Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 30

“You aren’t leaving.” Jun said, the first words we had spoken since we had been put in time out. We had just finished walking into the apartment hours later after being forced to meditate on our mistakes.

“Not yet. But soon.” I told him as I flopped onto the couch before facing him.

“You didn’t defeat me.” He grumbled from the door.

“You didn’t defeat me either. The deal was if you beat me I would shut up and stay. Jun… I know what I’m trying to do is dangerous. I know it sounds crazy! I know. But I can do it. I can do this and come home every night. I have the skill.”

“You don’t! You just got out of the hospital! You lost your memory!” Jun practically ranted as he waved his arms above his head.

“I’ve killed more than twenty people. Scavs. Raffen. Maelstrom. Normal and Borgs.” I said practically punching him in the face with what I have done.

“You are my little sister! You don’t have to kill anyone! I will do it for you! Stay here! Where it is safe, I’ll… I’ll put you into a school! I can even do Arasaka Academy! You can go to school with Hiromi where it is safe! Where you don’t have to stain your hands with blood! Where you don’t have to worry about-”

I stood up at his rant and pulled him into a strong hug. Burying my face into his chest as I held him tight.

“I love you too Jun.” I told him, cutting off whatever he was trying to desperately say. Then I pulled away so he could see me. “But I like killing. I’m not going to stop.” I watched as he tried to process that for a moment and as he opened his mouth I reached up and poked his lips. “No. Listen.” I demanded as I stepped away and dragged him to the couch.

I waited until he settled in as I sat on the little table so we could face each other.

“I really like killing, fighting. I like doing jobs. I like sneaking through a Valentino chopshop to steal information. I like going out as a bodyguard for a Nomad who ends up being a pretty cool guy. I liked when we got chased by Raffen. I liked grabbing my HMG and firing it watching big tough Raffen scream in terror as they get turned into a splatter in the desert. I loved that after, when they left me for dead. When I chased them through the desert, and snuck into their camp. I have never had more fun in my life! Then when I was slowly hunting them through their camp. I killed every man in the camp without any of them managing to call for help or even cry out. I loved when I had their leader at my mercy at the end and I stole his car. And then I shot him.”

I was quiet at that, watching as Jun’s eyes had widened massively as I spoke as I revealed just a bit of what I had been up to.

“How?” He finally asked quietly, looking a little shook. “How did you do that? How did you survive? You were never that good with a Katana.”

“I learned.” I answered simply, it was true in a way. “Killing someone is easy. The trick is just surviving long enough that you learn how to do it better. And a bit of luck.” I added with a casual shrug. “I know you worry. I worry about you too… but I can’t stop you from going out there to hunt Maelstrom in revenge. Just like you can’t stop me from doing the same.”

I stared into his face as emotions roiled over him, his fists clenching over and over as he tried to fight back his own instincts.

“Come out with me.” I told him then, cutting off his inner battle with himself. “Let me show you what I can do. That you don’t have to be afraid. I want you to be part of my life Jun-Nii, and I want to be part of yours. But you’ll have to let me go make my own mistakes. Or my own glory.”

“You can die!”

“I can also die walking down the street, or be gunned down in the middle of a gangwar while driving down the freeway. I’m not gonna be safe if I hide Jun. But, at least I can have some safety if I prove I have the ability to kill any gonk stupid enough to try.” I kind of fluttered my legs a bit as I sat on the table wondering what else I could say.

What else could I do to prove to Jun that I was able to walk in the same circles that he did. That just as he had done plenty of raids against Maelstrom, I could do that too.

“Tomorrow night.” He said finally quietly. “Kamikaze are going to hit a few Maelstrom dens, If… I will ask if they will allow you to come. If you… If you prove to me you are capable after… I’ll…”

“Okay.” I told him he didn’t have to finish, he was struggling to let me go, which wasn’t a surprise. Jun was pretty stubborn after all. So instead of any more tense conversations I pulled Jun into a big warm hug.

Seriously gotta get that Real Skinn, Jun. Your arms are very unhuggable right now.


Apparently the one in charge of the Kamikaze approved of me joining them for an outing, although from the way Jun phrased it, it was less that I could come, and more that they simply didn’t care if I died trying.

Jokes on them. I have no intention of dying. Not until I’ve murdered every spider eyed asshole in this city. It was a shame. I liked spiders….

Wait! If I killed all of them, that means I could take their symbol for myself right? “I’ll become the Black Widow… wait I’m already Motoko.” I muttered to myself as I finished loading my Burya.

My lovely perfect Burya that I was never going anywhere without… That thought struck me and I realized I probably needed a shower gun now too… I’m sure I could put a carnage in there. That thing doesn’t care if it gets rusty.

I nodded at that. Shower Shotgun sounds perfect.

Stupid Night city.

I pulled her into my shoulder holster and stretched. It felt good to be back in my gear again. Even if the feel of the Lexington in my back holster wasn’t quite the same as my Unity.

I miss that gun.

At least I still had my knife. I patted my hip where it rested. That thing had kept me alive in the pit. It was nice that one of the borgs in Kamikaze had grabbed it while looting.


“Jun-Nii. All set?” I asked as I turned to him, noticing the weird look on his face.

“Oh this is the first time Jun has seen my work clothes huh?” I asked him as I did a little pirouette that would make a ballerina nod at how good it was.

Thank you Athletics.

“What are you wearing? Put a real jacket on and a shirt.” Then without waiting he turns and walks out.

“F-fuckin’ jerk!” I yelled back at him utterly shocked at how instantly he had cut down my cute Motoko cospl-Outfit. My outfit!

I chased after him, and it was only as I entered the main room of the apartment that I caught the slight smirk on his face.

Oh! Jun was being an asshole big brother.


“Idiot!” I yelled at him as I made a move to brush past him.

His arm wrapping me up in a hug pulling me off my feet stopped that. Then with the casualness of a big brother he walked me back to the bedroom and plopped me on the bed.

“I have something for you.” He said after a moment as I glared at him for carrying me around. Just because he had stupid gorilla arms, and I wasn’t heavy enough to stop him!

It wasn’t fair!

“What?” I demanded a little petulantly, which probably didn’t help my case of trying to get Jun to trust me as a professional, but he was being stupid. So there.

“I want you to be safe.” He said simply as he headed into the closet in the bedroom, something I hadn’t messed with.

I honestly didn’t think anything was actually in there.

But there was, in fact. It was an armory.

“Ooh Goodies!” I chirped only to be denied instantly with an outstretched hand.

“My stuff. Don’t touch.” He said in that exact older sibling voice that told me I had probably snuck into his stuff too many times to count.

Yeah that’s fair.

I settled down as he went back in and pulled something out that I perked up at.

“It’s my spare… Please do not ruin it. They are expensive.” He tells me as he pulls out a fucking Katana.

Oooh man. I was gonna weeb these Maelstroms to death… wait that sounds wrong.

I shook that stupid thought out as I stood up and took the Katana Jun was holding out for me. The same military style as the one he had. I popped it out of the sheath just an inch seeing the incredibly sharp blade before nodding. Luckily it had a belt on the sheath, so after a moment I had it wrapped around my hips.

I was starting to have a few too many straps on me, Shoulder holster, rear holster and now sword belt.

It’s fine though.

Cause it looked fuckin badass.

“Thanks Jun.”

“It’s a thermal Katana like you wanted. The button is on the side. Don’t cut off a limb, or burn yourself… Or a building down. Better yet, just don’t use it.” He said moving to take it away which I promptly slapped his hand and then he was mushing his hand into my face and I was kicking at his dumb stupid plastic abs.

We finally broke away a few minutes later after Jun put me in a headlock, which I hip tossed him over my shoulder for daring and the loud thump as he almost crashed into the living room table startled us both.

“Truce.” I demanded, and Jun huffed a quiet laugh before he agreed as we split up and straightened up.

Jun had mussed my hair. The jerk. After a quick stop in the bathroom to reorder my hair we both left the apartment down into the parking garage.

There the rest of Kamikaze were already waiting. Although I noticed they weren’t hanging around their own rides, or vehicles that looked like something the Tyger Claws would drive.

Unmarked vans, and cars were idling waiting.

Luckily we weren’t the last to show up. “Jun. Good, still waiting on a few stragglers.” The borg I had met in the Ripper doc said as Jun approached. This time the man wasn’t heading into a ripper. He was armed and armored up.

The flak jacket he wore was actually open showing off his chest, and holographic neon tattoos. I was pretty sure the jacket was less defense than the obvious subdermal armor meaning it was more for looks than utility.

“Hai. Fujimura-Sama.” Jun offered with a bow. Ah that was the Borg's name. Right, the doctor said that as well.

“The girl will be your responsibility.” He added nodding to me, and Jun simply bowed lower in agreement.

I nodded to Jun. I wasn’t about to cause any problems. We all had Maelstrom to kill.

The wait was mostly quiet, most of the Kamikaze were heavily borged, and none of them seemed sociable. Mostly they just hung around, checked their gear.

Or stared into nothing.

Yeah. This was definitely the Psychos of the Tyger Claws.

Dammit Jun. I wasn’t going to let you fall prey to that.

So we ended up settling in, Jun was driving another one of the inconspicuous cars and I was sitting in the back despite no one else in the car.

“Why do I have to sit back here? I called shotgun.” I grumbled at my brother who was starting to stare into nothing as time went by.

So I was using sisterly petulance to distract him.

“Akari makes me drive. Don’t bother her when she gets here.” Jun replied with a tired sigh.

But it was emotion. It wasn’t that coolness that took over his voice at times.

“Finally.” Akari suddenly uttered as she swung the passenger door open and flopped in. The woman looked more like a plastic robot than a human. She was even wearing a mask to hide away what little flesh there was left on her face. All bright red and white plastic, despite knowing it was actually as strong as steel it still made her look fragile. “You’re so slow Jun-kun, making me wait. Well let’s go. Don’t want to piss off Fujimura-Sama anymore than you already have.” She said as she leaned back arms behind her head.

“You are the one that is late, and the one Fujimura-Sama is angry with Akari… Again.” He offered as he started driving out of the garage following a few of the other vehicles. Although once out on the street everyone began driving in different directions.

Sneaky. If everyone had a different route there was less chance of a whole cavalcade being spotted.

“That’s just what you like to believe, Jun.” Akari offered nodding her doll-like head before she turned around in her seat. “How about that? You actually brought your little killer. Fujimura-Sama allowed that?”

“He did. Motoko is allowed to come today. As a test.”

“Hah! She doesn’t have the chrome to join Kamikaze.”

“I’m not really planning on joining. Jun just needs reassurance, I know how to fight.” I cut in. I wanted to make sure these crazy psychos didn’t think I was one of them. That would be terrible if they thought I was as crazy as them!

I was just here to murder people.

“Oh she just needs to reassure her Oniiiii-chaaan.” Akari teased as she looked to Jun. “Despite getting his butt whooped?”

“She did not whoop my butt.” Jun muttered, but I wasn’t going to pick a fight right now.

So I let it pass even as Akari continued teasing Jun.

I looked out the window instead, watching the city go by. My hands slowly opened and closed as I warmed up my joints. I was really looking forward to killing some Strom tonight, ripping them apart, and getting just an ounce of the payment they owed me back.

The drive didn’t take very long. Slowly we pulled into a garage, parking deep into the structure that already had a few of the other Kamikaze’s vehicles parked and empty. I followed Jun as he followed Akari who led us around the structure, Akari was quiet and focused for once, Jun and I followed her lead. Although I wasn’t going cool, I let my footsteps quiet until they practically disappeared.

The parking garage connected to some sort of office building, or maybe they were apartments. It was hard to tell, I felt like the building changed its zoning with every few steps. Eventually we were let into a room on the north side of the building that was on the second floor. There a few of the Kamikaze were preparing. Armoring and fitting weapons into holsters as they prepared.

I followed Jun as he seemed to lead me to the window and point out. I peeked out and there wasn’t much to see, another building right next to us, and a dirty alley below.

“The place down the alleyway is a Strom armory. Hauling loot they collected from raids there. We are here to clear them out and hold the place down long enough for everything to be taken back.” Jun explained to me quietly as I looked down the alley. It was… Well it was an old shop. Whatever it had once been was long gone, the place looked busted up. The Strom probably hadn’t asked to take over the store.

But if that was an armory?

Motoko like.

“Numbers?” I asked and Jun just shrugged which had me puff out a bit of air in irritation. Planning an assault without knowing the numbers they would be facing?

Psychos. Of the non-Cyber variety.

“Doesn’t matter.” Akari said as she walked up her plastic face expressionless as her voice as she looked out the window with her glowing eyes. “We will kill them. That’s our job. Don’t get in our way, little killer.” She said a sinister threat in her voice at the end.

I noticed Jun straightening and moving to stand between us.

How sweet.

But unnecessary. “I won’t.” I offered simply turning back to the window for a second. “We have anyone breaching their security already?”

“We do. Stay out of it. I don’t want a kid getting in my way of the dive.” A voice full of static called out, and one of the Kamikaze, one who I hadn’t seen much of or spoken to yet said. The man was just as borged out as all of them, but he was also I noticed, hooked into a few pieces of tech. It took me a few seconds of scanning to realize.

It was all refrigeration units. The borg had a portable ice bath for when he dived into the net.

“Understood.” I agreed. Everyone was so snappy. But I guess that was just part of working with people one step into Cyber Psychosis.

“We have movement.” Akari called out suddenly and everyone turned towards the window to peek.

Cyberpsycho or not everyone was curious. We all watched a big box truck pull up, drivers window down with a Maelstrom smoking up a storm as he backed up to the front of the store.

“Good timing.” A man's voice called out through the room grabbing everyone's attention. Fujimura the Borg was there.

“Fujimura-Sama.” A few greetings came out from the group, Jun included. But most were quiet, lost in their own little worlds.

“Kamikaze! We strike now before they can unload the truck. Tomaru make sure the driver can’t escape. The rest of you. Strike!” He roared as he charged straight forward making me jerk and jump to the side along with Jun and Akari as he jumped straight through the window we had been looking out of.

A moment later most of the group was gone. Some moving at incredible speeds, others simply bloodthirsty ready to fight.

Jun gave me a single look ensuring I was alright, “Stay behind us.” Before he followed out the window.

Then I was left in the room alone with the netrunner who was probably the furthest from me, if you counted awareness.

“You dicks. We are on the second floor!” I cursed at them as I stuck my head out the now broken window, the sound of gunfire and screams already starting up.

It took me half a second to find a way down and I backed up before leaping out. Parkour made the jump a fearless move. I leapt across to the opposite side of the alley, a fire escape easily grabbed onto and then in a few seconds I was dropping down catching the escape and then dropping to the floor.

Then I was chasing after. The end of the alley faced the shop the Maelstrom had taken, and I could see gunfire and death coming from within.

The driver of the truck slumped over the wheel, a hole through the windshield. I ignored him and instead rushed forward into the now even more broken front window as gunfire came out in sharp notes from within. I slipped inside, feeling cool flow over me. My Kiroshi easily pierced the darkness and gave me sight inside.

The Kamikaze had definitely surprised the Maelstrom, but this place was well defended. A turret was rotating around from the back of the store, the HMG placed inside it having shattered the Kamikaze assault as everyone had jumped into cover.

I sighed this is why you found out the numbers before you rushed in.

Thankfully a moment later as I was running through ways to break the damn thing I was surprised.

Akari disappeared from where she had been zipping forward the HMG firing at her avoided by simply not being where the bullets landed as she surged forward and then her blade cut through the HMG ending its threat.

The Maelstrom cursed at their now destroyed defense as weapons fire burst out towards Akari who was now much slower as she ducked and dodged trying to break line of sight.

The Kamikaze moved in response. Fujimura was first. The massive borg rushed forward smashing through a wall to take two Maelstrom by surprise as he began beating them to a pulp by smashing them together.

Jun was there I noticed, his blade cutting out and leaving blood trails as he passed.

The others were moving as well.

I blinked before I realized it.

They were stealing my XP!

“Fuck.” I cursed as I jumped up Burya quickdrawn in an instant as my baby’s retort echoed through the room. My Kiroshi had a Maelstrom highlighted through a wall. The guy had a nasty looking LMG that he was firing non stop filling the room with lead.

Aiming at Jun.

I fired once. Missed. Then twice. Then again, and again. I was already reloading even as my last round burst a hole through the wall.

My new arms and Recoil Reduction meant I wasn’t even in pain. Sure it almost pushed me back a step with each shot, but Recoil Reduction already taught me exactly how to handle that.

*500 XP Gained.*

I frowned. The one I had targeted through the wall had only been a weakling? I jerked back just in time, catching a Borg rise up with a shotgun pointed at me, breaking the terrible concrete I was hiding behind into powder.

A Burya makes a fair bit of noise. I guess even with Kamikaze rushing in, I had got some attention.

I finished reloading, my eyes already highlighted the gonk that had shot at me, and I was about to shoot when I stopped.

Jun was there, cutting the guy in half. Then again. And again.

Oh. Jun was maaad.

Stupid though. I jumped up and aimed. The Maelstrom gonk that was aiming at my very angry idiot brother. A shot from my Burya ended the threat, even if it wasn’t a great shot. I had been aiming for his chest, and instead hit him in the pelvis he dropped with a cry as his legs stopped working.

Another round into his prone body was all I needed.

*500 XP Gained.*

I looked around for another target, but everyone was dying, or dead. I tsked as I reloaded my Burya slowly as I slipped into the building. Keeping an eye out for any movement as I started checking the dead as I walked up closer and closer to Jun who was glaring furiously at the very dead lump of flesh that was the Maelstrom idiot that shot at me.

“Jun, you with me?” I asked as I stepped closer to him, my Burya still ready to fire in case of any surprises.

“I never left!” He snapped a bit but with a deep breath he swished his blade to clear it of blood and sheathed it.

“Preem.” I offered calmly, no point poking Jun when he was being prickly. My loot senses were immediately active though. I made my way through the area clearing all the corpses and checking in the side rooms and bathrooms just to make sure.

Thankfully the store was clear, while Kamikaze went to work recovering. One of the other borgs, a guy I hadn’t spoken with, that carried around an Ajax, had been hit. A trail of white blood ran down his side.

Looks like would survive but he would need a trip to a ripper.

But I just poked around. The back of the shop was definitely an armory, plenty of weapons and equipment was laying around. My fingers wiggled. One of the first times since I got these new arms I felt fully in tune with my chrome.

They wouldn’t notice if a few pieces went into my pockets… I giggled a little as I reached out to grab a nice looking Nekomata Sniper rifle, something I didn’t have in my arsenal as of yet. When the front door banged open. I jerked away like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar as I looked behind me and noticed a lot of Tyger Claw members, saunter in.

I sighed as they instantly went to the gear and started loading everything up into a few trucks that had pulled up. The Maelstrom Truck was already on its way down the street as someone had jumped in, pushed the dead driver out and started it up.

“C’mon Motoko. We are just keeping an eye out while everything is cleared out.” Jun said as he walked up to me, as he noticed me looking around wondering what to do.

“Ah sure sure.” I muttered a little irritated. This wasn’t very fun. Sure I got to flatline two gonks, but I barely got any XP, and it was already over.

Killing the Raffen had been more fun, even if murdering the Maelstrom warmed a little part of me that wanted to genocide the entire group.

“You got two huh?” Akari asked as she suddenly approached her voice still holding that sinister coldness of someone not fully there.

“Only two.” I confirmed, irritated. “I’m not used to working with a group like this, I was a little too slow.” I added grumbling as I berated myself while looking at all the corpses.

So much missed XP!

“Heh, there’s always more.” She offered her voice almost musical despite being electronic. The sense of bloodlust was intense.

“Stop fucking around. Eyes out.” A rolling gravel voice interrupted Akari’s teasing as she stilled and pulled away from me to do just that.

Fujimura. The borg ‘leader’ of Kamikaze was glaring towards me. But well. It wasn’t focused on me. Just in general.

I did as he suggested mostly because I could see how short the guy's fuse was. I followed Jun outside and we took in the empty street. The gunfire had done well to make sure everyone got away.

“Be more careful.” Jun demanded of me a moment after earning a blink as the non-sequitur threw me for a loop.

“I was fine. Nothing even got close to hitting me.”

“You almost got shot.” He retorted instantly his body tense. Anxiety coloring his voice and body, he was practically pacing unable to stop moving. “I don’t want you doing this. You don’t have enough chrome, or enough armor. After this go back to the apartment. And hunker down. We can find something for you to do when I get home. I’m-”

“No.” I cut in immediately turning to look up into his face. He was wearing an Oni mask around his jaw. The sharp hungry grin didn’t intimidate me though. “I already told you Jun. I’m not just gonna sit at home.”

“I don’t want you to just sit at home! But this is dangerous!”

“I know.” I agree. I looked away from Jun trying to keep my irritation at bay. I didn’t want to turn this into a fight. I knew Jun was trying to protect me, trying to be the big brother, the parent really. That he wanted to be.

But right now it was annoying.

I gathered myself back up idly stroking a thumb up along my chromed palm of my other hand. The irritation of everything was hitting me. Making it hard to keep my own cool. I took a breath and activated Cold Blood. Letting my emotions freeze. Letting my mind attack the problem.

I didn’t get far. I turned back to Jun. He was not quite pacing, but obviously trying to figure out something to say to me, but it was the Kamikaze Netrunner whose name I still didn’t know that broke in. Calling all of us instantly.

“Maelstrom assault incoming. We need to move.” The call buzzed in and then ended. Instantly the Tyger Claws started running, quickly grabbing whatever they had on hand and disappearing it into the trucks, as they started driving off.

“Let’s move.” Fujimura called out and instantly the Kamikaze started moving back through the alley.

“Wait, that's it?” I asked Jun as I jogged to keep up with him as he followed.

“Yeah. The Maelstrom assault will be more than we can handle so we fade away. It’s part of the plan. We poke them like this, steal what we can weaken and kill and fade away when they try to retaliate. Now that we have confirmation one of their big forces is coming here to wipe us out, another group will smash another location.” He turned to look at me as we all reached a back door to the apartment complex we had first arrived in.

Fujimura had already smashed the door open. “C’mon we need to leave before the Maelstrom arrive.” Jun said as I started lagging behind.

“No. You go.” I told him an idea forming in my mind. A terrible perfect idea. My smile must have looked quite bloody as I pushed Jun through the door. “Go on Jun. I’ll be okay.” I tell him and I manage two steps before a pair of hands grabbed both of my biceps, pinned my arms to my sides and lifted me up.

“No. We’re leaving.” Jun said with a growl as he quickly hooked me under his arm and jogged back into the building.

“Jun-Nii. You are really killing my murder boner right now.” I told him, purposefully making the situation as uncomfortable as I could in protest. But he ignored me, despite Akari chuckling in her synthetic voice as she followed along. We made it to the car and I allowed Jun to stuff me in the back seat without too much protest as we peeled out, following the last of the Kamikaze vehicles.

“I’m submitting an official complaint.” I told him after he had slowed down and joined normal traffic.

“Denied.” He retorted instantly.

“Murder Blocking me is rude.” I growled at him from the back seat as I pouted. I had wanted to sneak into one of the Maelstrom trucks and let them lead me to their base, then I would murder everyone!

“Know your limits!” He snapped Jun losing his temper as I could hear the steering wheel in his hands creek. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? Are you trying to die?”

“I would have been fine.” I countered with every ounce of irritation leaking out only for Jun to bark out a laugh.

“Next time don’t try to attack a full on Maelstrom Counter hit squad, and I might believe you!”

I didn’t argue again as Jun drove us back.

It’s fine. It just meant I really couldn’t stick with Jun to go murder anyone.

I would just have to go on my own!

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