Genshin Impact: Liyue opens an Internet cafe, and the identities of the seven gods are exposed

Chapter 89

Chapter 95

Through the bubble barrier, the four found that there was no way out in front of them, only a narrow hole that could only be dropped by one person, leading to the bottom.

Moreover, the mouth of the cave is also covered with purple stone spikes, facing the hole above.

The ominous aura at the mouth of the cave was almost so thick that it condensed into substance.

Just looking at the entrance of the cave makes people shudder.

“I’ll go first.”

Gongzi was as brave as ever, jumped down without hesitation, and opened the Wind Wings in the air.


There was a sound of landing under the mouth of the cave.

Gongzi’s voice followed.

“No problem, just drop it down! There is a road below. ”

Hearing this, after confirming that it was safe, the other three also jumped off one after another.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The three landed safely.

The rich man turned his head and looked upwards.

It was found that the purple mist, which had just been dispersed by the three people, gathered at the entrance of the cave again at this moment.

It was as if the tentacles were constantly winding towards the center and then twisting together.

People who look at it have a tingling scalp.

If there is no teleportation anchor, the rich people simply don’t know how they can get out 777.

Keep walking, after passing a corner.

The group of four finally saw the source of the ominous and strange.

Like a black hole, a deep and secluded black hole hangs quietly in the air.

The closer you get, the stronger the feeling of unease.

Among them, the richest man of the lowest rank, just as he approached, felt dizzy and chest tight, and something seemed to be about to awaken in his brain.

Fortunately, he quickly opened his backpack in time, clicked on the experience book of the big hero continuously, raised the level, and the strength in his body was filled again, and finally he was able to approach normally.

The four people walked in and took a look, only to find that this “black hole” was actually a statue of the Seven Heavens God that was hung upside down!?

“The Seven Heavenly Idols of Barbatos, the god of wind?!!”

“The abyss actually desecrated the statue of the gods so much?!”

The rich man looked at the upside-down statue, and the orb that Barbatos had originally held in his hand had become synonymous with ominousness.

Constantly spreading that lilac aura around.

Countless chains were wrapped around the upside-down statue.

These chains tied the bottom of the idol, fixing it firmly to the ceiling.

The other end of the chain continues to extend towards the outer end.

It seems that the other end is fixed to the surrounding stone wall, but if you look closely, you can see that these chains are not fixed to this stone wall at all.

Instead, it penetrated the stone wall and extended further outside!

When they saw the full picture of the upside-down statue, the breathing of several people increased in unison.

For the vast majority of people on the continent of Teyvat, blasphemy will always be unthinkable.

And now this upside-down statue, just by looking at it, you can detect the infinite malice and slander of the [Abyss] against the gods.

The righteous and great gods, at this moment, actually turned into the source of “malice” and “ominousness”.

What a blasphemy is this!?

The four looked up at the strange statue, walked slowly, and carefully observed.



Keqing only felt that his feet seemed to have accidentally touched something.

The four turned back at the same time, and then the heart almost stopped at that moment.

“A corpse whose body has completely ossified?!”

Just now, the attention of the four people was completely attracted by this upside-down statue of the Seven Heavens.

In addition, the light here is dim, and the surrounding area of the statue is even darker.

This caused several people to completely notice that there was a corpse below this!

Keqing calmed down and stepped forward to touch the corpse’s flesh.

As a result, it was found that this corpse had not only completely stiffened, but also the entire body had been eroded by that aura.

As soon as the fingertips touched the corpse, there was a feeling like holding the tears of the wind demon dragon’s eye (bhea) in Mond at that time.

It’s as if this thing has been infected with some ominous thing.

“His action… Is it a prayer? Ning Guang guessed.

According to the movements of the corpse, before the deceased died, his hands were half-extended, and his left hand was stacked above his right hand.

Kneel before the statue of the Seven Heavens.

How do you look, how does it seem to be praying religiously to this upside-down statue of the Seven Heavens with a strange movement? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the problem is…. A desecrated and ominous idol, normal people would not pray to such a god, right?

“He may have been infected by the breath of the abyss.” The rich man said.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard such a sentence…”

“When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is also gazing at you.”

“Just now, when my level did not rise, I looked at this statue, and my brain seemed to be faintly telling me something, but when I increased my level, that feeling disappeared.”

“This Seven Heavens God Statue, as well as those chains, may be connected to the Origin Power of the [Abyss]!”

“It is precisely because of this that those who are not strong will be corroded by the abyss as soon as they approach.”

“Obviously, this guy’s strength is not strong and he has not resisted the corrosion of the abyss.”

Keqing stepped forward and took a look.

“This guy’s strength should not be too weak, he is likely to be the [Great Treasure Thief] specially invited by the Treasure Thief Group as Gan Yu told us.”

“Although he is not as good as the protagonist, among ordinary people, he should be regarded as a rare strong person, right?”

“That is to say, unless you have the strength of the protagonist, if others come here, the probability is just to die.”

Several people looked around, and even if it was them, they felt an oppressive atmosphere.

The heartbeat is getting faster and faster!

Right at this moment.



The sound of the soles of high heels falling to the ground sounded all around.

In this case, a few unexpected sounds are enough to make the string of several people tighten.


The four of them put on a fight, switched the running map role to a combat role, and waited for the battle.

Look around nervously.

However, what they saw was a cute white-haired girl who was staring at them nervously.

“That…. That one…. It was already half past six, and Boss Lu said that he wanted me to call you on time at six o’clock, but just saw that you were playing, so I didn’t speak. ”


It turned out to be a wake-up call service at an Internet café.

Several people laid down their weapons.

“It’s half past six, so let’s talk about it in the afternoon.”

Ning Guang turned his head to look at the Zhidong duo and asked.

“How about meeting here around half past one to two o’clock in the afternoon?”

The rich man laughed.

“We’re okay.”

“Okay, then it’s decided.”

With that, the four took off their helmets and walked out of the Internet café.

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