Genshin Impact: Shocked! Famous scenes were exposed by me

Chapter 498 Navia, Miles, Silver

After the audience dispersed, Kong rushed to Linni's side without stopping. He also believed that there must be something wrong with this and that Linni was innocent.

"Were you... frightened just now?" Linnie asked with concern.

Paimon looked horrified, and if you looked carefully you could see her pale face, even though she was very white to begin with.

Linney did not expect that such a thing would happen, and that his assistant Cowell would be affected by this.

"It was in front of everyone just now, and now we are talking in private. To be honest, do you think I will be the murderer?" Linney asked.

Sora shook his head, and Linny was very grateful that he could still believe in him at this time.

"In the eyes of others, I am the most guilty person, but in my opinion, the whole thing is full of mysteries, leaving only confusion. I don't know if the sudden situation on the stage was a simple accident. I I don’t know why Cowell is there. There is no way to know why the chosen girl suddenly disappeared. If someone did something, what method would it be? Even people who fully understand this magic can’t It can't be done in one minute." Linnie murmured to himself, and he was also very anxious at the moment.

Seeing this, Paimon put on his clothes and put on his clothes, and said seriously: "This is the value of investigation. As the book says, [The impossible cannot happen, and if it happens, it must be possible]."

Sora watched as Paimon suddenly put on glasses, wondering where she got it from?

[Kaia: Paimon, where did you get the glasses? 】

[Paimon: Of course I bought it. Isn’t it perfect for my detective Paimon? 】

[Kolai: Paimon, where did you get the money? You must have stolen money from travelers, right?]

[Paimon: My little Paimon would never do such a thing, can’t I have my own private money? And I feel like this pair of glasses suits me very well, and I look super handsome]

[Ying: Lend me some money first, I’m going to draw a card]

[Yan Fei: Travelers, please don’t go up there]

[Xiaogong: Traveller, I would like to ask, why don’t you go find Lord Grass God? It should be much faster to search in the World Tree]

[Ying: Yes! Why can’t I remember it?]

[Keqing: Paimon is really good at comforting people]

[Paimon: Just kidding, I’m really good at it! 】


It's a pity that every move of Linny and Linnette is being watched by the security team. It is even more difficult to clear the suspicion on their own. The only ones they can rely on now are Sora and Paimon.

Paimon suddenly remembered something and asked curiously: "Linny, since we want to investigate, I have a question - where did Linnette go when you were performing?"

Linni hesitated and said: "Well, this involves the core secret of magic..."

Linnette reminded Linny that now the secret of magic can no longer be kept, and those security teams will definitely pay attention to the search.

If such a big thing happens, magic tricks will definitely be used as evidence in the trial.

Linni sighed and said: "What a pity. For magicians, magic performances are a kind of creation, and we have put in a lot of hard work. However, if this secret can help you find the truth of the incident, it can be considered It’s worth the money.”

"To explain magic, we need to leave here. Let's go communicate with the security team. You can go to the stage and the auditorium to investigate first."


On the stage, Sora collected the police investigation report and the identity of the deceased.

Sora noticed that the rope on the ground had a different texture from the other places where it was broken. Almost all of it was burned, but a little bit remained. In other words, this rope is specially made, and flammable materials are used at the break.

Not only is there a problem with the rope, there is also a big problem with the number selector. The number selection is not a random result at all. No matter how you press it, the result is fixed.

Whether it was an opera or a trial, you had to register in advance to get a seat. In other words, Linney knew who would sit where from the beginning, but this was obviously tampered with.

The missing person's name is Halsey, a well-known painter who came to watch the magic show in order to relieve the pressure of creation. There is no grudge or interest entanglement between her and anyone in Linney's magic troupe.

Weirdness during the magic show: In the middle of the magic show, there was a muffled sound, which was heard by many spectators.

Sora and Paimon walked out of the hall and began to summarize the collected information.

Just then a female voice sounded, "Yes! It's you, you guys to be precise! Come here, I've been paying attention to you for a long time!"

Sora looked along the sound and saw a girl in a pirate hat sitting in the center, next to her two generals, Miles and Silver.

"You are also people who want to split the thorns and pursue the truth, and it seems that you are not a native of Fontaine."

Paimeng said in surprise: "That's true, but who are you?"

The girl smiled slightly, "It's impossible that you haven't heard of the [Rose Thorn Club], right?"

Mediate disputes, provide protection, solve problems... a comprehensive non-governmental organization that covers everything - [Rose Society]! And I am the current president of the famous [Rose Thorn Club], Navia. "

[Kaia: I feel like a local snake]

[Navia: Miles, Silver, woo woo... I really want to see you again]

[Kolai: Miss Navia, why did you suddenly start crying]

[Paimon: Those two men in black are Navia’s family members. They were dissolved by the sea water to protect the people of White Pine Town]

[Ke Lai: I'm sorry, please have my condolences]

[Sugar: Miss Navia, please don’t be sad]

[Paimon: Navia, they are the heroes of White Pine Town and deserve to be remembered by everyone in White Pine Town]

[Navia: If I could run a little faster, a little faster, they wouldn’t be drowned]

[Ying: Hiss, my head hurts! Brother... Paimon... don't leave! 】

[Paimon: I knocked her unconscious. Sora, come quickly! 】

[Keqing: The sequelae of the traveler’s illness are unclear, and they are still not cured yet]

[Xiaogong: It’s all caused by the system, why should I leave the last relic in a good way]

[Navia: The Thorn Rose Club still needs me, I have to be strong, Navia you can do it]


"I'm Miles. Nice to meet you. I'm usually responsible for the eldest lady's daily life and other matters."

Paimon was a little confused about their self-introduction, sometimes boss, sometimes eldest lady.

Navia explained: "Actually, I am the second generation president, and Miles and the others still like the previous way of calling me."

Myles said apologetically: "If the eldest lady prefers the title boss, I will change my name in the future."

Navia didn't care. In fact, there was no need to call the boss, just call him by his name.

Paimon nodded subconsciously, but when he thought about it, he didn't seem to be from the Rose of Thorns Society!

Navia asked Qikong's opinion on this matter. Because of her father, Navia had been paying attention to the "Serial Missing Girls Case", but judging from the current situation, Linny was not the mastermind behind it.

Paimon's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise: "Is it true! We think so too, and we are working hard to find clues now! Then why do you have such an inference?"

"Of course I relied on my intuition, an extremely accurate intuition! That Fu Nina immediately pointed the finger at Linni, but there was no conclusive evidence at all. She was often like this. At that time, the judge interrupted her and asked Whether she [accuses] or not, I just don’t want her to spread too much. Once someone makes an accusation, it will start the trial process. In that kind of atmosphere, Funina will never back down."

[Kaia: I thought everyone in Fontaine trusted Ms. Funina unconditionally]

[Navia: I thought she was very interesting before and liked her a bit, but liking her doesn’t mean I should blindly support her views]

[Kaia: Ms. Funina is just like Traveler. She can just wait quietly and become a mascot. How is Traveler doing now? 】

[Paimon: She just went to bed, it seems that I can only take care of her from now on]

[Xigwen: Paimon looks like a sister]

[Paimon: Although I usually follow her like a follower, I am also very reliable at critical times! 】

[Keqing: I feel that Fontaine’s costumes are a bit too exaggerated]

[Tinari: This posture reminds me of Sano when he was playing cards]

[Xiao Gong: I regard excessive divergence as excessive epilepsy. Is it hopeless?]

[Hutao: Bury it, Shengshengtang provides door-to-door service]

[Paimon: That Villette is really heartbroken]

[Navilet: Yeah]

[Funina:...Am I so unreliable?]


"Okay, okay, I have answered your questions, and now you have to answer mine. Do you think it is correct to appreciate [The Trial] as an [opera]?" Navia asked .

Sora: "It's not always right."

"The reason."

“It’s easy to lose sight of the facts, and it’s not very good to entertain serious matters.”

Navia got a satisfactory answer and couldn't help laughing. She didn't look like a lady at all.

Miles thought Sora's answer was very exciting. No matter how exciting the script everyone expected, the trial drama staged here must be based on facts.

Navia asked Sora and Paimon to prepare a little, and then they went to investigate the "Missing Serial Girl Case" together. During this period, Sora and Paimon acted as her assistants.


Just when Sora and Paimon were about to leave the opera house and go outside to investigate, they were stopped by a mermaid named Trista.

Paimon explained: "We are the agents of Linny and Linnette, and we are investigating the incident. Have you been guarding the door here all the time?"

Trista nodded and said: "After the Supreme Inquisitor issued the order, all persons entering and exiting have been strictly inspected. At least from that time on, the missing girl will not be able to leave from here."

Sora asked: "What about during the performance?"

Trista: "There shouldn't be a chance. At that time, my job was to be responsible for security near the entrance. It's hard to see Linney's performance here. It's a pity. It's all my bad luck... But I didn't leave my post without permission, even if The cheers are so loud that I have been standing here. Not to mention someone going out, I will feel it even if they are close to the gate. Meiluxin is very good at this kind of thing."

From Mei Luxin's words, it can be known that the girl has not left here, and only those whose identities have been verified by the security team members can leave the opera house.

After collecting all the clues, Sora and Navia came to Linny's side.

Linnet looked happy when she saw Sora arriving, but when she saw someone else next to him, she asked doubtfully: "Who is this?"

Without waiting for Paimon's introduction, Navia spoke first: "The angels of the Thorny Rose Society are more powerful helpers than pistol bullets - hahaha, sorry, sorry, my name is Navia, and I am their partner. I am very interested in this matter." I was very curious so I wanted to join in.”

"They are my companions, is it okay to participate?"

Linnette didn't care. Linn was overjoyed when she saw a new helper joining the team.

"I am more interested in joining in the fun. After all, it is such a large-scale magic. The opportunity to witness the secrets with my own eyes is too rare..."

[Kaia: I seem to have seen this kind of mirror movement on someone before]

[Kelly: I know, and then Keli said it was Sister Fischer, but Sister Fischer never spoke]

[Oz: The lady is being scolded by her father]

[Paimon: Why was little Amy scolded? 】

[Fischer: Who is little Amy? I am the Princess of Sin, my real name is Fischer, and I came here because of the call of fate]

[Little Amy’s father: I won’t leave any food for you]

[Fischer: Just a moment, the Condemned Princess is about to take off]

[Kamizato Ayato: Ms. Navia’s character is a bit like that of Arataki Itto’s brothers, they are just as cheerful]

[Seno: Fontaine’s fight, then she should be very good at fighting alone]

[Tinari: Stop telling cold jokes with homophones]

[Ying: Did I suddenly fall asleep again? Hiss, my neck hurts so much]

[Paimon: Uh...Ying, you finally woke up]

[Ying: It’s such a disgusting feeling. I always feel like I’ve forgotten something. Forget it, don’t care, let’s eat! Those who do the work are the souls of the food, and those who do the work are all superior people]

[Ying: I think Navia is very reliable and calm]

[Ke Qing: Miss Navia is very similar to Hu Tao and Yan Fei. Although their personalities are different, they are both the kind of people who are lively on the surface but very reliable at critical moments]

[Arataki Yidou: Could it be that I am not reliable? 】

[Kujo Sora: You know it in your heart, you idiot]

[Yan Fei: I have always been reliable, okay? If I am unreliable in small things, but reliable in big things, I am Hutao]

[Wutao: The eye of God with the fire element, isn’t it optimistic and cheerful]

[Kaiya: That’s right, what do you think of Guoba Lu? Oh, by the way, Guoba is the devil. Calling you Guoba Lu is considered a high achievement]

[Diluc: If you can’t speak, you can go inside and have a drink with that alcoholic poet]

[Paimon: Are you two really sending the Eye of God correctly? It always feels like it’s going the wrong way]


Linney led everyone to the magic box under the stage

"Under the magic box here, there is a secret world prepared for this exchange of magic. But before I reveal it, I would like to let you take a look first, so that you can discover some strange things."

"This is not a lie. Only by recalling all the details of magic can you understand its techniques more easily."

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