Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 60s 22

After returning home from the summer solstice, she borrowed a bucket from Aunt Ma next door, went to the river to fetch water, took a shower in the new bathroom, and began to practice.

When the work gong was about to ring, someone suddenly knocked on her door. When Xia Zhi opened the door, it was Xue Zhuangzi.

When Xue Zhuangzi saw her, he said, “Dr. Xia, we have prepared the table and chair you asked for yesterday. Now move you to the clinic?”

Xia Zhi was surprised: “So fast?” Is this speed a rocket?

Xue Zhuangzi said with a silly smile: “The tables and chairs are not difficult to make, and they are not complicated. The five of our brothers and my dad are together. I went back last night and worked hard for two hours.”

“That’s okay, please help me move to the clinic right now, I’ll go over and open the door.” Xia Zhi said.

The captain of the small house key next to the ancestral hall gave her to her yesterday. Xia Zhi returned to the house and took the key and opened the door. After a while, he saw the brothers Xue Zhuangzi carrying a table and a chair.

“Just put it here.” Xia Zhi pointed to a place for them to put the table.

They put the things in the designated place on the summer solstice and said: “The beds you want can be prepared tonight. If the medicine cabinet has more drawers, it is a bit of trouble. It should be delivered in a few days.”

“Okay, thank you. Actually, you don’t have to be in such a hurry. You can do it when you have time. You are so tired during the day, but you still have to take a good rest at night. If you get sick because of hurrying work, it won’t be good.” Xia Zhi said.

At this time, she was eating poorly, dressed poorly, and had to do so much physical work every day. In case she was tired and fell ill in order to help her make a cabinet, Xia Zhi would feel guilty, because she was really not in a hurry for what she needed. I know few herbs, and I don’t know where to dig if I want to dig. I don’t need a medicine cabinet for now.

Xue Zhuangzi said: “If you are not tired, how can you be tired? We are all full of energy now. The chairman has said that one day is equal to 20 years, and communism is in front of us. I wonder if a day is 20 years, which one Isn’t the night time ten years? How much can be done, and it can’t be wasted. Besides, it is the members of the entire production team that benefit from the construction of the clinic. It is not just Dr. Xia’s responsibility, this is the responsibility of our entire production team. Major events must not be delayed. Although I am not a scholar and can’t speak great principles, I will definitely put the brigade business ahead of my personal affairs. Therefore, I can rest assured when I’m done with the brigade business.”

Summer Solstice: “…”

She forgot that this is an era in which everyone puts collective interests ahead of personal interests. The people of the whole country have inexhaustible strength and they are thinking about production. It is not that after generations, everyone is watching TV and using mobile phones in the evening. The age of salted fish lying down.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi could only nod his head and shout a few slogans, praising him for his high mental consciousness, and Xue Zhuangzi grinned silly by her praise.

After the brothers Xue Zhuangzi arranged the tables and chairs, they went to work in the fields.

With a table and a chair, the health room can be used. When I go back to the summer solstice, I will bring a few medical books and put them in the drawer of the table. From today on, she will work here.

Because the ancestral hall was some distance away from her house, I was worried that other villagers didn’t know that she had changed places. During the summer solstice, he even ran to inform the team leader and asked the team leader to inform the members. Please come to the clinic of the ancestral hall to see her in the future. , Don’t go to her house, save you time.

The captain said that he knew, and then rang a few times in the village with the sound of the gong, saying that the hut next to the ancestral hall would later be the village clinic. If the members wanted to see a doctor in the future, remember to go to the ancestral hall to find Dr. Xia.

After finishing the summer solstice, I went back to the clinic, took out the medical books I hadn’t finished reading, and continued reading.

The reason why she used her spiritual knowledge and looked so slow was because she had to study carefully, for fear that she would be quick to read and remember the knowledge points incorrectly. These are life-critical things, and she dare not sloppy.

After eating at noon, the captain found Xia Zhi and said, “Doctor Xia, I have already had a meeting with several other captains. I have negotiated the time for the other groups to popularize health knowledge. You will go to Marao Village tonight. Let the brigade popularize it. You didn’t know the road when you first came, and then let Erzhuzi drive you by in a bullock cart.”

“Okay, I see. Thank you, Captain. I will definitely complete the popularization work and promise to complete the task.” Xia Zhi said.

In the next few days, she went to work in the clinic during the day. When no patients came, she went to the mountain to chop wood, made a few wooden bowls and gave it to the next door to Xue Sixi’s house. By the way, she chopped some bamboo and moved the house. The dirt floor of the house was paved again, and the old house was cleaned up and looked elegant.

Originally, during the summer solstice, I wanted to make a wooden barrel by myself and use it to take a bath at night, but after Xue Zhuangzi didn’t know where he heard her idea, he brought a wooden barrel to her the next day and was shocked.

This bucket is unwilling to accept this bucket during the summer solstice. No merit will be gained. The furniture in the clinic belongs to the brigade. The brigade gave the money and she can accept it. But this bucket, Xue Zhuangzi was given to her personally. How could she? What about it?

Everyone’s life is not easy at this time, and a barrel can sell for several dollars, but she has no money on her, and there is no way to give him money as her own purchase, so she is unwilling to accept this barrel.

As a result, Xue Zhuangzi refused to take the bucket back, saying that if Xia Zhi did not want the bucket, he would throw it away, and then threw the bucket in the health room. People ran away and Xia Zhi had no choice but to accept it.

I don’t know how to repay this favor in the future. As for when her family is sick and come to see a doctor, she will pay a little less medical expenses as a repayment. She can’t think like this in her heart. If she doesn’t think so, she will curse people quietly in her heart.

This incident also made Xia less troublesome for at least a while, because she was really busy. During the day, she looked for minor illnesses. At night, when she was almost off work, she rode an ox cart to other production teams to popularize patriotic hygiene. Knowledge, life is very leisurely and orderly.

The day after she finished her popularization work, Xue Laosan, who took Xue Dazhuang to the county to treat injuries, finally returned.

When Xia Zhi heard the villagers talking about this incident, she suddenly remembered Xue Laosan’s strange wife, but she did not watch, but continued to do her own thing.

But she didn’t find someone, it doesn’t mean that others won’t find her.

After hearing the gossip of Xue Lao San’s family during the summer solstice, he went back to his clinic and picked up his diary to prepare for his work plan.

She has just finished the popularization of hygiene knowledge, and has been idle for these two days. She is thinking of finding time to report to the town, and she will go to the bookstore or the recycling station to find out if there is any “Compendium of Materia Medica” and learn some knowledge about herbs. To dig herbs.

While busy making plans during the summer solstice, Xue Laosan’s wife went to the clinic.

Because the clinic is facing all the members of the Xue Shantou brigade, it is not closed at ordinary times. After Xue Lao San’s wife came in, she silently stared at Xia Solstice.

The summer solstice was seen inexplicably, she asked: “This comrade, please sit down, where are you uncomfortable?”

Ma Xiaomei looked at the hygienist in front of her with a complicated expression. It is said that she was the daughter Xue Laogou sent away more than ten years ago, but…the Xue Shantou brigade did not show up in her previous life.

Yes, the last life!

Ma Xiaomei was the one who died once.

She is a member of the Ma Laozhuang brigade next door. She is patriarchal in her family. After her parents desperately gave birth to seven daughters, the eighth finally gave birth to a son.

Although the parents prefer sons to daughters, because Ma Xiaomei was their first child, when they were just born, they still had a little parental love and motherly love, so they loved her for a while.

When the second sister was born, the parents were a little unhappy, but at this time there were only two children in the family, and they were not in a hurry, so the attitude towards the two sisters was acceptable.

But when the third younger sister was born, Ma Xiaomei’s parents were finally consumed by the little bit of love by the daughters who were born one after another. Therefore, the next few younger sisters were either drowned or given away as soon as they were born.

At that time, Little Sister Ma had already started to remember. Seeing that her sisters were sent away as soon as they were born, she was reluctant to die, but unfortunately she was just a child, or a girl with no status, and she didn’t have any at home. She has the right to speak, she dare not speak out to stop her parents’ actions, because she is afraid that she will be sent away, so she can only watch all this happen in silence.

Ma Xiaomei is a girl, even the eldest, enjoys a little parental love and maternal love, but that little love can’t match the reality, she has been asked to work since she can remember.

Because the family was too poor, the parents did not marry their daughter early like the others in the brigade, but wanted to keep her for a few more years to earn work points at home, so she hadn’t married yet when she was twenty.

This time I was married to his dead wife, Xue Laosan, an old man with five oil bottles, because his younger brother was about to get married, and the number of gifts from his sister’s family was too great, and their family couldn’t afford to give them. Originally, the family didn’t agree with the person Ma Xiaodi talked with himself, but Ma Xiaodi had to live at home, and his parents had no choice but to find a way to make money for Ma Xiaodi, so he took a fancy to Xue Laosan.

Xue Lao San’s conditions are not good. With so many drag oil bottles, it is difficult for the stepmother to do it. If she doesn’t give a little more gift, which girl is willing to come and serve such a big family with exhaustion, even if he is out. This colorful gift, no one wants to marry him.

Originally, the parents of the Ma family didn’t like Xue Laosan. Although their girl was older, she was still a big girl. Even if they were unreliable, they still wanted face. They didn’t want their daughter to be the stepmother of five children. However, little brother Ma was making too much noise at home, and if he didn’t promise him, he would really jump into the river, so Ma’s parents had no choice but to hit her on her, and directly accepted Xue Laosan’s betrothal gift, and the deal was settled. marriage.


Xiaomei Ma was born again on the day she just married to Xue Laosan’s house. During the time when she was just married in her previous life, she had been making trouble for a long time, but she couldn’t get away even if she wanted to run. Xue Laosan spent such a big gift, how could it be possible? Money is floating.

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