Ghoul’s Infinite Journey

Chapter 92

Vol 4 Chapter 19: Crazy

“Wuyue’s words, where do you start?”

“Well, although I haven’t witnessed his past, I’ll tell you from the information I’ve collected…”

It was about twenty years ago.

In an ordinary city in China, a pair of parents are nervously waiting for new life to come to their small family.

It’s not a particularly rich or background, but a warm enough family and good parents.

It can be seen that this new life is lucky to be born here. Perhaps, he has been blessed by God, and he is destined to be much happier than most people from birth.

However, it may not just be God who blessed him, the devil in **** also seems to have favored him.

On the day he was born, the father in the small family was both relieved and painful.

Because, his wife suffered a dystocia in the process of giving birth. In order to let the new life come to this world smoothly, the mother chose to give up herself.

So, under the twists and turns, a new life was born.

Because I was born in the dark night, and the moonlight that night was exceptionally bright.

His name is Wu Yue.

As time passed, my father gradually walked out of his grief and began to take care of Wu Yue with all his heart.

During these days, Xiao Wuyue gradually grew up.

Soon it was the time to go to school in childhood. What was different from other people of the same age was that at that time, Wu Yue had already shown enough excellent talents, showing a strong talent for everything, and even being able to learn with ease. The knowledge gained is inferred from one another.

And because her father needs to take care of herself and work, Xiao Wuyue also has an extraordinary maturity. After learning to think, she will use the knowledge she has acquired to take care of herself, and she will try to help the family deal with trivial matters to the best of her ability.

Possibly, the only fly in the ointment is that Little Wuyue is too independent.

From family to life, even if other peers want to get close to him because of his excellence and excellence, they have never been ignored.

Sometimes, he would just sit on the small stool in the classroom, looking out the window, alone for a long time.

Even though he was surrounded by lively children, he still looked so lonely.

This phenomenon even caught the teacher’s attention.

They found Wu Yue’s father, told about this problem, and added that it seemed that they had never seen Xiao Wu Yue smile.

However, the father was puzzled.

Because, every time he came home from work, he was greeted by Xiao Wuyue’s smile.

Moreover, Xiao Wuyue is always so kind and happy at home.

He even treats a few potted plants that are not very good-looking at home with seriousness and effort.

She is also very interested in small animals, she looks so lively and active.

As a father, he believed that he would not be wrong.

My own child, earnestly loves all life in the world.

Father undoubtedly trusts Wu Yue.

So after telling Wu Yue to work hard to get along with others, she let go of this matter.

Time just kept going without stopping.

Let Xiao Wuyue grow and mature day by day.

Let my father go through the wind and frost day by day and enter middle age day by day.

Wu Yue finally grew from a child to a youth.

Handsome, tall, mature, and talented.

However, Wu Yue was not very happy.

Because he was able to perceive that there seemed to be something wrong with his father’s work, he often traveled for a long time, and his income suddenly increased.

The keen sense made Wu Yue smell an unusual aura, but his father didn’t say it, and he wouldn’t ask, because he believed in his father. If his father wanted to tell him, he would definitely not hide it. If he didn’t want to say it, it was also for the sake of good to yourself.

In this way, Wu Yue, who didn’t take this matter to heart, continued her life, with her outstanding mind, dazzling grades, and low-key behavior, as a role model in the school, even though he didn’t care about these things at all.

However, if she could make her father smile, Wu Yue would be more than happy to hold these in her hands and show her to her father.

God blessed him to have a talent far beyond his peers.

Let him have an unsatisfactory, but still a happy home.

However, just like the moment he was born.

The devil is also favoring him.

On that day, Wu Yue returned home from school, very early, very early.

Because he knew that his father, who was on a regular business trip, should be back home today. Wu Yue has been practicing recipes these days, preparing to cook by herself and show her new skills to her father.

This will make father’s mood happy for a long time, Wu Yue knows that.

However, when he walked to the door of the house, when he saw the open door, there was no light in the room, which made Wu Yue suddenly feel a sense of fear, which was an emotion he had never felt before.

Holding back her fear, Wu Yue walked in cautiously and nervously.

The pungent smell of blood made Wu Yue almost enveloped in an ominous aura.


A weak and stern whisper rang out, Wu Yue froze in place, he clearly discerned that it was his father’s voice.

“Ha…cough…cough, it’s…month… right?”

Wu Yue did not move, causing the dark room to fall into an eerie silence. However, her father still guessed that Wu Yue was coming, and smiled weakly, coughed, and the **** smell was even more pungent.

“Turn on…the lights, Moon…”

Seemingly aware of Wu Yue’s sluggishness, his father reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth in the dark, smiled diligently, and reminded softly.


The lights were turned on.

What caught Wu Yue’s eyes was his father’s blood-drenched body lying on the ground. The broken body seemed to have loopholes everywhere.

“Ha… Really… a strong child…”

With the help of the light, my father opened his eyes weakly and looked at Wu Yue, without weeping weakly, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com just stared at himself blankly, forced a smile and said to Wu Yue, “Very…very good…Yue…don’t cry…smile…just smile.”

“Yue… Dad… From now on… I won’t be able to accompany you… from now on.”

“So… remember, laugh… face everything… be… the freest person… you won’t… be controlled by anything… you… the freest…”

He spoke intermittently, but his voice gradually faded out inaudible, but his father still forced a smile to Wu Yue until his death, a gratifying smile.




After an unknown amount of time, Wu Yue smiled when she saw her father’s dead body.

Laughing, laughing wildly.




“That man…witnessed the death of the person closest to him…at that time…was he crazy?”

When Akart heard this, he opened his mouth thoughtfully, and the expression on his face seemed to be remembering something.

“that time?”

The doctor glanced at Akart, smiled, and said lightly, “Maybe.”

“and after?”

“Later? Then continue to listen to me…”

The doctor crossed his fingers, supported his chin, and continued to talk with a smile on his face.

A story about Wuyue.

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