Ghoul’s Infinite Journey

Chapter 82

Vol 4 Chapter 11: Quanxin 1

“Hey, boy, who are you?”

The few bad guys who were beating Nagai Kazui suddenly heard a voice out of breath and stopped their fists, just in time to see Quan Xinyi, who was uneasy when he saw Wu Yue.

The other party’s ordinary dress, weak face, and kind temperament, the whole person looks like a good student, the three bad guys looked at each other, and their expressions became ridiculed.

“Uh… um, he’s my classmate…”

Being ridiculed by the bad guys brought him back to reality. Then there was Wu Yue and the arrogant bad guys in front of him. Quan Xinyi was not good at dealing with this kind of situation. Baba explained.

“Ha, for this reason?”

On the other side, behind the delinquents, a young girl’s voice sounded, as if she heard something funny, and there was a smile on her sweet voice.

Only then did Izumi Shinichi realize that in addition to his classmate He Hui and the three bad guys who beat him, there were other people present. He turned his eyes and saw a man and a woman behind the bad guys.

Women wear school uniforms from other schools, with cute and warm earmuffs on their heads, while the facial features on their fair and tender faces are delicate and harmonious, exuding the charm of a young girl, and they are judged by normal human aesthetics. She is a very beautiful girl.

The man, on the other hand, was wearing a gray knitted hat with black rims, covering his slightly long and natural yellow hair, wearing a red casual jacket with a black hooded casual jacket inside, and his face was not very handsome. But it’s not ugly, his eyes are looking at Quan Xinyi with a little interest but not caring, and the whole person seems to be condescending.

However, in the face of this situation, Izumi Xinyi, who has already stood up, can’t say anything about retreating, or more importantly, he saw Wu Yue walking down this street.

After calming his head, Quan Xinyi tried to convince the other party to stop embarrassing Hehui. After all, he had already beaten him, and even if it was bad, he would not give up, “I don’t care what reason you have for beating him, but it’s a little overdone… ”

However, it seems to be the influence of Xiaoyou, and Quan Xinyi said these words unconsciously. Although the soft tone and his own thoughts definitely did not mean to make trouble, the provocation between the lines is too obvious. .

The bad guys were stunned for a moment, then wanted to laugh a little bit. It would be strange for a good student to see that they didn’t take a detour. He even dared to take the initiative to provoke them, and turned his head to the light man.

The light man smiled and acquiesced to his younger brother’s opinion. A fat man immediately walked to Quan Xinyi’s side with a ‘don’t die if he didn’t die’ smile. He stretched out his fist and punched the fearless calm face.

“Are you awake? Four-eyed boy?”

The deliberate mockery that changed his voice sounded.

‘Boom’ sound.

The collision between the fist and the flesh, a clear red mark appeared on Quan Xinyi’s face that was slightly tilted due to being hit, and the expression on that face seemed a little confused, as if he didn’t know what happened. What happened, how did he get beaten up.

“Yo, Shinichi-kun, are you playing games with your new friends?”

Just when Fatty Bad Boy felt strong and happy because he bullied others, a joking voice suddenly sounded in the path.

“Ah, I mean, how dare a nerd stand up and talk too much, so he has a companion.”

The smiling Wu Yue suddenly appeared, which surprised everyone present. However, the fat man standing next to him regained his senses and looked at Quan Xinyi, who had a flash of panic in his eyes, and thought he had guessed it right. raised his voice.

To Wu Yue, who had raised her head by half, she pretended to be vicious with a smile, and said while clenching her fists.

However, to the surprise of the delinquents, the script was not written according to their ideas. Facing Fatty’s provocation, Wu Yue smiled slightly, and went straight to the side, leaned against the wall, and watched playfully. Quan Xinyi, put aside the relationship: “Hehe, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing to do with this guy. If you want to do something, please feel free to do it. It’s fine if I don’t exist.”

And he seemed to have thought of something again. He tilted his head and asked with a smile, “By the way, there is no charge for watching the show.”

It seemed that he couldn’t keep up with Wu Yue’s jumping rhythm. Faced with the unexpected situation, Fatty Bad gave Wu Yue a fierce look, but he didn’t continue to provoke Wu Yue, he just scolded: “You are crazy.”

After all, as soon as Wu Yue came up, she said that she would not disturb the other party. Although the bad guy likes to fight bravely, he is not a lunatic who will fight when he sees it.

“Hey, Siyan, do you want to take another punch from me? Your companion seems to have left you to watch the fun.”

Turning his head, the fat man looked at Quan Xinyi, who looked like a weak chicken, and mocked Quan Xinyi again.

“Forget it, it’s pathetic.”

And the girl Kana, who was watching everything from the back, saw Izumi Shinichi’s dazed look still being beaten, and persuaded Hiroo’s subordinates.

“We just have some things to ask your friend to solve.”

Hitsuo smiled indifferently. To him, Izumi Shinichi, who looked like a good student, didn’t threaten him at all. Kana said that he would let it go, so he said lightly.

In this case, the other party should also understand the subtext and retreat.

In front of Kana, Hiroko never mind showing a little more generosity.

“New One.”

Right, how come? Isn’t it sleeping?

Quan Xinyi was still in a state of bewilderment after being punched by the fat man, but suddenly he heard Xiao You’s voice, and his trance was sobered up.

“Xinyi, I felt this man’s brainwaves, and considering that there might be unpredictable dangers, I forced myself to wake up from the dormant state. The other party didn’t seem to pay attention to us, but just in case, I’d better leave first. Here it is.”

Right secretly observed Wuyue, who seemed to be yawning because of boredom, in Quan Xinyi’s covered right hand, and then immediately suggested to Quan Xinyi that for all parasitic beasts that regard their own life as the highest criterion, Avoiding Wu Yue, who has unknown strength and purpose, and minimized contact with him is the first priority now.

Hearing You’s statement, Quan Xinyi also recalled the day when the parasitic beast A died, Wu Yue’s smile that made him tremble deeply, and suddenly a feeling of fear filled his heart, which made him feel a little bit. Identify with the right discourse.

However, when his eyes looked at Wu Yue subconsciously, the other party seemed to have just finished yawning and looked at himself, and there seemed to be a hint of sneer in his eyes, mocking his weakness and retreat.

“The most incomprehensible thing about people’s hearts is the concept of ‘self-denial’, that is to say, knowing that I will suffer, but still doing something for others, I am completely at a loss.”

She was watched by Wu Yue’s mocking eyes. For some unknown reason, a sentence You once said seemed to flash through Quan Xinyi’s mind.

A feeling of unwillingness gradually surged in my heart.

Do you look down on me? Damn, I’m human.

Even if you know that you will suffer, you will help others. Isn’t this the human heart!

I don’t know why, but I just don’t want to be looked at by such contemptuous eyes, I don’t want to be looked down upon.


Right, who communicated with Izumi Xinyi’s brain, could clearly perceive the emotional changes in his brain. He was a little puzzled as to why Izumi Xinyi, who wanted to implement his own suggestion at the last moment, had a complete change in his brainwave emotions the next moment.

“Right, as you said before, you don’t understand human’s ‘self-denial’ behavior.”

“However, it is precisely this, because unlike other creatures, it is human beings who can judge and act according to their own thoughts.”

I won’t back down.

After thinking about something in his heart, the sudden courage dispelled the fear, and Quan Xinyi’s eyes became firm.

Yes, I am human.

It is human, this will never change!

“Didn’t I tell you to stop?”

Quan Xinyi suddenly spoke up. Although he was still a little weak, there was an unexpected hint of toughness.

“If you want to fight, you should at least fight in an upright manner!”


Facing Right like Izumi Shinichi, who had never seen him before, he seemed to understand something, but he still had some doubts.

“Huh? Hey, hey, you…”

The sudden sound made Hiroko and his group a little stunned. However, looking at Izumi Shinichi, a good student who didn’t know what medicine he was taking wrong, Hirohito shook his head and laughed, and approached step by step.

“What you said just now, wouldn’t it be true?”

He smiled recklessly, the light man’s sloppy eyes became sharp and full of aggression, his face was close to Izumi Shinichi, and he looked carefully, as if to see why the other party suddenly became stupid.

“No… that’s right.”

Facing this sharp gaze, Quan Xin, who was still a weak high school student after all, was shaken again in an instant, the expression on his face collapsed very reluctantly.

It was as if he was thinking about getting out of here a moment ago, but the next moment he stood up full of courage, and this courage was shaken very quickly.

After all, human beings, because they have thoughts, can act according to their own will, but on the contrary, they are more easily affected by emotions and external objects.

This is also the origin of human fickleness.

As an ordinary person, Izumi Shinichi is naturally impossible to avoid the commonplace.

“Ah, really…”

Seeing the other party’s pretending to cheer up, the light man’s face was a little disappointed, but then with a trace of fire, he punched Quan Xinyi hard, “I thought it was a kind guy, but it turned out to be just a joke. what!”

The continuous blows made Quan Xinyi, who didn’t know how to fight, feel like a duckweed swept away by a flood of water, and the world was spinning, and a wave of pain also swept his brain.

“Right, don’t.”

In the midst of pain, Quan Xinyi’s face suddenly turned pale, because he felt that he was beaten, which seemed to make Right feel dangerous, and wanted to give a fatal attack to the light man in front of him.

However, although the other party was beating him, he was a human being, and Izumi Xinichi would never let Xiaoyou kill the other party.

“Ha, what are you talking about?”

But the sound of the wind waving his fist made Hiroko not hear what Shinichi Qingquan said, thinking that the other party was insulting him, and his face suddenly became more fierce.

“Enough is enough, light man! Stop it. If this continues, people will be killed!”

Originally, Kana, who was just quietly watching Izumi Shinichi being taught a lesson, finally changed his face after seeing Mitsuo’s increased strength, and hurriedly stopped.

“Damn, I haven’t fought enough yet. I hate this kind of hypocritical **** the most!”

Although he was a little angry, Kana’s voice was very good for Hiroo to listen to. Looking at Izumi Shinichi, who had been beaten very badly, he said angrily, and Hiroo stopped attacking.

“Really, what does it look like to bully someone weaker than you?”

Seeing that Hiroo stopped and the situation did not expand, Kana breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Izumi Shinichi, wanting to see the other party’s state. After all, if he was injured, there would still be trouble.

But Hikari looked at Izumi Shinichi with disgust and walked towards the younger brothers.

“Hey you…”

Kana Kimima was just about to squat down and take a closer look at the other party’s state. Then, Izumi Shinichi, who was awake on the right, made Kana feel a terrible feeling the moment Kana met his gaze.

“Hey, Kana, what are you doing, go away.”

“oh oh.”

The inexplicable feeling made Kana feel a moment of fear, and he took a few steps back in a panic. Although it was only a moment, he really felt it.

It wasn’t until Mitsuo’s call that Kana Kimima regained his senses again. He glanced at Izumi Shinichi, who was in a state of embarrassment, and followed Mitsuo’s group and left in a hurry and doubt.

“Clap clap clap!”

Just when the other party had all left and Quan Xinichi felt the pain as if his whole body was falling apart, the applause sounded out of nowhere.

“Hey, you bastard! It’s okay to hide away just now, what does it mean to be sneering at Shinichi now!”

Looking at Wu Yue who was staring at Quan Xinyi with a smile on her face and applauding, Nagai Kazuki, who had been repaired badly by Koman and the others, immediately shouted out in great displeasure.

“Bad dog, don’t whine at will.”

Wu Yue didn’t even look at Nagai Kazui, she just stared at Quan Xinyi, stopped applauding, and stepped closer.


In the face of Hiroo and others, although Izumi Shinichi can’t beat him and will be afraid, his right hand will not have the slightest fear, and he can instantly kill the opponent.

However, facing Wu Yue, not only Quan Xin’s scalp was numb at first, but even Right was alerted for a moment, but he was worried about Nagai Kazuki, who was groaning in pain, and did not blatantly appear directly.

Looking at the trace of fear buried in the other’s eyes and the tight alertness of her body, Wu Yue smiled slightly.

“Sure enough, you are still the same Izumi Shinichi, nothing has changed.”

These words are probably what Quan Xinyi wants to hear most now, but the words of Wu Yue, who has a vague purpose and is very terrifying, really can’t make Quan Xinyi happy at all.

She could only watch Wu Yue nervously.


However, In the end, Wu Yue just left this sentence and left.

“Shinichi, do you feel it?”

“Although the other party left directly again, the danger this time brought me a stronger sense of danger.”

“It can’t go on like this, I don’t know any details of the other party, I don’t know what the other party is going to do, such a clueless response is no longer enough, and, capturing his emotional fluctuations, it used to be chaotic and could not detect any information, but this time it is I caught a strange feeling, and although I don’t quite understand the meaning of this change, there is always a feeling that the other party’s purpose is almost reached.”

“New One.”

Looking right at Izumi Shinichi, whose expression was getting more serious, he warned, “We need to take some action.”


(Ah, the things that happened in the book club last night were really varied, extremely complicated and hard to describe in a single word, but how can I say that, in the end, everything developed for the better, so let’s announce the latest plan, about parasitic Beast, it’s almost time for the ** part, about Wu Yue.)

(And for the next plot, I don’t plan to follow the original book. I will simply develop the ending of this volume and make an ending for the parasitic beast. Of course, at the end, it will take tens of thousands of words, not the last few chapters. Please wait and see. Bar.)

(Today’s 4,000-word update is two chapters long, and it is full of sincerity. I hope everyone will not be stingy with recommendation tickets. Friends who have read this book, please add a collection, every point of your support is black. Your motivation to update!)

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