Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 157

Chapter 156 End of the world system 9

The people’s imagination is always very rich. Before the government department has given an answer, they are already guessing whether foreign forces are preparing to attack their country, so they use biological and chemical weapons, so zombies appear.

However, they soon discovered that not only their own country has zombies, but almost all countries have the same situation. There shouldn’t be any country that is so neurotic. When attacking others, they will destroy themselves, right?

Of course, it is not ruled out that this is what terrorist actions are. Therefore, everyone is still in a state of anxiety.

Although the government has come forward, it does not mean that the current situation will improve soon, or that the social atmosphere will immediately become harmonious.

After the government spoke up, soon there was news on the Internet that the people who were zombified could not be saved. Don’t listen to the nonsense of government personnel. You should kill all the zombies as soon as possible. Keep it for yourself. Create danger.

At the end of the post, it was said that zombies will evolve for a period of time, and abilities will appear soon. If you don’t kill them while they are still weak, the lives of ordinary people will be more dangerous in the future.

The post also listed a lot of skills that teach people how to survive, such as what are the characteristics of what level of zombies, and how to deal with them. The content of the post is quite reasonable, and it is well-founded.

People who have read the post think that the issue of zombie evolution and abilities can be aside for now, because everyone thinks it is impossible, but many people respect the idea of ​​killing zombies.

Mainly those who became zombies, their skin lost moisture and dry, and the whole person was as shriveled as a corpse, and it was not saved at first sight.

Suppose these people can really be saved, but they ate people when they mutated. Does the memory of cannibalism exist after being rescued? If they exist, won’t they collapse?

Even if there is no memory of cannibalism after the rescue, the people around the body know that the person has eaten humans, and they will definitely reject those who have mutated. Can these people withstand everyone’s rejection?

Some people simply use themselves as an example, saying that if he himself really becomes a zombie, I hope everyone will kill him before he cannibalize him, then he will be grateful, because he is an individual, has a moral, has a bottom line, and cannot accept it. Devouring the same kind of behavior by yourself.

Those who have said the above all support the proposal to kill the zombies.

But there is also another group of people who disagree with killing zombies, because if these mutated people can be saved, it means that they are still human, and no one can take the lives of others at will, otherwise the whole society will be chaotic.

Those who do not support killing zombies also refuted those who took their own examples, saying that they have not become zombies, so they can stand and talk without backache. If they really have such an idea, then ask them to truly become zombies. When he comes back to the Internet and ask others to kill him.

Those who agreed to kill the zombies immediately launched a counterargument, saying that they couldn’t communicate with other people after they became zombies, so they would say their thoughts now.

There was a quarrel between the two parties, and there were people eating melons and watching the excitement. Soon this post was heated up, arguing that everyone went off topic, and some people began to question the credibility of the government.

Why did such a big event happen? The content of this post was spread everywhere, and people have been incited. Why has the government not responded?

After the mutation, the government seems to be a little weaker, and the response is too slow. The response to this disaster is disappointing.

On the first day of the mutation, there was no news for a whole day. The following utterance was to let the people save themselves first, and wait for the army to rescue at home. They didn’t even say when the army would set off, whether it had set off, or when it would arrive.

Now that these news appeared again, it was contrary to their opinions, but the government departments did not respond.

If the content of this post is false, they should quickly dispel the rumors and don’t pretend to be dead, but if the news is true, please also ask the government to give the people a plausible letter so that they can kill the zombies as soon as possible and avoid giving them alive. People cause harm.

There is also whether the matter of the ability is true, if it is true, how to obtain the ability, and the way to obtain the ability must be explained to the public. If the news of the ability is false, please dispel the rumors in time.

All the people who are alive hope that the government can hurry up and respond to posts about zombie evolution and abilities, because this really concerns the vital interests of many people, and it is not a trivial matter.

It is a pity that the staff of many national departments have mutated, leading to vacancies. Many things are not done. These discordant factors cannot be eliminated immediately, and there is no person who posted this post for the time being.

Many people squeeze under the account with national credibility to inquire, whether there will be the situation described on the Internet, and what should they do now?

Should you kill the zombies or keep the zombies? This issue is really important, because some people have no mutation in their homes, but the neighbor’s house is locked in a dangerous person who can bite at any time. They are also very panicked, OK?

Originally, this post appeared inexplicably. People from the national side were just a rumor post, but there were too many people who consulted, and in the end they could only respond, saying that this matter is still under study, and it is not clear whether the mutated person will evolve. , I cannot give a specific reply for the time being, please do not act impulsively to avoid causing tragedy.

As for the powers mentioned in the post, there is currently no evidence to prove the accuracy of this statement. The country has not found anyone with powers for the time being. This is likely to be a rumor. I hope you calm down and don’t get caught online. Incited by the rumors, do irrational things.

Not long after this remark was released, the person who first proposed zombie evolution and abilities immediately posted another message on his account, this time it was a video.

Soon this video became popular, because it was a group of people with abilities killing zombies.

This group of people were all young people. One of the men waved his hands, and a fireball appeared in the air and flew towards the zombies in front of him, instantly igniting the zombies and burning them to death.

There are also people with abilities that seem to be able to control plants. After he dropped a seed, the seed immediately grew rapidly. The plant that grew out seemed to be alive, twisting around a zombie, and easily twisted it off. Head.

The abilities of this group of young people are diverse, very cool, and the pictures are also very real, and there is no trace of special effects at all.

So as soon as the video came out, the people made a sensation, and they ran to ask the government what’s going on. Didn’t it mean that there was no power? Everyone’s evidence was released.

As evidenced by the new post, the atmosphere on the Internet suddenly became bleak, and everyone was a little disappointed in the government.

It is estimated that the high level of the country will be furious, thinking this person must have come to disrupt the situation, otherwise, when the situation and abilities of the zombies are discovered, why not immediately report the situation and abilities of the zombies, but act secretly in private, and contradict the government’s statement, Maybe it was the foreign forces who wanted to take this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and the zombies thing was probably caused by this group of people.

This conspiracy theory is not only thought by senior officials in the country, but also by many people who watched the video. Although most people envy them for their abilities, more people want to go back to their previous lives.

Because according to the current situation, the way to obtain the power is not universal, otherwise the news should have been spread everywhere yesterday, and it will not be released until today.

With new changes in the social system, more people are more worried.

In the past, when there was no ability, the less money they earned was enough to make their lives very unsatisfactory. Now they have added another ability, and they feel that life is even more hopeless.

The big fist in this world is the last word. If they can’t get the power, then hope that other people also don’t have the power, otherwise I can’t imagine how the world order will change after the power is there.

At the same time, they couldn’t help but start thinking, how did these people obtain supernatural powers? Why is there a sudden ability, is it because they did some human experiment? Was this group of people responsible for this zombie crisis? It should be man-made, otherwise, how could a good person suddenly become a zombie just like the one in the movie, and some people have awakened abilities.

Because there are too many people in conspiracy theories, the video showing the ability is going to be noisy. Most people hope that the country can sanction this group of people. Even if they don’t sanction them, at least the way to obtain the ability should be stated.

The state quickly responded to this video, claiming that the relevant departments have not received any news that people have acquired the power. If the video is not made with special effects, I hope the people in the video will contact the relevant state departments to provide some information The news of the supernatural powers, at this critical juncture, everyone should unite and work together to survive this crisis. If the video is fake, please also ask the netizen who posted the video to delete the video immediately to avoid causing it to others. panic.

Xia Zhi also saw the news on the Internet, thinking that fortunately, she did not reveal her ability, otherwise it is estimated that she would be besieged by people in the community.

Although she is capable of running away, it is more convenient to stay here if she doesn’t have to, because she is used to living here.

If she exposes the abnormality and needs to run away, the children who were left behind after she left will probably not end well. Although she does not need to bear the fate of others on her own body, she has discovered these children since they are destined. , She naturally hopes that they can all be well.

Because I was mentally prepared for a long time, Xia Zhi’s reaction to any news on the Internet was very calm, but the other owners in the community were different.

When the government department first came out to release the news, the owners made a mess, because some people’s zombies had already been killed. The group of people took the government department’s words “Don’t give up every mutated person” and demanded Those who killed their “family” came out to pay for their lives.

There are also some who killed their mutant family members, and wailed in the group after seeing the news.

Those enthusiastic owners who helped people kill zombies felt that they were really dying. They helped each other. Why didn’t this group of people come out to stop themselves and not kill their “family”?

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