Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 62

Chapter 52 Great Demon King 11

Xin Lan picked up the violin leaning on the wall and walked to the living room without looking at the person who collapsed on the ground.

Molly’s body didn’t know when it was gone, only a little blood on the ground proved that she had existed.

Pi Tianzi didn’t know where he went, Ren Difei, Ke Xuguang and Sheng Lifan each took a position and looked at each other vigilantly.

Xin Lan walked out quietly and refreshedly, without any wounds except for a spot on her face that was a little red.

“are you OK?”

Ren Difei asked, they heard the sound of fighting coming from the stairs just now, but no one dared to pass.

Seeing this, Xin Lan should have won.

Ren Difei was not surprised at all, but Ke Xuguang and Sheng Lifan sitting there were a little surprised when they saw Xin Lan walking out.

After all, Qi Haolin doesn’t look weak, the movement there just now was a bit loud, and he didn’t expect to be beaten to the ground by a woman.

However, they felt a little trembling when they thought of Pi Tianzi, who had just started killing people within two minutes.

“What do you mean?”

Xin Lan raised her eyebrows, it was obvious that she had nothing to do.

There are too many people who want to kill her. What kind of green onion is Qi Haolin.

“Has he been solved by you?”

Ke Xuguang was silent for a while and asked.

On the second floor, seven people can only survive five people. Now one has died. If another one dies, the five of them will be able to find the keys in peace and harmony for the time being.

“Don’t put your idea on him, his life is mine now, you all have your ability.”

“Why? Didn’t you just have a fight?”

Sheng Lifan didn’t want to understand why Xin Lan left Qi Haolin’s life. Obviously it was time to eliminate one person. If Xin Lan kept that person, one of them would have to die.

The culprit of all this is clearly Qi Haolin, isn’t it?

“Obviously, he should be eliminated the most. If he hadn’t posted about tourist groups on the Internet, we would not have come to this place at all. If he hadn’t arrived at the destination within a day, how could we possibly be? Will you enter this villa?”

Sheng Lifan asked.

“If you want to kill him, you can, but pass me first.”

Xin Lan didn’t argue, the matter was originally Qi Haolin’s fault, because it was a trap designed by Qi Haolin.

But this matter is not entirely his responsibility, nine points are in Qi Haolin, and one point is in themselves.

After all, in essence, this was voluntary by both parties, after all, Qi Haolin didn’t force them to come.

For these people, Qi Haolin was damned, Xin Lan thought he was more damned, but it was not yet time.

Sheng Lifan fell silent, and Xin Lan only came to inform him of the incident, so as not to prevent anyone from attacking Qi Haolin before she took the dog’s life.

She returned to the right, and footsteps sounded behind her.

“That… I… can I follow you first, I can help you find the clue to the key.”

Ren Difei asked softly, even if he knew that only one person would go out in the end, he still had to work hard for a while.

The props he got were not combat-type like other people, and he was not very good at fighting. The bald headed strong Ke Xuguang sitting in the living room was tall and strong. If he was attacked, he would definitely not. What the power to fight back.


Xin Lan walked to the master bedroom and opened the door.

09: Pi Tianzi is in the little girl’s bedroom.

Xin Lan sat on the bed in the bedroom and asked Ren Difei to drag in Qi Haolin, who looked half-dead at the door.

The peculiar smell in this room is actually the most obvious, and the fire point should be right here.

And in this room, is there anything that can cause a fire?

Xin Lan looked around, and there were no candles in this room, so it was very likely that someone set fire.

She looked at the smeared and invisible wedding photo. In the fog before, the man on this wedding photo and the man on the hidden photo they found in the album were not the same one.

Could it be that the child’s mother remarried with the child?

The hidden picture is actually the original family of three, and then the mother remarried with her daughter, so it can explain the problem of photo albums and wedding photos, and it can also explain the sudden change of mood in the little girl’s diary and drawing book. But if this is the case, how do you explain the fast food on the table and the dishes in the kitchen?

Ren Difei put on his own prop glasses, and Xin Lan turned around just to see him looking in his direction while wearing glasses, she couldn’t help being taken aback.

There is no reason for him, there are a pair of blood-red eyes on the glasses.

The visual effect is a bit hard to describe. Those eyes are very fierce, but Ren Difei has a mournful face, and it looks weird in combination.

“what happened?”

Ren Difei looked at Xin Lan and asked him nervously.

“Can you touch your glasses frame?”

Ren Difei touched it without knowing it, and Xin Lan always felt a little bit of self-seeking.

This child probably didn’t know that wearing this thing would have such an effect, otherwise he wouldn’t be so dumbfounded.

“what happened?”

“It’s nothing, but the visual effect is a bit subtle.”

Xin Lan’s expression is also very subtle.

Ren Difei put down his hand, feeling that it would be a bad thing to ask any more, so he simply didn’t ask.

The world he saw with his glasses on was very different from the one just now.

Here is a burnt ruin, he can even feel the heat brought by the flame, and the air is filled with unpleasant smells.

He walked to the door, squatted down, and sniffed.

Xin Lan stood watching his movements, Qi Haolin on the ground seemed to slow down and let out a low moan.

Qi Haolin sat up, his head still a little dizzy.

He saw Xin Lan standing in front of him who was smiling but not smiling, and the wound on his body hurt even more.

He moved his lips and wanted to call Xin Lan’s name, but he was immediately pierced back by her eye knife.

“Don’t you kill me?”

His voice was hoarse, and there was some depression on his domineering face in the past.

Yu Wanyan and Miss Green Hat next to Qi Haolin also wanted to know.

“I can’t wait to let the ghost he summoned to eat him back. Don’t your prey hate him? Why don’t you stop talking and want to protect him?”

Zhen Zhen originally thought that his prey would be eliminated when he was under the stairs for a while, but he didn’t expect that the person didn’t make up the knife. Instead, he went out and told others that this person was covered by her, and he couldn’t understand it.

“Where do I know.”

Yu Wanyan spreads his hands, and Xin Lan is happy.

“I won’t kill you.”

Qi Haolin was a little surprised when he heard this.

“Don’t kill for now.”

Qi Haolin looked tolerant and quietly clenched his fists.

Seeing his reaction, Xin Lan laughed inwardly.

She is not afraid of him being a demon, let him come if he has the ability.

If he didn’t resist in this way, it wouldn’t be Qi Haolin.

He could kill the original owner Lingchi with one knife, and she could trample him to loss of hope with one foot and one foot.

Ren Difei didn’t move when he saw Qi Haolin awake.

“Leave him alone, you continue.”

Xin Lan raised her chin. Yu Wanyan told her about the role of Ren Difei’s glasses before. This thing is not good for fighting, but it should be quite good to find the key.

When Qi Haolin saw the red eyes appearing on Ren Difei’s glasses, his expression was a little hard to express.

The eyeballs did not overlap with Ren Difei, but they seemed to stick to the glasses. At a glance, Ren Difei’s eyes were not visible, only the red eyes that were turning like evil spirits. .

Ren Difei had already looked at this room once and entered the second bedroom which had been converted into a cloakroom.

“The burning inside is quite serious, it’s all clothes.”

Ren Difei frowned and came out and looked at the window.

“The fire here was also serious, and the curtains were all burned out.”

Ren Difei stood at the door and looked out, retracting his gaze.

“There should be a fire here. I just saw it outside, and it wasn’t serious. The restaurant didn’t spread to it at all.”

“So someone set a fire here, but there is nothing inflammable here. I think we have to figure out one thing. The only one who died in this fire was a little girl, a family of three.”

It also includes another man in the photo.

“Have you seen it before? The face in the wedding photo didn’t look like it was painted.”

Xin Lan nodded.

“I wonder if this is the case. The little girl’s mother took the little girl to marry another man, but she still has thoughts of her ex-husband in her heart, so she hid a picture of three people in the photo album in the living room. Take a picture. The husband doesn’t go home often. There are only two people at home, the child and the child’s mother. From that scene, we can see that the little girl and her mother are very perfunctory to the little girl. Busy to go out, of course we can’t rule out the reason for work, but according to my instinct, it doesn’t look like it.”

Ren Difei took off his glasses and analyzed it like this.

As an eighteenth line entertainer and paparazzi, he is very sensitive to certain situations. This kind of dressing up tricks is not going to date people or going out to shop with sister groups.

Ren Difei took a look at Xin Lan and saw that Xin Lan had no intention of refuting, so he continued.

“From the little girl’s reaction, we can know that it’s not the first time that the little girl’s mother has done this kind of thing by herself leaving her child at home. The little girl has already disgusted or disappointed her mother, otherwise it won’t. She did things like littering toys, and she must be very dissatisfied with the man in the wedding photo, so she ran to the room to paint the wedding photo.”

“About the unfinished fast food on the table and the dishes in the kitchen, the little girl’s mother told the little girl before she left that if she is hungry, she can order takeaways, which means that the little girl’s mother is out for fun. Responsible for the little girl’s food, so the little girl’s fast food is actually left over from the little girl’s order. Maybe her mother bought that dish. She plans to make a delicious meal at night, but after the meat is cut in half, she may go out. ”

Ren Difei has sorted out the clues. This seems to be the most reasonable and reasonable deduction. Based on the current clues, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Xin Lan still felt that something was wrong, but couldn’t tell.

“Needless to say, the little girl must be dead, but is she only dead?”

Xin Lan looked at the painted wedding photos and asked thoughtfully.

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