Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 49

It had been almost an hour and a lot had happened. Three more patrol cars had arrived, an EMT ambulance. The guys inside were wearing that high visibility Jacket like Gloria and David.

It was kinda cool to see, but I was getting annoyed. The cops hadn’t uncuffed us yet, but they had put all of our weapons to the side, but had left them together. No signs at least I was going to lose my iron.

Finally Detective Stints arrived, conversing with the other officers, and doing general police stuff but ignoring us.


I mean my wrists couldn’t get sore anymore, but this was still not the most comfortable position. Plus I was bored. So bored. Omega bored.

Jun had literally fallen asleep.

Hours passed. The sun was rising up before Stints finally seemed to wrap up the hurried exploration of the farm house the NCPD were doing.

I was so ready to break out and leave by then. Hours of just sitting there!

But finally Detective Stints walked over to me.

“I don’t suppose you can uncuff me now? It’s been an hour.” I said before he could say anything but the man just chuckled.

“Maybe I shouldn’t? Hauling the Oni of Japantown in would be a good deed. Plus… Motoko Kusanagi. Mostly on record for petty theft, a bit of Breaking and Entering. Grand Theft Auto…”

“Wait, I stole a car? That’s pretty nova!” I muttered the last bit to myself. Old Motoko had definitely been a hellion.

“But I’ll give it to you. Everything we’ve pulled out of here confirms this was the Meat Man. Even found DNA from some of his confirmed victims. So congratulations kid. You killed a confirmed bounty target.”

“I’ve actually killed a couple of those before. This is just the first one I’ve ever actually called the NCPD with… Well, other than the scavs.” I muttered but while that earned an eyebrow Stints didn’t say anything more about it instead moving on.

“Go ahead and uncuff them.”


“They may be lowlives, but they took out the real scum today.” Stints offered and I was frowning a bit.

I wasn’t a lowlife! Just because I killed and stole for a living…

I guess that's fair. Still a jerk thing to say!

A few moments later after Jun was startled awake we were uncuffed, although all the officers still looked twitchy as Jun and I recovered our weapons.

“Kid.” Stints called out as I finished sliding my Burya back into the holster.


“You did okay tonight. Not the best way to go about it, but at least this piece of shit is off the streets. Think about where you want to be in the future. NCPD could use someone with the skill to find the Meat Man.”

I opened my mouth, closed it and then decided to say it anyway.

“Thanks but no thanks. I don’t think I’ll ever be on the side of the law.”

“Figured. But I tried anyway. Go on. You and your brother get lost. Oh and kid?” His eyes turned gold, and to my surprise I got a text from the NCPD confirming a Bounty assignment.

A couple thousand eddies were available to be claimed.

“Good work.”


Jun slept most of the way home. The sun was fully up when we got there and Jun crawled into his bed like a zombie only seconds after entering the apartment.

I, on the other hand, had a date.

Once Jun was tucked in, I headed back out. Stopping only to fill up the tank of my car which as always was a monstrously large amount of eddies. I drove over to pick up HIromi.

I was just on time, as I was pulling into Hiromi’s garage, I got a text from her.

*Hiromi: You didn’t forget right? Motoko? Choom?*

I chuckled as I drove around the garage until I came to where Hiromi parked her bike. Finding her already waiting down there sitting on it and looking nervous.

Her face changing to a happy smile was all I needed as I parked in front of her popping the passenger door. “You called for a ride?”

“Yeeees!” Hiromi cheered as she leapt into my passenger seat with a laugh. She settled in, but I was frowning at her after a moment.

“Seatbelt.” I reminded her, earning a roll of her eyes but she did realize I was being serious and put it on.

“Okay seriously Motoko. That BD was absolutely Preem! The first three were okay, interesting I guess. I mean it was weird doing things, but knowing you were the one that did them you know? But the Maelstrom BD? Eeee I was so excited! You were so in control! Motoko! You're so cool!” She said, winking at me as she said Cool.

I puffed my cheeks at her because I knew she was only saying that to tease me.

“I’m glad you liked it. I did some work last night, but hopefully I can get another Gig soon and get some more.”

“Oooh Yeah, definitely pass them my way.” Then to my surprise Hironi settled back into the Quadras seat and went quiet for a bit. “You really are fearless.” She offered quietly. I noticed she was also doing everything but looking at me.

“You don’t… You don’t need to compare yourself to me, Hiromi. I’m scared a lot too. Didn’t I tell you? After that first gig with Ichi after I killed those Tino thugs, I hid in the apartment. Jun had to force me outside with a ramen bribe. I was scared of going outside again.”

“You got over it. You go out and do amazing gigs and-”

“And you are super smart, You make friends everywhere you go, and you go to Arasaka Academy, so you’ll be some super important Corpo Executive someday. I’ll be doing gigs for you soon, so Hiromi just… Be happy? Okay? If you aren’t I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you get to be happy. Just…”

“You are such a gonk.” She whispered laughing a bit and I smiled as her smile was back. “Fine. I’ll be happy if that is what you want.” She said, laughing at me, but I was just glad she was back to normal.

Sad Hiromi is a no-no.

“Aww. This sucks.” Hiromi said instantly doing a 360 on her previous mood.

Mood Whiplash her name is Hiromi.

I was pulling into the front of Arasaka tower and Hiromi was glaring at the stand of people gathering up and heading inside.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just don’t want to deal with Tomaru.” She sighed as I pulled into a space in front of the building. There were actually a lot of vehicles stopping and going along the bit of circular road. Although rarely did I see parents, usually, it looked like Taxi services, or personal drivers, dropping off the kids. My vehicle actually stood out quite a lot from the array of high end expensive executive cars.

Not that I cared.

“Will you be okay?” I asked as Hiromi was pouting but she looked at me and laughed.

“Tomaru is a gonk, but I can handle him. No worries.” Then as I was parked she turned in her seat and threw a hug around my shoulders. “Thanks for the ride Motoko. See you later this afternoon?”

“Yep. Gotta pick you up after all.” I agreed and she was smiling as she nodded, stepping out of the car and sending me a wave as she walked backwards.

Then as Hiromi started walking amongst the array of students I saw it.

A yellow beat up Thorton.. Galena? I think the name was. The exact kind of car you would never see someone drive to Arasaka Tower.

But there it was. And I knew who was in it. I remained parked for a minute as I watched it pull up as David Martinez stepped out.

He was… About the same as he looked in the anime. Same hair. Same uniform. No Jacket of course.

“-Love you Mijo!” Gloria Martinez called out from the drivers seat waving at her son like it was his first day of school. Which I could see was causing David to start growing red in a blush, and worse causing the other students to glare at him.

But there they were.

A part of me. The one that loved anime and wanted to dress up as my favorite characters…

Okay a large part of me…

Okay like 99% of me.

Wanted to rush out and introduce myself. To become friends with David, and meet Gloria.

But another part of me made me realize that I had my own life to live. My own family, and chooms.

I might just try to help both of them out, because I did feel for Gloria. Working so hard to make a future for her son. But there was no point in getting involved right now. I already had an idea of when I would be needed.

So I pulled out after checking my mirrors and drove out into the city towards home.

I had a chunk of time before Hiromi was out of school after all, and I really needed to have a conversation with someone that I… Well trust was stretching it.


Wakako’s Pachinko parlor was the same as always. I still had no idea why she chose such a chaotic place for her office.

But I walked right in, and as usual Wakako was waiting for me.

“Girl. Sit.” She demanded which I did, almost rolling my eyes as the older woman took control of the situation instantly.

“I’m not here for a gig… Well I mean I might accept one if you have it, but Wakako. I need some advice, from someone that I can… Trust.” I admitted which only earned a quirked eyebrow from the Dragon Lady.

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. “I know trust is probably a stupid word. But you have a use for me. So at least I know you won’t just burn me without a good reason.”

“Accurate, enough. I do not offer such things for free.”

“Well maybe you will when you hear what is happening. I’m planning on killing Jotaro Shobo.” I said and that caused a reaction as Wakako’s eyes widened just a bit before smoothing out.

“That… Is a dangerous statement.”

“Yeah hence why I’m chatting with you and not just ganking him without anyone knowing… I’m not a Tyger Claw, but Jun is, my family was. Killing one of their golden boys won’t go over well. What can I do to make sure this doesn’t blow up in my face?”

The woman took a moment to grab a cigarette and light it, taking a long drag before speaking again.

“You need this man dead. Why?”

“A couple reasons.” I admitted. “He threatened me. Before I even realized who he was, or what lows he would stoop too. He might have backed up because of my Kamikaze connections… Although I’m still not a member, people need to stop saying that.”

“Of course.” Wakako offered waving her hand to keep me going, but her voice was full sarcasm.

“But honestly I don’t like the fact he kidnaps people. Tortures them for BDs and his own sick pleasure. So I’m going to kill him.”

“There are many people doing such dirty jobs. He is not alone, most don’t have the connections that scum has. So why choose him?”

“Because I’ve had conversations with him in the past, and never even realized what he was. It… Pisses me off.” I admit truthfully hands clenching. “He’s a monster Wakako, and at one point he said he was interested in me, wanted me to work for him. The very idea disgusts me.”

“Troublesome. Certainly troublesome. I would suggest as someone who has a small desire to keep you alive for my benefit, that you ignore this. Let it go.”

“I knew you would say that. But…”

“But you will not listen, yes. In that case I would suggest you never speak of this conversation with me again, forget it ever happened, for I will. And perhaps find another Fixer who already has a gig to assassinate a certain Tyger Claw.” Wakako tells me taking a drag and giving me a strong look.

“Can I even do that… I wouldn’t want to offend you Wakako. You’re my Fixer… I’m supposed to keep some loyalty to you… Right?”

She looks at me and just scoffs. “Says the girl that has joined her brother on gigs left right and center.”

“Jun needed me to watch his back…”

“Girl your brother has quite the rep all on his own. But still… We have no contract saying you only work for me, even if I would prefer to keep it that way. If you must do this, have a fixer ready to protect you from the backlash. Let them take the blame while you disappear like smoke.”

I nodded slowly. “Do you happen to know?”

“Now you ask me to tell you what Fixer you should go to while betraying me? Truly child you offend me at every turn.” She said but the fact she was actually chuckled meant she was just messing with me.

Right? Please be right.

“There is a Fixer in Watson. Jones. Find a way to get in contact with her, and perhaps you can find an ally in this foolishness. We never spoke of this.”

“Thank you Wakako. I owe you one.”

“Far more than one.” She whispered in her grandma-catty way.

Okay so all I had to do was somehow get in contact with Regina Jones.



It turns out getting in touch with a Fixer wasn’t as easy as I expected. I mean, it’s not like I knew where Regina’s HQ was. Or even if I did, how I would get in touch with her.

I couldn’t just walk into the Afterlife and get in contact either. I wasn’t famous enough for that, the bouncer would never let me in. Plus the Afterlife was Rogues HQ. Doubt she would even let Regina in.

So for now. For just a bit while I figured this out. The hunt for Jotaro Shobo’s life was on the backburner.

But his day would come. Instead what I needed was…

Well contacts. People. Friends!

And I had just the group that owed me a favor.

*Hey Scorpion, how’s things? You have any issue picking up the vehicles?* I sent out a text as I walked back to the car. The sounds of Jig-Jig street all around me. The joytoys were working, and the johns were active around the area, despite it being early afternoon.

Night City was certainly special.

Suddenly I got a call. Scorpion was reaching out.

*Hey Scorpion!* I chirped into the line, which made the dichotomy even funnier as the guy sounded utterly dead.

*Hey Kid, no issues, we got to the site and klepped everything in the middle of the night. Saul thought it might be a trap at first, so it took even longer than it should have, but we got everything moved to the camp. Already have most of the cars repainted. We uh… Owe you. Big time.*

*Nah, you did me a favor. I had no idea what to do with all that crap. I’m at least glad to get it out of the Raffens hands.* I told him as I walked down the street, I thought about going home, but since I was out and about, I stepped across the street and down the steps into Cherry Blossom Market.

Ramen sounded good.

*Yeah well that’s not how Saul is seeing it. Listen Motoko… You saved my ass before, and we didn’t do what we should have. I mean, I haven’t even kept in touch. Why don’t you come out to the camp. We are having a barbeque, and Saul wants to meet you. Gotta discuss your pay.* Scorpion said although he ended by breaking out into a jaw popping yawn.

Poor guy. He must be exhausted what with being woken up in the middle of the night, forced into a long distance drive to the Raffen camp, looting it up and then driving home.

I was just lucky that I didn’t really get sleepy like that anymore.

*Barbeque?* I ended up asking, because that sounded fucking amazing. Even if I was settling into the noodle bar and ordering lunch.

*Well it’s not real meat, but trust me, we know how to make the taste authentic. Kid… Motoko… You should come. We owe you big, let us at least give back a little, you are making Saul freak out about owing so much to some merc he’s never met. Come on by, let us throw you a party. Hell, you might get some job offers, we don’t usually hire kids for gigs, but you have a bit of a reputation among the Aldecaldos now.*

*Well I am always looking for more work… I can’t make it tonight. I have to help out a choom in a few hours and then I don’t think I’ll even have time to reach your camp before nightfall.*

*Yeah we are pretty out here.*

*So let me know another day? You kinda had me at barbeque.* I admitted with a smile as I waved down the waiter for a bowl of Ramen. Food in Night City was kinda lacking.

*Tomorrow then. I’ll let Saul know. Motoko. For last night. Thanks, I’ll make sure we pay you back for all of it. You’ve made a lot of friends with the Aldecaldos over this.*

*It was nothing… Really. But I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.*

*I’ll send the camp's coordinates. Cya then kid.*

*I’m not a-*

“He hung up.” I grumbled, but I was smiling a bit too. “I guess I’ll have to tell Jun not to wait up for me tomorrow.”

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