Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 24

In this simulation, Lucas never expected that not only would Scaramouche become a girl, but they would also form a connection.

[The experiment went smoothly, and Scaramouche (Kunikuzushi) seemed to excel at following orders. You speculated that her original purpose was likely to obey certain commands, but her original "master" had abandoned her. Since you had spent the most time with her, you naturally took on the role of her "master."]

[However, your knowledge was limited. Her memory system seemed to be sealed by someone, and apart from her name, "Kunikuzushi," she had lost most of her memories.]

[Additionally, she had a great fondness for sweets.]

[Age 520: Pierro had a conversation with Scaramouche, formally inviting her to join the Fatui. However, the official discussion lasted less than five minutes.]

[After the conversation, Pierro informed you that Scaramouche had agreed to join, but with one condition. You wondered whether it was to regain her lost memories or a permanent supply of free sweets.]

["No, it's you, my friend," Pierro said, patting your shoulder with a smile. "Her condition is that she must stay by your side." Your choices are:]

[1. Agree]

[2. Refuse]

Lucas hesitated slightly. From an evil perspective, keeping Scaramouche by his side would allow him to mold her into the most loyal and powerful human weapon.

"I agree."

[You didn't reject the request, so Scaramouche stayed by your side. Perhaps because you revived her, she became quite attached to you and was very cooperative in your modifications.]

[Pierro told you that Scaramouche possessed great potential, but just like her memories, her abilities were sealed. Your task was to unlock her potential and turn her into a valuable asset for Snezhnaya.]

[That same year, Scaramouche officially became the Sixth Harbinger, known as "The Balladeer."]

[Age 521: Although Scaramouche looked like a young girl, her mental state was quite immature, much like a child. As a result, in addition to training her, you found yourself acting as her mentor and companion.]

[Technically, you didn't need to do these things, but you didn't refuse. Unconsciously, you seemed to have become her "father."]

[Cursed by the gods, you knew you would never have children of your own, and you had long abandoned the thought of experiencing familial love. However, Scaramouche's presence filled this void. Neither of you was skilled at expressing emotions, but you had unknowingly formed a bond similar to that of "father and daughter."]

Seeing this, Lucas couldn't help but feel a deeper sense of disbelief.

It seemed that in this simulation, he had developed quite a tight connection with the Fatui. 

He was "The Doctor," his past wife was "La Signora," and now, he had an adopted daughter, "The Balladeer."

Maybe he should go ahead and forge a brotherhood with "Childe" Tartaglia—then he might be able to take over the entire Fatui someday!

[Age 522: Under your training and modifications, Scaramouche's power grew rapidly. During this time, she also successfully completed many missions as a Fatui Harbinger.]

[You didn't ask her about the missions; you simply checked her body for damage. As a puppet, she didn't feel pain, so even serious injuries could be quickly repaired by you.]

[She excitedly recounted her missions—assassinations, sabotage, kidnappings. For Scaramouche, who lacked human morals, these tasks didn't cause her any distress. You began to understand why Pierro wanted her to join the Harbingers—Fatui needed a sharp, emotionless blade, and a blade didn't need feelings or morals.]

[Age 523: Scaramouche's behavior grew increasingly arrogant. She was disrespectful, harsh, and dismissive toward nearly everyone, except for the Tsaritsa and you. Even Pierro, the First Harbinger, couldn't completely command her.]

[Her attitude toward others was poor, but around you, she showed a different side. It seemed that everything she did for the Fatui was her way of proving only one thing—She is your biggest "Masterpiece".]


[Age 526: The Fatui welcomed the Seventh Harbinger. Unlike the others, this man, named Pantalone, appeared to be an ordinary human. However, after learning about his background, you understood Pierro's decision.]

[Pantalone was a financial genius. In a routine meeting, he proposed several strategies to enhance Snezhnaya's economy, and most were approved.]

[There was an exception, though—Pantalone requested that you create "special" female undead to satisfy the illicit desires of high-ranking officials and wealthy merchants, which would generate considerable profits. Although it was theoretically possible, you declined, as you had one principle—never desecrate the dead.]

[Age 529: Recently, the Tsaritsa gifted you another woman named "Rebecca." Like most of these women, Rebecca had likely volunteered. Some worshipped you as the "Hero of Snezhnaya," while others had ulterior motives, hoping to bear your child and produce a superior offspring.]

[Of course, this was impossible, as you were incapable of fathering children. Usually, you kept these women for a brief time before parting ways. It wasn't about lust or loneliness, but rather a practical need to release the pressure built up in your body.]

[However, this time was different. Maybe it was Rebecca's resemblance to Rosalyn, or perhaps it was her exceptional skills, but you found yourself spending more time with her. After each workday, she would relieve your fatigue using special techniques.]

[You knew that the Tsaritsa was using every method to control you, including sending beautiful women. Rebecca was likely one of these tools. Despite the immense military contributions you had made to Snezhnaya, you remained a ticking time bomb.]

[After all, you had single-handedly destroyed Mondstadt. Though Snezhnaya was much stronger, no one could guarantee that history wouldn't repeat itself.]

[But you didn't mind. You and Rebecca both played your parts—she didn't care what thoughts crossed your mind during your intimate moments, and you didn't care what schemes she harbored.]

[Everything seemed to be going smoothly, except for one thing—Scaramouche didn't like Rebecca. In fact, Scaramouche seemed to dislike every woman who appeared in your life. It was almost as if she were a child in a single-parent family, jealous of her father's relationships—at least, that's what you thought.]

[Age 530: Rebecca had been with you for nearly a year, longer than any other woman. You were fully aware of her small actions, like secretly reading your notes and research, then reporting them to the Tsaritsa.]

[You chose to ignore it. You had no rebellious intentions, so if Rebecca's reports earned you more trust from the Tsaritsa, that was fine with you.]

[Age 531: Rebecca was dead. When you returned home, you found her lifeless body, cold and unmoving. Scaramouche sat next to her, calmly wiping blood from the murder weapon, smiling as if she were seeking your approval. She proudly told you she had discovered Rebecca's deceit and had acted without hesitation to eliminate her.]

[Scaramouche's actions seemed partly driven by personal motives. You didn't particularly care about Rebecca's death; she was merely one of many women who had passed through your life, and she held no special place in your heart. Scaramouche, on the other hand, had been with you far longer and mattered far more.]

[However, you were furious because this murder was unnecessary. For the first time since leaving the cellar, you had a serious argument with Scaramouche.]

[After the argument, Scaramouche stormed off to her room in a fit of anger. Your next choice is:]

[1. Ignore her]

[2. Comfort her]

Although Scaramouche and his simulator counterpart shared no blood relation, their long-term companionship had forged an unusual bond.

"Alright, alright," Lucas sighed. "I'll go comfort her."

[After dealing with Rebecca's body, you head to Scaramouche's room…]

[Forced switch to Immersive Mode in progress.]


Before Lucas could react, his consciousness was transferred into the simulation.

Maybe the system thought his real self would be better suited as the "comforter"?

With a sense of resignation, Lucas adjusted to his simulated body, which he hadn't inhabited for nearly five centuries.

Interestingly, while he was once frail despite his unmatched medical skills, his body now felt brimming with overwhelming power.

It seemed the effects of his [Old But Vigorous] trait, accumulated over five hundred years, had reached an extraordinary level.

He caught his reflection in a nearby window. His appearance hadn't aged, but his hair had turned silver, and a mask covered half his face—concealing the burn marks Rosalyn had left.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

Lucas knocked on the door, and after a brief silence, he heard a low voice from inside: "The door's not locked."

Taking a deep breath, Lucas opened the door and stepped inside Scaramouche's room. Contrary to her violent personality, the room was styled like that of a typical young girl.

Several not-so-cute dolls were scattered across her bed—dolls you had bought for her as part of some experimental tests. Surprisingly, she had kept them, treating them like treasures.

Scaramouche sat on the bed, hugging a doll resembling a Ruin Guard, her back turned to you.

Yes, a Ruin Guard doll—popularly known as "One-Eyed Little Treasure"—a toy quite popular among the children of Snezhnaya. Only in this fierce land would such dangerous mechanical monsters be turned into children's playthings.

"Are you still mad?" Lucas asked softly after clearing his throat.

"I'm not mad." Scaramouche turned her face slightly, revealing her sharp, boyish features. If she had been a boy, she would undoubtedly be the type adored by older schoolgirls.

At the moment, though, she resembled a sulky kitten, glaring at Lucas.

Sitting beside her, Lucas gently patted her back and said, "You know, I was aware of everything Rebecca did from the start."

"What?" Scaramouche's eyes widened in surprise. "Then why did you pretend not to know?"

"Because if having her around made the Tsaritsa trust me more, then it was a small price to pay," Lucas said calmly. "I wasn't angry because you killed her—I was angry because your actions were rash and thoughtless. As my 'creation,' what you did today was… 'unacceptable.'"


Those words cut deep into Scaramouche's heart, reminding her of why she had been abandoned by her original creator—because she was deemed "unacceptable."

Clinging tightly to Lucas, her voice trembled as she pleaded, "I'm sorry! I won't make this mistake again! Please don't abandon me like a defective product… Please…"

It was hard to believe that the usually arrogant and overbearing "Balladeer" could now appear so vulnerable and pitiful.

"Don't worry, Scaramouche," Lucas said softly, stroking her silken hair. "I will never abandon you. Remember, you're not like those women—you're my 'family.' Both of us have been cast aside by this cold, harsh world, and now… we only have each other left."


Scaramouche clung tightly to Lucas, even though she didn't know his real name.

It was strange; despite being a puppet, Scaramouche's body was warm and emitted a faint scent, like a human.

"Alright, get some rest," Lucas said softly. "I'll take care of Rebecca's situation. You shouldn't do something like that again."

"So..." Scaramouche asked tentatively, "Will there still be other women around you?"

"There probably will be." Lucas didn't plan on lying to her and smiled helplessly. "This body, which deals with corpses all day, sometimes still needs the warmth of a woman."

In this regard, Lucas was always honest. 

Moreover, for someone who had lived for centuries and was no longer truly "human," it seemed that only during moments of intimacy with a woman could he truly feel "alive."

"My body is warm too," Scaramouche suddenly stammered, "and if it's not warm enough, I could have an internal furnace installed. It can be set to any temperature you want!"

"Silly girl..."

Lucas hadn't expected that this ruthless and bloodthirsty "Balladeer" could be so naïve about this topic, thinking that "warming the body" was meant literally. "What I meant is... I need a woman."

"I can become a woman!" Scaramouche clung tightly to his clothes. "I don't have a gender, but if it's you, you can turn me into a woman, right? You can just install some organs... I'll be even better than Rebecca, I promise! I'll learn everything."

Although Scaramouche's words seemed incredible, what she said was technically feasible. For someone like Lucas, who had long mastered the secrets of the human body, organ transplantation was a simple operation.

After all, Scaramouche was a puppet, which came with even more "possibilities."

It was only then that Lucas realized that Scaramouche actually understood everything. He asked instinctively, "What is it... that you want to learn?"

"Just... the things Rebecca did with you..." Scaramouche's voice was as quiet as a whisper. "I once secretly watched from the doorway. Those actions... I can do them too."

As a combat genius, Scaramouche could perfectly replicate any technique after seeing it once, no matter how complex. So, it wasn't difficult for her to mimic Rebecca's "tricks."

"You... you actually spied on us?" Even Lucas, who was usually calm and composed, couldn't help but blush. "No, absolutely not. Not with you."

"Why not?" Scaramouche's voice grew more agitated. "Why am I the only one who can't? Am I... not as good as those women?"

Being a puppet, Scaramouche didn't adhere to human morals or ethics. So, she didn't see anything wrong with what she was suggesting.

"Because you're special," Lucas said, pinching her cheek gently. "How about this? I promise not to bring any more women home. How does that sound?"

"Really?" Scaramouche's previously gloomy face brightened immediately. "Let's make a pinky promise!"

"Alright, alright." Lucas extended his pinky and hooked it with Scaramouche's.

Even without bringing women home, with Lucas's status and wealth, there were still plenty of ways to "relieve stress."

"Pinky swear, no changing your mind, or you'll be thrown into the glaciers. The glaciers are cold, the snowfields are colder, and a liar's tongue will freeze and rot!" Scaramouche recited a grim little nursery rhyme, one that seemed uniquely fitting for the cold land of Snezhnaya.

"Now, are you reassured?" Lucas said as he let go of her finger. "Good night."

"Wait a minute..."

Scaramouche tugged on Lucas's sleeve, her cheeks tinged with pink. "Recently, I've felt that some of my parts aren't functioning as smoothly. Could you... apply some lubricant?"

Although this sentence might have sounded suggestive, it was actually quite innocent. Scaramouche's body, much like the character "Arale" from *Dr. Slump*, could be disassembled and reassembled, and only Lucas knew how to do it.

"You're such a handful," Lucas said with a resigned smile. "Lie down, I'll get my tools."


Thirty minutes later.

[Exiting Immersive Mode]

[Switching to Text Mode]

As Lucas exited the immersive mode, his face still carried a slight flush.

He glanced at his fingers, as if they still held the lingering, unique sensation from the experience.

After all, personally injecting lubricant into every pipe and crevice of such a lifelike puppet was a peculiar process.

Especially when the puppet felt so real.


[Age 532: After the Rebecca incident, you submitted a formal request to decline any similar "gifts" from the Tsaritsa.]

[However, the Seventh Harbinger, Pantalone, hearing of this, sent you a mysterious black membership card. With it, you could indulge freely at his exclusive club, "Red Night."]


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