Genshin Impact: Shocked! Famous scenes were exposed by me

Chapter 546 Trial of Funina

"Are you...sure you want to duel with the gods?"

Clolinde swung the sword in her hand, and the sword pointed directly at Funina. The meaning was self-evident.

However, under the gaze of everyone, Fu Nina chose to surrender. This was incomprehensible to everyone. How could a god surrender to a human being?

"It seems that you have misunderstood me somewhat. Raising my hands sometimes does not mean surrender... This time I raised my hands, which means that I am ready to [face the trial]. There is no need for a duel. I admit that I have always been I'm always running away from something. I'm sorry everyone, I couldn't protect the people of Baisong Town... I deserve to be judged."

"It's not just you, even I am very disappointed in myself. But now, as the Water God, it's time to show courage and determination!"

"I, Funina, will interpret the true [justice] in this trial!"

[Keli: Sister Funina has two shadows]

[Kaia: It should just be the effect of the lighting]

[Alice: I, the wall-facer Fonina de Fontaine, speak to the people of Fontaine! 】

[Ningguang: Ms. Alice, you are saying something we don’t understand again]

[Nacida: At this moment, she is undoubtedly a true god, and she deserves the name of the Water God]

[Yao Yao: Why does Sister Funina look so happy? 】

[Gan Yu: Maybe, she will be free soon]

[Collet: Like Mr. Linney, she will not rely on others]

[Paimon: No, no, no, Linny relies on others to complete the task quickly, but Funina can't, she can only go to the end alone]

[Kaia: It seems we are about to witness the second knife. Come on, I’m ready]

[System: I'm thinking, maybe we should all use knives next]

[Kaia: Ours is a sunny live broadcast room here, not a lifeless live broadcast room with knives]

[System: Hey! 】


"Cheer! Cheer! In this opera house, a wonderful unfolding that people don't even dare to imagine! On the stage of Fontaine, another heart-stirring event! The trial of the god Fukalos———— Upcoming!"

With Fu Nina's announcement, the audience roared loudly, this will be a moment to witness history.

Villette sighed helplessly. To be honest, he didn't want to come to this point, but Funina refused to say anything.

Paimon muttered curiously: "Why does it seem like the control has been given to Funina? She was obviously put on the shelf for trial... Although her performance is still a bit exaggerated, Funina must be serious this time." ?”

After announcing the trial, Funina curiously looked for her opponent.

Kong took the initiative to stand on the stage, and he was the accuser this time.

Funina was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the traveler was both an accuser, a witness, and her destined opponent.

Sora felt helpless, thinking: Funina was about to reveal her secret before, but in the end it ended up like this. But it doesn't matter, as long as Funina is defeated in court, there is still a chance to figure everything out.



"Before the trial, let me ask, what exactly did you prepare to send me to this position?"

Navia stood up and said: "Those who caused the commotion in the opera house this morning are basically subordinates of the Thorny Rose Society. They came to the scene as ordinary audience members after disguising themselves, and chose the opportunity to incite the people to denounce you. [Prophecy Crisis] At present, the people's dissatisfaction with the gods has been accumulated for a long time, and only one fuse is needed to detonate the whole place."

"According to our understanding and analysis of you, when this happens, you are most likely to escape alone and secretly go to Baisong Town. So we arranged for a second group of people to wait for the opportunity over there..."

Linney stood up and added: "As for the purpose of those friends from the Rose of Thorns Society... they are to force you to step into the [Giant Magic Box] to participate in what can be called the greatest magic show in the history of Fontaine!"

Lynette: "Yes, that house is a magic box, not a house."

"It was the [Super Extreme Upgraded Version] of the transfer magic that I performed for the first time in the opera house. The volume of the magic box increased dozens of times, and the transfer distance was expanded from Baisong Town to Iliye Island, and the transferred The target is gods! Not humans!"

"Thank you Funina, without your participation, there would be such an incredible performance in the history of magic. Of course, in order to prepare for this [performance], we applied for support from [Father], and the Hearth House spent a lot of money With the manpower and financial resources... we chose a location, built a [giant magic box], dug passages, and opened waterways... but we were busy for a long time."

[Kaia: Let me go. This is a big project. It’s so far from Baisong Town to the Opera House. How many days will it take you to finish it? 】

[Yura: The magicians I know will never use the tricks they use again. I didn’t expect Mr. Linney to do the opposite]

[Nacida: This magic can be called the greatest magic show in Teyvat]

[Linny: Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Grass God. We will also come up with more exciting magic tricks. You will be invited to come to Fontaine to have a look at that time]

[Nasida: Sorry, as the ruler of Sumeru, I can't leave for a long time, but I can ask Amao to go for me]

[Wanderer: Don’t call me Hatao! I don't like this name! 】

[Miko Yae: What, you don’t like it? 】

[Wanderer: Damn fox, treat someone to dinner and eat ginger? 】

[Shadow: Huh? Is that ginger? 】

[Miko Yae: Perhaps I misplaced it? 】

[Rich man: It’s all my money! This is the case with Dadalia, and the same is true with you, servant! 】

[Master: I have been very restrained recently and have been in Fontainebleau]

[Hutao: Master, come and play often! Our Zhongli misses you very much]

[Zhongli: Feeling a little tired]


"So, the earthquake felt in the [Giant Magic Box] was actually caused when the entire house was being transferred underground?"

Kong nodded slightly apologetically, after all, they had lied to her.

"Then...there is no need for Villette and Clolind to tell themselves about their missions. The audience was temporarily summoned and the [stage] was prepared for it. The duel agent Clolind made all preparations for the duel...for When I appear on stage, there will be an [Irresistible Trial] right away, right?"

Villette nodded, that was indeed the case.

"I commend you for your courage, Clolind. You are worthy of being my most proud duel agent when you face the duel with the gods without flinching. As for the traveler... your mission should be to keep talking to me after you find me. Divert my attention and prevent me from noticing your plans. Until the end, confront me as the accuser..."

Kong denied: "No, you guessed it wrong. My mission is... the last attempt. I hope to hear the hidden information from you before arriving at the Tribunal."

Funina smiled bitterly, it seemed that she had missed her last chance.

"Okay, it doesn't matter, the matter is over... [The Unrejectable Trial] has begun, so there is no reason to be silent, and there is no reason not to continue to the end!"

Before the official start, Charlotte brings Travelers a collection of exclusive interviews. It records what he saw, heard and encountered on Fengdan Road.

"Both parties are in place, then the trial will begin..."

Before Villette could finish speaking, Funina interrupted the spellcasting and said: "There is no need to repeat those cumbersome opening remarks, Navilette. Please hurry up to the part where the charges are read out. As the person being judged, I I am the protagonist today, and I still don’t know under what name you plan to judge me.”

"Let me first say that it is normal for mortals to be unable to understand what gods do, and this does not constitute a reason to condemn gods..."

Kong nodded, "The reason for judging you is not because of what you did or didn't do as a god... The reason for judging you is that you are not a god at all, Funina."

[Ying: No, no, no, I can't stand it anymore, my brother's voice smells like a straggler]


[Wanderer: What, does my voice sound ugly? Do you want it to be louder? 】

[Paimon: A scene suddenly came to mind. When the brother and sister met, Sora suddenly said: Rats and sparrows, lower your heads! 】

[Kaia: That's not what I'm most concerned about. If it weren't for the subtitles under the video, I really don't know what he said. Fontaine is probably the most talked about by travelers]

[Ying: Get out! 】

[Kaia: When Xumi: Nasida ! 】

[Kaia: Look, this sentence is more than the previous sentences combined]

[Ying: Haha, your focus is so unique! 】

[Kaia: I’ve saved them all, you’re welcome]

[Paimon: That’s just from the video, Ying is really good at talking]

[Thomas: For example? 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Thoma! 】

[Kaia: I understand everything! 】


"Wait...what did you say? Lady Funina is not a god?"

"I thought I was just going to accuse the Water God of malfeasance, but the accusation just it serious?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. Pretending to be a water god is a serious crime! How brave is Funina to pretend to be a god and rule Fontaine for hundreds of years?

Navilette turned to ask Funina if she admitted the accusation.

Funina was a little panicked. She was not even afraid of death, but what she was most afraid of was pretending to be a god. Perhaps this was related to the secret he kept.

"I don't admit it, of course I don't admit it. I, Fukalos, Fonina de Fontaine, one of the seven earthly rulers, [Queen of all waters, all directions, all peoples and all laws]...without a doubt am A true god.”

The audience also resented her for this. Although Funina had a perverse temperament, it was a bit too much to say that she was not a god or something. At most, they just complained that she was not doing business.

[Kaia: "Not doing business", Sir Wendy, what do you think? 】

[Wendy: Hey! The emphasis is on saying that I am also very powerful, even the gods of Fontaine can be affected by me]

[Hu Tao: My Zhongli doesn’t do anything serious either. He goes out every day to listen to other people’s stories]

[Yatae Shenzi: Shadow…forget it, let’s not talk anymore]

[Ke Lai: Fortunately, our Lord Grass God has been holding on]

[Elhaysen: Mr. Grass God occasionally goes out to play, and entrusts the wanderers with small matters.]

[Paimon: None of them are doing anything serious! Nasida was led astray by the prostitute】

[Wendy: Hey! Welcome to join Moyu God Cult! 】


"I think the eyes of the audience here are also sharp. Many people have taken it as common sense that I am a god since birth, and they will support me. Look, even the metaphor machine leads me so naturally. direction, are you sure you want to engage in such a hopeless argument?"

"If you withdraw the lawsuit now, I will promise in the name of the God of Justice that I will not pursue the charges of false accusation against you, and will only regard everything today as a farce that people like to see. How about it?" Funina said calmly, as if what happened was She has everything under control.

Sora retorted: "People think you are a god, it's just based on common sense."

Seeing that they did not accept her persuasion to surrender, Funina said helplessly: "If I am not a god, then what do you think I am? I have been on the throne of god for five hundred years, how can I support this at least five years? What about a hundred years of life?”

The famous detective Paimon appeared, and Paimon pointed at Funina and retorted: "First of all, you may be another [immortal species], and your lifespan itself is very long. Even if not, there should be other ways to extend your lifespan...such as [ curse】?"

Funina sneered, "Who told you this, was it the [servant]? In order to slander me, did you even use the rhetoric of the Foolish Executive?"

Villette always thought that the aura exuding from the gods was originally similar to a curse, but now it seems that this is not the case. Funina has many secrets hidden.

Sora: "So, Funina, you are just a cursed human, right?"

It means that the cardinal's balance is slowly returning to its normal position.

"Well, don't be complacent now. Even if I admit that there is a curse on me, it doesn't mean that I must be a [human]? What's more, the biggest difference between humans and gods is [authority]. Gods can do things that humans can't. That’s why it’s called a god.”

"For hundreds of years, there have been many miracles of mine on the land of Fontaine...such as your metaphor for the Cardinal, and the [Law for Hunnergy] that each of you cannot live without."

[Kaia: As she spoke, Funina got herself in.]

[Young Master: The trial that the people of Fontaine are so proud of is so ridiculous. It’s my turn again, Dardalia, to appear.]

[Keqing: When the young master was being judged, Fu Nina also said that she didn’t know the reason, and also said that the gods’ decisions are not understandable by mortals]

[Xiaogong: Do you need to go to such trouble? Wouldn't it be better to just ask Funina to hand over the Heart of God and show her elemental power? 】

[Xiang Ling: Yes! Gods all have elemental powers. As long as Miss Funina shows the Heart of God, all rumors will be self-defeating]

[Funina: I am indeed not a god, I don’t have the heart of a god, I am just me, Funina]

[Wendy: Join my wind element family! 】

[Paimon: Funina is of the water element! Water element is either rich or noble]

[Ye Lan: I agree with this. The owners of the Eye of the Water Elemental God all fit this characteristic]

[Kaia: So this is why Funina must be tried, because this is the only place where the excuse "you don't understand the things of the gods" cannot be used! 】

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