Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 91

“So that’s the place Jackie.” I told the older man as we pulled up to the Scav den.

Ichi and Malcolm weren’t far behind. Hiromi wasn’t here this time, but that’s because she was at school, and super bummed that I had decided to hit this Scav den without her.

Instead I had asked Jackie if he wanted to join.

“Huh. You sure Hermanita? Doesn’t look like a Scav hole.”

“Yep. I’ve still got all their cameras infested. I’ve already looped the outside cameras so no worries on them spotting our approach! But yeah I can see them inside. Here, I’ll cut you into the feed.” I told him and he nodded as I hooked up our call to show the live feed inside the old office building.

Jackie had actually chipped in a new set of optics, and they had a connection speed high enough for me to direct video him.

Thank fuck.

“Not too many of them. Should be easy enough.” Jackie offered and I nodded along.

“Yeah normally I go slow and take them all out quietly, but considering how small this group is.” I shrugged. “Loud and quick?”

“That’s my normal style Hermanita.” He said, throwing me a big smile.

“Great. I’ll add a tracker into your sight for each of them. Let me get my iron, and let’s take this place out.” I said as I stepped out of the Quadra waving to Ichi who was parking just behind me, I went to the trunk of the Quadra, popping it open.

I really needed to do some work on this.

My trunk was a mess. Guns, and ammo, quite a bit of the ammo now loose and rattling around reached my eyes, and I noticed the weapon I was actually going for was stuck behind the big case my Uragan was resting in. Still needed to put that away. Temptation to use it was a bit too much for normal gigs.

I winced a bit. My Poor Nekomata was jammed behind the Uragan case as well. Okay tonight I was going to take a break from everything and organize my trunk space. This was embarrassing.

But I didn’t grab my Nekomata, or Uragan. Instead I grabbed another weapon that would suit this fight.

I usually relied on my Burya, because of stealth, but if we were going to hit them hard, then I was going to use something that would keep up with me.

I pulled my Nokota D5 Copperhead out of the trunk. The assault rifle was something I had picked up at some point… Was it the first Scav raid? I wondered…

I couldn’t remember!

I laughed to myself, I had collected so many weapons I had forgotten where half of them had even come from! I loaded up holding the rifle correctly, in a way that I would be able to quick-aim it monstrously fast if I needed, and then I turned to Jackie.

Jackie still just had his Nue.

“You want something a bit bigger?” I asked him, pointing at my trunk, but despite looking a little tempted he shook his head.

“This is my shooter, I won’t need another for a group this small.”

“Alright. Let’s go then!” I said bouncing a little as I started moving towards the gate that blocked off the entrance.

The gate was locked, and I didn’t even want to open it up yet considering how old it looked I’m sure it would be noisy.

Or trapped.

So I quickly leapt right over it, easily turning my leap into a front flip letting me land on the other side without a sound, as I fell to my knee, gun raised.

I felt so cool.

I did my best to ignore Jackie's grumbling as he clambered as quietly as he could over the fence.

It wasn’t that quiet.

Thankfully the Scavs inside didn’t notice. Once he landed with a thump beside me, I raced off towards the entrance. Rifle held to my chest as I kept low and reached the entrance. I knew from the cameras that no one was inside, but it was good practice to always double check, so I was peeking into the entrance and waving Jackie behind me as I moved in.

That and it felt cool to be all tactical about it.

Not that I was going to admit that to anyone.

The office was two stories, and the Scavs were set up on the second floor. The elevator of course would be too loud, but the stairwell was easy enough to reach, and their security wasn’t exactly there to help them anymore.

I smiled as I tugged on the door and it opened, locks already disengaged.

“Nice work Hermanita.” Jackie whispered and I threw him a smile as we headed up the stairs. Just for fun I leapt, touching the concrete wall of the stairwell and then bouncing up and over the stairs skipping the whole stairs problem. In just a moment I was at the second floor door, waiting for Jackie to follow me up at a much slower pace.

Okay, the Serano may just be the most ‘fun’ Cyberware I’ve installed. That included the Cyberdeck.

Cyberspace was fun, but jump good was cool.

“Alright Conejita, let’s take it slow for poor Jackie.” He whispered when he caught up, and I chuffed soundlessly at him. Even if I had no idea what Conejita meant. Then I blinked and I was looking through the camera that showed the other side of the door.

The Scav group was small, only six chooms.

I sent the data to Jackie watching him perk up as he could see the lines targeting each Scav shooting through the wall.

His surprised look turned into a dark smirk.

I nodded and then slammed into the door.

No stealth on this run.

This was a firepower run. Hadn’t done this… Ever.

Rifle raised up I fired four rounds punching through the drywall and suddenly the light I had been using to aim winked out.

Shooting through walls was the best.

Jackie was moving Nue raised as he slammed into a door already firing at the gonk that was on the other side.

My Copperhead barked right alongside him.

While Jackie was rushing the entrance making a big noise my gun was just slamming rounds through the thin walls.

It was childsplay, and I enjoyed the noise of the alerts popping up in my head.

The actual fight only lasted a few moments. Between Jackie who killed two guys practically the moment he bum rushed the room proving he wasn’t a joke as a solo at all, and then my rifle shooting through the walls the Scavs died without much fight.

“You okay Jackie?”

“Just a scrape Hermanita. Won’t even need to see Vik. Got stopped by my jacket.” He chuckled flexing his right bicep where a round had definitely nicked him.

I nodded pleased as I went through the area making sure we hadn’t missed anyone. Only once did I need a double tap on a Scav that was trying to crawl away, leading a pool of blood behind him.

“All clear!” I called out, pleased at the whole thing.

I hadn’t really needed Jackie, but it wasn’t about needing help for this gig, it was about setting up a relationship.

This was the first time I had shown Jackie how useful it would be to have me on a gig.

I had setup the location. Got numbers and targeting data. Solved basically everything to get him right where he needed to be to do the most damage, and most importantly!

“Ready for us?” Ichi called out from the stairwell.

“Yeah come on up. I’ll get the elevator working!” I called back to him, earning a confirmation in turn.

“So now what?” Jackie asked, looking around at the few crates of chrome that was now all ours.

“We wait around while Ichi and Malcolm load up. Just make sure no Scavs show up and ambush us, and then we go home, have a party, and let Hiromi sell the chrome, we get our cut and prep for the next gig.” I told him and he blinked at me before laughing.

“You got yourself a nice little system then eh? Who registers the bounties?” He asked and I frowned confused.


“On the gonks? Most of these guys have a few hundred eddie in bounties you know?”

“Oh yeah… The bounties… That I totally register… with the NCPD… Right?” I winced as Jackie gave me a look.

Then he burst into laughter.

What!? I don’t usually concern myself over a few hundred eddies! Plus you have to call the NCPD for that!

“You never registered bounties?”

“Nope. Well I called the NCPD once on a Scav den, but I was just letting them know there were bodies there. I delta’ed right after.

“Heh, jeeze, you clear out a Scav den in seconds, but then you go and say things like that. Reminds me you’re still a kid.” Jackie chuckled, but I wasn’t laughing along with him.

Dammit. This was supposed to be my chance to show how useful I was!

I sighed and shook my head. At least I had my four alerts for XP to tide me over.

*500 XP Gained.*

*500 XP Gained.*

*500 XP Gained.*

*500 XP Gained.*


To my surprise Jackie actually stuck around after we loaded everything up. He even helped out loading the chrome which went much faster with his strength. Thanks to his work we were done at lightning speed and on our way out of the den.

As we drove away Jackie made the calls to the NCPD bounty office, letting them know about the corpses, what they were up to, who they were, and that meat wagons would be needed.

Then as we dropped off the loot at the TC owned storage lot that was still under our control. Jackie still stuck around.

I was watching as Jackie joked with some of the TC enforcers hanging around getting laughs out of the entire group despite there being a large ‘tino shaped Jackie in the middle of their turf.

“What’s got you so focused?” Malcolm asked as he walked past me with an arm full of guns. Formerly Scav iron.

“Jackie. I expected the TC guys to be more aggressive about him.”

“Well he did come in with you, and he’s pretty friendly. Plus the fact he looks like he could take all of those guys at once means they probably don’t want to cause problems.”

“Yeah I guess, but I don’t think they are afraid of him, they are just enjoying his banter.” I chuckled as Jackie’s story ended with him throwing his arms up to mimic an explosion and all the guards laughed. I just shook my head.

Jackie really was the type of guy to make friends with anyone.

“Alright Motoko! All done.” Ichi said, walking up pushing the hand truck he had just unloaded into the storage unit.

“Jackie! We are all stored up!” I called over to the older man and he nodded to me, telling the guards one last joke as he walked through them and joined up.

“All done then huh kid?”

“Yep! Now we just need Hiromi to set up the sales, and Ichi and Malcolm will help haul stuff around. Thanks guys.” I said turning to the two that had to haul heavy crates of stuff around, both scoffed and laughed at me.

“We have the easy part, you have to go flatline gonks. Want to hit the club tonight?” Ichi asked and I shrugged, but before I could say more Jackie was there.

“Of course little Chiko! Hermanita, how about you all come by the El Coyote eh? We didn’t party together last time, but my Mama owns the Coyote, so why don’t you three come by and we can celebrate!”

Malcolm and Ichi were already nodding, looking interested, but I was more surprised that Jackie actually invited me.

Well us.

But last time he hadn’t been very interested in celebrating. We were just a bunch of teenagers after all.

“Sure Jackie. I’ll come, you guys?”

“Yeah, always nice to celebrate on the boss's dime.” Malcolm said specifically, throwing me a teasing look.

“Now, now Malcolm, Hiromi isn’t here-Ow! Motoko!” Ichi grumbled rubbing his shoulder where I slugged him.

“I’m calling Hiromi and specifically telling her you guys are cut off from any alcohol on our tab.” I threaten them hand on my hip and chrome finger wagging, with something that doesn’t really exist, but both boys plays along and whined to me.

Jackie just laughed.


El Coyote Cojo was a ‘tino bar. As we all walked in I felt my nose wrinkle a little at the smell of cigarette and cigar smoke.

Just like most bars here in the city.

Gonna need some chrome lungs at some point just to avoid the second hand smoke.

“Nice place.” Malcolm offered as he swaggered in and up to the bartender, who quirked an eyebrow at Malcolm walking up to look at the drink menu.

“Let me get a Diente Dorado. I’m not paying tonight after all!” He said choosing the most expensive drink on the menu.

As Ichi, Jackie and I walked up Jackie got a few calls from regulars and he was smiling and relaxed. This was his place after all. He settled into the seat. “Pepe! Take care of my little chooms alright?”

“Sure Jackie. Diente Dorado coming up.”

I dope slapped Malcolm, but let him order his stupid drink that had literal gold flakes in it.

Probably tasted disgusting.

“I’ll just get a soda. I think there was a Nicola machine over there.” I told the boys, Malcolm and Ichi already familiar with my no alcohol thing.

“What? Hermanita you don’t want a drink?” Jackie asked, surprised at my words.

“Yeah I don’t like drinking.” I told him as I slipped off the bar stool and wandered over to the back of the bar to get a drink.

It took me two tries to get one that I could drink.

NiCola Classic tasted like cough syrup. I was not someone who could recreationally drink cough syrup so that was an instant pass.

With a different flavor that I could stomach I joined the boys that were happy with their own drinks as Jackie was talking to Pepe about the gig.

“They all started screaming as I bashed in the door. I flatlined two of them right quick, but by then, the rest were already done. Chica could shoot them straight through the walls!”

“The walls were just drywall, it was an old office building, it wasn't anything spectacular anyone could have done it.” I added as I took my seat, Pepe chuckling at the story as Jackie kept trying to hype it all up.

“What’s all this?” A new voice called out and from the front came in a woman that I sort of recognized. Jackie’s shout just confirmed it.

“Mama! Come meet my little chooms! I’ve told you about Motoko here already yeah? The girl is more dangerous with an iron than anyone would expect from a teenager, and these are her chooms, Malcolm and Ichi, good kids, they helped gather up all the eddies!” Jackie said with a boisterous laugh.

“Oh this is the girl that works with Wakako?” Mama Welles asked as she looked me over.

I waved a little from around my soda.

“My little chooms. This is Mama Welles, the owner of El Coyote, and my Mama.” Jackie said leaning back against the bar.

“Well if you are chooms with my Jackie, you are all welcome here. Pepe don’t overcharge them yeah?”

“You got it.” The bartender offered with a nod.

“You’ve been doing work with my Jackie?” The woman asked me and I nodded, throwing up a thumbs up.

“Yeah. We both go to the same ripper, and Jackie wanted work with Wakako, who I already work for! So I asked Wakako if we could do some gigs together to see if we click. I’ve been looking for someone with a more aggressive look. Can’t rightly intimidate some gonks if you are half their size.” I deadpanned waving my arms at myself.

Mama Welles laughed a little. “The one thing god gave my chico was an intimidating frame.” The woman offered nodding along.

“What! Mama, god also gave me my baby blues, and a sweet voice yeah?”

“Of course dear.” Mama Welles agreed without doing anything of the sort. I snorted into my drink as Jackie was teased by his mother.

This was nice.

Still wasn’t sure it was a bar I would want to relax at all the time, but then again. I wasn’t really interested in bars in the first place.


We hung around El Coyote for a while drinking and swapping stories, it was nice.

Jackie felt a lot more accepting of me now, and I was tempted to ask what had changed. The last time we finished a gig he hadn’t been interested in celebrating, but now he was.

So maybe I had finally reached a point he felt I was worth being friends with?

I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to ask because that just felt a little weird.

Still I drove home, gig complete and feeling pretty good about murdering some more Scavs.

I had some time, no gigs set up for the next while. Other than helping Hiromi sell even more of our chrome, I had nothing else planned.

So it was time to play!

I rushed into the door only to stop because Jun was home, and he wasn’t alone.

“Ah! Look Jun your cute little sister finally came home. How terrible to leave her big brother all alone at home!”

“Akari you were here the whole time.” Jun grumbled as he sat on the couch to my surprise he was on a laptop that wasn’t mine, and reading something.

“Hey Jun, what’s Akari doing here?”

“Rude.” The borg grumbled and her narrowed eyes told me she was probably going to stab me at some point tonight.

“Akari failed to finish a task for Fujimura-Sama, so I’m- Ow.”

“Don’t tell her that! Just tell her you are helping me!” Akari hissed after stabbing Jun with her pointy feet.

“Akari fucked up and I’m helping.”

“That’s even worse!”

“Okay.” I chirped, deciding to ignore that entirely. Unfortunately Akari was taking up my spot on the couch, it wasn’t like the apartment was big enough for so much sitting room. Grumbling I went into my room and got more comfortable taking off my boots and collecting some things I would need before heading out.

Jun was still working while Akari fucked around, not helping…

“Jun do you need help?”

My brother looked up slowly from the laptop, his eyes a little blood shot which was impressive cause those weren’t natural eyes, but his optics.

“Yes, please.”

“Hey! I’m helping!”

“Yes I need help thank you Motoko.” Jun repeated, ignoring Akari.

“Okay.” I said, then because it was fun. I leapt doing a flip and landing on the back of the couch behind Jun and Akari. Both borgs jerked at my sudden move but Jun relaxed with what I could tell was a roll of his eyes even if I couldn’t see them anymore as Akari slowly lowered her feet. I rested against Juns back, my chin on his head as I looked at what he was working on.

“Budget report?”

“Akari is supposed to be watching over a business for Fujimura-Sama.”

“I am! I took out three guys that were stealing!” The woman whined.

“She didn’t do the paperwork.” Jun said grumbling as he continued looking over the budget reports.

“Dot.” I spouted gibberish, pointing at a number that wasn’t right, Jun looked it over sighed and quickly fixed it before continuing down the file. “Why did Fujimura give this gig to Akari if she can’t do it?”

“Ugh. Don’t say it like that! I can do it! I just… Didn’t!”

“She was supposed to learn about the company and get better at management, improve her usefulness to Fujimura-Sama.”

“Okay you are ignoring everything I’m saying, and I get you’re siblings, but it’s starting to piss me off.”

We continued to ignore Akari as she grew irritated.

“Okay I know you guys didn’t go through 200 lamps. So I’m guessing this is drugs here?” I asked, pointing at some of the numbers that were obviously off.

“I can’t confirm.” Jun said with a motion that had me rolling along with his shrug.

“Okay well. I’m sorry to say Jun-Nii, I don’t have the experience to help you with this one.” I inform him, patting him on the head as I stand up and with a quick leap land back on the apartment floor.

“Thanks.” He grumbles and I couldn’t help but giggle. He was trying to help his choom, but sometimes you gotta let your chooms live with their mistakes.

Instead I reached over and grabbed my laptop and music box.

I really wanted to finish this stupid thing!

I popped open the laptop and started programming, doing my best to ignore Akari doing everything in her power to get attention.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.