Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 379

Chapter 378 Global Freeze 1

When the summer solstice was kicked out of the last world, I was confused.

In the two worlds she encountered recently, the way she left was different from the conclusions she had made before.

Could it be that the condition for her to be excluded from the world is not the only way to be discovered by the protagonist?

Xia Zhi couldn’t understand it, but she didn’t have time to think about it. She had already entered a new world.

The moment she entered the new world, the invisibility talisman was attached to the summer solstice. Before she had time to observe the surrounding environment, she felt that something was wrong, and she felt that the air around her was a little cool.

Xia Solstice is now at a high level of cultivation, and has long been able to not invade the cold and heat in ordinary weather. It has been a long time that she has not felt this kind of situation that made herself feel a little cold.

She thought about this, and then looked intently, and found that there was an ice and snow all around, and there were ice ridges hanging outside the houses on the roadside.

Look at the style of the houses and the infrastructure on the road. This should be a modern technological society similar to the previous world, but the outside of the building seems a bit dilapidated.

There are not many pedestrians on the road, they are all wearing thick clothes, they are unusually bloated, walking deep and shallow in the snow.

Listening to the sound of the cold wind whistling in my ears, the Xia solstice extended my spiritual sense, and I wanted to find a place to take the invisibility talisman.

She was going to walk around and see what the world was like.

Walking in the snow with an invisibility talisman will leave footprints. If other people see the empty place in front of them and keep taking footprints, they might think they will be haunted.

If she doesn’t want to leave footprints, she can only use her spiritual power, which is too wasteful.

As for using a speeding car, it is even more impossible. The speeding car of the summer solstice is not designed to cope with this extreme cold mode. She is afraid of breaking the speeding car.

Alas, why didn’t I expect to encounter such a situation when I bought a speed car?

Xia solstice complained about herself and began to look for public toilets. Unfortunately, it is a pity that this world is rather special. She did not find a public toilet.

But seeing the weather is so cold, there are icy ridges everywhere, equipment such as the sky eye should have been useless long ago?

So at the end of the summer solstice, I found a dead corner of the building, hid in, took the invisibility talisman, and transformed the vestment into what I saw on the road. Pedestrians wore the thick coat style and took out a scarf in the storage space. , I walked out of that corner after wrapping my head and neck.

In the summer solstice, I learned that passers-by walked with a deep foot and a shallow foot, walking crookedly on the road, by the way, poke the spiritual knowledge into the light brain, see if they can connect to the wireless network, and go online to see what the world is going on.

It’s really good to be able to test the divine consciousness smoothly in this world. I didn’t dare to use any ability in the last world, but she was suffocated to death.

However, she did not find any available wireless network signals, probably because of the bad weather, which may have a big impact on the wireless signal.

Because I couldn’t find the Internet, I couldn’t surf the Internet, the summer solstice was gone, and I could only learn about the world through other methods.

Originally, she wanted to find a passer-by to ask where the police station was, but she didn’t know if there was any unexpected setting in the world. In the end, Xia Solstice decided to observe and make a decision first, and not to ask someone for questioning for the time being.

After making the decision, she walked a long distance on the road and was delighted to find that there was a fried chicken fast food restaurant in front of her, so she hurriedly pushed in.

The shop is especially warm, and a gust of hot wind blows across your face.

There is heating here.

Probably because of the heating, there are a lot of people coming to check the heating, so there are a lot of people in the shop, and it’s bustling.

After all, this is a service place, and the waiters are not good at rushing people, so they can only let those who don’t eat eat the heating in the store.

After Xia Zhi entered the store, I couldn’t find any vacancies. I could only learn from those people and find a place to stand in a corner. Then I saw a sign with a wireless network signal hung on the wall in the store.

Xia Zhi immediately happily entered the WiFi account and password on the optical brain, and finally connected to the Internet.

After surfing the Internet, she was taken aback by the weather temperature displayed on the web page, which was actually negative 87 degrees, which is too cold, right?

Xia Zhi remembers the lowest temperature she has seen in other worlds, it seems to be the Antarctic, and the world record is more than 90 degrees negative.

But Antarctica is not inhabited by people, and the temperature is not at all low, but in the summer solstice, seeing so many buildings around the roadside and so many people in this shop, you know that this is definitely not a no-man’s land.

How can you live in such a cold place?

The summer solstice looks at the time on the Internet, it is August 15th, more than one in the afternoon.

She glanced at the sky outside, which was gloomy and particularly uncomfortable.

Because I don’t know if this world is similar to the world I’ve been in before, Xia Zhi first checked the world map, and then checked the map of the city, and found that this is a world similar to her source world.

This city is still a southern city traversed by the Tropic of Cancer, but the temperature outside is too low.

In the hottest season of the year, the temperature is almost one hundred degrees below zero, which is not the temperature that a southern city should have.

And if the temperature in this world has been so low, the houses on the roadside must not be like this.

Because it is not easy to build so many high-floor houses in such a cold place, it is difficult to lay the foundation alone. In addition, considering the altitude cooling and air convection will affect the warmth of the house, it is impossible to build a house. So high.

So the temperature shouldn’t be so low before, right? With these doubts, Xia Zhi began to search historical weather and temperature, hoping to obtain some information from the Internet to support his conjecture.

She flipped through the historical temperature and found that it was so.

About half a year ago, everything in this world was similar to the ordinary modern world that had been in the summer solstice.

But suddenly from a certain day, the planet did not know what was wrong, the temperature began to drop sharply, and soon the whole world was living in a bitter winter.

Scientists all over the world are studying what happened to their parent star, and such a huge change has suddenly occurred.

In the end, it was discovered that humans had caused too much damage to the earth’s environment, and finally broke the balance of a livable environment for humans, triggering a series of consequences, and finally leading to a sharp drop in temperature.

People all over the world are very anxious and want to solve this dilemma, but it is a pity that it is easy to destroy the environment, but it is difficult to rebuild.

Human beings are very fragile creatures. If it were not for coincidences that a suitable environment appeared on the earth, they would be born.

In the eyes of mankind, many inevitable things are actually a kind of accident. If it weren’t for this kind of accident, maybe the ruler of the planet is still the dinosaur.

The humans on this planet, after thinking that they have dominated the earth for thousands of years, are finally about to pay for their arrogance.

Xia Zhi didn’t expect that this world, which was so similar to his own source world, would move in this way.

After checking the weather information, the summer solstice began to watch other news.

She started looking at the time when the temperature began to drop. At first, because it was still winter, everyone didn’t know that the future development would become so uncontrollable. She just thought it might be a rare super cold winter in so many years, so she didn’t have much reaction. .

It’s just that as time gets closer and closer to spring, the temperature gets lower and lower, until it gets too low, that arouses everyone’s surprise.

This temperature is not right.

But they couldn’t prevent the temperature from falling, so it dropped all the way to summer, if it was already minus 90 degrees.

Many people in the middle panic, because the temperature is so low, many industries will be affected, especially the planting industry. At such a low temperature, many plants are not cold-resistant.

As a country with a large population that loves to eat, this temperature is expected to cause famine soon.

Fortunately, the country took action in time to stabilize law and order.

It is too simple to solve this problem because there is no other natural disasters alone to cool down.

The houses in the north already have collective heating. When it is determined that the temperature will not rise, the houses in the south are also arranged for collective heating.

As for those villages that are too remote and inconvenient for power supply and transportation, people are also arranged to pick them up and resettle them in a unified manner.

All of this is proceeding in an orderly manner, but because of the continuous cooling, the too low temperature still makes many people unable to survive, and many people have died one after another in the past six months.

People who do not have enough physical fitness can hardly survive. Some netizens on the Internet joked that this is a great cleansing of human evolution.

People’s panic about food is actually very easy to solve. As long as there is electricity, it can be grown indoors.

The country began to encourage everyone to engage in vertical farms, and soon everyone was doing enthusiastic work.

In addition, the country has also begun to vigorously research the cold resistance of plants, and the Internet has been continuously releasing news to tell everyone the research results of cold-resistant plants.

The food and housing heating problems have been solved, but there are still many living problems that are very inconvenient.

For example, in such a cold day, it is very difficult to solve the problem of going to work and school. The subway is okay. The subway is underground and there is heating. It is not so cold and runs normally.

But not every place has a subway. Ordinary cars are not started at all in this environment, and the city’s traffic is almost paralyzed, which causes a lot of trouble for people who go to work and school.

The latter states uniformly stipulate that online classes can be used to go to school. As for the problem of going to work, those who can work at home through the Internet, all work at home, and those who cannot work at home, the low temperature subsidy will be increased, and the other is to improve the transportation.

In the low temperature environment, the maintenance cost of using private transportation becomes higher, and many people are thinking about using large dogs to pull the sled, which is more convenient when you want to be far away from home.

For a while, large dogs with thick fur are very popular.

During the summer solstice, I saw that many people on the Internet shared the secrets of keeping a dog.

As for why sleds are pulled by dogs instead of people sledging themselves, it is naturally because this kind of weather is too cold for humans.

In this cold weather, you cannot do vigorous exercise outdoors, because the cold air penetrates through the gaps in the clothes, the sweat will freeze quickly, the clothes will stick to the body and cannot be taken off, and it is easy to get sick.

Everyone envy those animals with thick fur, because they are not afraid of the cold and can run and jump outside.

Since the temperature dropped, everyone can only do activities at home, and it’s been a long time since I did outdoor sports.

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