Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 39

The third job involved stealing something…

Wakako… is this going to be a theme? Problem was I had to steal something from someone rich. I parked down the street from my target at a little shopping area. Grabbed some dinner and looked at the skyscraper that my target lived in.

This corpo was rich, had security, and owned a weird statue that my client wanted. I read through the mission brief again, shaking my head that I was literally stealing some fancy art piece for another rich guy to crow about.

Problem? This was a secure building. Like Hiromi’s home, but even more fancy. There would be serious security including actual people to keep everyone out.

So I needed to figure out a way through all of that, into the guys apartment, find the object, steal it, and escape without any issues.

I could do that… Probably?

I walked past the entrance of the building, scanning everything inside and checking what the bottom floor security was like.

It was tough. A receptionist. Two LMG turrets hidden in the roof. And a camera over the receptionist's head.

The building was pretty big though, it had tons of little shops on the bottom floor. Rather than rush in, I decided to actually look around, a walk around the block to scope out the area.

There was a little alleyway cut into the side of the building with loading docks, and garbage dumpsters.

But it had a security camera watching over it. Of course.

“This is gonna be annoying.” I muttered as I completed my circuit. I had a few options, but none of them were very appetizing.

So I started poking. I walked to the alleyway and did something I hadn’t used yet. I breached into the camera from afar using the Breach Quickhack instead of the direct function, then once its systems were under my control? I turned it off. With that done I hid between a few dumpsters to see what would happen. If the security system was in any way well designed someone would come out to check on the downed camera…


I breached their system, and I wasn’t elegant about it, surely it would send an alert to their security room and someone would come take a look.


An hour later I felt utterly irritated.

What is this security!? Their system gets hacked and they just ignore it!?

I got up and stomped towards the rear door.

It had a keypad that I poked my cord into and started breaching.

It popped open.

“Mother fucker!” I hissed. This security was fake! It was radioshack level shit that someone had screwed in place to make the security seem tighter!

It was like those old padlocks you could just smack with a hammer and have them pop open. The image of security more than the fact.

I went cold as I stepped in. Fine, they have shit security, just makes my job easier… Even if I could still smell the trash I had been sitting next to for the last hour.

The back room was a loading area probably for the entire building, and not just the apartments.

It was also thankfully empty. With a few doors leading out, I started checking them.

Broom Closet, Kitchen, Main hallway, I could see the main street I had first walked up to the building from. And the elevators.

I smiled as I walked out of the back room, no one even looking my way and the only camera in the area in the front room not even looking at the elevators.

I pushed the request and it denied me.

Ah, stupid thing needed a passkey…

I thought about snooping around a bit, I bet I could find a few extra pass shards, in the lobby or something, but I just pulled out my cord and plugged it in.

The elevator opened up.

When I finished this job I was going to send a complaint about this building's security. This wasn’t even fun.

I pushed the eight on the touchpad, and waited as it took me up. The target had a private floor for his home, so once I was up there, security might be harder. Might actually give me a challenge.

The elevator opened and I could already hear voices.

The elevator opened into a small entrance lobby, with a single door leading into the apartment. I peeked out of the elevator, searched for cameras quickly before walking out of the elevator.


The door had a little code lock just like the building's back door.

I frowned, sticking my cord inside I breached.

The door clicked open.

I was glad I was feeling cold right then, because that was so dumb. You live in Night city! Why don’t you have security!?

I slipped inside. Two voices.

A male and a female. Head on a swivel I kept searching for any security, There was actually an HMG turret recessed into the floor in the first room…

But it was off, and manually controlled from what my scan was showing. So I didn’t have to worry about it unless the owner noticed me.

I walked past it, started scanning everything looking for the object that Wakako’s Client wanted.

Nothing in the front lobby, I slipped a peek towards the… Kitchenette? No a bar. The apartment owner had company… I think that was a Doll. Or a Joytoy. She reminded me of Evelyn Parker from the game. Similar style, very neokitsch.

Definitely an escort. I looked away, that should keep them busy for a bit. I slipped past the open door to the long hallway and started checking rooms. First room was a small office. A laptop called me, but it wasn’t what I was here for. Next room was an entertainment room, a big couch, a large TV, even a BD wreath on a table.

Guy liked his fun.

But not my target. Stupid little statue thing!

I had to slowly maneuver myself upstairs thankfully just out of sight from the bar, and started checking the rooms up there. Interestingly, the first room I checked was a massive bathroom, like huge. A pool more than a bathtub.

Instant jealousy. I wanted a massive hot tub bathtub! I pouted, I didn’t even have time to look around it, no statue, so I slipped out to the next room.

As I was about to open the door I heard them.

“C’mon Hellena, let me show you something.” I stilled waiting. Were they coming up or staying on the ground floor?

The moment I heard a foot step on the stairs I got my answer. I slipped into the room I was about to enter and slowly inched the door shut then I turned around.



I glanced around, I needed a hiding spot. Bed? No it was a massive thing that was attached to the floor. Doors? Two, one definitely attached to the bathroom.

I checked the other one, slipping into the closet. It was a walk-in closet, practically a room on its own. Tons of clothes on hangers and shoes. It smelled like a store.

I just inched the door shut when the bedroom door opened.

Giggling and whispered nothings.



I sighed silently as I heard the bed start creaking.

This was going to be a while.

It was not a while.

Ten minutes later, both of them were breathless although I could tell the Joytoy was faking it, and they both got up and slipped into the bathroom.

Thank fuck the guy didn’t have a Mr. Studd.

Once I was sure they were both in the bathroom and its stupid massive pool bathtub, I slipped out of the closet.

The statue wasn’t here.

I slipped out into the hallway without a sound and looked around. Now that they were in one room, I could check around.

It didn’t take long. The statue was on a little cabinet in the room with the bar. I hadn’t been able to see it from the entrance.

I checked it for security.

Nothing. I grabbed the damn thing and headed for the elevator, wanting to stomp the whole time.

I was glad that was over.


I pulled up to Jig-Jig street having cooled off a bit.

Seriously, how can they allow such poor security!?

I walked into Wakako’s parlor arms full of stuff as I walked into her office.

As usual she was already waiting for me, her eyebrow raised as she saw my arms full.

“Here is everything.” I told her placing the statue in front of her, along with the laptop, and a shard in a row. “Also you would think better security systems would be important in Night City, but people really don’t focus on it.” I vented to Wakako.

“Netrunners are required to stop another netrunner. Usual policy is to hire guards if you want something protected.” She offered, surprising me as she actually responded to my whining.

I blinked at Wakakos response.

“Makes sense I guess.”

“Good work.” She finally offered, examining all three items on her desk. “Your death would have been a pointless waste. Don’t allow yourself to be taken by surprise again. It’s irritating to find someone capable of doing a job without bullets involved.”


She nodded, eyes suddenly glowing gold as a huge amount of eddies was dropped into my account.

“Pay for the gigs, and the bonus for all three. Get out of here, I’ll let you know when I have another gig ready for you.” She said waving me off, but again I didn’t run away instantly.

“Thanks Wakako. I’ll make sure to be safe.” I tell her with a smile earning a scoff as she waves me off.

Wakako didn’t want to admit it, but she had actually seemed worried about me. Old Dragon Lady she might be, but she wasn’t terrible.



I flopped onto the couch at the Dojo apartments tired.

“What have you been up to all day?” Jun asked quietly as he turned down the volume of the TV he was watching. The news oddly enough.

“Well I went out to get some design software… I want to make some robot stuff. It’s a long term project. I picked that up, then I ran into the Mox, which… Did I tell you about Nox?”

“Nox… Is that a gang?”

“No Not the-... Nox is a Mox. Total nerd. I met him rescuing him from some jerks trying to steal the BD’s he was trying to sell.” I tell him as I lay on my back on the couch my arms waving above me as I speak. “Anyway I hadn’t talked to him since before the kidnapping, and I ran into a Mox girl that was annoyed that I had ghosted her friend… So I called him up, met up with him, and he offered me a gig.”

“A kid selling BD’s offering you a job? What does he want you to sell BD’s too? Absolutely not.”

I opened my mouth.

I closed my mouth.

I knew exactly what it would sound like if I said what I was about to say. Twice already I had gotten to surprise people with it.

I should rephrase it.

I should be clear when I speak.

But where is the fun in that? Third times the charm!

“He wanted me to make BD’s for the Mox and I agreed.” I felt my lips twitching. Despite myself not even Cold Blood 7 could stop me from almost laughing at the look on Jun’s face.

First it was a nod, like hearing me doing something other than merc work was good. Then his nodding head stilled as my words registered.

“NO!” He shouted raising up and reaching out to grab at me, I let him his hands wrapping around my shoulders. “ABSOLUTELY NOT!”

I couldn’t help it.

The look on his face!

I burst out into laughter, the noise absolutely ripping itself out of me. As Jun pinned me to the couch.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I laughed practically crying as I felt Jun’s hands loosen up realizing I was messing with him.

“Don’t joke about that stuff!”

“Sorry sorry!” I gasped deep breaths finally seeing Jun’s angry face through my tears as I wiped them away. “It’s kinda true though. Just said in the worst way possible. I’m going to be recording BD’s while I am doing mercenary gigs. Basically when I work with Wakako, who is a slave driver by the way, she threw THREE gigs in my face today! I had to do all three of them back to back I’m-”

“What do you mean, recording BD’s!? Focus on the important part, Imouto.” He demanded shaking me a little making me giggle.

“Alright, sorry, anyway, The idea is to sell BD’s of me doing merc stuff, like XBD’s but cleaner. No Cyberpsycho stuff that everyone buys, but just clean gigs giving people a taste of what it’s like. I mean, I’m a teenager so the hope is that kids will be interested in it.”

“That’s…” He stopped whatever he was about to say. “Just be careful about that. If someone finds out you were the one to rob them, or kill their buddy, they might…”

“Yeah. I’ve been thinking about that. I’m gonna talk to Judy. Judy is the Mox’s BD Maestro. About making sure any direct visuals of me are left out. Let people just feel what it’s like. I wonder… Can you mess with a BD so any reflections would look like the user's face?”

Jun gave me a look before flicking my forehead. “Do I look like I know anything about BD editing? But you should ask, if that’s possible, it’ll keep you a lot safer.” He said and pulled me up from where I was laying on the couch to pull me into a hug. I snuggled in a little, liking the affection even if his arms still sucked.

“You really need to get some Real Skinn… Go see Vik.” I grumbled at him poking him in his stupid plastic abs which of course didn’t do much.

His arm clamping down on me until I could barely breathe in retaliation.

“J-erk.” I gasped out.

“Ah, if only my Imouto was cute.”

“B-ich, ‘m Dorable!” I countered barely audible as I struggled to get away from his stupid gorilla arm.

Stupid gorilla!

Finally he let me go and I kicked him a few times before we settled back in to hang out and watch the news.


Considering I was all ‘caught up’ on Wakako’s jobs, I had some time on my hands.

I found myself tapping my fingers together considering.


It feels good. Satisfying. To do harm to someone that harmed you. But it’s not an easy thing to do. I still wanted that Spider Ripper to die. That Maelstrom Bastard needed to lose a few of his limbs.

But how much effort was I going to give to them? How much of myself was I going to give over to the task of hunting them?

If I had asked myself before the adaptation, I wouldn’t have even listened, just made plans to keep killing them. I was so angry. So hurt.

The Adaptation didn’t fix me. Didn’t fix the problem. I still had that burning hatred in my stomach.


I breathed in and out.

I wanted to live. I wanted to have fun! I wanted to be lazy sometimes!

Revenge was surprisingly tedious. You had to keep that burning hatred lit at all times, because if you started letting it burn out, you started realizing it was kinda pointless to be that obsessed.

So yes. I would hunt that Spider Ripper. And the Bastard. I would murder them. Hell I would torture them, if I had the time. Because in the end I’m not a hero. Not a good person.

But I wouldn’t exist to do it. I wouldn’t spend my life around killing them. They had already taken my arms.

They wouldn’t take my life.

With that I nodded. It was enough. Something I could accept. That caused that urge to go kill Maelstrom to ease off. To let other things take the stage.

So since I didn’t feel like murder right now, I decided to settle in and work on some skills.

With my CAD program, and a laptop that I removed any remote access from by physically tearing out the ‘wi-fi’ connections. I had an off the grid system, that I could pull up Arasaka’s CAD system.

Then I learned that just because I have some knowledge about engineering, doesn’t mean I’m any good at it.

Robotics wizard helped a little despite being more about putting together robots. But even then.

“That’s not gonna work.” I grumbled at myself, looking at the Tachikoma Prototype design.

“If I actually built this, I would have to immediately put it out of its misery.” I told myself as I grimaced at just how bad it was.

Designing a robot was… Complicated.

At least I was getting Engineering Alerts really consistently from it.

So I went back to the drawing board.

“Let’s just work on a limb to start us off.” I muttered as I designed to narrow my focus for a bit. The triple fingered Tachikoma limb, that could shoot, and extend out was impossible considering I wasn’t building a SUV sized armored support system.

Instead I was thinking… A bit smaller to start out. I still remember how useful the Flathead was in the game, even if you only get it for the one mission, what would some of the missions be like if you had a small army of them that were also AI?


I hadn’t considered that problem yet. I could probably design a remote control version of them… Eventually.

But an AI? I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on how to even design one, but I knew the hardware requirements of an AI were crazy high. I mean Delamain’s AI was housed in a massive room sized core.

A robot that didn’t even reach my knees couldn’t possibly reach that point. Even if I programmed the AI to be incredibly efficient.

“Motoko.” Jun suddenly called out pulling my head away from the screen as I peek up over the couch where I had made a little nest for myself.


“There is another raid tonight… You… You can come.” He told me hesitating a bit at the reveal.

I blinked.

I didn’t want to go murder Strom right now! I wanted to design robots! Stupid Jun!

But at the same time. I could use the XP, and… My head was clearer. I didn’t need to rush in and kill every Strom myself. Even if it’s only a kill or two, that’s still making an improvement. Levels will come.

Then I remembered!

“Sure! I’ll bring my Nekomata!” I called out suddenly eagerly! I could shoot tons of people through walls while the Kamikaze ran around like bulls in a china shop!

Jun actually suddenly looked pleased. “Good! Get ready!” He ordered pointing firmly as he turned away looking pleased.

I guess Jun was happy to keep me away from the fight. But he was silly. I would have happily stayed home tonight.

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