Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 108

Chapter 98 Life and death exam 05

The cave was very quiet, with only the occasional light crackling of the fire.

“It’s a hell. I knew the evil sect before the sun came out at noon, but I didn’t expect it to be so evil.”

The middle-aged man who had just spoken mumbled. Although his voice was not loud, he was exceptionally clear in this environment.

On January 1, 2030, the sun did not rise as usual.

By noon, this nightmare swept all mankind.

“I didn’t even know that the sun hadn’t risen. I stayed up late to play games yesterday. I fell asleep and opened my eyes in a daze. When I found out that the sky was still dark, I continued to sleep. As a result, I heard that voice and I wondered who the murderer was. .”

The boy with spectacles is still wearing pajamas, looking helpless.

“What kind of situation do you think this is, what kind of gods and demons are you?”

“Don’t guess, there is no **** or devil who asked you to take the exam, and it’s like this.”

The woman in the white cotton-padded jacket rolled her eyes, despising this unreliable guess.

“Could it be what advanced civilization, artificial intelligence?”

Yuanyuan is whimsical.

“How can artificial intelligence be able to do this, get us all in this place, it feels as if the whole world is under its control.”

The woman who spoke just now has a solemn expression.

“I remember what new citizens it said. Shouldn’t we be eliminated one by one from this kind of examination, and then after the examination, we will become its citizens?”

The spectacle youth made such a speculation, which made people feel deep.

This is likely to be the case.

“It thinks pretty beautiful.”

However, the structure of society cannot be successfully established in this way of eliminating the elimination by the survival of the fittest.

“Let’s not discuss those for now, let’s look at this task first, where is the sacrificial altar? Has anyone of you written on the card?”

Everyone shook their heads.

“I guess when this NPC wakes up, I’ll know.”

There was also a game ID on Guzi’s head.

The difference between NPC and examinee is clear at a glance.

The NPC didn’t let everyone wait for a long time and woke up leisurely.

The pale boy coughed and looked very weak.

“Excuse me, everyone sent me back to the village. The snow outside seems to be about to stop. When the snow stops, walk another two miles along the southwest to reach my village.”

The young boy sat up, looking like he was afraid of the cold, with his hands tucked in his sleeves, but he did not come close to the fire to keep warm.

The blizzard outside is about to stop.

There was no more wind whistling and fighting, and it was leisurely and gradually became gentle.

Yuanyuan leaned forward and looked at the boy curiously.

The boy was puzzled and looked at him with his head tilted.

“Where is the sacrificial platform?”

The little boy didn’t seem to hear what he asked, and still looked at him puzzled.

“Do you know any danger to you?”

Yuanyuan asked again.

The NPC is still ignorant, and even the frequency of blinking has not changed.

“You ask him what he will say.”

The middle-aged man sneered, holding his arms with no expectation.

Xin Lan and Wan Yan were thoughtful.

They had not tried to interfere with the NPC in the last round, Yuanyuan did this first, but the NPC did not respond.

Does it mean not in the program?

Yuanyan did not get discouraged, but continued to ask questions.

“When does the snow stop outside?”

This time the little boy answered.

It stopped soon, he said.

“What is your name?”

“You can call me Xiaoan.”

Xiaoan answered obediently.

“Where is the village?”

“Walk another two miles along the southwest and you will be there.”

“Where is the sacrificial stand?”

Xiao An didn’t speak anymore, just looking at Yuanyuan.

“Do you know any danger to you?”

Xiao An remained silent.

Yuanyuan touched her chin, stood up, and stopped questioning.

I don’t know if the NPC is not advanced enough and will only answer the questions within the program, or if there is an evasion program and only answer limited questions.

As Xiaoan said, the wind and snow outside quickly stopped, and it was still snowy. The sun shining on the snow did not bring much warmth, but the person’s eyes hurt.

The group of people walked southwest, and the people wearing down jackets, jackets and boots were okay. The young man in glasses and barefoot in pajamas was almost frozen to death.

Yuanyuan couldn’t see it, took off her down jacket and put it on the person.

The young man with glasses was surprised and a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay, I am in the northeast of my house. You see, I am wearing warm. I wear several sweaters. I can handle the temperature at this point.”

Yuanyuan laughed, with two dimples on her face.

After Yuanyuan gave her clothes, she ran back to Xin Lan and Qin Yuyan, and followed the two beautiful young ladies firmly.

Xin Lan and Wan Yan had no objection to Little Tail, they just looked ahead.

After walking two miles in this way, Xin Lan and the others saw a stone stele.

Gu Village.

Gu Village, Gu Zi, I’m afraid that I’m going to enter the worm’s nest.


Xiao An touched the cold stone tablet, with a smile on her face.


The middle-aged man was astonished. There was indeed such a monument erected in this icy and snowy field, but when I looked from the left to the right, it was still in the snow. Why did it arrive?

Xiao An stood on tiptoe and pressed **** the character “worm” in “Gu Village”.

Suddenly, a village appeared on the snow, with a stone monument standing at the door.

“come in.”

Xiao An walked ahead, and everyone followed.

After coming in, Xin Lan looked back.

The outside is no longer the snow just now, but a piece of untouched blackness.

In the fluffy snowflakes, the village was as it was when it came, and quietly disappeared.

When Xin Lan went in, she heard the sound of gongs and drums.

It sounds like funeral.

A small amount of paper money drifted over with the wind, and everyone didn’t look very good.

Anyone who enters this kind of evil place will not feel good when he encounters this situation at the beginning.

As the sound of gongs and drums approached, Xin Lan saw the people who were wearing filial piety.

Walking at the forefront were two people sprinkling paper money, followed by the deceased’s coffin, several people carrying the coffin.

What is striking is that a woman sat on the black coffin.

The woman is also wearing hemp and filial piety, with her legs hanging down, holding a portrait in her arms.

The scene made the scalp numb and looked terrifying.

Someone almost couldn’t help but exclaimed, and quickly covered his mouth.

The woman sitting on the coffin cried and screamed, her voice was sharp, and her mouth was chanting something incomprehensible like crying, singing, and saying.

Behind the coffin followed a group of walking people, their complexion a little dull, and they passed in front of Xin Lan.

“It’s just that someone died, let’s go, let’s go to the village chief.”

After Xiao An waited for the team to leave, he spoke lightly and walked in the front to lead the way.

Xin Lan squinted her eyes and looked at Xiao An’s back.

I don’t know if it was her illusion, since this Gu Zi entered this Gu Village, she didn’t seem to feel very sick anymore, and she walked a lot faster.

The village chief’s house was not far from the entrance of the village, and the door was opened before Xiao An knocked the door.

The one who opened the door was a woman with a cloth scarf on her head, bending over to Xiao An respectfully.

“Welcome Gu Zi back to the village, the village chief is already waiting for you inside.”

She speaks Mandarin, but in a weird and harsh tone.

“These are friends who escorted me back. Granny remember to make arrangements.”

The grandma nodded, and after Xiao An entered, she walked out and closed the door.

“Guests, come with me.”

Now that no one can figure out the situation, no one is making any random movements, so they follow the woman.

Yuanyuan was ready to step forward again.

“Mother-in-law, your village is a bit remote.”

“Gu Village has always been like this.”

The mother-in-law responded.

“Is Gu’s status high?”

“Guzi is the lifeblood of Gu Village.”

“Then why did he come back from outside the village?”

The mother-in-law paused and turned her head to stare at Yuanyuan.

She looked very old, wrinkled, her cheekbones protruding, she was very thin, her eyes widened and she looked extraordinarily oozing.

She looked at it that way, she could see people upside down.

“Mother-in-law, where are we going?”

Yuanyuan smiled dryly and changed the subject.

“There are a few houses in the village that have vacant beds for the distinguished guests. I am afraid that they cannot be arranged for the distinguished guests. How to live depends on the arrangements of the distinguished guests.”

The mother-in-law turned her head and continued to move forward.

Although he is getting older, he doesn’t stagger like ordinary people in old age, and walks very steadily.

The mother-in-law took them to a door and stood still and knocked on the door.

The door was opened, and standing at the door was an eight or nine-year-old girl with Bai Buyomo on her head.


“Guzi is back. These are the distinguished guests who escorted him back. How many vacant rooms are there for the distinguished guests to live in?”

“Two rooms can sleep four people.”

The mother-in-law glanced at the people behind her, waiting for them to make a choice.

The white cloth on the girl’s head reminded me of a group of people who just wore sackcloth and filial piety at the entrance of the village.

Xin Lan simply stood up, Wan Yan was naturally with her, Yuanyuan also walked out immediately upon seeing this.

The last one is the white shirt.

From the first glance Xin Lan saw this person, he felt that he was unusual and too calm. He only wore a thin shirt in the snow and didn’t seem to feel cold.

With the intuition honed by Xin Lan, I believe this person must be a powerful character.

The four people stayed, and the mother-in-law went on and knocked on the door of another house.

The girl opened the door, and when the four people walked in, she closed the door.

“Guests come with me.”

She had an innocent smile on her face and looked very pleasing.

“Little sister, are you alone at home?”

Yuanyuan watched that no other people came out of the house, and continued to chat with the NPC.

“The second uncle is gone, everyone in the family went to his funeral.”

“Then why don’t you go?”

“His status is not worthy for me to give him a funeral.”

The little girl said with a grin, there was a huge contrast between her appearance and what she said.

Her smile hasn’t changed, but it doesn’t look very pleasing.

“Why not worthy?”

“Unworthy is unworthy, your room is here.”

The little girl didn’t seem to understand why they wanted to ask, and went to stand still in front of the room.

Yuanyuan wanted to ask something, but the little girl ran away.

Two rooms next to each other, two men and two women, it is natural to know how to choose.

Yan Yan felt very happy, but did not dare to express too much on the face.

Xin Lan knew what she was thinking at a glance, but she didn’t feel awkward.

It’s not the first time I slept in the same bed anyway. This person knew that she would get up angry and would not move when she slept. She was a very good “bedmate”.

When I opened the door, a strange smell came to my face.

Xin Lan twisted her eyebrows unconsciously, and took a look at the house.

It wasn’t very dirty. There was no dust on the tables, chairs and benches, and no cobwebs on the beams, but there was a strange smell.

It’s not unoccupied for a long time, nor is it damp and moldy.

The late smoke naturally smelled, and I started to check up and down.

She opened the closet, and as soon as she saw the light, some black things ran away.

It’s a bug.

Kind of disgusting.

The late smoke opened the bed again, and there were some bugs under the bedding, and the whole body turned black.

The late smoke rolled the quilt and threw it on the ground, but fortunately, there was nothing on the bed.

Suddenly there was a round “I Cao” from the next door, and I also found a bug.

“Are we waiting here?”

Wan Yan sat on the stool. This room was disgusting, but there was nowhere else to go.

The mission said to protect Guzi to the sacrificial platform, but Guzi was not with them now.

And what the grandma said, Gu is the lifeblood of this place.

Since Xiao An is the lifeblood of Gu Village, why would he be outside and come back here.

And since it is the lifeblood, why does the task say to protect Gu to the sacrificial stand?

Who made the danger in the middle?

“Let’s go out and have a look.”

Coming to the exam is definitely not for them to sit here and wait for death, but it’s a pity that 09’s monitoring function can’t be used, and they can’t stare at Xiaoan at any time.

When Xin Lan and Wan Yan went out, they happened to ran into Yuanyuan and the white shirt who also came out of the next door.

“How come it gets dark so soon, it’s so evil.”

Yuanyuan was shocked. Although they didn’t know what time they came in, the sun was shining brightly, and it was on when they came in. Is it dark so soon?

“There are bugs in this room, you two should be careful.”

Yuanyuan suddenly thought of the bug she had just seen, and thought that this was Gu Village, she couldn’t help rubbing her hands, reminding Xin Lan and the others.

The white shirt was calm, watching Xin Lan and Wan Yan thoughtfully.

“Thank you, we also found out.”

“Are you going to go out and have a look? Huo Xu and I are also planning to go. It’s better to be together. There are so many people and more powerful. Anyway, we took the exam together.”

Yuanyuan patted Huo Xu on the shoulder and proposed to go with him.

The original white shirt was called Huo Xu.

The four went out together and were stopped by the little girl when they were in the hall.

The little girl was sitting in a chair, her legs dangling in the air.

“What are you going to do?”

“Go out and stroll around.”

Xin Lan answered briefly.

“it’s dark.”

The little girl lowered her head and opened her mouth while flicking her nails.

“It’s best for foreign visitors not to go out in the dark.”

The little girl looked up with a smile on her face.

“How will it go out?”

The little girl didn’t answer, and sang a song on her own.

It was a small tune that Xin Lan hadn’t heard before, sad and sad, just like mourning.

The little girl was smiling and humming, she seemed to be smiling all the time, since they entered to the present.

Xin Lan walked out, she didn’t stop her any more, but shook her legs, watching Xin Lan and their backs while singing, laughing very strangely.

“People from far away, don’t ask where you come from, stay in our soil, I look at the white star worm, and ask Aya when will you bloom…”

The singing was unprovoked, she sang sadly, but giggled.

Xin Lan pushed open the door, and Huo Xu, who walked at the end, closed the wooden door.

There were no people on the road, it was very quiet.

The population of Gu Village is not very large, and the area is not very large. Four people walked from the head of the village to the end of the village and found nothing special.

The doors of every house were closed tightly, and it seemed that the lights had not even been turned on, and it was completely dark.

The lanterns on the roadside and the white paper lanterns illuminate a small piece of road at the door.

Looking from a distance, a row of lanterns looks like a ghost fire, and the night is getting darker and darker.

Xin Lan and the others decided to wait at the door of the village chief’s house. Anyway, they didn’t know where to go. They had turned around such a place with lights, and they didn’t go without lights.

When Xin Lan arrived, someone was already waiting there.

Six, no more, no less, all in.

“Have you found anything?”

The middle-aged man watched them coming from the other direction and asked aloud.

Yuanyuan shook her head.

The remaining three are cool sisters and cool brothers, and they don’t react at all.

“What about you guys, have you found anything?”

“I saw a bunch of bugs.”

The woman in the white down jacket had disgust on her face, and the worm was going to vomit when she thought about it.

“What the **** is going on with this task, I would rather go back and guess the murderer.”

Someone murmured.

It is indeed very evil here, and it feels as if some kind of worm’s nest has been broken into.

A scream came from the village chief’s house, and the middle-aged man slammed open the door and broke in.

Guzi is still inside, and their task is to protect Guzi to the sacrificial stand. If Guzi is not there yet, then they are all finished.

A group of people entered the lobby only to find that no one was there.

There were two glasses of water on the table, Xin Lan touched her fingertips, it was still hot.

“What about people?”

Everyone scattered around to search, only to find that there was no one in the village chief’s house.

So where did that scream come from?

Someone scolded an swear word, and everyone looked at each other.

The corner of Xin Lan’s clothes was pulled by the night smoke, and when the night smoke pointed, he saw some black spots.

It’s a bug, a very small bug.

“You guys let go.”

Xin Lan said, a group of people crowded inside, and many people had black spots under their feet, but they didn’t notice.

Everyone was puzzled, but when he saw Xin Lan’s good-looking and uncomfortable look, he quietly stepped away.

Those black dots gradually converged into a line.

Xin Lan quickly followed that line and walked to the patio.

Yan Yan picked up a stone and threw it in, and quickly heard an echo, indicating that the well was not very deep.

“Go in?”

Yan Yan looked at Xin Lan, and Xin Lan nodded.

Yan Yan took the lead to jump down, the action is neat and simple.

Xin Lan followed closely and landed lightly.

“Just… just go on like this?”

Yuanyuan stunned.

Huo Xu didn’t say anything, stepped forward and jumped down.

Yuanyuan saw the three companions living together jumped, gritted their teeth and jumped down.

There is also a passage in the well, which is about two people wide and about two meters long.

There are no lights in the passage, but it is very bright.

On the top of the wall, there is something convergent of light spots. The dots of light look quite magnificent. The color is much more beautiful than that of fireflies, and it is a pure bright white.

But a closer look revealed that the insects were all densely packed together, and the light was emitted from the insects.

Wan Yan and Xin Lan walked in the passage. After walking for a while, they suddenly became clear in front of them.

There was a huge stone cave in front of him. There was something carved on the dome and walls, but Xin Lan couldn’t see it.

She had already seen the two things holding Guzi and the village chief in front, running fast, like paper people.


Wan Yan and Xin Lan erupted at the same time, chasing the paper man in front of them.

Needless to say, Xin Lan’s physical fitness, the intervention of Yan Yan’s body is naturally not inferior.

The paper man was soon overtaken by them and was forced to stop.

They are not pure white paper figures, like those in the funeral. They have drawn eyebrows and eyebrows, but they are extremely stiff. They can’t see men and women. They have a mouth with a blood basin, thick eyebrows, and hanging eyes. They look very fierce. .

The two paper men wanted to run, but they were strictly stopped by Wan Yan and Xin Lan.

Xin Lan grabbed Xiao An’s hand, and the paper man’s hand holding Xiao An grabbed it towards Xin Lan. The tips of her fingers looked unusually sharp.

Xin Lan dodged sideways and was shaved off a strand of broken hair.

Xin Lan grabbed the paper man’s hand. The paper man was very thin and could be easily pinched.

With her other hand, she grabbed Xiao An’s collar and threw the paper man away, and at the same time pulled Xiao An out.

Xiao An fell to the ground, and the paper man wanted to catch it again, so Xin Lan used both hands to tear the paper man’s hand open.

The paper man has no life, no pain, only fear of water, fire and cutting.

On the other side, Wan Yan directly stepped on the stone wall, stepped the paper man on the ground, forced the paper man to let go, and let go of the village chief.

The two paper men still wanted to grab, but a few more people came behind them.

Someone screamed when they saw the appearance of the paper man. When the paper man saw that there were many people, he wanted to run away.

The village chief couldn’t care about patting the ashes on his body, and went to help Xiao An up.

“Master Gu, are you okay?”

Xiao An shook her head and got up from the ground.

“Two distinguished guests, there is no need to restrain them, let them go.”

The village chief spoke.

Xin Lan and Wan Yan let go after hearing this, and the paper man ran away erraticly.

People from behind saw Xin Lan and Wan Yan’s posture, and they were dumbfounded.

“Sisters, you guys are running too fast, too.”

Yuanyuan kept panting, Huo Xu in front looked better, and most of the people chasing behind were also panting.

“Thank you for your help.”

The village chief thanked him, but his eyes were solemn.

“Who made the paper man, why did you **** Gu Zi and you?”

Xin Lan asked.

“It’s the Gu servant who betrayed from the village. I don’t know where I learned how to deal with us as a papermaker. Now I must have heard that Gu is back, so I came to start.”

The village chief sighed with a complicated expression.

“Fortunately, the sacrifice will begin tomorrow night. After the sacrifice is over, Gu Zi will lead us to eliminate the traitors.”

The village chief looked pious, and his voice echoed in this cave.

Xiao An had no expression on her face, raised her head, her eyes a little hollow.

“I also ask all the distinguished guests to help and protect Gu’s safety.”

“That’s natural, but you have to tell us first what happened, why did Gu come back from outside, and what happened to the betrayed Gu servant.”

Xin Lan stared into the eyes of the village chief, waiting for an answer.

She wanted to see, the NPC said or not.

This time, the village head didn’t look at him blankly, but answered.

“A few days ago, two servants serving Gu King rebelled and took the Gu King, intending to escape from the Gu Village. One of them was stopped by us, and the other ran out. The one who was stopped by us was just sent by the paper man who wanted to The people who took us away.”

“This paper man is not afraid of insect bites, insect poisons, and will not be manipulated by parasites by Gu. We can do nothing, and we don’t know where the traitor is hiding now.”

“The one who ran out is holding the Gu King. This Gu King is the companion Gu, and the other one was in Gu Zi’s body. Snatching it, only Gu can sense it, and then go out and bring the other one back. Fortunately, he brought it back, Gu God blessed it, and the ritual proceeded smoothly.”

The village chief showed it all out and made a gesture of gratitude.

This NPC told the truth, so does this program answer according to the set permissions?

The village chief said that Gu was frightened, and took Xiao An back to the house first.

Xin Lan and Wan Yan didn’t follow, but looked at the mural in this cave.

The two of them did not leave, and the others did not leave, but followed the mural.

When it was not too much, the woman in the white down jacket turned pale and asked.

“Are we really going to deal with paper people and bugs? But we have nothing, how to deal with it?”

After all, they are just ordinary people, and they have dealt with such evil things.

“Why can’t deal with it, just now these two girls can’t do it, I don’t think the paper man is a big deal at all.”

The middle-aged man sneered.

The next moment, he was kicked on his knee and fell to the ground.


Xin Lan raised her eyebrows.

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