Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 141

Chapter 140 Ancient crossing 32

“Why?” Xia Zhi asked strangely.

Liu Wanmiao explained: “Because the man thought that women should be at home with husbands and sons, and should not go outside to show their faces to do business, so he refused to take me out to get to know his contacts. He felt that I should be like you by combining the mushroom house and the rabbit. The business of the shed is left to the village, because I have hired people to help with the work recently. He thinks this form is no different from Lizheng organizing the village to sell cement, but I go out to find a market, and the money will not be distributed to the villagers. At most, he would pay some help hire fees. That person didn’t think this was possible. I don’t know if Lizheng meant what he said. After all, he is the son of Lizheng, and the few people who go out are related to Lizheng. ”

Although she had some doubts that this was Lizheng’s thoughts, she did not go to Lizheng Nao, because now she has a lot of inventory in this base, and if it is caused by Li Zheng, she will lose money if it is taken back to the village, so she still bears it. With.

Liu Wanmiao wondered when to wait, so he simply moved his base outside and hired a group of thugs as security guards. This way, even if he leaves the village, safety is guaranteed. Now the first batch of goods has not been sold and has no money on hand. Money can’t do anything.

I feel a bit speechless about this explanation of the summer solstice. Does this raise the appetite of the villagers? Is it true that in the future, no matter who develops or develops a career, it will be returned to the village? How can there be such a good thing.

It is said that they have underestimated the greed and shamelessness of human nature, and they have already presented a formula. These people have not made enough money, and now they have other ideas.

Xia Zhi said: “Didn’t you teach the method of raising rabbits before? Why does the village still look at your base?”

Liu Wanmiao rolled his eyes and said, “Don’t tell me, this group of people can only see the petty profits in front of them. They don’t listen to me, they have to mess around when raising them, and they don’t do the breeding according to what I said. In that way, the baby rabbits born are unhealthy. Isn’t it easy to get sick if they are poor in physical fitness? There are a few others who don’t know how to get them, and they develop rabbit plague and spread it to other people. In the end, many rabbits in the village died. Fortunately, I don’t go down much on the mountain and don’t let anyone in. Otherwise, my rabbit shed will be harmed by them. Now they don’t dare to raise rabbits anymore. They are afraid of getting rid of them, so I pay for them. Come up to help, so many people come over. If they still have rabbits, they will definitely not have time to come up to help.”

Xia Zhi felt strange when he heard this, and said, “Since they can’t raise rabbits well, why does Lizheng’s son want to take your base back into the village? Then they can’t do it differently?”

Liu Wanmiao said, “Why don’t I know? It is probably because I want me to work for nothing.”

After understanding everything clearly, Xia Zhi said: “Before Li was saying that the cement in the village would give me dividends after it was sold. I hadn’t been there before, and I didn’t get the money. Now I’m going to Lili to get the money. By the way, take this opportunity to ask Lizheng, whether the idea of ​​occupying your base was brought up by him or his son made his own choice.”

“Okay, then you go and ask, maybe if you come forward, they won’t dare to mess around.” Liu Wanmiao couldn’t help but sighed. Sure enough, single women in ancient times suffered a lot. Even if there were female households in this world, those men still Will subconsciously look down on women who are independent families.

Looking at the sky during the summer solstice, Lizheng’s house should have not slept yet, and it is not too late to go down, so after speaking with Liu Wanmiao, he went down the mountain.

When she arrived at Lizheng’s house, they really hadn’t rested yet, and the room was still lit.

Since the village made a fortune, Lizheng’s house has also changed a lot. In addition to the blue brick house, the area is also much larger.

Xia Zhi knocked on the door, and soon someone came to open the door. She was a little surprised to see the person.

Before, she just wandered around in the village and didn’t look carefully. She didn’t expect that the Lizheng family would actually have bought some people now.

The person who came to open the door was dressed in house clothes and politely asked which summer solstice was.

Xia Zhi said: “I am a hunter in the mountains, and there is something wrong with me, please help me pass it through.”

“Okay, wait a minute.” Jiading quickly ran into the house to help spread the message.

Although Li Zheng is now in style, he heard that it was the summer solstice, so he didn’t hold the shelf and asked Jia Ding to lead people in, but came out to greet him.

He smiled and said to Xia Zhi: “Unexpectedly, it is Xia Orion who is here. Come and come, please come in.”

After Xia Zhi entered the house, he sat in the lobby, exchanged a few words with Li Zheng, and then asked about the dividends in the village.

Although she had said before that she could not want the bonus, but now she wants to come, this cement formula is given by Liu Wanmiao, she thinks she still has to collect the money, and then transfer it to Liu Wanmiao.

Lizheng heard Xia Zhi say to ask for dividends, and immediately said: “I have already prepared the money, but I sent someone to look for you some time ago. I heard that the girl from the Liu family said that you went to work for the nobles again and weren’t in the village. So it was not given to you at that time, you will wait a while, I will let someone give it to you now.”

Li is talking about letting people go to the house to get money.

Xia Zhi asked again: “I heard from the girl in Liu’s family that your son asked her to hand over the mushroom house and rabbit shed to the village. I wonder if this is what you meant?”

Lizheng immediately waved his hand and said, “No, no, how could I do this kind of thing. It’s not easy for the two girls. They finally came up with the method of growing mushrooms and raising rabbits. Teach the villagers how I could do such a chilling thing. It is estimated that the kid in my family made his own mind. I will scold him later.”

Xia Zhi didn’t know the truth or not of what he said, but since he promised that there was no such thing now, he probably won’t regret it later. This Lizheng character is still okay, otherwise even if he takes the cement prescription, it won’t be true. In order to make the villagers prosperous, he can do a good job in the middle, so that the villagers can work and do things for him.

The two of them were talking, and the person who went to get the money came back. After Lizheng gave the money to Xia Zhi, he also took the account book to Xia Zhi and said, “This is the account for more than a year. The road has not been repaired before. At that time, they also sold some. Later, Xia Liehu left for more than half a year. The books are all here, you can check them.”

Although Xia Zhi didn’t like the money, she didn’t shirk it. Now that the relationship of interest cooperation has been established, everything is done in the way of partners, so she took the account book and checked it carefully.

She has done business before, so she can read the account book naturally. You can see that some false accounts have been made in this account, but after math, there are not many greedy people here, and it is still within a reasonable range. .

Considering that he is the leader, this business is difficult to do without his overall planning and arrangement, and it is not easy for his son to open up the market abroad, so Xia Zhi didn’t say anything, but her eyes still stayed where she made false accounts. It took a long time to let Lizheng know that he saw his tricks.

Lizheng saw some changes in the expression on his face after Xia Zhi’s gaze stayed in those places, but he adjusted quickly and was still smiling.

After closing the account book in the summer solstice, he opened the cloth bag with the money, counted the money in it, and said: “Okay, I have read everything that I should see. I will go back first. If I find someone to give it to me in the future When I was away, I paid the dividends directly to the Liu family girl. I also mixed shares in their mushroom house and rabbit shed. She is a partner. She has a charter for her work. I have ideas. I am very optimistic about her. It just so happens. I’m busy going out on weekdays, and most of the business matters are handled by her. After she receives the money, she will naturally pass it on to me.”

This cement recipe was given by Liu Wanmiao, and the bonus was naturally given to her. Xia Zhi didn’t want to mix it with it.

“Okay, then I will do what Xia Liehu said in the future.” Lizheng doesn’t know when Liu Wanmiao entered the summer solstice blue eyes, but since Xia Zhi also showed importance to her, he will naturally treat Liu in the future. Wanmiao’s status in the village was further improved.

After supporting Liu Wanmiao in Lizheng, he returned to the mountain with the money in the summer solstice.

After she went back, she told Liu Wanmiao about the matter, and then gave the money to Liu Wanmiao, saying, “This is the dividend of selling cement in the village for more than a year. After all, you took out the recipe, and I’m just responsible. I’ll transfer it to Lizheng for you. I can’t get the money, so I will return it to you. I told him about Lizheng, and I will give you all the money that will be paid to me in the future.”

Liu Wanmiao didn’t expect that there would be such a good thing, and she actually had money to take it, but she had said before that since Fangzi handed it out through Xia Zhi’s hand, she didn’t think about making money for cement.

Anyway, she had more ways to make money in her mind, and she didn’t care about this, so she pushed the money out and said, “If this matter were not for Xia Zhi’s help, I would say it myself. It is estimated that Fangzi would definitely be taken. If you have money to take it, since I borrowed your name, the money will naturally go to you. When I gave out the formula, I didn’t think about taking it. At that time, I said that you can take whatever benefits the recipe will have in the future. Now, how can you take the money? Not hitting me in the face.”

Xia Zhi said: “I just said a few words to do this, and it’s not worth a few dollars. I feel uneasy to accept the money that doesn’t go to me.”

Liu Wanmiao saw that Xia Zhi was indeed unwilling to make money for cement, so he thought about it and said, “That’s OK, I will receive the dividends in the future, but now the money, Xia Zhi, you still I have to take it. I borrowed so much money from you before, but now that I have money, I will pay back some of it.”

She took a look and estimated that the money would not be able to smooth her debts after returning to the Xia Solstice. The cement dividends in the future can also be directly handed over to Xia Zhi as debts. If there is no Xia Zhi’s name to help bluff people, she would have left the house after she left the house. Things can’t go so smoothly.

Since Liu Wanmiao said so, Xia Zhi could only accept the money, and then talked about Lizheng’s son: “Yes, I also asked you a question just now. Lizheng said that his son did something that he did. I don’t know, he will go to communicate with his son. I guess if you ask him for help next time, you won’t have to shut the door.”

This answer was in Liu Wanmiao’s expectation. Even if Lizheng did this, he would not necessarily say it, and it was up to her to ask, and Yuxia to ask, the answer was not necessarily the same, so he got She was too surprised by this answer.

Liu Wanmiao nodded and said, “Okay, I know, thank you for this.”

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