Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 167

Chapter 166 End Time System 19

The summer solstice took out the milk powder and the milk bottle from the space, and handed it to Luo Yan and said: “We are divided into two groups now. You won’t unlock, just take care of the children here. First go to boil some water, soak a few more bottles of milk powder, and look in the refrigerator Are there any ice cubes? After soaking, let the bottles cool down. I went to other houses to save people. They just can drink them when they come.”

Luo Yan took the milk powder and said to the bottle: “Okay, you go, I am here waiting for you.”

Xia Zhi turned around and went to other rooms. Without Luo Yan’s obstruction by her side, her speed was much faster.

You don’t need to pretend to listen to the voice, walk directly to your destination, and you don’t need to install a lock pick. People can enter as soon as they reach the door, use the gods to control the rope to tie the zombies and enter the room to take the child out.

This child is relatively old, so he might shut himself up in the room when he noticed danger. There were still snack bags he had leftover in the room.

But the snacks didn’t allow him to support him for so many days, and even now he was so hungry that his hands and feet became weak.

Xia Zhi was worried that the child would have other relatives, so she took a piece of paper and wrote down her address, stating that she rescued the child, then fixed the child on her back with a cloth, and walked to the next house.

Within 30 seconds after arriving, she rescued another child. This time she fixed the child in front of her body, and then went to the next destination. When she came out this time, she held a child in her hand.

Then she entered a house again and came out with a child in her other hand.

The child was already covered with children, and there were no extra hands. Xia Zhi could only go back first and leave the child to Luo Yan to take care of.

As soon as she walked in, Luo Yan saw her exaggerated appearance and couldn’t help but squatted and said, “You are too awkward. Why don’t you bring so many children back at once? You can take your time and not worry.”

He said that he hurried forward to help pick up the children in her hands. These children were so hungry that their hands and feet were soft and their eyes were guilty, and it was really pitiful to let them be at the mercy of the two of them.

“Take good care of them.” Xia Zhi handed over the children to Luo Yan and went out again, sending four children over every once in a while.

Several buildings came down, and a dozen children were also saved. These were all alone at home. She didn’t care about the others accompanied by relatives.

Luo Yan did his best to feed the children milk and water, and borrowed the kitchen of this house to cook a pot of porridge, found some sugar in the refrigerator, and cooked sugar water and porridge for the older children to drink.

After all this tossing, a dozen children only recovered some strength.

The older children who spoke very obediently said, “Thank you, uncle and aunt.”

Xia Zhi and Luo Yan both said, “You are welcome.” Then they asked them if they had any other relatives, and if they remembered the phone.

Because some children didn’t even have mutated zombies at home, it is estimated that the adults went out at the time, and the abnormal changes occurred before they went home. In the end, they couldn’t come back after an accident, leaving only one child at home.

As for those who have zombies at home, she searched the house. As long as they have mobile phones, they all take them away. Now the mobile phones are charging. When the power is turned on, she is going to look through the address book one by one.

These children who have no one in the family can only hope in their memories.

There was an older child who remembered the numbers of other relatives and reported the numbers to Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi used Luo Yan’s cell phone to dial the other party’s number.

The other side was connected, and it went so smoothly. Her eyes lit up and said, “Hello, are you Mu Wei’s grandfather?”

The other party said: “I am his uncle, what’s the matter?”

Xia Zhi said: “That’s it. His parents don’t know where they are going. Now he is alone in the family. Where is your address? We can send the children to you and take care of them by your relatives.”

The people over there paused for a while without speaking, and then said, “Who are you? Are you a national rescuer?”

Xia Zhi said: “No, we are just residents of the nearby community, who came out to help rescue.”

When the man heard that he was not from the country, he immediately said: “Then you don’t have to send it to us. There is something wrong with us, and there is no time to take care of a child. You can take care of the child.”

He hung up after speaking.

Xia Zhi was speechless. Because the speaker was on, the child also heard the words on the other end of the phone, knowing that his relatives didn’t want him, his mind was a bit wronged, and his eyes were red.

Luo Yan and Xia Zhi had no choice but to sigh and touch the child’s head to comfort him.

After the other mobile phones were charged and charged, Xia Zhi and Luo Yan began to make calls through the address book. Most of the calls were unreachable, but one or two were connected.

It is a pity that the other relatives of a child are too far away from here, separated by several provinces.

They are quite willing to accept children over there, but it is a bit difficult to cross several provinces to send them to others, unless the summer solstice is willing to expose their speed.

At this stage, she didn’t have this idea yet, so she could only wait to see if she could find an opportunity to send the child back. She wrote down the other party’s home address.

As for the other call, the other party was unwilling to accept the child, saying that the relationship between their two families was not so good and that they had been separated for many years. Let Xia Zhi and the others go find someone else.

Okay, more than a dozen children can’t be sent home, they can only be taken home.

Luo Yan’s van has 7 seats and can’t take so many people at once. He said distressedly: “Or it’s overloaded once. Anyway, there is no traffic police to check the car.”

Xia Zhi said: “I can’t get so many people in overloaded?”

Luo Yan took a look at the children’s body shapes and said, “It should be fine to squeeze.”

Summer Solstice felt that it was awkward, so he simply made a suggestion: “Well, or else I hold four on my body, and then two older ones, let them walk with me, and the remaining ones can be squeezed.”

When she saved people before, she hung one on her chest and back, and held a child in each hand. She could carry four by herself. She felt that she was better than a van.

When Luo Yan heard that he was about to walk in the summer solstice, he frowned in distress and said, “Ah, no, let’s separate? But I can’t coax the kids. If they cry in the car, I can’t drive.”

Xia Zhi helped him think of a way and said: “Or I will help you tie them all to the seat with a seat belt, so that they won’t be afraid of them disturbing your driving.”

Luo Yan: “This is too cruel, isn’t it?”

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes and said, “Okay, don’t waste time. Send the children in this car back. We have to go and see if there are any children in need of help elsewhere.”

There are also several residential buildings nearby, and several residential buildings. I don’t know if others will lend a hand to help the child who has lost a loved one. It depends on the situation.

In the summer solstice, there were only two seats in the speeding car, which could not hold many people. Otherwise, she would definitely drive the speeding car by herself to save people everywhere. The speed was faster. Now there is no way but to follow Luo Yan slowly.

Luo Yan also knew that this was the only way for the time being, so he finally agreed to Xia Zhi’s suggestion to fix the children in their seats, so as to prevent them from disturbing their driving in the car.

Even if the summer solstice brought six children manually, the members of Luo Yan’s car were still overloaded.

But now the situation is special, and it is impossible to pay attention to driving safety. After handling the children, he started the car and walked back, Xia Zhi also took the six children to the direction of the community slowly.

They are not far from here. Luo Yan used to drove along the road. Now in the summer solstice, he is walking with his children and can go straight back through the building. It is not as round as the road, it is half the distance.

When she walked to the gate of the community, Luo Yan had just sent the children up and was about to go out to pick up the summer solstice when she saw her coming from a distance.

Luo Yan stopped to take the child in her hand and said, “You are walking too fast.”

Xia Zhi handed the child to him and said, “You are also very fast.”

Luo Yan said: “That’s because I asked Yu Wen to come down to help, otherwise I would definitely not be able to get up by myself.”

Many of the children in the car were too young. He was not as good as the summer solstice. He could hang four on his body at a time, so he could only send them one by one, but he didn’t dare to leave only the children in the car because he was worried that something would happen to them. I can only trouble Yu Wen to come down to help and carry the child up.

Even with the help of other people, his speed was not very fast, because Yu Wen didn’t dare to take the elevator, for fear of being trapped by the power outage, he walked the stairs one by one.

They live on the ninth floor, holding a child, and the stairs are not so easy to climb.

“It turned out to be like this.” After listening to Luo Yan’s explanation, Xia Zhi nodded expressionlessly and said that she knew.

Because the summer solstice was also back, Luo Yan took the child upstairs with her this time.

After walking to the ninth floor, Luo Yan was panting, but the breath of the summer solstice did not change at all. He had to sigh that he was really too weak. He was holding a child, and it was no better than the summer solstice with three children on him. .

Pushing open the security door, Luo Yan suddenly remembered something and said: “We have to go to Yu Wen’s house later. The children he helped bring up before have brought their own homes, saying that because our children dare not open the door to let strangers in, so He can’t send the child to our house.”

It is probably the words she said before she left in the morning that made the children remember. Xia Zhi smiled and said, “Oh, it’s good. The children have a high awareness of vigilance. It’s good. It’s worthy of praise.”

Xia Solstice took out the key to open the door. The children seemed to rush to the door because they heard the sound of opening the door. As soon as she pushed the door, she saw a few small faces.

Of course Ye Xuanzhi walked in the forefront. He had the brightest smile and shouted happily: “Auntie, you are back… come… now.”

Seeing several children hanging on Xia Zhi’s body, his smile suddenly collapsed, and his voice instantly became weak.

why? Why did someone come to grab his aunt again?

But he was a strong kid, he didn’t cry at the first time, he just squashed his mouth.

Xia Zhi didn’t know that his inner drama was so complicated. He walked into the house and put down his hands while talking to the children: “I heard that the uncle next door knocked on the door, but none of you opened the door. ?”

“Got it,” the children said.

Ye Xuanzhi squeezed to Xia Zhi’s legs, looked at the newly joined members, and asked bitterly: “Auntie, who are they?”

Xia Zhi said: “They are the children that Auntie rescued today. Everyone will live together in the future. You must get along well.”

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