Ghost Slayer: The Great Swordsman System at the beginning, our teacher follows the country

Chapter 54 Buying Clothes for Zhu Shi, Mr. Ghost Slayer Back then

"Wandering ghosts?"

He muttered a strange name of the town, and although the secretary was puzzled, he still walked in quickly.

Before the sun rose, he came to a hotel and opened a room.

"I want to take a shower."

Faced with Zhu Shi's sudden request, the secretary did not refuse.

After all, according to Joo-se, she hasn't showered in months.

After all, she was a woman.

When I fled before, I had no conditions to persevere. Now that I have the conditions, I naturally don't want to continue to be dirty.

"Do you have a change of clothes?"

Just mentioning it casually, after the secretary finished speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Zhu Shi hadn't showered for several months, so it was impossible for him to have a change of clothes.

And she can't wear the previous clothes to buy new ones, so there is only one possibility left.

I'm going to buy clothes for her!

Sure enough, after hearing what the secretary said, Zhu Shi's face turned red.


She rubbed her fingers shyly and nervously, Zhu Shi's voice was distorted.

"Well, if it's not troublesome, can you buy some clothes for me?"

"Yes, yes, but what size should I buy."

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Faced with this new question thrown by the Secretary, Zhu Shi was blushed directly from the base of his ears to his neck this time.

Waving her hand, she motioned for the secretary to come over.

Standing on tiptoe, she grabbed the secretary's ear with her tender little hand and brought her lips closer.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Shi told the secretary the key points on how to buy clothes that fit her figure.

The warm air flowed around his ears, Si Shu felt a little numb, and almost didn't listen to Zhu Shi's words.

"Well, that's about it."

After speaking, Zhu Shi took a few steps back, and the rosiness on his face became more obvious.

This is the first time she has shared such private information with others. In the past, she bought it by herself.

"Ah, okay, then you wash it, I'll go buy it right away."

Scratching his nose, the secretary coughed twice, and then walked out of the room.

Looking at the secretary who "runs away", Zhu Shi couldn't help laughing.

She did not expect that this ghost hunter, who was so ruthless and indifferent to ghosts, would have such a side.

Covering his mouth and chuckling a few times, Zhu Shi slowly took off his dirty clothes, planning to take a good bath.

On the other side, the secretary who walked out of the room had already arrived at the nearest market.

Walking into a store with the most traffic, he planned to buy some better clothes for Zhu Shi.

After choosing a few clothes that were suitable in size and good in color and style, Secretary Secretary took the clothes and walked to the store.

"A total of two."

Nodding his head, the secretary took it out of his pocket.

This set, he froze there immediately.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have no money.

All the money saved in the ghost killing team in the past has been spent in the past few decades.

Afterwards, I was always alone, and after hunting ghosts, I was always invited to eat and stay.

As a result, the current self can't even come up with a penny.

Seeing the secretary's strange look, the shopkeeper said.

"Master Samurai forgot to bring money, then you can put it with me first, and come to get it later."

As soon as these words came out, the secretary did not hesitate at all, and directly pushed the clothes in his hand in front of the shopkeeper.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed out of the store and ran deeper into the town.

Yes, the Secretary planned to take a job on the spot to earn money to buy clothes.

Maybe it's time for me to find some time to earn some money.

Money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money.

To live in this world, people need money.

Although the secretary has understood the meaning of "a penny beats a hero", it does not mean that he can find a temporary job.

Just when he was having a headache, he suddenly saw a statue.

It was a bronze statue erected in front of a courtyard that looked very grand.

It can be seen from the tributes in front of the statue that the family respects the statue very much.

The figure carved on the statue seems to be a child, because of the perennial wind and sun, the face can no longer be seen clearly.

The only impressive thing is that there is a knife pinned to the child's waist.

The more he looked closely, the more familiar the secretary felt that the bronze statue was.

Stopping a passer-by, the secretary asked him about the statue and the big family.

The owner of the courtyard is Yu Biandu, a descendant of Yu Biansheng, the founder of the town.

This small town once experienced a tragic disaster, when most of the people died of unknown reasons.

But You Biansheng, who was only three or four years old at the time, not only did not despair because of this, but worked hard to learn business knowledge.

After his success, he returned and re-established the town with its current name.

After that, he worked hard for the prosperity of the town, and finally fell ill a few years ago.

Despite the best treatment, he is now at the end of his life.

As for the bronze statue, according to Yu Biansheng himself, it was to commemorate a great swordsman.

Although it is a bit ridiculous to call a child a great swordsman, the old people living here unanimously approve of You Biansheng's approach.

He once said frankly that without that child, he would not be who he is now, let alone the town he is today.

"What was the name of the town before that?"

Facing the secretary's question, the middle-aged man scratched his head with a look of anxiety on his face.

It was already four or fifty years ago that he changed his name. He was still young at that time, so his memory was naturally a little fuzzy.

After thinking for a long time, the middle-aged man suddenly stomped his feet and said.

"I remembered, this town used to be called Youshui."


The moment he heard the name, the secretary immediately recalled the events of that year.

From encountering tentacle ghosts to hunting ghosts with Yuanyi, from killing all ghosts to the little boy at that time.

"Wait, did you say?!"

A possibility appeared in the secretary's mind, and he rushed to the front of the bronze statue, as if he was looking for something.

Finally, he found what he wanted on the base of the bronze statue.

Although it is very vague, you can still see the meaning of the above text.

To commemorate the hero of Youshui Town—Mr. Ghost Slayer.

The moment he saw the word "killing ghosts", the secretary understood.

The little boy who asked his name back then is now the founder of the town, You Biansheng.

"That little guy has grown up too."

With a sigh in his heart, the secretary seemed to recall the time when You Biansheng was hugged by his father and asked his name.

Maybe, I should go see him one last time.

Thinking of this, Si Shu thanked the middle-aged man, and then walked to the door of You Bian's house.

After knocking on the door, a 35-year-old middle-aged man came out and asked.

"I'm You Biandu, who are you looking for?"

With a slight smile, the secretary said.

"I'm looking for your father, You Biansheng."

After hearing the secretary's intention, You Biandu smiled coldly.

Since his family became a well-known wealthy business family, more and more people pretended to be their benefactor "Slaying Ghosts".

Those people in front were still pretending to be old people, but now a young man came.

Having already thought about how to teach the secretary a lesson, You Biandu stepped aside and said.

"My father is basking in the sun in the courtyard, please."

"Thank you."

Seemingly not aware of the other party's intentions, the Secretary was not polite and walked in directly.

Looking at the secretary's back, You Biandu already planned to gather his subordinates to give him a "good memory".

Walking into the courtyard, the secretary saw an old man in his 60s lying on a chair, basking in the sun.

The old man's face was covered with the vicissitudes of the years, his cheekbones were raised, exuding a decaying breath.

I am afraid that his life will end within a few days.

Sensing someone approaching, You Biansheng said directly without turning his head.

"Du'er, didn't I say, don't disturb me when I'm thinking about things."

"I think you may have mistaken the person."

When a strange voice came, You Biandu suddenly turned his head, wanting to shout.

However, when he saw the secretary, he was stunned.

Although he knew very well that he had never seen this young man before, the feeling in his heart told him that he was that person.

Withered and pale lips trembled slightly, You Biansheng's eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

"Mr. Ghost Slayer, is that you?"

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