Genshin Impact: Zhongli discovered that he was stealing tributes at the beginning

Chapter 51 Destiny

The early morning sun shines through the fluffy clouds on Mondstadt, and the city's residents prepare to start a busy day.

However, something unexpected happened, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the sky became tense. Waves of roars resounded through the sky, coming from a distance, shaking the entire city.

People looked up one after another and were surprised to find a huge cloud appeared in the sky, as dark as night, with lightning flashing in it.

This dark cloud seems to be expanding, like a giant approaching.

In the dark clouds, a huge dragon shadow gradually emerged. The flapping of its wings brought strong wind, and people's clothes made a frightening sound.

Just as the city was in panic, a cry of surprise broke the silence,

"Wind Demon Dragon!"

Amber, who was instructing Sora to learn how to use the Wings of Wind, shouted.

The Wind Demon Dragon attacked Mondstadt. As soon as Kong put his wings on the wind, he was swept into the sky by the strong wind, and was forced to start a thrilling duel with the Wind Demon Dragon.

Everyone raised their heads and watched the battle in the sky.

"Woo, will the traveler be okay?"

"Wow! The traveler is chasing the Wind Demon Dragon."

"Eh? Can the Wings of Wind... still stay high in the sky for so long?"

Paimon looked at Amber and asked. Amber shook her head and expressed her incomprehension. Sora, who was chasing the Wind Demon Dragon in the sky, was also confused.

"I let the thousand-year wind help you and prevent you from falling... Now imagine that you can restrain this wisp of wind. Let it break through the clouds..."

A mysterious and gentle voice sounded.

"Who is this voice...? I seem to have heard it somewhere."

Paimon thought.


Kong defeated the Wind Demon Dragon and successfully descended.

"Are you OK?"

Amber asked with concern.

Sora smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"Clap clap clap!"

A man with a patch on his right eye and a healthy wheat-colored complexion walked over, clapping his hands.

"You actually have the power to fight a dragon...are you our guest...or is it a new storm?"

The man said in a surprised tone, but the words that followed were obviously not in a questioning tone.

"The Wind Demon Dragon... actually started to attack the city directly! Kaiya, you came just in time, let's hurry up..."

Amber said anxiously, wanting to hold Sora's hand and walk to the Knights' office building.

"Ah...Okay. This is Kaia, our cavalry captain. These two are travelers from afar, Sora and Paimon."

Kaia, whose full name is Kaia Alberich, is the adopted son of the wine tycoon "Legenfund".

It had been a long time since he called Diluc Legenfend his "adopted brother".

Currently, he serves as the cavalry captain of the Knights of the West Wind. He is a reliable man of action and is deeply trusted by Qin.

Within the scope of the city-state of Mondstadt, whenever an emergency occurs, Kaia will always be the one to deal with the aftermath.

As for Kaia's right eye, which was covered with an eyepatch, it was not that the eye was damaged, but that his right eye held the secret of Kanrea.

Kanreia - a country that advanced at full speed but was eventually destroyed by the gods under the will of heaven.

"Do you only know that it is far away..."

"Here's the thing..."

Amber carefully explained the origin and purpose of Kong to Kaiya.

"I see, welcome to Mondstadt. But it's a pity that it comes at such a bad time... I understand the pain of being separated from blood relatives, traveler."

"Also, although I don't know why you are looking for Fengshen...but everyone has their own secrets, right? Haha, I won't ask."

"Anyway, first of all, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Knights."

Kaia touched her right chest with her left hand and bent down to perform a very standard knightly salute.


In mid-April, the scenery at Wangshu Inn is stunning.

The spring sunshine shines through the tender green leaves around the inn, creating a bright atmosphere. In the flower bed outside the inn, various colorful flowers bloomed, the most stunning of which were the blooming neon flowers.

The neon flowers of Wangshu Inn belong to the quality neon flower species of "Sanin Brocade". This kind of flower grows particularly luxuriantly in Shanyin or humid places. The petals are large and densely stamened, with a fragrant aroma. The flowers are in clusters.

A small stream formed by a branch of the Bishui River winds around Wangshu Inn. The water in the stream is sparkling and crystal clear. From time to time, fish jump out of the water, lively and cheerful. A small bridge spans the stream. The bridge deck is paved with sandwood, which looks simple and elegant and complements the surrounding natural scenery.

Standing on the top floor of the inn and looking at the scenery, you can see the mountains in the distance shrouded in clouds and mist, which seems to be isolated from the hustle and bustle of the world, giving people a sense of tranquility. In the fields at the foot of the mountain, a patch of golden rapeseed flowers filled the entire valley, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

“It’s my secret to like Kun~”

"The middle part of the strap is my special skill~"

"Finally after two and a half years of practice~"


Wu Ye followed Jiang Xue and sang songs that no one knew.

"Okay! Wu Ye, please stop singing! My teacher's ears have been tortured all the way, and the singing sounds like a ghost crying or a wolf howling."

Jiang Xue scolded.

"You don't understand the charm of our giegie at all..."

Wu Ye said weakly, then remembered something and asked:

"Master, why was Uncle Yanxiao so angry just now? I think if you hadn't stopped him, he would have killed the shopkeeper."

"It's not your fault."

Wu Ye was stunned for a moment: "Blame me?"

"Otherwise? Since you came to the inn, Yan Xiao originally only had to support me alone, but now we have two, which has added a lot of burden to the inn. The shopkeeper has long been unhappy."

"You still have to teach Yanxiao how to cook. How many extra ingredients did you use? These ingredients also cost money. Then the shopkeeper discovered this problem. Do you think the shopkeeper will be angry? Will he punish Yanxiao and deduct his salary? ?”

Wu Ye suddenly realized: "I see, then you shouldn't have stopped Uncle Yanxiao just now!"


Wu Ye didn't answer. He just remembered that in his previous life, he was caught fishing by his boss at work and was fined. Although it was his fault, at that time he wanted to beat the other person severely!


"Master, why don't you stop practicing your sword today, and I'll accompany you to fish."

As soon as Wu Ye finished speaking, Jiang Xue gave him a hard knock on the chestnut. Wu Ye held his head pitifully.

"I still want to be lazy! Can you tell me which day in the past few days did you practice your sword properly?"

"You haven't practiced boxing yet, have you? Zhenjun asked me to supervise you."

"Oh, yes! Zhenjun also asked me to tell you that there is a girl named "Shen He" on the mountain looking for you all over the mountain. The red rope cannot suppress her. Zhenjun lied to her and said that you were training in the southern mountains. Then Shen He penetrated the mountains over there just to find you!"

"I don't know what got you so angry. If you don't want to practice sword practice, I'll take you back to the mountain now."

Wu Ye hurriedly tried to dissuade him: "No! Master, I'll learn! I'll practice!!! Just don't send me back."


"Master, don't you think I have poor talent and am not diligent, but you are so patient with me?"

Taking advantage of the break, Wu Ye asked curiously.

"Because I'm not in a hurry, and you are the one I'm looking for."

"Who? Save the world?!"

"No. What you want to do...besides telling me your answer, there is one more thing that can only be done by you."

Jiang Xue looked in the direction of Liyue Port: "To be honest, at first I thought that you should be the person I was looking for. However, after meeting me, I felt that you were not. But then someone told me that you were."

"Who said that?"



There are five people in the office of the leader of the Knights of the West Wind at the moment, not six? Paimon is not a human being.

"Acting Captain, I'll bring you here... That's what happened."

Kaia said.

"Mond welcomes you, travelers who come with the wind. I am the acting leader, Qin, and this is Lisa, the librarian of the Knights."

Qin, who had been leaning on the table and looking at the clock, saw that the person she was waiting for finally arrived. She immediately stood up and smiled. Lisa, who was leaning on the bookshelf to read, put away the book and stood up straight, covering her mouth and smiling sweetly:

"Ah, are you kind-hearted children who come to help because there are insufficient manpower? How cute."

"It's just that the timing is not very coincidental... Ever since the Wind Demon Dragon revived, it has been moving around the city, causing chaos. Now the flow of elements and the circulation of the earth's veins in Mondstadt have become like a ball of thread that has been caught by a cat. .”

"This is the worst situation for a magician. Your skin and mood will deteriorate..."

Hearing Lisa's obviously teasing words, everyone in the knights was used to it, and Sora couldn't help but blush. As for Paimon, he leaned on Sora's shoulder and said in his heart:

"This woman is definitely dangerous, don't mess with her!"

"It is true that if there is no such interference, the Knights will have a better way to help you than the missing person notice. Now I ask you to stay in Mondstadt for a while, and let us, the Knights of the West Wind, work hard to solve the problem."

Jean suggested.

"We can't just worry about the Knights. Well, we'll be involved too."

Kong held the edgeless sword and said seriously.

A young man’s dream, the excitement of embarking on a journey. If these two precious qualities are not sharp enough, then courage makes up for it - the edgeless sword.


In order to curb the disaster caused by the Wind Demon Dragon, members of the Knights went to various places to launch operations.

Sora and the scout knight Amber go deep into the temple of Zephyr Eagle.

Amber told Kong: "The first birds could not fly. Flying was their reward for bravely leaping into the canyon. What is important is not the strong wind, but the courage. It is it that makes you the first flying birds in the world."


Wu Ye is practicing his sword.


Sora and the cavalry captain Kaia went deep into the temple of the Wolf of the North Wind and finally met Diluc.

"Haha, the efficiency of the Knights is really low."

Diluc folded his hands and said coldly.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you're involved, it makes things more interesting."

Kaia clapped her hands and answered with a smile.


Wu Ye is practicing boxing.


Sora and the librarian Lisa went deep into the temple of the South Wind Lion.

Paimon said to the sky:

"Before, we got something that looked like solidified wind in the temple guarded by the four winds. In Mondstadt, people call it the lost pupil of the wind god."

"What this name represents is that it is qualified to be embedded in the eye sockets of the statue of the god. Some fairy tales say that the swallow took away the gem that served as the eye... But in fact, the lost Fengshen Pupil had no entity in the first place."

"It is an elemental power that is difficult for ordinary people to perceive. Sacrificing it to gods will not change the appearance of the statues. People with the eyes of gods will pay attention to collecting them and send them to the Seven Heavens statues to obtain blessings."

"Although you don't have the Eye of God, you are beyond the common sense of this world... If you want to give it a try, let's go!"

"The Seven-Heaven God Statue in Fengqi Land should be the one closest to us. I'm looking forward the gods will respond to you this time!"


Wu Ye had a new understanding of swordsmanship, and he hurriedly told Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue shook her head and said it was not enough. She would tell him later when Wu Ye's understanding of swordsmanship was half as good as his.

"Isn't your wooden sword called 'Bifen'? And my sword is called 'Autumn Color'. When you go out to practice in the future, I will give you the Autumn Color."

"Then master, you don't need the sword anymore?"

"no need."


"Intangible objects, the whole body is empty. In response to the natural things, chimes hang on the western mountains. Tigers roar and apes chirp, springs are clear and pure. Turn the rivers and spread the seas, devote your life to your destiny."

Wu Ye chanted while practicing boxing, and he had some understanding of Tai Chi.


Kong dedicated the collected Wind God Pupils to the Wind God Statue, and the breeze surged up, blowing the hearts of strangers.

Wu Ye put on the green shirt that Jiang Xue had knitted for him personally. The honest-faced young man looked somewhat handsome.

One day soon, under various arrangements, the wind-catching stranger and the young cultivator will finally meet. What is the future waiting for them?

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