Genshin Impact: Shocked! Famous scenes were exposed by me

Chapter 564: Wild Rose

Our protagonist, Sora, and his work robot, Paimon, are strolling through the streets of Fontaine.

"Kong, let's go have breakfast!" Paimon patted his belly.

Sora patted Paimon's head lovingly, "You'll become a fat man if you keep eating.

Paimon shook his head, he was the type who could never gain weight.

"Hello, Traveler, my good partner, and Paimon!" A familiar voice came from behind.

Paimon turned around and saw that it was Navia!

"I didn't expect to see you here. What are you going to do now?"

Sora replied: "It's just a daily adventure, nothing special planned."

Paimon asked Navia if she was still busy with the reconstruction of Baisong Town recently.

Navia nodded slightly. The reconstruction work has basically been completed, but there is still a lot of things left to do.

"Recently I have been running back and forth between the two places, ordering materials needed for follow-up, confirming the construction date, and discussing compensation conditions with the victims..."

Kong was a little stunned. The Thorn Rose Society was also a victim, right? Did Navia still need compensation?

Navia explained: "Although the Fontaine government has given a pension to the victims, I think the Thorn Rose Society, as the administrator of Baisong Town, should also bear responsibility. Our current financial situation is still very tight, and the compensation can only be agreed in writing first and repaid later. But in any case, we must make our attitude clear first so that they can rebuild their trust in the Thorn Rose Society."

Paimon couldn't help but admire Navia's seriousness and responsibility, but this would mean that Navia would be very busy during this period.

Navia sighed and said, "That's right. Every time I come to the city, I have a lot of things to do, and I always forget this and that. So before coming here this time, I learned from Miles and wrote down everything in a memo book, so that I can see at a glance what I need to do."

Sora: "And then?"

"Then... because Miles used abbreviations, I followed his example and invented a set of abbreviations. But after running around the city, I found that I couldn't understand it anymore, haha."

[Keqing: After Mr. Myles and Mr. Silver passed away, didn't Ms. Navia find other helpers? ]

[Navia: I have found this one, and we are still in the process of getting to know each other]

[Paimon: Actually, I think they are still very capable]

[Kaia: Let me see the knife in this video]

[Amber: Captain Kaeya is no longer the same person he was before. He has become bald and stronger.]

[Ying: Kaia is bald? I need to take a closer look]

[Klee: No, no, Kaia-ge is just losing his hair recently, he’s not bald]

[Navia: Baisong Town has been almost restored, everyone is welcome to come and play]

[Albedo: Ms. Navia, may I ask if the three lines of Fontaine are named after your family members? ]

[Mona: Eh! I didn’t notice this, there’s a Carles line, a Clementine line, and a Navia line.]

[Alice: If it weren't for Navia's family's efforts, the people of Fontaine would probably still be measuring Fontaine with their legs. This is a treatment that even gods don't get.]

[Navia: This is nothing, it’s a pity that my father’s line can’t be rebuilt]

【Keli: Why? 】

[Paimon: Because of the explosion at Fontaine Scientific Research Institute, the road was completely cut off]

[Ying: Don’t worry, that road will definitely be repaired in the future]


Kong and Paimon followed Navia on the patrol ship to Baisong Town.

Since the engineers are still doing routine safety checks, we can only wait for a while.

Paimon asked, "Actually, I wanted to ask this before. The three lines of the patrol ship are all named after people in your family, right?"

Navia nodded: "I don't need to explain Carles and Navia, Clementine is my mother's name."

Paimeng was a little curious. Since the patrol ship was built by Navia's family, why wasn't there even a route to Baisong Town?

Navia explained, "I heard that the business of the Thorn Rose Society does not transit through Baisong Town, so there is no reason to build a special line here. But I also think it's a bit strange. With such a large-scale facility built, what's wrong with having another line to Baisong Town? But this is the current situation. I often have no idea what my father is thinking."

Soon the safety officer finished the inspection and reminded: "Boss, the boat has been inspected and you can leave."

Navia nodded and pulled Kong onto the boat.

During the voyage, Paimon couldn't help but ask, "Navia, what kind of person is your mother?"

Sora glanced at Paimon and signaled her not to ask any more questions.

Paimon also reacted and realized his own impoliteness, and quickly changed the subject: "I was just asking casually. I remember you said before that she died of dystocia. You should not have any impression of her..."

Navia didn't pay attention to Paimon's sudden question. She waved her hand and said, "I've heard many people in the Thorn Rose Society tell her story. They all said that my mother and I would get along well. She is a very optimistic and humorous person, completely different from my father who only has a stern face. Because of this, they can make up for each other's shortcomings."

"One is responsible for doing business and developing the gang, and the other is responsible for maintaining internal relationships. This is how the Thorn Rose Society developed little by little. But after all, this is just what I heard from the story, so it's hard for me to build a more complete image of her."

"But every time I see Clementine's line in front of me, I always think that if she were still alive, the Thorn Rose Society and Baisong Town might be very different from what they are now."

"Silver once said that a name is a kind of [engraving] that can give a completely new meaning to a cold and heartless substance. That's what he meant. Recently, I gradually understood why water can contain the richest emotions, and I gradually fell in love with watching the sea. Many people and things that I cannot cherish are dissolved in it. Although I cannot stop for them...but they once existed in my life, and gave me the reason and motivation to move forward."

Sora: "Do you miss the victims?"

Navia nodded. No matter what, what happened could not be undone. As the president of the Thorn Rose Society, she must not be discouraged.

[Kaia: Oh, I got stabbed with a knife again for no apparent reason]

[Paimon: This is just the beginning. Ying and I have been walking together for so long that we are already used to it. Slowly, we have become witnesses.]

[Amber: Those who left were the ones who loved Navia the most, and were also the ones Navia loved the most. She was also very heartbroken.]

[Zhongli: Witnesses come to witness, and those who remember are born to remember]

[Nashida: One day, the entire Teyvat will be left with your traces]

[Kong: I will wait for you at the end, Ying, we always have enough time]

[Paimon: Uh... repeated lines]


Baisong Town

"Boss, you're back. Traveler and Paimon, welcome to Baisong Town again."

Paimon hadn't seen Florent for a long time, so he cheered, "Long time no see! Is it your turn to take care of Navia now?"

When Navia heard the word "care", she quickly corrected him: "Why care? I can do well on my own. I don't need an assistant for the time being. But part of the work that Miles used to do has been handed over to Florent. It's always a lot easier to have someone to help, haha."

Florent touched his conscience and said, "Thank you for the compliment, boss. As you can see, I have been cooperating with you to rebuild Baisong Town recently. Mr. Miles is very capable and a very respected member of the Thorn Rose Society. I am still far from being as good as him."

Navia saw Florent was still saying some polite words and interrupted the spell.

"Are you waiting for me here? Is there any progress on the disconnection issue?"

Florent reported: "We have just contacted the craftsman, but because the shape of the statue has not been determined, the other party cannot determine the size of the material."

Paimon heard them discussing the statue and didn't understand, so he asked curiously.

Navia explained: "It's like this. In order to commemorate the outstanding contributions my parents have made to the Thorn Rose Society and Baisong Town, we have always wanted to build a statue for them. But my father has always been carrying the stigma of "Unjust Kares", and it is easy to cause controversy to erect a statue for a sinner in the eyes of the public. Now that he has regained his innocence, and Baisong Town happens to be rebuilt, I feel that this is the most appropriate time."

Sora looked at Florent and asked curiously, "Isn't Navia in the statue?"

Navia was stunned and burst into laughter: "Me? Hahahaha, I'm just the new president, and I cause trouble to the members every day. If I want a statue of my own, I will have to work hard for at least a few decades."

Paimon: "You are too modest. Didn't you also help solve the crisis in Fontaine?"

Florent also thought that Navia should have a place in the statue.

Navia smiled and said, "I'm not that thick-skinned yet. At least I have to wait until I'm no longer inferior to my father."

[Yan Fei: Ahem, this must be a foreshadowing! The next statue must include Navia, and it must be a photo of the family of three! ]

[Paimon:? ? ? 】

[Ying: ??? You open it! ]

[Yan Fei: This is easy to infer. There can't be one statue for each person. It must be a statue of a family of three.]

[Claude: Yes, the statue is beautiful]

[Charlotte: You all know that I am going to check in at Baisong Town now]


"Florent, so now we should design the statue, right?"

Florent nodded and added, "We have to decide on the movements of Mr. Carres and Ms. Cromentine before we can commission the craftsmen to prepare the materials. But we haven't discussed the optional movements yet, so I think I should pick some options first and let the boss take a look..."

Navia walked aside and shouted, "No, let's decide now. Come on, traveler, follow me."

Kong was stunned and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Navia said seriously: "Didn't I tell you? Come and pose. You are Carles, I am Clementine, come on."

[Kaeya: He appears! This wave is a close-range attack! It has been officially announced]

[Amber: Ms. Shen He has a competitor now! ]

[Charlotte: Liyue White-haired Immortal Disciple PK Fontainethorn Rose Club President, big news! Please let me report this kind of news]

[Kelai: Are we going to wear a wedding dress for photos next? ]

[Navia (blushing): What are you talking about! I... don't have any wedding photos, please be serious]

[Kaeya: First there was Shen He's confession, then there was Dream Embrace Xiao Gong, and then Navia took the initiative to attack]

[Paimon: Navia, you're blushing, let me see! ]

[Navia: No! Paimon, why are you doing this to me too?]

【Xiao Gong: Those were all dreams. Besides, I have never experienced it.】

[Kaeya: However, I don’t think it’s out of place that the protagonist of this video is the traveler’s brother, Sora.]

[Ying: I feel like you can change me back, otherwise I always feel like I’m being cheated on.]

[Ying'er: Oh, are there any travelers who are interested? Remember to buy it early, because if you miss this opportunity, you will miss this opportunity.]

[Klee: Klee likes Honor Knight sister very much]

[Qin: Klee is still young, so she can speak without restraint]


Paimon felt something was wrong, something very wrong.

Navia said, "Paimon, you said on the ship that Carles and Clementine sound like a good pair. Aren't he and I the best partners too? Florent, come and take a picture!"

Florent nodded, walked to the video camera and started to adjust it.

"How about it, do you have any ideas?"

Sora: "Shouldn't you be the one making the decision?"

Navia: "Actually, I have talked to Florent before, but I always felt that it was a bit ordinary. Maybe their image in my mind has been fixed. So I plan to use your imagination to see if there are any refreshing ideas."

Florent reminded: "I'm ready, you can start anytime."

Sora thought about it and decided to do a happy pose first.

Navia was stunned. A happy gesture? Like... hearing a joke?"

[Sino: Happy? I am very good at bringing happiness]

[Tinari: Please, don't come out and cause trouble at this time]

[Elhaisen: Our Gale Machine may be the real Ice God]

[Paimon: The Queen of Winterfell directly exclaimed that it was so terrifying that she moved out of the Winter Palace overnight]

[Ice Queen: ….]

[Kaia: Why do I feel like the photo of Traveler Brother looks a bit like...]

[Alice: Stupid? ]

[Kaia: I don’t know what it means, but I feel like this is the word]

[Ying: Actually, I think so too]

(Ying withdrew a message)

[Paimon: Ying, have you ever thought that your actions at that time were also like this]

[Ding! User Ying withdrew a message]

【Ying: Ahem, nothing happened just now】


Florent felt a little embarrassed when looking at the finished product. It was too difficult to grasp the timing of the photo, and he couldn't figure out what they were laughing at. Even if he knew, it would be very difficult to carve.

Paimon suggested, "How about trying it out with one of you talking and the other laughing?"

The two tried the method proposed by Paimon, but still felt it didn't work.

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