Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 85

Chapter 84 Interstellar Food 19

The sprayers have all posted posts asking for the removal of their blacklist from the summer solstice. They also want to pay attention to the future of the strong man, hoping to see the heroic figure of the strong on the battlefield for the first time in the future, rather than through the videos and messages intercepted by others. Come worship.

Regarding this Xia Solstice, I can’t see it. When you scolded me before, I couldn’t see it. Now you kneel and lick me, I can’t see it either.

Of course, there are many kinds of squirrels, some are less principled, they are all the squirrels kneeling in the wind and licking her, and there are also squirts who insist on their own views and want to kidnap her morally.

Some rumors that are a little unfavorable to Xia Zhi have spread slowly on the Internet, saying that her mental strength has been estimated to have mutated. Otherwise, how to double S level, can do what the three S powers can do, is it the mother where Xia Zhi is located? The method of star cultivation is quite special, so the mental power has changed.

These moral role models said that since she has joined the Starfall Empire, she is a citizen of the Starfall Empire. Since she enjoys the benefits of the country, should she contribute the practice techniques she brought from her planet to others? Soldiers also study together, so won’t the fearless sacrifices be reduced?

There are many people who agree with this statement, and there is an increasing trend. Maybe someone is fishing in troubled waters behind. As for whether the person fishing is from another country, or other people in the country who are not comfortable with the summer solstice, it is not clear. .

More and more people are leading the rhythm. These rumors even affect people in the army. After all, not everyone is sensible. No matter how strong Yuanzhou’s influence is, it can only affect the soldiers of his own army and the members of other army. It’s not so easy to talk, and even a few families who went to the testing station to win over the summer solstice began to come out.

When everyone was discussing whether Xia Zhi’s spiritual power had changed, and whether she should hand over her cultivation techniques, the three princes came out to preside over the overall situation and held a press conference.

When he attended the press conference this time, he was uncharacteristically. He no longer appeared in front of the camera in a wheelchair, but walked out with the help of his subordinates.

He walked slowly, but he was not embarrassed at all. He looked very calm and calm. He smiled and waved hello to the audience.

Seeing the three princes who were able to stand up after years of paralysis, everyone was shocked.

Why are they so surprised, because they thought that the three princes had already exiled themselves. Otherwise, why have they been sitting in a wheelchair for these years and don’t like to move? No matter what activities they attend, they always hold their chin with their hands and don’t know what they’re thinking. Isn’t it just leaning on the wheelchair crookedly, staring at a corner blankly, seeming to be too imaginary.

The current exoskeleton technology is so advanced, even if it is paralyzed, as long as the exoskeleton is equipped, the waste can stand up, but the third prince has been sitting in a wheelchair, allowing others to assist him in travel, and he is very resistant and cheer up.

He has been like that for so many years, and everyone is used to it, thinking that when he fell from the arrogant son of heaven, the blow was too great, so he could not accept this reality.

Unexpectedly, today I saw that he could walk again with his own ability, and the whole person’s mental state was reversed from the previous decadence. Everyone felt like seeing a ghost, so can you not be surprised?

After the three princes stood still in front of the camera of the press conference, they waved their men back, relying on their own strength to stand firmly.

Seeing this, everyone was even more surprised. How did he do it? This kind of physical talent was destroyed by spiritual power, and no one has been able to stand up on his own since ancient times. The three princes can be said to be the first in history, so everyone’s eyes are involuntarily attracted by him.

Different from the surprise or even joy of other people seeing the Third Prince standing up, his political opponents, the first prince and the second prince, almost died of anger. Unexpectedly, this trash has been crippled for so many years, and it actually gave him a chance to regain it. Get up, and when the two of them gritted their teeth, the press conference announced the start.

“Guests and friends from the press, as well as citizens watching this press conference in front of the Internet, good afternoon everyone, I must be familiar with me, but as usual, I still have to introduce myself to you. , I am the third prince of the Starfall Empire, Qiguan Feibai.” The third prince still wears that familiar smile, and the voice of his speech is not light or heavy or slow, and it reminds me of two inexplicably. Adjectives-calm, calm.

In the past, when his political opponents saw this picture of him, they might interpret it forcibly. They felt that his smile was a forceful smile. His behavior was not swift because of his poor health. He usually acted calmly and calmly because of his lack of health. Nothing could awaken the waves in his heart again, so the reaction was dull.

But now they can’t deceive themselves anymore. The three princes posing like this are so boring and uninterested. They clearly have a little bit in their chests, and they have everything in their hearts. That’s why they look so faintly at their small actions in private. Feng Qing didn’t even bother to fight back. Maybe he was watching their jokes secretly when he was in private.

When they thought of this, the eldest prince and the second prince felt that they had been stabbed in their hearts again.

After the three princes introduced themselves, he said with a faint smile: “My company is holding this press conference because there are some bad rumors on the Internet recently about the ability of Xia Zhi, who has recently joined the Starfall Empire, to kill the mutant zerg. The news itself is a good thing, but it has brought some not-so-good consequences, and some discordant voices have appeared on the Internet.”

“Some people think that Xia Zhi, as an interstellar wanderer who mistakenly touched the wormhole, since she has chosen to join our country, she should selflessly dedicate her private possessions to the empire. Otherwise, she has no sincerity and is not sincerely joining our country. There are many people now. Questioned whether Xia Zhi sincerely joined the Empire.”

Having said this, the third prince slowly looked around the people at the scene, and finally fixed his gaze on the lens. His gaze was like a wedge, nailed fiercely into the hearts of all people, and grabbed everyone’s attention tightly. The force made people move involuntarily with his gaze, and what he said next came into everyone’s ears heavily.

“Here, I want to say a fair word for Lieutenant Xia. She sincerely joined our Starfall Empire, because as soon as she joined our country, she already gave the things you mentioned above to the Empire.”

The eldest prince and the second prince frowned upon hearing this.

Is what Qiguan Feibai said true? If Xia Solstice really handed things over to the Empire, why didn’t they know? So the father only told Qi Guan Feibai about this matter?

Why did he become trash, and the father is still unwilling to give up on him, but he is still the only one in his heart?

Only if the father still attaches importance to the possibility of Qi Guan Feibai, can he explain clearly why this matter is only known to him.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn’t help but clenched their fists, unwilling to believe that in the father’s heart, the two of them had never been better than Qi Guan Feibai.

The words of the next three princes made them even more angry.

The third prince slowly explained how to recover his physical fitness.

“In fact, Xia Zhi is not only a capable person, but also a pharmacist. This is why her aptitude is more prominent than everyone else. The first time she joined the empire, she had already handed over the prescriptions for improving her physique and restoring her body. empire.”

“But this is a brand new drug, and it needs to be tested before we can determine whether it is beneficial to people. After all, her home planet is too far away from our interstellar alliance. Maybe the drugs used by humans on their planet are not effective for us. Therefore, the imperial government did not announce it in the first time, because it was afraid that it gave everyone hope and brought disappointment.”

The third prince said this, and now someone finally couldn’t help standing up and asking: “His Royal Highness, so you can stand up now because you used the prescription handed in by the summer solstice?”

The three princes nodded and said, “Yes, this is the reason why I am holding this press conference. Next, the imperial government will promote this drug throughout the country to benefit the over-sized imperial people. People who were previously destroyed by mental power because of their physique, I also have the opportunity to stand up again like me, and be able to practice both mental power and physical skills at the same time.”

The news released by the three princes was too shocking and caused an uproar. Until the end of the press conference, everyone still couldn’t believe their ears, because it sounded a bit fanciful, with thousands of stars. The problem that could not be solved in the year was actually solved by Xia Solstice alone.

Although this incident is really unbelievable, the reality that the three princes have been able to stand up successfully still gives some persuasiveness.

Therefore, everyone is paying attention to the official account of the empire, hoping to give more accurate information there.

Sure enough, not long after the press conference ended, the empire official also issued an announcement confirming the truth of what the three princes said, and announced some experimental results, confirming that this prescription has another benefit in addition to improving physical fitness and restoring physical fitness. , That is, after the physique is restored, the qualification level will not drop, and may even rise.

After the news was confirmed, the people of the entire empire were boiled, and it was as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Because although this disease is rare, once it strikes, the blow is devastating to a person or even a family.

Imagine that in a poor family, a child with good physical skills finally appeared. He was thinking about turning over with the child’s physical skills and leading the whole family to make a fortune. As a result, the child’s luck was more than that, and even luckier, he awakened again. Mental strength.

But the last fortune took away all their previous efforts. The child who had worked so hard to cultivate became a waste, and the things they did before were all in vain. How desperate it is.

Among the happy people, there are some who do not have to worry about encountering the above problems when they are happy, and can be confident and bold in nurturing their children, anyway, there are medicines to remedy problems.

Others are currently unable to cultivate because they have awakened their mental power, their physique has been completely destroyed, and they have regained hope after falling into despair.

After thinking of drug promotion, they have the opportunity to become a strong person, and their hearts are suddenly full of light. They are no longer hiding at home and are not willing to face reality and laugh at others.

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