Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 321

Chapter 320 Misty 1

After Xia Zhi was kicked out of the last world, she breathed a sigh of relief, because she almost thought that she could not leave that world.

If she stayed in that world forever, she didn’t know how long she would need to cultivate her beliefs before she could truly ascend.

But she was a little worried that even if she cultivated to the extreme, she might not be able to ascend, because the power system of that world might not have an ascendant system, and then she could only die of that world, which would be too miserable.

Alas, so the matter of being kicked out of the world is just like the aunt, irritable when I come, and worried if I don’t come.

It seems that she still has to think about it, to understand what the reason for her being dismissed by the world consciousness is.

She felt that she had almost figured out the rules of each kick, and it might have something to do with the protagonists of those worlds.

Is it because she wants the protagonist to dislike herself so that she will be disgusted by the world?

But it doesn’t seem to be right, because in some worlds she has a good relationship with the protagonists. It is impossible for them to be different from each other, acting like her, but secretly disgusting her in their hearts.

Xia Zhizhi thinks that his vision of seeing people is not so bad. Every world will encounter plastic sisterhood, so it must be because of other opportunities.

Just when the summer solstice hadn’t come up with a reason, Space found a world that could be invaded and plunged into it with her head.

Feeling the familiar space transition, Xia Zhiyan quickly took out the invisibility talisman from the storage ring and stuck it on her body.

After she stood still, she discovered that this world was still an ordinary technological world, and the level of technological development was similar to that of the previous world.

Xia Zhi first strolled around on the road and found that everything was normal and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. There was no special situation, so she found a place to remove the invisibility talisman, and then went to get an ID card in a familiar way.

After getting the temporary ID card, Xia Zhi found an agent to rent a house.

Considering that she almost couldn’t leave the last world, Xia Zhi felt that she was in this world and might need to make arrangements from the beginning, and at the right time, let the world consciousness hate herself and kick her away.

But what is she going to do?

In the last world, she almost made mistakes because of her lack of a diploma. This world certainly cannot sell prescriptions recklessly.

Xia Zhi remembered his identity as a sacred stick, or just be a sacred stick in this world, so that no matter what unreasonable things happen, they will all be turned away from the master.

Thinking in this way, Xia Zhi went online to search the history of the world, including religion, and began to do his homework.

Confirming that some developments in this world are similar to her source world, she closed the webpage at the summer solstice and turned her vestments into robes, thinking that tomorrow she would make a flag for fortune-telling and go to the street to tell people fortune-telling.

However, before pretending to be a **** stick, he first refined the power of faith absorbed in the previous world.

After the summer solstice refining the power of faith, a thick mist was found outside the window.

The fog was about to condense into a solid substance. With the eyesight of the summer solstice, she couldn’t see through. She opened a window and stretched her hand into the fog, and her hand was immediately submerged by the fog.

Is industrial pollution in this world that serious? Why is it so foggy suddenly?

During the summer solstice, immediately close the window and feel the aura of this world, which is similar to the previous world. It is estimated that this is the case in the world of technological development.

The fog was so dense that Xia Zhi didn’t want to find something for myself, so I didn’t plan to go out, so I just opened the website to read the news.

There is a red fog warning from the Bureau of Meteorology on the webpage, reminding residents to pay attention to safety when traveling. Even schools have been asked to suspend classes because the visibility is really too low.

It was only then discovered at the summer solstice that the fog had already appeared for two days, and I don’t know when it would disappear. The weather forecast didn’t say that it should not dissipate in the short term.

The environment in this world is too bad, right? The summer solstice while spitting out the news.

After scanning the news for a while, she found that there were a lot of missing reports on the Internet, and many netizens were asking if there was a way to dispel the fog.

Because the fog is too heavy, there is no way to drive on the road. The subway can run, but some places are not accessible to the subway, and the taxi cannot be taken without the bus. They cannot go to work. They have taken two consecutive days of leave. If this continues , I will lose my job.

The government also responded by sending helicopters to eliminate the fog, so please stay calm.

After reading the news on the summer solstice, knowing that the fog would disappear soon, she began to search for materials in her space, preparing to make a banner, and when the fog was gone, she squatted on a sky bridge and worked as a **** stick to earn some money.

It’s a pity that after she finished the shrewd banners, the fog was still there.

At this time, the atmosphere on the Internet began to be a little bit wrong, because more and more people were missing.

Although there is fog everywhere, which causes inconvenience, many people cannot go to work and school, but they still have to eat.

In modern cities, few people hoard a lot of food at once, especially green vegetables. Fresh vegetables are only bought on the same day when they want to eat. They only buy one day’s amount each time. Next time they want to eat them before going out to buy them.

Of course, more migrant workers are lazy even to open fire at home, go directly to the restaurant, and it is even more impossible to stay at home every day.

The fog came suddenly this time, and most people had no food left at home, so they would definitely need to go out to eat or order a takeaway.

Some of these missing persons were social animals who had to go out to work, some were housewives who went out to buy vegetables, and some were people who went out to eat. Without exception, they never appeared again when they walked into the fog.

There were not many people missing at the beginning, and the missing time was not long. Family members or people living with them thought they might be delayed outside, but they didn’t go home for a few days and couldn’t get in touch. It was a bit strange.

With more and more news of missing persons, the city began to panic.

Because at present, only their city is foggy, and the outside world is still normal. Everyone is thinking that if this continues, they can only leave here.

But what should the locals do if the migrants can leave? It is impossible to give up everything here and start over in another city. Just the house is a problem.

Many people rushed to the city’s police official account to question their work, so many people are missing, should they be sent out to look for them.

But the police are now in a state of desperation. Those people do not need to go to work because of the fog, but they still need to be on duty.

However, this thick fog is too evil. Not only ordinary residents have disappeared, but some of the police officers sent by the police to find those missing have also disappeared, which has made the already tense police even more inadequate.

They also issued a notification about the police’s disappearance. They still couldn’t suppress the anger of the people, and they still felt that they were not doing anything.

Xia Zhi also found it strange. She had checked the information on the Internet and found that this city is not a foggy city.

Although there used to be heavy fog in the morning during the change of seasons in autumn and winter, it was very short-lived, and it was never like this time. The fog raged for several days and did not disappear.

She opened the glass window again, and the fog immediately penetrated into the window and poured into the room. After a while, it filled the whole room, and there was a blank piece of white in front of her, even the furniture was invisible.

This is abnormal.

During the summer solstice, a breeze technique was applied to blow out all the mist that ran into the house. The windows were not closed. After a while, the house was filled with mist again.

After the mist entered the room this time, she closed the window, and the mist that ran in was shut in the house.

She blew it twice with a breeze technique, and found that the mist had not disappeared, and it still filled the entire room.

Too wrong, this is not ordinary fog at all.

The formation of fog requires sufficient water vapor, mild wind, excessive wind speed and strong stirring, and the fog will disappear. The summer solstice breeze has been stirred twice, and the fog in a room is still there, indicating that this is not fog at all.

Because the unknown objects in this room cannot be dispelled, the window can only be opened during the summer solstice to drive out the white gas, and then the window is closed again.

Because it was found that there was a problem with the fog, Xia Zhi logged on to the Internet again to inquire about this.

Not long before the fog formed, the official said that a helicopter was sent to disperse the fog, but there seems to be no news later, did they also find that the fog cannot be dispelled?

It is estimated that this is the case, because these unidentified gases cannot be dissipated, and they have not studied the problem, and probably dare not let the people know, it will cause panic at that time.

Just when the summer solstice took out the invisibility charm and wanted to fly to the sky to check the source of the fog, the fog suddenly disappeared.

She was cultivating when the mist appeared, and did not find out what was going on, but she was fortunate to witness the moment the mist disappeared.

As if the tide is low, the whole sky suddenly cleans up.

The mist faded very quickly, and it was too late for people to react.

This time the fog appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

But the fog finally disappeared, and everyone was relieved.

I couldn’t do anything for five days.

After the dense fog disappeared, the atmosphere in the community immediately became active.

The fog was too heavy a few days ago and everyone did not dare to go out, because the fog ran away from the house as soon as the door was opened, which was very difficult to expel.

The summer solstice also walked out of the room, wanting to walk outside.

When I walked to the open space downstairs, I suddenly heard someone say: “Oh, what kind of wicked ghost is this who has broken all the green trees. Shouldn’t we have to pay for it?”

“I don’t know, the fog was so heavy a few days ago, it is estimated that the surveillance did not capture it.

“Walk around, hurry up, so you don’t have to wait until the people on the property side think we brought it down.”

The group of people murmured and cursed the person who had broken the green trees in the community without a moral heart, and hurriedly left the place.

Xia Zhi followed the voices of these aunts and found that there was indeed a mess of greenery in a community, several trees in the landscape were broken, and the flowers and plants nearby were also messed up.

She walked over and took a closer look, and found some traces on the trunk, which seemed to have been broken by a strong blow.

But here is not far from her house, if anyone breaks these trees, she can’t miss the sound.

So what is going on with this tree?

There was doubt in Xia Zhi’s heart, so I checked around and wondered if I could find any unusual places here, and some staff from the community property came over.

It is estimated that those residents found that the greenery here was destroyed, so they reported it.

The property staff saw the summer solstice here, and saw the mess of greenery on the ground, and asked: “What are you doing here?”

Xia Zhi said: “I just came downstairs and heard some aunts say that the tree here has fallen down, so come and take a look.”

The property did not suspect that these things were caused by the summer solstice. He looked at the crumbling branches after the break, waved his hand and said, “Okay, it’s dangerous now. Don’t come here if there is nothing wrong. If the tree hits us, we have to lose money. Stay away. This is messing up, go now.”

“Okay.” Xia Zhi did not force to stay, nodded and left here.

When she came back upstairs, she was still thinking about what made those green plants like this, but she couldn’t think of a reason.

After dinner, the summer solstice lay on the sofa and read the news again.

After a few days of heavy fog, so many things have happened. Now that the fog has faded, there must be many new news on the Internet.

Sure enough, after opening the webpage, Xia Solstice saw many netizens sending out some foggy photos.

Distorted bus stop signs, crooked telephone poles, and even cracked building walls. The most frightening thing is that there are human stumps.

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