Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 43

Chapter 42 60s 42

Because Liu Ganmei was not arranged by the above to cut the queue, but she applied for it herself. This is very strange. When everyone wants the urban household registration to eat commodity food, some people voluntarily give up the urban household registration and go to the countryside. It must be broken.

Liu Ganmei sneered: “Where can commercial food be so delicious? I don’t have a job in the town. I wait for that bit of food to renew my life every month. When my grandfather was still alive, he would try to get me some food. Yes, now he has passed away. If he hadn’t left a lot of things for me to sell after his death, I could find someone to exchange for high-priced food, I would be starving to death.”

Speaking of Liu Ganmei, she is also very pitiful. Her grandma was not in good health, but when she was pregnant with her father, she had an accident. Later, Grandma Liu desperately gave birth to her son and died. Dad Liu was originally in the womb. It’s not very good. She has been sick since she was born. If Grandpa Liu is an old Chinese medicine doctor, it is estimated that her father will survive.

Dad Liu can live to the age of marrying a wife and having children. It is also the result of Grandpa Liu’s efforts to treat him. Unfortunately, his physique is too poor. Even if Grandpa Liu has been working hard, he can’t keep him. He is in Liu Gan Meisan. He died when he was 10 years old.

Liu Ganmei’s luck is good. He has not inherited the junk physique of his father and grandma. She is as good as a cow. She may have followed her mother. Of course, it may be due to her grandfather, because her grandfather has been giving her a drink when she was a child. Medicine, it is not clear what the medicine is for, her grandfather did not say, so there may be many reasons for her good health.

As for why Liu Ganmei applied to go to the countryside on her own this time, the reason is a bit complicated, and it has something to do with the relatives and family of her mother and grandfather.

In modern terms, Liu Ganmei’s mother is a demon who helps her brother. Normal people really love her daughter. Who will let her daughter marry a sick child who doesn’t know how to live for several years? Anyway, her mother wants her younger brother to marry. My daughter-in-law, married to Liu’s family after taking a large gift from Grandpa Liu.

Grandpa Liu knew that Mother Liu’s family was not a good thing. After giving the bride price, he said to her mother-in-law that this daughter-in-law would be weaned from her family after marrying back. He was not allowed to find excuses to go to their home to fight the autumn wind.

Mother Liu’s family also said in a disdainful tone, rest assured, they would definitely not recognize this daughter. Looking at this world, if they recognize this daughter, they might be dragged down by Grandpa Liu’s family one day.

Grandpa Liu was very hard to say before, but it was a pity that Mother Liu had only been married for more than three years, and Dad Liu died. He could not keep a flower-old daughter-in-law to let her be a widow, so Mother Liu was summoned by her natal family. When I went back, I took a large gift to another brother in my natal family to marry a daughter-in-law. She married again, this time to a 40-year-old man in the countryside with a few oil bottles.

And why Liu Ganmei’s grandma’s family said that they were worried about being affected by Liu’s grandfather’s family? It was because of the special composition of Liu’s grandfather’s family.

As for how special his identity is, I have to talk about the ancestors of Grandpa Liu’s family. His family’s ancestors used to be an imperial doctor. The imperial doctor was good enough. They don’t know how to farm, so they rent the land to tenant farmers cheaply, so that these tenant farmers can help them with the fields, grow grain and herbs.

Just because they hire tenant farmers to farm land, it makes them a bit embarrassed to say that they are landlords. The land they own is much less than those of big landlords. The main reason is that the site of Hongxing Town is not large, and the imperial doctor wants to get it. I can’t get too much land, and my main occupation is still a doctor. I usually treat my fellow villagers to see a doctor. I can’t let the doctor give up my skills in medical treatment and go farming by myself. It’s a little overkill, so it’s definitely necessary. Hire someone to help farm.

But if they are not landlords, why should they lease the land to others and hire poor peasants to grow the land? Both those who have no land or those employed by the Liu family are poor peasants.

The chairman once said that “poor peasants are tenant peasants in the countryside and are exploited by landlords.” The behavior of Grandpa Liu’s family renting land to poor peasants and exploiting them is not the behavior of landlords.

Fortunately, not everyone in every place is so inhuman. The reason why Grandpa Liu’s family has not been criticized is to thank the people in Red Star Town. They are not so rigid in their minds, and they know gratitude in their hearts.

These credits are mainly due to the fact that most of the people in the town have been treated by Grandpa Liu’s family. It doesn’t matter whether the disease is big or small. Since they have been favored by others, naturally they can’t throw their benefactors over the wall, so they just I don’t know that Liu’s family used to be a small landlord. Grandpa Liu knew that there was something wrong with his ancestral identity, so he didn’t dare to continue to open the door and stop seeing doctors, for fear that his negligence would cause misfortune.

This is why Grandpa Liu is an experienced TCM doctor, but he no longer sees doctors. The old saying goes well, the king of Hades wants people to die for the third watch, and never keeps them to the fifth watch. He is not a genius doctor and prescribes medicine. It’s not a panacea, it can kill a person, and he can’t use his own medical skills to rescue his wife and children without seeing him.

Now the people in Red Star Town are grateful for their ancestors’ merits in practicing medicine, so they let their family go because they haven’t killed anyone. The ghost knows one day if he accidentally loses his hand and fails to save the person and ignites it. A dangerous lead.

It just so happens that Western medicine has been compressing the living space of traditional Chinese medicine. A health center has also been established in the town, and two Western doctors have arrived. So Grandpa Liu simply complied with the current situation and closed the door to prevent trouble.

Fortunately, their family used to be well-established. Even if they didn’t have a job, the family would not have a problem living in the town.

But because of fear of being dragged down before, after Grandpa Liu’s sister got married, she broke off with Grandpa Liu. It can be said that Liu Ganmei has no relatives besides Grandpa Liu. Her mother has not since remarried. After visiting her back, I didn’t expect that this time Grandpa Liu passed away, all kinds of monsters, ghosts, and monsters would come to the door.

Liu Ganmei’s mother went to work as a stepmother for others for more than ten years. Now she dared to lick her face and came back, saying that her grandfather had passed away, so she asked her to take care of her family affairs, so she asked Liu Ganmei to take the town’s people. The house is married to her stepson.

Liu Ganmei almost died of anger when she heard this. Not to mention that her mother hadn’t taken care of her for more than ten years. She had no expectation for this person. She only asked about her mother’s stepson afterwards, which was enough to make people feel comfortable. annoying.

Her mother didn’t know if it was a pit in her brain. Although her stepson was not full of food, drink, prostitution, and gambling, she was also a second-rate idler who took advantage of girls all day long by beckoning cats and dogs. He was said to have crawled past widows. wall.

For such a person, her mother actually asked her to marry by her head, and asked her to get the household registration of the Erliuzi family to the city to eat commercial food.

Liu Ganmei was so angry that she took a broom and chased her mother. If her mother hadn’t run fast, she would definitely have her head broken.

After talking about her mother’s troubles, Liu Ganmei talked about the cheating on his grandfather’s side.

Didn’t her grandfather have a younger sister? She was married at an early age. Her grandsons are now having children. I don’t know how many years the family has been weaned off. Not long after Grandpa Liu passed away, she came back with a smell of smell. Up.

Aunt Liu said that Liu Ganmei was a female doll, and she was going to marry sooner or later and could not continue the Liu family’s incense. It just so happened that her family had a few sons, so she inherited the incense from Grandpa Liu. There were also people worshipping Grandpa Liu, so she asked Liu Ganmei to quickly cede the house. A little girl was so embarrassed to occupy a house and was not afraid to die.

Hearing Aunt Liu’s words, Liu Ganmei’s nose almost crooked. This old aunt is too double-labeled. Why can’t she inherit the incense of her grandfather with just one girl? She doesn’t know how many years she has been married. My dear old aunt can continue the incense for grandpa by adoptive methods, can’t she recruit extras? The child born in this way has a closer relationship with his grandfather.

This old aunt is shameless. She can throw her face on the ground for the sake of a house and a registered permanent residence in the city. She is really worried that Grandpa Liu’s incense will be cut off. Why did she go? For the sake of rooting Zheng Miaohong, he ran to marry a countryman to be a poor peasant from eight generations of ancestors. He also said that he would be weaned from Grandpa Liu. The two will be fine in the future. Since it has been okay for decades, what do you want to do now and come back to the city?

Liu Ganmei was blown up by this group of skinless and faceless popularity.

These two groups of people bother her every day, and she can’t bear it. It just happens that the harvest has been bad recently. The supply standard in the city has been lowered a lot. Liu Ganmei feels that if she continues to do this, she will not only be annoyed. Will starve to death.

Because there is not much left behind Grandpa Liu that can be used to exchange food, she may not be able to eat the high-priced food, so she has to find a way out by herself.

Not everyone in the city can find a job with an iron rice bowl, and she dared not use her three-legged cat medicine skills to treat people, so she simply asked someone to rent out a few rooms to exchange for some money, and then packed up her baggage and ran away. When you come to the countryside to jump in the queue, you can at least earn some work points in exchange for food.

Liu Ganmei has a good abacus in her heart. Although she has never worked, as long as she is willing to go to the land, she has a little work point. In addition, the rent of the house can be exchanged for food, so that she will not starve to death in the country. past.

During the summer solstice, he held his chin with both hands and listened to Liu Ganmei talking about this 80-episode dog blood series. After listening to it, I had to admire Liu Ganmei, who was very courageous.

In this era, there are not many women who have awakened their personal consciousness like her. She has the courage to resist her unreliable mother, resists the clan incense pressure from her aunt, and thinks of a solution. It’s not that you get dizzy and just find someone to marry you.

In particular, she has a keen sense of touch. From the government’s downward adjustment of the grain supply share, she infers that the harvest in the countryside is not good, and concludes that she will not be able to mix up in the city if she can’t find a job, so she can find a way to solve the ration problem. These ideas are all correct.

Just thinking of going to the countryside to solve these problems is really a stinking move. Now where the countryside is so messy, the villagers are going to starve to death.

Liu Ganmei’s thoughts are really typical. I haven’t seen the thoughts of the city people in the country, thinking that the country people will not starve to death if they have land.

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