

Ning Guang recognized it at a glance.

As a celestial power star, Ning Guang is also responsible for the diplomacy of Liyue and other countries in addition to business.

I also know a lot about Mond’s neighbor.

Mond’s so-called guardians of the four winds are [Wolf of the North Wind], [Lion of the South Wind], [Eagle of the West Wind], and [Dragon of the East Wind].

And the East Wind Dragon Twalin, the iconic six wings of different sizes are too conspicuous.

At first glance, she saw the identity of this dragon.

But strangely, tears seemed to fall from the corners of Twalin’s eyes at this time, and the guy in front of him happened to be the most conspicuous guy in the character’s prayers.

“I remember his name seems to be Wendy?”

“No wonder the character of the first event prayer was him, it turned out that he met us so quickly in the game.”

Ke Qing nervously looked at the interaction of one person and one dragon in front of him, and he didn’t dare to breathe.

Wendy held it in her hands and looked tenderly at Twalin.

“Don’t be afraid…”

“Don’t worry…”

“I’m back.”

Under Wendy’s gentle words of persuasion, Twalin’s vigilance from the beginning slowly became relaxed.

Seeing this, Paimon asked in a low voice.

“He was in: Talking to dragons? ”

Before the words fell, Ning Guang and Keqing suddenly found that the wind elemental power on “themselves” trembled.


Perhaps sensing the approach of a stranger, Twalin, who had been calmed down, suddenly became anxious again.

It opened its blood basin and roared to the sky, howling in pain.


Wendy looked indignantly at where the protagonist was, her braid glowing slightly.

The wind elemental power surged around him, and a faint coercion flowed from his body.

Just when Ke Qing and Ning Guang thought they were going to fight.

For some reason, after seeing the two, Wendy hesitated for a moment and disappeared in place.

And Twalin only roared at the two twice, then spread his wings and flew into the sky, never to be seen again.

“What just happened? I thought I was going to be eaten. ”

Little Pai Meng Chuchu said pitifully.

Ke Qing and Ning Guang also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Wendy activated the elemental force just now, the intuition of the two kept flashing danger signals.

Of course, it is best not to fight.

“But… What is that? Paimon seemed to have discovered something.

Following Paimon’s fingers, the two realized that there was an extra item on the stone where Twalin had just stood.

“Be careful, it gives me the feeling… Very bad. ”

The two climbed up the stone and found that the object was emitting some ominous aura, with the name of the object marked on it.

“Red crystals?”

Ning Guang and Keqing were instinctively reluctant to approach this strange crystal.

But then Paimon advised.

“Let’s keep it first.”

“It seems to be a plot item, similar to an item such as a key to open the door, so let’s pick it up first.” Keqing speculated.

After playing for so long, the two also realized that in addition to being cute, Paimon is mostly responsible for guiding players to make the right choice.

Since Paimon suggested picking it up, it must be that the plot behind it is related to this red crystal.

After putting away the item, the two began to discuss again.

Keqing: “This Wendy’s identity does not seem to be simple. ”

“Twalin seemed very uneasy just now, but he was able to calm down in front of this man named Wendy.”

“This suggests that either Wendy has the ability to appease others, or Wendy and Twalin have a different relationship.”

“I’m more inclined to the latter.”

“Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Wendy, as an ordinary person, dares to be calm in front of a dragon as big as Twalin.”

“And after being disturbed by us, he looked very angry.”

“The sense of danger brought by that coercion is by no means ordinary.”

Ning Guang agreed.

“In the next plot, maybe we can focus on this guy named Wendy.”

“He may be the key figure in the next plot, and he may even be an old acquaintance with the Fengshen God.”

After guessing the plot, the two followed Paimon’s guidance and moved on.

Soon, the two ran into Amber, who came to patrol.

After getting this free role, I became familiar with the operation of switching roles.

Since Lu Ran had already demonstrated it in advance, the two were not too shocked.

The dialogue option “It’s emergency food” was chosen, and then several more chuchus wandered around the gates of Mondstadt.

However, when eliminating the Qiuqiu people, Keqing still chose Yingmei, while Ning Guang chose to use Amber to assist remotely.

After easily destroying a camp of chuchus again.

The two were about to continue walking towards Mondstadtt.

Ning Guang suddenly found that the treasure chest that was originally sealed by a circle of spells and could not be touched was lifted after they eliminated the Chuchu people in the entire camp.

And there is a line written on the treasure chest.

Exquisite chests.

“Huh? Could it be that this treasure chest is a reward for destroying the chuchu people? ”

Keqing stepped forward and opened the treasure chest.

Falling down two things, one blue and one white.

Blue is a book called The Adventurer’s Experience.

And the white one is the “adventurer’s tail feathers”.

As soon as Keqing picked it up, two explanations appeared in front of him.

One is the description of the [Holy Relic], and the other is how to use the [Book of Experience].

“Condensing light, you come over and touch this treasure chest too.”

“Here it is.”

Since there is a whole night to play the game.

Ke Qing and Ning Guang did not rush too eagerly to catch up with the progress of the plot.

Instead, in the continuous exploration, I slowly became familiar with some of the mechanics and strengthening principles of this game.

For example, character upgrades, treasure chests are opened, weapons and holy relics are obtained, etc.

At the same time, they also discovered something different between the game and reality.

Dandelions, for example, can be picked off at will in reality.

However, in the game, you need to use wind elemental power to extract it.

Another example is that animals obviously have a large difference in body size, but the amount of meat dropped is similar.

This small blow hit the duo’s enthusiasm for using teleportation anchors in reality.

Since there are many differences in the game from reality, does it mean that teleportation anchors may also be unique to the game?

But these Xu’s losses and doubts were completely covered in shock after the two of them entered Mondstadt.

After the two entered the city, Amber appeared in front of the two again.

Amber performed a standard Mond knighthood salute and said with a smile: “Let me formally introduce the city of pastoral songs of wind and dandelions.” ”

“If there are other difficulties, you can go to the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind – Qin!”

“If you have the piano, everything will be fine.”

After hearing the name of “Qin”, both Keqing and Ning Guang’s hearts seemed to stop beating.


“Isn’t this the acting head of the current Mond?”

“So the era in which this game takes place is…”

“Now ?!!”

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