Ghost Slayer: Extract Dongfang Yao template

Chapter 24 Demons

After realizing the ghost's intention to commit the crime, Tianyi said goodbye to the uncle.

Late at night, Tianyi appeared on the streets of the busy city. There were street stalls everywhere on the street, many of them were a woman with a child, or only one woman was setting up the stall, and there were very few accompanying men.

Knowing that there are problems in this town, but still choose to go out for the sake of making a living?Looking at the stall owners talking and laughing with the customers in the downtown area, Tianyi couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Suddenly, a familiar stench came over, Tianyi quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the smell, a figure hidden in the shadow emerged,

She didn't seem to notice that she had been discovered, and her eyes were still unscrupulously staring at a female stall owner who was chatting and laughing with customers not far away.

Just when Tianyi was about to make a move, the female stall owner was about to close the stall and go home, and that figure disappeared without a sound.

In a deserted alley, Tianyi followed the stall owner far away, keeping a distance at which he was sure to rescue the female stall owner at any time.

"Shua!" Tianyi saw a black shadow flashing across the wall not far behind the female stall owner, and suddenly felt something bad in his heart, and immediately rushed towards the stall owner with stars twinkling on his body.

But at this moment, a black shadow on the wall protruded and slowly turned into a human shape, stretching out its claws to grab the stall owner,

The moment its hand was about to touch her, Tianyi's knife arrived, and the star-shining blade slashed at the place where the ghost was connected to the wall.

"Pfft!" There was a muffled sound of meat colliding with the ground. After hearing it, the female stall owner turned around and saw a green upper body with a ferocious expression. There was only one eye and a big mouth full of sharp teeth. She didn't know what it was The biological thing waved its claws at her and roared.

Not far away is a strange blade with a mysterious light in his hand staring at the green monster. At this time, the female stall owner realized that this is almost dead, and immediately put the packed stall The supplies were thrown down and ran to the distance.

Seeing that the prey had escaped, the ghost turned its head and stared at Tian Yi viciously, but Tian Yi found it a bit funny with the expression of hatred in one eye.

The ghost saw that Tianyi was not only not afraid, but was actually holding back his laughter, and immediately waved his sharp claws to attack Tianyi, "Uh, that's it? Let's die then! Breath of the Stars is a glowing whirlblade!" Tianyi Swinging the sun wheel sword in his hand, he faced the attacking ghost.

"Shua!" The ghost's sharp claws were directly cut off by Tianyi's knife, and Tianyi's knife continued unabated, and was about to chop off the ghost's head with one blow.

But at this time, the ghost turned its body, and the knife cut the ghost in half along the middle line of the ghost's body, along the ghost's neck, and seeing that the ghost couldn't beat the swordsman, it went straight into the wall, turning into a black shadow and facing towards the swordsman. Flee away.

But Tianyi didn't intend to let it go, and chased after it following the smell left by the ghost.

After chasing after him, Tianyi suddenly found that the ghost's smell had disappeared here, Tianyi wondered, could this ghost still evaporate?Tianyi also felt tired, so he thrust the Sun Wheel Knife into the wall, "Ah!" A scream came out.

Tianyi quickly pulled out the knife, but also picked out a half-upper body ghost that was recovering,

It was only then that Tianyi discovered that his knife had just been inserted into the place where the scent was disconnected, and there happened to be a shadow blocked by tree branches in that place, covering the traces of ghosts lurking on the wall.

It seems that when chasing ghosts in the future, if the smell suddenly breaks, you can try a place with shadows. Tianyi can't help but feel complacent, but the ghost looks at Tianyi with a smile as if seeing his own doom, struggling to get away from Tianyi's knife .

As soon as Tianyi saw the ghost was still struggling at this time, he couldn't help thinking about what this ghost did, and felt that it was a bit too kind to cut it off like this,
Seeing that it was not far from dawn, he fixed the ghost with a scabbard, held up the knife, swaggered to find a flat place, and waited quietly for the dawn.

Soon, the sun rose, and the ghost screamed under the sunlight, and turned into ashes little by little, and a ray of light slowly emerged from the ghost's body,
Tianyi hesitated for a while, although he refused a little, but he was still curious why this ghost only chose that kind of people to attack, then Tianyi waved his hands one by one, and light clusters slowly flooded into Tianyi's mind:
He was born in an urban family that was neither rich nor poor. He was the youngest child in the family. Under the preference of his parents, his personality became very extreme when he grew up. He believed that everything in the family should be obeyed by him.
He likes to drink heavily, and then Jiu Jin shows his so-called strength to his surroundings, thinking that he is the boss, everyone needs him, and no one can live without him.

Later, after being introduced by a matchmaker, he got married and married a girl from an ordinary family in the countryside. Although he was married, he looked down on her all the time.

Later, the girl became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child. However, at this time, something happened to the man's family, and after the family property was wiped out, the man did not go to work to earn money to support the family, but stayed at home all day with nothing to do, drinking from time to time Beat up his wife and children, but dare not provoke trouble in front of outsiders.

Forced to earn a living, the wife had no choice but to go out to find a job to support the family, but the man was not grateful at all, but kept humiliating the girl's poor and humble background, and the girl had been enduring everything because she was reluctant to bear the child.

But the man is still doing nothing all day long, until he heard that the man next door who grew up with him married a rich girl, and he lived a happy life, the man was jealous,
It's just that he didn't dare to make trouble for others. He knew that if he made trouble for others, he would be beaten if he was not careful, so he went home.

That day, the girl was beaten all over by him, and the child witnessed all this.

The next day, the women who worked with the girl saw the girl's miserable condition and tried to persuade the girl to leave, but the girl didn't want her child to have no mother.

If she left by herself, the child would no longer have a future under the care of such a father. The girl endured it, for the sake of the child, she endured it.

One day, under the beating of the man, the girl couldn't hold on anymore and was beaten to death. The child knelt on the ground and begged his father for mercy, but the man stopped, still muttering how he married such a waste girl, why did he marry her? Isn't he the rich girl?

Later, the man's attack was still so vicious. He knew that with the child around, she dared not leave, and the attack became more and more ruthless, and the child also suffered under the persuasion.

Later, the girl finally decided to take the child and leave the man. However, on the way to leave, she met a drunk man head-on,
The man looked at the girl who was about to leave, and couldn't help being furious. He started beating the girl crazily on the street with the help of alcohol. The neighbor stepped forward to stop him, but even under the obstruction of everyone, the girl was still beaten to death.
Seeing that his loving mother was dead, the child rushed towards the man, but the man raised his leg and kicked down hard, breaking the boy's neck.

It, went to prison, and while waiting for execution, the man didn't repent, but kept thinking why he didn't marry a rich girl and live a good life?
Jealousy makes it hideous, it hates why they don't have such a good life, and why they can marry such a good woman.

Kill, all the good women who don't belong to me should be killed, destroy, all the good days that don't belong to me should be destroyed!

It was thinking crazily, when a figure told it that this could all be achieved.

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