Ghoul’s Infinite Journey

Chapter 40

Vol 2 Chapter 28: End.

(The long chapter of more than 6000 words, I hope readers can like it, I brought the end of the Apocalypse, and then gradually exposed the infinite space, and then returned to the ghouls, by the way, does anyone want to guess, the next world What? There is a prize for guessing right. By the way, don’t be too limited in thinking! If you want a hint, you can come to the author’s group to communicate with the author 198166144.)

“How long does it take to start all this? When I was a child? No, Mr. Wu Yue should not be interested in my life.”

“Then let’s start with the turning point in Taqi Gongichiro’s life.”

Walking on his own, Tianqi Gongichiro’s voice sounded slowly.

“Ten years ago, Ichiro Tamaki went to the other side of the world with a longing for dreams and knowledge to study in the United States.”

“That was the year that Tian Qi met the most important person in his life, that woman who was like an angel! Growing up in a strict family from a young age, he became Tian Qi Gong Ichiro, who can only learn knowledge. At that moment , fate has changed.”

“Meeting, knowing each other, falling in love, two different countries, different skin colors, different languages, but men and women who share a common thirst for knowledge came together. In retrospect, it was probably the happiest day in Tianqi Gongichiro’s life. ”

“There are no worries, no worries, only the innocence and romance in love, and the joy and warmth of each other’s emotions.”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro smiled, with the happiness of recalling the past on his face, but his voice gradually became low, “However, happiness will not last, Tian Qi Gong Ichiro is an unfortunate person, the two parties who were originally dating have already exchanged The date of marriage was agreed, and the vow to stay together was made, but the bad news suddenly came that Tianqi Gongichiro’s parents were both killed in a domestic traffic accident.”

“Sadness is like thunder, breaking into Tian Qi’s life and giving this man a heavy blow. In order to take care of his parents’ funeral, Gongichiro returned to the country and separated his lover by a world away.”

“However, it seems that there is still a trace of luck in the misfortune. Even if they are separated from the two ends of the world, the angel-like woman is still trying her best to soothe the pain in Tian Qi’s heart. Her encouragement has allowed Tian Qi to gradually walk out of his sorrow. , become cheerful again.”

“So, for the sake of practical considerations, the two sides made an agreement again. After they each made a name for themselves in their own fields, they would hold weddings in Miami, USA and Tokyo, Japan respectively, and stay together for the rest of their lives, until they were taken away by death. two lives.”

Tianqi Miyaichiro said that he stopped here, and closed his eyes as if to suppress some pain, but there was still heartache and a trace of anger on his face, “But what! Destiny is such a thing! It’s really like a deep entanglement. In the chains of this unfortunate person, Gongichiro! When Gongichiro has become a well-known medical and virology expert in China, when he has come out of the grief of the death of his parents, when he is full of thoughts of his lover after he became famous, When he is full of hope for a happy life in the future! The hands of fate once again pushed this man who was full of joy and fantasies into an abyss that could not see the end.”

“On the other side of the world, there is news like a nightmare, that woman like an angel, the most important woman in his life! The woman who gave him hope in suffering and misfortune! She actually died during an archaeological activity! And then the man named Miyichiro, his world… just collapsed…”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro’s eyes are indifferent, he seems to have no emotion, and he seems to contain countless thoughts, which is extremely complicated and contradictory, like a martyr who has been tortured to the point of numbness.

Wu Yue listened to this story silently, staring at Tian Qi Gong Ichiro, her eyes twinkling, she didn’t know what she was thinking, she just nodded thoughtfully.

“Did you know? At that time, Miyaichiro seemed to be dead, and he lived the same life as those walking dead outside, but a phone call changed his life again. It was the call of the US military. They said Miyaichiro There appears to be an unknown virus on his girlfriend’s belongings, and it was this virus that caused her death.”

“So, with the search for the cause of my girlfriend’s death, I was invited to the United States to conduct research on this unknown virus.”

Tianqi Miyaichiro suddenly laughed, it was a mockery, a deep mockery.

“Yes, that virus is the source of Adversity, Calamity, and world change!”

“However, at that time, I simply deciphered Adversity as a lethal virus. However, as the research progressed, I became more and more aware of the complexity of this virus, its strong activity, rapid division, and environmental impact. It’s amazing how low the requirements are, but the most shocking thing is that it is unusually aggressive, or transformative, to living beings. So, I, who found something wrong, asked the military to disclose the facts they had hidden. ”

“As I expected, they did hide many things from me, such as the ancient ruins of the Amazon rainforest, such as my wife’s Codex diary, such as a certain powerful tribe living there as early as thirteen hundred years ago, We already know the existence of this virus, and we can use this virus. In the tomb of the tribe’s ruins, there is even an older legend that Adversity has the powerful power to bring the dead back to life and the living into gods.”

“Exaggerated? I thought so at the time, but those stupid officials in the military were deeply attracted by ancient legends and the power of the mysterious virus, so a department dedicated to researching the use of viruses was established. And because I have a high level of understanding of things, and my own virology accomplishments are even more outstanding, I became one of the leaders.”

“However, these **** guys really dare! After I agreed to the research, I gradually told me that my wife’s body was not buried, but was kept as the original research body! And it continued to be carried out. Experiment!”

“Hey, do you know? Gongichiro was angry at the time! So, he decided to do something with the experiment and get back what belonged to him.”

“Of course, the first thing is the relic belonging to the wife, the mysterious spar that carries the Adversity virus source!”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro smiled, and took out a gem that shone with crystal blue light in his hand, but it was a gem, but it was more like a fragment. Tian Qi Gong Ichiro picked up this gem and put it in front of his eyes. Looking at the brilliance of the gemstone obsessively, “Hehe, Gongichiro privately analyzed this crystal, but he couldn’t understand it at all. The structure of this mysterious object, just when the research was at a loss, a sudden thing changed. The fate of this world! The unfortunate person Taqi Gongichiro was accidentally infected by the virus.”

“But unlike all the virus-infected individuals before, he didn’t die, or turned into a mindless object.”

“He had a strange connection with this mysterious crystal, as if the crystal became a part of his body, no, he became a part of this crystal! Gradually, he began to understand through communication with the crystal. The essence of the virus and how it should be used! He was surprised to find out! The legend is not exaggerated! The power of this thing can indeed revive the dead and turn the living into gods!”

“So, he started his plan at that time. First, through his understanding of the virus, he successfully developed the dead body of the disaster, so that the high-level people can see the possibility of the dead. The guy who saw the living became a god, made major breakthroughs in the field of Adversity virus time and time again, Gongichiro’s identity in the research has also been continuously improved, and his authority and freedom have reached an unimaginable level.”

“Having enough power, he began to control the entire experiment, constantly asking for more research funding, giving results, and asking for funding, although most of the money was used by him in his private research, but Such an approach does not arouse suspicion, because everyone knows that in the face of unknown research, investment is inevitable, not to mention Gongichiro is still producing results.”

“Until a year ago, Miyaichiro had a dream under the influence of crystals. In the dream, a voice told him that if he wanted to achieve everything he expected, he had to go to Japan, Bed Master City! Then spread the virus to the whole country. world!”

“At first, Gongichiro was puzzled, hesitating whether to destroy the world, but when he found out that the infected individuals in the experiment had a wonderful connection with him, which brought him an increase in power, he immediately had no idea what to do. I followed the instructions in my dream without hesitation, used the authority to move the main experimental base to the main city of the bed, and left behind-hands capable of detonating virus infection in bases all over the world!”

“Until the world becomes what it is now!”

Knock knock knock… Taqi Gongichiro seemed to want to continue, but a rhythmic knock interrupted his words.

She looked at Wu Yue with dissatisfaction, her eyes seemed to be waiting for Wu Yue’s explanation.

But Wu Yue didn’t care and laughed, “It’s a good story, but, one question.”

Wu Yue’s eyes were suddenly sharp and cold, and her voice was mocking, “You! Who is it? Is it Tian Qigong Ichiro? Or is it the personality he created out of grief after his girlfriend’s death?”


Tian Qi Gong Ichiro was stunned for a moment, then he clapped his hands with a smile on his face, but shook his head and seemed unwilling to explain, “Mr. Wu Yue is really smart, but who am I? I don’t know, At this time, how can it be possible to distinguish clearly?”

“I only know that Taki Miyaichiro was deeply affected by the source of the Adversity virus! So deep that he even forgot to work hard to resurrect his wife! He wants to become that ridiculous god!”

He carefully grabbed the crystal blue gem, and Tian Qi Gongichiro said, “Do you know? Sir, I have been consuming Tian Qi’s power. The virus continues to spread. His power is too powerful to be competed with. Woolen cloth.”

“However, I still won, because when Tian Qi didn’t know it, I had already given half of my power to my wife, it was my wife, not Tian Qi’s wife, the guy who only wanted to be a god. , no longer worthy of having Emily!”

“Look, Mr. Wu Yue, my love! Emily!”


With Tian Qi’s gentle and crazy voice.

The light suddenly shone down from the console, and a huge cultivation tank suddenly appeared below, all kinds of instruments were constantly flashing, busy working, and in the cultivation tank, a monster-like female object full of test tubes was standing. Lying quietly, but his chest was beating slightly.


With just one glance, a strong sense of threat even made Wu Yue almost jump from the console.

But the feeling of heart palpitations came and went quickly, Wu Yue regained her stability again, but her eyes were fixed on Tian Qi Gong Ichiro’s movements.

Tian Qi didn’t pay any attention to the appearance of the monster in the cultivation tank, he just put his face on the transparent tank wall intimately and tenderly, with a happy smile, “Emily, don’t worry, I have defeated Tian Qi, that vain attempt The guy who became a god! This is also thanks to Mr. Wu Yue, which made Tian Qi consume so much power.”

“Don’t worry, just wait a little longer, wait a little longer, when I die, you can get the full power of the source crystal, and then you can be resurrected, my angel!”

‘Dong dong dong’.

Wu Yue knocked on the console as if knocking on the door, awakening Tian Qi Gong Ichiro, who was immersed in fantasy.

“Sir! I thought we were friends! But! Why bother me and Emily! Why! Do you want to die?”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro, who was interrupted, raised his head, his eyes turned red and evil, and he snorted with rage. When those angry eyes swept over, Wu Yue clearly felt the Adversity virus in his body. It seemed to manipulate his mind for a split second, conveying suicidal thoughts.

The brows were twisted together, suppressing the virus’s change, Wu Yue held her chin, and said lightly, “Doctor, please don’t say such dangerous words at will, it will make our friendly atmosphere worse, and please don’t Trying to influence me, although I do have Adversity parasitized in my body, but I personally hate the feeling of being controlled.”

Following the words, Wu Yue’s eyes were gradually dyed into red and black eyes, and the power of the ghoul once again silenced the Adversity virus body.

“What a pair of beautiful eyes.”

“Speaking of which, don’t you have a pair of wings? It should be a substance like cells. It’s really amazing. There are so many unknown things in this world! But, Mr. Wu Yue, the source body is the same for any Adversity virus infection. Has absolute control! Hahaha, do you know why you are lured here?”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro had a smile on his face and stretched out his arms, as if he was about to overcome his fate.

And with Tian Qi Gong Ichiro’s actions, Wu Yue felt that the Adversity virus in her body was involuntarily rampant, and desperately conveyed the idea of killing to his mind.

“What exactly do you want to do?”

“What are you doing?” Tian Qi Gong Ichiro tilted his head, mocking Wu Yue who was fighting, “Of course, let Mr. Wu Yue end my life! Because I can’t commit suicide, that man Tian Qi was deeply stabbed by the source body. Deep control, even if I now dominate the body, the consciousness of the source still refuses to die, but! There can’t be two source bodies in the world! Only when I die completely, Emily can gather the final strength resurrection!”

“Do you know the Book of Apocalypse? Mr. Wu Yue!!”

“The so-called Apocalypse is the revelation of the Lord! The so-called God exists!”

“Fate, Predestination, Will, Decision, Promise, Doom and Inspiration!”

“It’s the last step now! I bring the end of the world! You bring me the end! Everything is doomed! This is the will of the true God, and his great voice is constantly echoing in my mind! Come on! Kill Me! It’s an order!”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro laughed frantically, raised his hands to prepare for his own death, to meet the so-called fate!

This is an order!

When these words were as cold as ice, Wu Yue felt as if her thoughts were going to be dominated by the Adversity virus running rampant in her body, but a frantic smile broke through her throat, “Don’t be too naive… asshole!”

He’s eyes widened angrily, blood was constantly overflowing from the corners of his mouth, Wu Yue still retained her own consciousness, but the blue veins on her forehead seemed to be broken, telling how difficult it was to resist.

“Surprising will! But Yuan is irresistible! How long can you hold on!”

The redness in Tian Qi Gong Ichiro’s eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames, with an extremely strong self-confidence.

“Hehehe… Dr. Tian Qi, the last question, what is the red button with the skull drawn on the console for?”

But Wu Yue smiled, showing playfulness in the pain, and the blood on the corner of his mouth made him look extremely strange.

Ichiro Tianqi thought for a moment, and frowned, “The red skull button? It seems… it’s the self-destruction device that those stupid pigs set up for the laboratory, but I want it for your own life. …you wouldn’t do that… Besides, you don’t know…”

“DiDiDiDi…Warning, warning, password verification succeeded, laboratory self-destruction program started!”

“Warning, warning, the laboratory will be destroyed within 3 minutes, please evacuate the relevant personnel! Please inject serum for those infected with the virus, and those who are highly infected will not be able to pass the escape channel!”

“This is impossible!!”

The voice of astonishment broke through his throat, and his hideous face was filled with inconceivable, but the red warning lights flashing all around tell the truth that everything is about to end!

“Asshole! Asshole! What did you do! You can’t know the password!”

“Hehehehe, a sad person… Ichiro Tamaki is indeed an unfortunate person.”

“Maybe you don’t know… I really don’t know the password, but Taqi Miyichiro told me.”

Wu Yue had an unconcealed frantic smile on her face, but her eyes showed pity. It seemed to be pitiful, no, it was just a mockery of this man.

“Impossible, this body was already under my control when it was expending strength to control the corpse! That guy Tian Qi couldn’t possibly leave anything to imply, not to mention that he didn’t want to die at all!”

Tian Qi Gong Ichiro suppressed his anger and roared at Wu Yue in a low voice.

“It’s not you, and it’s not that Tian Qi who was manipulated by Yuan.”

“You won’t know, there is a real Tian Qi in your body! Although his strength is extremely weak, he is a real human being! And he is the real master of this body!”

“Fingerprints… The self-destruct button has his residual fingerprints… Although every time you take away the mind of your body at the last step, that man has always existed in your body as a human being. !”

“Oh oh oh, what kind of look is that? Want to know why I know these things? Because I’m the strongest psychopath! Asshole!”

“The weak scum with split personality is not even comparable to my former patient!”

Wu Yue seemed to remember something interesting, with a hideous smile on her face, extremely mysterious.

“Ah, ah, ah!” He seemed to be stimulated, screaming wildly, his black hair was automatic without wind, his eyes kept flashing red light, and an extremely dangerous aura rose from within his body, Tian Qi Gong Ichiro actually rushed towards Wu Wu. Yue, jumped to the console, “Kill you! How dare you destroy my everything at the last moment!!”

Leaping in mid-air, Taqi Gongichiro’s right arm suddenly turned into a mass of surging flesh, like a drill, it stabbed at Wuyue, who was unable to move under the control of the Adversity virus.


Like tearing a rag, it easily pierced Wu Yue’s body and stabbed Wu Yue on the ground.

The severe pain spread throughout the body, but Wu Yue smiled triumphantly.

“Ah ah ah… No… I should run away now… As long as I run away, I can still survive…”

“No…you want to kill this guy! You have to kill this guy!”

The facial expressions kept changing, Tian Qi Gongichiro stopped attacking, as if the two personalities were fighting for control, but after a few seconds, it seemed that the previous personality still had the upper hand, and there was an extremely cruel smile on his face. Tear Wu Yue’s body apart.

However, Wu Yue only moved her lips, but Tian Qi Gong Ichiro stopped all movements and looked behind him dully.


These three words reminded Tianqi Gongichiro of something more important than his own life. Looking back, under the activation of the destruction program, all the experimental instruments stopped working, and Emily in the cultivation tank stopped working. , the body is not nourished and is constantly breaking down.

“No no no no no…Emily!”

As if he had lost all his strength, Taqi Gongichiro’s eyes widened, watching his beloved become even more uglier. The flesh and blood kept shrinking…

However, just as he was about to rush past, a pair of large black wings pierced his body.

Wu Yue clutched her ruptured abdomen, with a bitter smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, watching Tian Qi Gong Ichiro fall to the ground, her eyes changed from disbelief to struggle, and finally to a relief that seemed to be gratifying.

And with the last bit of strength, he twisted his head towards the cultivation tank… His eyes finally dissipated completely.

“Di, the golden side quest: Explore the truth of the distortion of the world.”

“Mission goal: get the truth about the changes in the world (achieved!), UU reading to destroy the source of the changes in the world (achieved!

“This task is regarded as the main task level. After the main task is completed, the main task will be completed at the same time, and you can choose to return to the infinite space!”

“Selected Person No. 10000, yes/no return immediately.”

The voice of the Lord God rang at the moment when Taqi Gongichiro died.

Wu Yue clutched her broken abdomen, her spirit was a little blurred by the impact of the Adversity virus, but she still squatted down and picked up the crystal blue radiance of the virus source body that fell from the body of Tian Qi Gong Ichiro.

At this time, the broadcast in the research institute sounded again, “The laboratory will be blasted in 30 seconds to eliminate all possible infected bodies, and the countdown starts now!”

With a painful smile, Wu Yue didn’t even choose to return, staring at Gong Yilang’s corpse, shaking her head,

“You guy… how cute can you be without taking medicine, how can you beat me if you don’t!”

“What a naive fool!”


“Lord God, choose to return.”

After the final countdown sounded, Wu Yue relaxed a little, leaned her body on the console, and shouted out words.

A white light immediately enveloped Wu Yue, completely drowning Wu Yue.

After the white light gradually weakened, a loud noise and violent fire completely engulfed the entire research institute, causing violent explosions, and the entire laboratory slowly collapsed in constant vibration.

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