Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 50

Chapter 49 60s 49

Xiaomei Ma has been irritated and completely ignored what Liu Ganmei said before. Her medical skills were learned from her grandfather. Anyway, she is very angry now. How can Dr. Xia teach medical skills to Liu Ganmei instead of Xue Laosan? !

Liu Ganmei must have seized Xue Laosan’s opportunity! Ma Xiaomei knew that this surnamed Liu was not a good thing.

To be honest, it’s too early for Ma Xiaomei to get angry, and there are more things that make her angry later.

After Liu Ganmei showed her hand in front of everyone, she ran to the team leader and said that she would join the clinic to treat the members of Xue Shantou.

Many people had seen her saving people in the field that day, and everyone praised her, so the captain successfully passed her request and asked her to go to the summer solstice as an assistant.

Although some people whispered to themselves about this matter, they felt that Liu Ganmei, an educated youth, went to the clinic to work soon after he went to the countryside. It was a bit uncomfortable, but it was a lot more convenient to think about the addition of a doctor on the team. At least when Dr. Xia is away, they don’t have to drag him until Dr. Xia comes back. It feels like Liu Ganmei’s appearance is not so difficult to accept, so in the end there was no objection to this matter, and Liu Ganmei went very smoothly. The health room became a doctor’s assistant.

After Ma Xiaomei went to work in the field the next day, she almost fainted when she learned of the situation.

She finally found an excuse to approach Liu Ganmei. As a result, they turned around and immediately changed to a new job. That job requires extremely high personal skills, and she will not be able to get close at this time. I don’t know who Liu Ganmei is. Not deliberately antagonizing herself, it seems that she made a mistake in her decision to defend her surname Liu as the number one enemy.

I knew before that I shouldn’t talk to Xue Lao San so quickly, saying that she wanted to earn work points for a few children to go to school. Now she suddenly can’t say that she can go to work. Isn’t she slap her in the face? Ma Xiaomei will be tired and anxious in the field. Know what to do next.

Not to mention how Ma Xiaomei’s heart and lungs were scratched, after Liu Ganmei went to the clinic, Xia Solstice finally freed her hands to do what she planned, that is, first painted all the symbols to be placed.

In order to put the spirit gathering formation in the brigade, Xia Zhi also broke her heart. She recently studied many interpretations of the formation in the jade slips.

Fulu is also hierarchical. She drew low-level talisman before, and the formations she put out were also low-level formations, and the aura that could be gathered from a small area was really limited.

If you want to include all the land that has been planted at the foot of the mountain and increase the yield of the crops inside, the formation under the low-level talisman she is currently making should not be able to achieve this function. In this case, I want to use the low-level spirit gathering formation for this. To increase production in a large area, it would require a lot of arrangements, which would be too troublesome. It is better to set up an array to solve this problem completely. She doesn’t want to sneak into the array every night.

In addition to increasing the yield of crops, Xia Zhi also hopes to accelerate the growth of crops and mature in advance, so that more food can be produced in a short time. She also found a way to promote life in the jade slip, so she Decided to put an extra battle in the ground.

The summer solstice also considered that crops want to accelerate their growth healthily. During this period of short-term maturity, it probably needs to consume all the nutrients needed for normal crop growth and maturity. The aura gathered by the Spiritual Array should not be able to fully satisfy the crop. Growth needs.

It’s like she needs to use bigu techniques if she wants bigu, so that the body will consume spiritual energy to maintain her own survival, so simply gathering spiritual energy and acceleration, it may not be possible to achieve high yields after crops are accelerated and mature, because crops are not. Able to bigu, aura cannot be used for their daily consumption, so Xia Zhi guessed that fertilization and watering should be needed in the middle.

However, after the acceleration array is applied, the growth rate of crops should become very fast, and the frequency of watering should be very frequent. If the speed of manual watering and fertilization by the villagers cannot keep up with their consumption rate, the yield will be approximately after the crops mature. Not very high.

This will be the time of drought. If the water demand for irrigation in a short period of time increases, the river will not have so much water for them to pick up. The river water now flows from small waterfalls in the mountains, and some of it is groundwater, but The water volume of these two sources has dropped a lot, and there is no way to gather so much water for human use in a short period of time.

If you want to speed up the production of crops to have high yields, you must maintain sufficient moisture. Therefore, you must find a way to solve this problem. It is unrealistic for her to use the cloud rain technique to water continuously, so in order to solve her previous expectations She found another five-element water gathering formation in the jade slip. This formation was previously hidden in the five-element formation, but she didn’t see it.

The five-element water gathering array can gather moisture in the air and can replace the cloud and rain technique for irrigating the ground. However, how much water can be gathered, will it not wet the floor at all or cause floods, and the moisture in the air will be After gathering in the field, she doesn’t know what consequences will happen in other places, because she hasn’t placed this formation yet, so she needs to study it before placing the formation.

Of course, it does not necessarily need to gather water, because the conditions for the maturity of the above crops are presumed by Xia solstice. She doesn’t know if these assumptions are correct or not, so she is determined to find a place to experiment first. Water and fertilizer can be produced at a high speed, so she has to study how to use these formations together.

When doing experiments on the summer solstice, she didn’t plan to use the fields in the brigade, because if her hypothesis was confirmed, something in a field suddenly matured suddenly and other people would think it’s a ghost, so she had to go to the mountain. Find a place to experiment in secret to avoid attracting the attention of others.

Liu Ganmei came to the clinic to help, so that the summer solstice can free up a lot of time for experimentation. She also found a particularly good reason. She told Liu Ganmei that she wanted to go to the mountain to find herbal medicine to enrich the medicine store in the health room and treat patients. The opportunity is given to Liu Ganmei, which will give her a chance to perform and quickly gain a foothold in the clinic.

Her statement made Liu Ganmei grateful and shouted: “Dr. Xia is really a good person.” She patted her chest to ensure that she would take this opportunity, and she would never disappoint Dr. Xia’s kindness.

After flicking silly Bai Tian Liu Ganmei, Xia Zhi took her good person card and some sneaky seeds to the mountain to do experiments.

There are big vernacular formations in the jade slip for analysis and blessings. The acceleration formation is not difficult to set. After the summer solstice pendulum succeeded an acceleration formation, another spirit gathering formation was placed. She first tested the pure spirit gathering formation and the acceleration formation. The growth of the crop.

Because the rune paper used is a low-level rune paper, the acceleration array laid out does not give birth to that fast.

After observing the summer solstice for a period of time, I felt that this speed was not enough, not much faster than the normal production speed, and it took too long to complete the experiment.

Because she was experimenting with this growth rate, she needed to deploy a lot of formations at the same time, and compare them through the productions from multiple different formations. However, the number of rune papers she currently had was not enough for her to deploy so many formations.

If you really want to deploy so many formations, you need a lot of rune paper, but her current cultivation base is not high, and the spiritual power stored in her body is too small, so she will take a long time to draw so many rune papers, which is a waste of time. There is too much time, but if she wants to arrange a more advanced formation to shorten the experiment time, her current cultivation base is not enough.

According to the conventional method of drawing amulets for the cultivation of monks, low-grade rune paper can be drawn during the refining period and base building period, but the middle-grade rune paper can be drawn at least during the Jindan period.

The jade slip did not teach her how to draw amulets, and Xia Zhi also thought that she was not so good, and could realize the special effects of the amulets by himself, so it is better not to waste time researching what illusory higher-order amulets are, and you should first use your own Improve your cultivation.

Because whether she wants to draw more low-level rune papers at once, or to draw more advanced rune papers, she needs more aura reserves, so after setting up a small test field, Xia Zhi decided to upgrade first. Your own cultivation base will go to lay out more advanced formations.

Anyway, this world still has a lot of power of faith without a master. As long as she keeps her mind, she can absorb it at full speed. It shouldn’t take much time for her to level up, and Yu Jianli also told her that she doesn’t need to talk to those for promotion. As the cultivation novel said, she needed to experience thunder, and she didn’t need to worry about the inconvenience caused to others because of her promotion.

In the next Xia Solstice, she never wasted her cultivation base to do anything else. She wanted to flush the meridians at full speed, constantly purify and compress the spiritual power in the body, and strive to advance to the next great realm in the shortest possible time.

Xia Zhi only discovered that the biggest difficulty hindering her upgrading was because the believers had too many messy wishes. Every time she practiced, she needed to waste a lot of time to cut off the connection between these beliefs and the believers.

In fact, if she can bear the mixed sounds, she can also choose not to cut off these connections. Anyway, after she accepts the worship of the faith, they don’t know if she does not give back to the believers. This can also shorten the time of cultivation a bit.

But Xia Zhi has tried this method. After trying it for ten minutes, she felt that she was about to collapse, because the wishes passed from the believers were really too much, as if there were tens of thousands of mosquitoes buzzing in her ears. When she was quarreled, her brain was about to explode, and finally decided to waste a little time to cut them off, otherwise she would be babbled to the point of distraction.

Because it takes time to cut these connections, if she wants to advance in a short time, she needs a lot of time to practice every day, so Xia Zhi simply stopped the teaching activities of the big brothers and asked them to communicate with Liu Ganmei if they had problems.

Da Zhuang asked curiously: “Why didn’t Dr. Xia go out much during this time, and the patients saw less, and didn’t deal with herbs every day like before, but he was more busy?”

How could this dead boy have such a keen sense of touch? Sure enough, in the eyes of caring people who are closer to him, many strange whereabouts and behaviors can’t be kept away.

Da Zhuang is close to the Xia solstice, so even if Xia Zhi tried to hide her secretly, he still saw her secretly doing her own things, so he had doubts.

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