Ghost Slayer: The Great Swordsman System at the beginning, our teacher follows the country

Chapter 653

Hearing this, Master Shenli stood up quickly.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

"I want you to die."

Hearing this, the real person trembled.

But still said.

"Do you want me to challenge the secretary?"


Nodding, Wuhan said.

"Although Black Death Mou is strong, he should not be Secretary Secretary's opponent."

"Although you have been defeated by Secretary Shu many times, your ability in blood ghost magic is very strange."

"Single-wheel bondage, among the twelve ghost months, you should be number one."

Although Wuxian was praising him, Master Shenli didn't feel happy at all.

He could feel Wu Ke's thoughts.

He wanted to use his "distorted" power to hold down Secretary Shu.

Since Tong Mo in Shang Xian [-] can do it, why can't Shenli Zhenli in Shang Xian [-].

"It won't be long before daybreak."

"As long as you can hold Secretary Shu down after dawn, you can use sunlight to destroy him."

"This is your last chance, a chance to avenge the Shenli family!"

After hearing about Shenli's house, Master Shenli couldn't help but show a bit of ferocity on his face.

In such a big family, he is the only one left now.

If he could really kill Secretary Shu, even if he had to pay for it with his life, that would be acceptable.

After thinking about it, Master Shenli finally nodded.

"I understand."

"I'll be out of here when the sun comes up."

After saying that, the real person sat on the ground and began to regain his strength.

outside world.

When the two moons disappeared due to collision, the figures of Secretary Shu and Hei Shimo reappeared.

The difference is that Secretary Shu is still hanging high in the air.

As for Hei Shimo, blood surged all over his body and he fell towards the ground.

It hit the ground with a thud, making a big hole.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

A few seconds later, Hei Shimo walked out of the smoke.

Although the wounds on his body were still bleeding, his eyes were quite bright.

"As expected of my chosen successor."

"Haha, as long as you are alive for one day, the breath of the moon will not be cut off."

"The sun is not the only thing hanging high in the sky!"

Amid Hei Shimo's laughter, the space around him suddenly fluctuated.

Then a gap was listed.

Countless figures walked out of it.

"Parasite and Ghost Swordsman?"

"It's really troublesome. We haven't finished killing him yet."

Looking at the enemy that appeared again, Secretary Shu frowned.

Then he quickly leaned over and flew towards the ground.

The Nichirin Sword in his hand was swung, and the sword light was flying.

And Hei Shimo took advantage of this gap to enter Infinite City.

"Now is not the time. I'll see you later."

After leaving such a sentence, Hei Shimo disappeared.

Secretary Shu looked up at the moon in the sky.

It was found that it had deviated from the center.

In the distance, a looming flash of bright red is rising.

The sun is coming out.

Immediately understanding Wu Mei's intention, Secretary Shu could only keep swinging his sword, killing the enemies around him.

As a human, every time he swung his sword, he would expend some energy.

Although the process is slow, it is unstoppable.

But as a ghost, Secretary Shu's physical strength is almost endless.

In a sense, he is a perpetual motion machine!

After fighting his way through the enemy's encirclement, Secretary Shu ran towards the distance.

There, there is the Demon Slayer Squad.

When Secretary Shu arrived, he found that the swordsmen who had turned into ghosts had almost killed the parasitic people.

With the blessing of the ghost's ability, these people were able to completely let go of their hands and feet and fight with all their strength.

"Mr. Secretary, why are you here?"

He swung his knife and chopped down the parasite in front of him.

Ganlu Temple Mi Li said.

"Did something happen?"

"What happened to the explosion just now?"

"and also……"

Before she could finish speaking, Secretary Shu interrupted.

"The sun is coming out."

"You guys solve it quickly."

"Otherwise, Wuhan and the others might have some conspiracy."

Hearing this, Kanroji Mitsuri's face also showed a bit of solemnity.

When she told the other swordsmen this news, the speed of destroying the parasites accelerated a bit.

After a while, all the parasites were eliminated.

The swordsmen and Zhu Shi's group also gathered around Secretary Shu.

'what should we do? '

"The sun is coming out, and it's time for us to find a place to hide."

"Mr. Secretary, do you have any ideas?"

Secretary Shu nodded and said to Zhu Shi.

"You take them and hide."

"If my guess is right, Wuhan will not give up the idea of ​​killing me."

"Maybe I will enter Infinite City later."

When they heard that Secretary Shu was about to enter Infinite City, the others wanted to follow him.

Secretary Shu shook his head.

At this time, Komaji's voice came from far away.

"Mr. Secretary, are you all right?"

A few seconds later, Koji appeared in front of him.

Looking at Komaji, Tamayo's eyes lit up slightly.

After Komaji found out about Tamashi, there was also a bit of excitement on his face.

"Miss Zhushi, long time no see, are you okay?"

"I'm living a pretty good life, but you, these years..."

Jushi didn't say any more.

But Komaji already understood the meaning of her words.

"I'm not going to deny what I did."

"Mr. Secretary Shu said that if you do something, you have to admit it."

Zhu Shi nodded slightly when he heard this.

He walked closer, raised his hand and patted Komaji on the head.

"It seems that you are still the same as before."


There was a bit of a smile on Komaji's face.

It's been a long time since I've been treated like this by Zhu Shi.

"Okay, please leave quickly."

Secretary Shu interrupted their conversation and said.

"You must find a place to hide."

"The location can be too hidden or too hidden, but it must be ensured that it is not exposed to the sun."

Just as Koji was about to speak, he heard Secretary Shu continue.

"If you come here, aren't you afraid that Wuhan will do something like that again?"

Komaji's pupils narrowed when he thought of what Muzan had wanted to do to him.

"I see."

"But you have to be careful."

Saying that, Komaji nodded.

Afterwards, the swordsmen and Jushi and his group left.

Only the secretary was left.

In the distance, the bright sun is getting redder and redder.

The sun also rises from the horizon and shoots towards this side.

The space in front of Secretary Shu was slightly distorted.

Then, a crack appeared from it.

That is the passage to Infinite City.

But the secretary did not step in.

He felt the aura of Master Shenli.

A few seconds later, a huge twisting force came out of the channel.

The air was forcefully distorted, pushing Secretary Shu to fly backward.

Secretary Shu just took a few steps back and stabilized his figure.

"Master Shenli, do you think you can hurt me from such a long distance?"

"Of course not."

Master Shenli's voice came.

Then walked out of the toilet passage.

"Mr. Secretary, now, let us end this completely."

"End everything between the Shenli family and you."

Secretary Shu didn't speak, just looked at the sky in the distance.

There, a bright sun has risen.

Its daybreak.

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