Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 64

First thing I did once I said goodbye to Vik, and stopped in to chat with Misty was call Wakako.

*Wakako! My favorite fixer! How are you?*

*What do you want?* She demanded instantly, my attempt to flatter obviously revealing my intentions.

*You have a guy looking to work with you. Jackie Welles?*

*I’m aware, what about him?*

*So he’s not half bad. Got the skill, and the desire to push to the top. Bit of a gonk though. You’ll do best by matching him up with someone, let him be the muscle and all that… But when you finally meet with him. Can I be there? Pleeease?* I begged, not even bothering to keep any sense of self respect.

Wakako let out a sigh and the line went quiet for a minute. *What nonsense are you trying to put together?*

*Okay so Jackie, nice guy, I like him. When he said he was trying to work with you. I had a thought. ‘Motoko you could help this guy finish this gig, and have a bit of muscle that you could trust on some gigs.’ But Jackie’s a bit of a gonk. Refused my help cause I’m a kid. So now when he meets you… I need to tease him a bit. Please Wakako! I just want to be there in person so he walks into the room and just sees me already there! The look on his face! You can’t tell me it won’t be funny!*

*Girl. I’m a professional. I don’t do things just because they will be funny.*

*I’ll give you a discount on my next gig. Two thousand off.* I said instantly.

The line went silent.

*I will inform you if he completes the gig.* She admits frankly without any sign that she had to walk back on her words.

Wakako! I love you.

*Cool. So-*

*I have a gig for you.* She said suddenly and my brain chirped as I got a text.

*Oh? It’s been a while. I expected you to be throwing gigs at me a lot sooner?*

*You’ve been busy enough without my assistance.* She says in a low tone. *But if you have so much more interest in work, I’ll have more gigs for you soon.*

Then she hung up on me.

Wakako! I hate you.

I sighed and checked the information. Humming a bit I sent back a confirmation I would get it done and turned around.


This was gonna be interesting. I couldn’t help but think as I looked over the building. It was an office building. They had some data that a client of Wakako’s wanted. I was stealing from a small company.

Entity Retail LLC.

What did they do?

No idea. Their company net page was basically full of corpo slang talking about using intelligent solutions to solve problems ect ect.

The company could literally do anything if you actually believed its slogans. But that didn’t matter. I was here to steal some information, nothing more.

So I parked in a garage and walked in the front door of the business skyscraper.

The company only rented one of the offices on the eleventh floor so it wasn’t like I had to sneak all the way through.

The building lobby was basically empty, just a generic corporate business lobby that I walked right through to the elevator. It took me a few seconds to know that hacking the elevator was a no go. It would take too long, so I walked past it to the stairs.

The stairs were secured here at the bottom, but that took me far less time to break into than the elevator security, and then I was in the stairwell. Slowly I marched up the stairs actually enjoying the exercise a bit. Between this and training with Jackie I was getting a little physically tired.

I peeked through the door that was marked 11 to see what I was dealing with.

And it was a hallway.

Right this wasn’t some Arasaka Corpo office with HMGs around every corner. It was just an office building.

I slipped in to look around. The hallway led to a main foyer that had three different corporations that I could see, at least based on the doors.

It took me about thirty seconds after finding the corporation that I wanted to turn around and head back into the stairwell.

On the door was the office hours, and considering I had seen a bunch of people inside?

Now it was time to wait for closing time.


It took a few hours, and if not for the ability to send texts and a really nice view off the roof of the building I would have been annoyed.

I had thought about heading home, but by the time I actually reached the apartment I would have had to go out again anyways.

So I spent a few hours enjoying the view from the top of the twelve story tower, while waiting for the office to close down…

Well that and hacking into the building security.

There was an access port on the roof, and I mean…

It was just sitting right there.

Sure the security was pretty good, and some of the different floors' security was even better, but I had a few hours to burn, and it was something to do.

So I breached in, and poked around. Taking over a few of the cameras in the system, deleting some files that had me on the camera, even if the image was blurry thanks to my Kiroshi. You know fun things.

I was watching through the cameras as the time finally came, the office started clearing out over the next thirty minutes, until finally a man exited and turned off the lights on his way out.

Go time.

I disconnected and headed down, the security of the building already broken before me, so nothing stopped me.

The office had its own secure system, and it was better than normal building security.

It was just unfortunate that building security still had access to the office per their lease. So since I had already broken one system, I had given myself security administrator access to the office.

I didn’t even have to hack the system. It simply beeped and let me in.

The office was dark, and a little spooky, but I fixed that by turning the lights on and started looking around. I needed to find the boss's office, and it took me a few minutes before I spotted it. The door was locked, and it actually had a private security pad.

Which was hilarious because I recognized the pad, it was one you could buy from basically any store for a few eddies.

The security was worse than the office itself. I suppose it was just meant to keep the workers in the office out.

Thirty seconds later I was in, and exploring the boss's office.

The man obviously thought highly of himself. Paintings on the walls. Golden doo dads on the desk. A fancy computer rig.

I woke it up, and it took me ten seconds to find the password written on a note nearby. It was almost sad that I didn’t even have to breach in. I accessed the system, and then jacked in.

Found the files the client wanted…

And stole a few extras for me. I would trade it in at the Dewdrop for something maybe.

Then I shut the computer down and whistled as I headed out.

I even shut the lights out on my way out the door. Used the elevator which I now had security access to use, to hit the bottom floor and walked out.

As I climbed into the Quadra, I sent a message to Wakako with the data.

Gig complete.


“Finally!” I grumbled as I managed to get a new bit of code to compile. I was working on Weapon Glitch. Clearing out the jumbles of bad code, and trying to smooth out its process time. If my estimate was right. I could drastically increase the activation speed.

But more interesting was the fact I knew this Quickhack could be used on multiple people at a time.

The skill to do something like that was beyond me at the moment. I simply had no idea how to bounce a hack through multiple people, but it was possible, and it was something I wanted.

I still remember the scene in edgerunners when the entire group of Maelstrom had all their weapons and Cyberware malfunction suddenly from a single Netrunner.

That was edgerunner shit. Lucy, and Kiwi were at that level. The experience, Tech, and skill to pull it off.

I wasn’t, not yet anyways, but I just had to aim for that, and eventually the system would get me there.

I shook my thoughts away and stretched, the code compiled. I had managed to for at least a small section of the massive program to clean it up.

Now I just needed to do that like a thousand more times.

“Ugh. Stupid jerks putting out shitware. If I ever find out who fucked this code I’ll kill them.” I promised as I laid back on the couch.

I could use a nap.

No one was bugging me at the moment. Jun was at work. Wakako had her gig completed the same day. Regina was still quiet. Hiromi was dealing with homework. Ichi and Malcolm were both enjoying their wealth from the scav cleanup.

All was good.

I sighed.

“Another thousand snarls to go.” I reminded myself and rose up putting my hands back against the keyboard and starting on the next section of snarled goofy code.

*Intelligence Leveled up!*

I blinked at the sudden alert, I had barely been able to fix a single line of code before the alert popped up.

Intelligence 8!

The alert perked me right back up and I buried my head in the code once more.


I woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming in through the armored blinds. I had fallen asleep on the couch again instead of going into my bedroom, but it didn’t really matter to me. I woke up feeling completely rested either way.

“Morning.” Jun said, almost startling me as he walked out of the bedroom. He hadn’t come home last night before I fell asleep, and I hadn’t even realized he had come home.

“I didn’t hear you come in.” I muttered glaring a bit and he actually smirked at me, before very obviously starting to pace in front of me in the living room.

It took a moment before I realized it. He made almost no sound as he stepped unlike the previous thuds he had made.

“Lynx Paws?”


“Gonk!” I snarled, jumping at him suddenly, using the living room table to leap into the air to crash into him. A few moments of swinging myself around him turned into a grapple as I gripped his stupid face with both of my hands and smashed my forehead into his stupid gonk face.

“Fuck! Motherfuck!” He screamed out as he tried to rip me away.

“WHY DID YOU GET MORE CHROME YOU STUPID GONK FUCK!?” I screamed at him ready to smash his face again when he finally managed to grab my face to keep me from bashing him face to face again.

“I didn’t! Fuck! Motoko you little!” He snarled as he kept trying to rip me away but failing.

Thank you Grapple perk.


“I didn’t! The Lynx Paws were already installed! Fuck Owe! That hurt!”


“They were already installed, but they were shit. An old set, Motoko, now get off my face.” He growled and I finally accepted rolling backwards landing on my hands before pushing myself into a flip to land in a crouch on the couch.

“You did say you were going to Viks.”

“I did you fuckin’ gonk.” He growled at me “But the Lynx paws parts were from that chromed borg.”

“Grrr!” I growled at Jun waving my fingers threateningly as I considered angles to attack. He was aware of me now. The lack of surprise would make it harder.

“Enough! The crazy borg we fought had a set of Lynx paws, way better than the shit I had. So I got my chrome upgraded.”

“You shouldn’t be installing new chrome you chrome brained gonk!”

“I didn’t! I just upgraded!”

“Same. Thing!”

“Well it’s done! Jeeze. My head hurts.” He grumbled. “Since I flatlined him, a lot of his chrome was gathered up, I… did the smart thing and didn’t chip in any of the rest. Relax Motoko. I’m not gonna go cyberpsycho.”

“Go see Vik to get everything checked out! You know he is better than that TC ripper you went to before.”

“Yeah yeah. Alright, alright. If it’ll keep you from attacking me!” He stomped off to the kitchen, his new chrome making the act amusing since it wasn’t really loud enough to get the point across.

Ugh. My brother was a chrome dome.

I sat back on the couch and just let out a sigh. Keeping that moron alive was going to be a full time job wasn’t it? I really needed to get him a girlfriend… Or a keeper.

It might be a bit too soon still for the girlfriend thing. We hadn’t talked about his reason for revenge on the Maelstrom in a while.

Hell we were both basically pretending the group didn’t exist for now.

“Hey.” Jun started speaking as he popped open a can of his energy drink soda garbage that I refused to try.

“What?” I said a little sulkily as he snorted at me in amusement.

“I’m glad you’re okay. I was worried… That Edgerunner was.”

“Yeah a fucking monster.” I said, nodding in commiseration. “I’m glad you’re okay too. I was worried even when we killed him.”

“Yeah, I… Are you sure you’re okay? You were coughing up blood.”

“Yep! Vik fixed me up.” I waved it off not wanting to get into the nuance of how injured I had been.

“Good. Very good, also the TC are very very happy. Okina-Sama, the man we saved? He was super important. The fact we took out his attempted killer, and saved him? Word is getting around. Fujimura-Sama even angled it into both of us getting a lot of rep.”

“Ugh.” Jun snorted at my noise of displeasure but continued on.

“It’s a good thing Motoko. Think of it as the TC owing you something, if you ever get in trouble with them then you have some credit to fall back on.”

“It also means they will be trying to recruit me.”

“Nah, as far as the higher ups are concerned, you’re already one of us. Fujimura-sama is your ‘boss’ and no one else will mess with him.”


“Heh, it’s fine Motoko, I’ve spoken with him myself about it. He knows you aren’t really interested in the gang stuff. He isn’t happy about it, but he also knows that since I’m there, you will always have a connection to the TC. He is betting on you eventually giving in and joining up in full.” Jun offers, basically saying that Fujimura is blackmailing me into always being friendly with the TC thanks to Jun.

“So what then? I’ve got some rep with the TC? Seems kinda pointless.”

“Motoko. The video cameras of our fight were nabbed by the bosses, everyone saw what we did, what you did to save Okina-Sama. Okina-Sama himself actually had a fight with Fujimura-Sama about having you join his crew.” Jun revealed, making me grimace.

Just what I wanted. Gang bosses fighting to own me.

“It’s fine Fujimura-Sama won. You being a Member even not really of the Kamikaze meant Okina-Sama couldn’t touch you. Just… You did a good thing, and the TC won’t forget. I’ve been getting treated a lot better than before too. I’ve had a few of the bosses calling me Jun-Dono you know?” He said looking all proud of himself.

I just smiled and even reached up to pat his head which he quickly slapped away.

It was nice that Jun was feeling proud of his accomplishments. I wasn’t going to shit on that, even if I couldn’t help but think the respect of a few mob bosses was worth less than the words it took to breath it.

But hopefully since Jun was loyal and skilled that would only be to his benefit. Jun wandered off after that to relax and I was feeling bored.

I settled back into the couch not in the mood for programming. I wanted to do something with my hands…

I looked over to my room. It had been a while…

I got up and cleared a spot on the table making sure I would have the room. I had come a long way since I first decided I would take care of this.

I went into my room and after a few moments came tottering out with the damaged HMG that I had once claimed from my first Scav raid.

The damaged barrel was still the most annoying part. It wasn’t exactly a cheap piece of metal, having to take the forces the machine gun requires.

But I was a lot better than before, and I had a pretty solid grasp of my 3D printer.

As I took it apart, I ignored Juns look, which was obviously filled with jealousy at his little sister's wonderful heavy weapons.

If he wanted one he could get his own! This one was mine! I stol-Looted it fair and square!

With the barrel removed, I fed it into the 3d Printer. It could break it down and remake it with enough time, and I actually know how to program that now.

Then I basically broke down the weapon into component parts, checking every piece for damages.

Not surprising since it was a rugged design, the weapon mostly alright. A few dents here and there, with only one that I would have to actually take care of. The receiver, and mechanisms were mostly okay, a few bits needed cleaning of course, and I had to do some fixing on the electronics, some of the wiring had been shaken loose and needed to be resoldered.

But then it was basically done and ready to be put back together just waiting on the barrel, which was going to take a whole lot longer.

*100 Crafting XP Gained.*

I noted the XP alert, without much thought. With that I settled my almost completed HMG on the floor beside the couch and pulled my laptop back up.

Always more to do.


Late that night long after my HMG was once more fixed, and ready to fire, and as I was still digging through code, I got a call I had been expecting a long time ago.


*Regina. I was wondering if our work relationship had ended without me knowing.* I grumbled at her, but she sighed, sounding tired.

*Things have been hectic over the last few days, I apologize. I told you before I had a gig that needed someone dead. You said you could do it.*


*Things happened, but the gig remains the same. The target is in hiding, and it took a while to confirm his location, but the client still wants him dead. You still in?*

*Yeah I’ll still take the gig. Send me the details.*

I hummed a bit as I received a text, but Regina didn’t hang up. I guess I was so used to Wakako throwing the details at me and then expecting me to get it done.

I looked it over, and it honestly wasn’t very different from the Jotaro job.

Except for one thing.

*What’s up with this bar that he is hiding in?* I muttered, earning a chuckle across the line.

*The Lions Den isn't a normal bar. And unfortunately, it’s likely that whatever face he walked into the bar with he is no longer wearing.*

*Wanting me to kill a guy who I can’t recognize isn’t exactly a thrilling gig here Regina.* I muttered as I looked over the details, the bar was built out of an old warehouse in Santo Domingo, nothing crazy about the location, although it was 6th St. Territory.

*The on site ripper keeps a log of all work she does. So you’ll need to go through her to find out where the target is. You’ll need to get in, get the info, kill him and get out. Think you are up for it?*

*Yeah, I’ll see what I can do tonight.* I mutter standing up and loading up. I might as well get started now. Maybe I’ll be able to hack into the rippers computer. That would certainly make finding him easier. Just what sort of bar had an on site ripper doc? What the hell was Regina aiming me at?

*Good, keep me informed.*

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