Giants From All Walks of Life Vie For Uncle Xi To Be Uncle

Chapter 106

Chapter 102 Pei Huan is bald

The original owner’s words and sentences are smooth, and every word is calm. She has clearly passed such a long period of hopelessness and no light, but there is no sign of confusion of thoughts and mental disorders.

The content of the suicide note is very simple. It did not accuse her vicious stepsister and stepmother, nor her greedy and greedy father, nor even her stupid and poisonous classmates who bullied her…

Like a terminally ill patient, bid farewell to the world very calmly.

【I know that my disease can’t be cured, no doctor can cure me, my body has rotted from the core part. Finally, I can see my mother. I miss her so much. 】

No complaints, no nostalgia.

But Su Tian, ​​who read this suicide note word by word, was strongly stimulated in her heart. A wave of resentment poured out from deep in her chest. She raised her chin and stared at Su Zhiqiang, suddenly hating this stupid and greedy man. .

She had just read He Sen’s paper on parallel space-time and space-time cracks two hours ago, and remembered all those assumptions and explanations clearly.

She had begun to suspect that she and the original owner were two identical people in different time and space, otherwise how to explain her exactly the same appearance and the same body as the original owner.

Su Tian has always believed that no matter how weird things are, there must be logic and reasons for them.

It is impossible for her to wear this world for no reason. Now it seems that the original owner is no longer there.

Her soul was gone, maybe it was unwilling, maybe it was a certain time-space deviation brought by quantum mechanics that made her, Su Tian, ​​who lived in another time and space, fall down and continue the life of the original owner.

Su Tian doesn’t know the character of the original owner very well, so she can only listen to some from the audience, and then contact the original owner’s experience and this suicide note… She can basically affirm that the original owner is very pure and good, and even because the pure good is too much, there are some weaknesses. Girl.

Su Zhiqiang looked at her shocked and painful expression, and understood that this was the guilty conscience and fear of the substitute.

He showed a frantic smile, and his eyes flickered with a greedy halo: “Admit it? There is no one else here. You are not my daughter Su Tian at all, the daughter I raised myself. I raised her for 17 years. What kind of temper is she, I know her temper! Don’t think that you can fool my dear father by fooling the whole world!”

Su Tian clasped the printed suicide note, clasped it in her palm, and a provocative smile appeared on the corner of her lips: “Daughter? Have you ever raised Su Tian? Before the age of fourteen, your family had three flowers. It’s all the hard-earned money earned by Su Tian’s mother by typing the code. After the age of fourteen, you don’t care about Su Tian and let Zhou Yan and Su Wan bully her. You know what a lovely little girl your daughter is, but you just keep watching. Watching her make herself like a ghost, have you asked her what happened?”

Su Zhiqiang seemed to have listened to her words, but there was no reaction on his face, neither guilt nor sadness, as if he had listened to a few insignificant gossips.

“People are gone, don’t talk about these messy things. Although my girl has depression, she always sees a doctor for medicine! Which depression patient has no suicidal tendency? Even the experts are not sure to cure this disease, I can What should I do? Get back to the subject, since you have admitted that you are a fake, I don’t care what interest group you are behind, whether you are using my boudoir’s identity as a girl star to make money, or you are using your shell to launder money. I know these are all big names. I don’t care about it, and I don’t plan to take care of it. You just have to give me money!”

Su Tian certainly knew that there was nothing empathetic from Su Zhiqiang’s mouth.

But perhaps she still underestimated the shamelessness and shame of this man.

Looking at him like this, he should have just seen this suicide note, otherwise he would have come to ask for money, and it won’t be delayed for more than half a year…

Su Zhiqiang is not very smart, even if he was a rare high-achieving university student in the last century, it was already twenty years ago.

The years of gambling all the year round seemed to have turned him into an idiot who could only touch the chips.

He should have been wondering why his daughter Su Tian suddenly changed. It was after obtaining this suicide note that he had this kind of speculation.

Before that, he had never thought that his daughter was dead.

After learning about it, he didn’t have any sorrow, only thinking about using his daughter’s suicide note to exchange money.

Su Tian didn’t panic, she looked at him with a smile but a smile: “A life, you only want five million is enough?”

Su Zhiqiang was overjoyed, thinking that he was looking for someone to find the right one!

Su Wan showed this suicide note to him and Zhou Yan, and said that he would call the police and get his sister back.

Su Zhiqiang suppressed her and told her not to mess around. The excuse he gave Su Wan was that since those people dared to change the crown prince, the fake Su Tian was swaggeringly active in the entertainment industry and earning money. He must have a background and connections. Wuding and Shang Yu Pei Huan can’t get rid of the relationship…

None of these people are ordinary people, and rigidity cannot take advantage.

Su Zhiqiang suppressed Su Wan and went to hold Su Tian’s suicide note by himself to threaten the fake Su Tian.

He became more aggressive, with his hands on his hips: “Five million is enough for you. You took away my old house. The old house alone is more than 8 million! The five million will be given to me in an emergency. You can directly pay, pay, and transfer to me. I will come to you regularly in the future. If you don’t want to see me, you can make regular payments. As for money… 5 million a month, I’m not cheating you. How much did the last variety show cost, and two rich uncles, Shang Yu Pei Huan…”

“Five million, really not much.”

Su Zhiqiang’s heart trembled, and he secretly calculated whether he was asking for a lower price. The fake Su Tian’s income was heard from Su Wan’s mouth. Su Wan might not have been in Su Tian’s position and underestimated her income. Up?

But… five million a month, he is only forty this year, and he can live for another forty years… it’s a good deal, don’t let the lion open his mouth to scare her away.

“Then buy it at a price, pay on the 15th of every month! Don’t worry, since I took the money, my mouth must be very tight, and I will bring your secret into the coffin. If someone discovers your secret in the future, I want to take the opportunity to engage you. , I can also cooperate with you and forge a paternity test with you. Whoever asks me, I always insist that you are my daughter!”

Su Tian always kept a smile, her tone was also very plain: “Oh, you are stupid, but you are pretty beautiful. You might as well go directly into the coffin. I will burn paper for you every month, definitely not less than five million, I swear !”

Su Zhiqiang’s face changed drastically, and he looked at her incredulously, “You…what do you mean, are you kidding me?”

Su Tian took two steps back and kept a safe distance from this greedy man who was going crazy.

She curled her lips and smiled: “No kidding, if Mr. Su enters the coffin, I will burn paper for you. After all… I am still your daughter in name.”

Su Zhiqiang’s mind was a little confused, and she didn’t understand how the situation would turn out to be like this. Didn’t she just agree?

“You…you have already admitted that you are a fake just now! You are not my daughter at all!”

Su Tian looked at his almost hideous face and smiled more wantonly: “It’s a pity, I also hope that I am not your daughter, but I am.”

She feels that she has said almost everything she should say, and her mood is more complicated. She doesn’t want to waste time with him anymore, and turns around to go home.

Su Zhiqiang caught up with her and stood in front of her: “You are a bully when you are an old man? Good, good, good! I wanted to settle down and take the money. This is all you forced! Now there is no evidence to prove that my daughter is dead, even if she is true. You committed suicide, and you want to see the corpse! If you pretend to be garlic, then I’ll call the police!”

Su Zhiqiang thought she would be afraid.

Replacing your identity and stealthily changing pillars, this is a scandal that shocks the world once it is exposed in today’s society.

But the girl didn’t panic on her face, he wanted to say something cruel but couldn’t hold it back for a long time.

Su Tian walked from the corner to the main entrance, He Sen walked over, his face was serious, his eyebrows seemed to be worried, and when she saw her, he asked in a low voice, “What happened?”

Su Zhiqiang didn’t know who this young man wearing glasses was. His original plan was to negotiate with Su Tian in private.

He unwillingly threatened: “Then the fish will die and the net will be broken. Lao Tzu doesn’t care how strong the group behind you is. Lao Tzu will ruin you and you will die together!”

Su Tian didn’t expect that He Sen hadn’t left. She read the suicide note, and she was in an inexplicable mood. At this moment, because of He Sen… she panicked all of a sudden.

She didn’t know if He Sen heard it, how much she heard…

Although it was not what Su Zhiqiang guessed, she did carry a secret.

A secret that can never be told to anyone under normal circumstances.

Su Zhiqiang ran away.

He Sen glanced at him suspiciously, his eyes returned to Su Tian, ​​he stepped forward, and said warmly: “This person is…your father?”

Su Tian looked at him helplessly, unloading her tough disguise for some reason…

She looked at He Sen’s concerned face, and her heart was suddenly panicked, but the next moment of panic turned out to be relaxed.

If He Sen really heard the complete conversation between her and Su Zhiqiang…

So, can she tell him her secret?

He Sen is different from ordinary people. He is a scientist and is quite knowledgeable in theoretical physics. If…she can really share this secret with him, will she be more relaxed because of it.

“Professor He, what have you…heard?”

He Sen hesitated slightly, and immediately confessed: “Sorry, I didn’t intend to listen to your sex, just watching you and this middle-aged man hiding in the corner and talking for a long time, and then vaguely heard the voice of dispute, I am afraid you are in danger. I got out of the car and walked over to take a look. I heard him say…you are not his daughter, but you said you are.”

Su Tian looked at He Sen’s exquisite and handsome face, he had an aura that ordinary men don’t have.

Su Tian has never been in contact with other scientists, but she knows that this breath comes from scientists.

He Sen… After all, he is different from ordinary people. He studies some scientific research topics that far exceed the needs of modern society. The acceptance and tolerance should also be different from ordinary people.

Su Tian didn’t know where her trust in him came from.

Maybe she can’t find the same kind. She can’t find a person who has the same experience as her in this world, and she can’t publicize her experience so that she can be regarded as a lunatic, or taken away and locked up as a scientific research experiment. .

But she really needs someone to talk to.

He Sen, perhaps the only scientist in her life who can meet and get close to her.

Su Tian said in a daze: “I…I am indeed not his daughter, but from a physical point of view, I can only be his daughter, but my soul is not the same as his previous daughter…I am. She has different experiences, different memories, everything is different from that girl, but… there are many similarities.”

With an IQ of over 200, He Sen immediately remembered the science fiction that Su Tian described to him today.

At that time, Su Tian’s emotions seemed to go deeper than telling stories. His brain had already formed a theoretical framework in just five or six seconds.

He has a steady tone: “Don’t worry, calm down first. If you want, you can talk to me about your experience. If you don’t want to say it, it doesn’t matter. You can contact me whenever you need it.”

Su Tian chose to sit back in the car with him. She lowered her head slightly, pinched her fingers, and told him all of what had happened to her in the past six months.

He Sen did not react very surprised, but seemed very interested: “So, as early as mid-February, you have been living in another world, all the environments are different, and the people around you are also different? You are in that world. She is an 18-year-old girl who has just finished the university entrance exam, and when she is preparing to give a lecture to her younger brothers and sisters, she has traveled to the present world?”

Su Tian looked at him dumbfoundedly: “Professor He, do you think…I am schizophrenic? Or, like Su Zhiqiang, I will be suspicious, suspect that I have harmed her daughter, or take advantage of her daughter’s suicide and death. In order to gain her identity, borrow her identity to make money in the entertainment industry.”

He Sen smiled: “Since you told me your secret, in exchange, I will share a secret with you.”

Su Tian opened her eyes wide: “What’s the secret? Did you also cross over here?!”

He Sen quickly denied: “I am not, but when I was studying theoretical physics in country M, I once participated in a confidential research group. In that research group, they studied time-travelers from two different nationalities. They all claimed People who are not in this world, the familiar family and friends around them are also strangers to them, and they are all taken to the psychiatric hospital by their families.

One was even forced to be treated for a period of time. Family members think that they have split personalities and have different personalities, so they have mastered completely different languages ​​and even learned knowledge that is completely different from their life background. However, after research, we found that the spirits of these two traversers are absolutely normal. Yes, they all fell suddenly from different worlds. ”

Su Tian was very surprised, it turned out… she was really not the only one?

“Then… how are these two people now?”

He Sen said: “A person comes from a relatively advanced advanced civilization with an advanced knowledge background. He is engaged in scientific research and is now a scientist, but no one knows his experience. This is absolutely confidential. The other cannot adapt to the current life. The environment, I always miss my family in the original world, and I have been trying to find a way to go back, but I have also invested in normal work and life, and my daily life is just like ordinary people.”

Su Tian murmured: “I didn’t expect this kind of supernatural phenomenon to happen to different people. Since there are already three known, including me, I believe there are definitely more than three in the world, thirty or even three hundred. It’s possible! It’s just that some people choose to keep their mouths shut and live a normal life, and some people have long been regarded as lunatics when they say it.”

He Sen said: “It is indeed possible. However, this should not be explained as a supernatural phenomenon in the context of theoretical physics. Perhaps the current level of civilization and scientific research is not enough to study the exact principle. In the future, several decades. Later, or a few hundred years later, there will be an answer.”

Before Su Tian got off the car, she reached an verbal agreement with He Sen.

He Sen promised to keep confidential for her forever. If she is not at ease, she can sign a confidentiality agreement.

Su Tian was more curious. He Sen asked her about the specific time and place she traveled over, and planned to use her as a case study. Perhaps in the future, he could find the opportunity for the crossing to occur, and even work out a plan to realize the crossing back.

After telling her own big secret, Su Tian still finds it difficult to calm down in a short time.

He Sen reassures her rationally: “In fact, you don’t need to take this matter too seriously. How should your life continue? There will be no change. As for my research, I may not have definite results in my lifetime. , This will not affect your life. You are already Su Tian, ​​or you are already Su Tian, ​​and there will be no second you in the same world. You should have lived frankly and happily. ”

Su Tian thinks He Sen’s words are very deep and wise.

She really didn’t have a second choice, and there was no way to wear it back.

As an ordinary person, she has no choice but to live a good life.

But she always felt that these things should be told to her two uncles, and she didn’t want to keep them secret for the rest of her life.

But she hasn’t figured out how to speak yet.

Shang Yu lives under the same roof with her, and is keenly aware of her restlessness in the past two days.

Shang Yu asked, Su Tian told her about Su Zhiqiang’s visit to her that day.

Shang Yu’s face was not good when he heard this. He wanted to reprimand Su Zhiqiang, a scumbag and trash man.

But after another thought, Tian Tian is his daughter after all.

He eased his attitude again: “Tiantian, your attitude towards Su Zhiqiang… is that he thinks that he owes too much debt may be dangerous. If you want to help, you still want to…”

“Of course it won’t help,” Su Tian is categorical. “Although his mother’s death cannot be directly linked to him, it is a fact that his mother has been overworked for a long time. Even if there is no 100% connection, Su Zhiqiang also has a great responsibility in my opinion. We have already severed relations with him. If there is another next time, we can directly call the police and arrest him in the name of extortion.”

Shang Yu was disgusted with Su Zhiqiang, and in his mood he already wished to crush him to death like an ant, but he was rationally told that after all, he is a society ruled by law, and then he is a vicious person. As long as he has not committed a crime, no one can deprive him of it. Freedom and life. Over the years, he tried his best to avoid paying attention to Su Zhiqiang, because he was afraid that he could not contain the evil in his heart and would do something that he shouldn’t do.

Su Tian’s attitude made him very satisfied: “Very well, Tiantian, if you can think like this, uncle is very pleased. If he comes to you again for money, if you ask him to come to me, uncle will teach him a profound lesson.”


Su Tian’s coming-of-age ceremony arrived in a flash.

On the night of the party, Shang Yu welcomed hundreds of guests in his villa.

There are Su Tian’s classmates, and some friends she knows in the entertainment industry, and the rest are young people in the upper circle of Beicheng.

They all prepared gifts carefully, and the rooms filled with gifts.

There are also a few uninvited people among them.

The three cousins ​​of the merchant, Shangli, Philosopher and Shangtong also came.

Shang Zhe brought two gifts, one of which was brought on behalf of Mr. Shang.

After all, he is the cousin of the Shang family. In front of so many guests, Shang Yu is not easy to rush out, but he doesn’t give a good face.

Shang Tong learned very well this time and did not say anything. After registering the gift, he obediently followed his cousin’s cousin.

She looked at Su Tian in a light blue dress with envy in her eyes.

Su Tian is really like a princess today. There are several layers of yarn on the hem of the dress, which is covered with diamonds. The overall style is lively and sweet. Her hair is also in a beautiful princess bun, which is very different from the casual look she usually wears in a T-shirt. There are also a few pieces of jewelry all over the body, all of which are expensive, most of which are privately ordered…

Shang Tong is not without these things.

However, she couldn’t tell what was going on. She just felt that Su Tian looked so happy and she had two such powerful uncles. She is also an internationally popular school girl… She also gave a speech at an international conference last month, and she became the most enviable girl in the country.

Especially after being slapped by Su Tian’s results last time, Shang Tong looked at her this time, and he felt ashamed… She was obviously the granddaughter of the Shang family, the richest man in Beicheng.

But now everyone knows that Shang Yu, the future successor of the Shang family, is the most powerful in the family and the highest in power in the future. Su Tian is his niece, and she… just a cousin who has no blood relationship. It’s obvious how close it is.

Shang Tong was taught not to say anything rashly, but Shang Li was much more generous.

She took Su Tian to talk affectionately, and said that the gift she gave her was a bag ordered from the brand’s original factory three months in advance, and the name of Su Tian was embroidered on the handle, which was unique. .

Although Su Tian knew that these were the tiger and wolf generations, she still had to do superficial effort, and she politely thanked her.

However, Shang Yu couldn’t see it, and said coldly: “The cousin really bothered, but it’s a pity that Tiantian doesn’t like Hermes’ bags very much. It’s too old and not suitable for her.”

Shang Li’s face froze for about half a second, and he immediately smiled brighter: “It’s just my heart. If Tiantian doesn’t like it, I’ll see him off next time.”

Shang Yu’s words are sharp: “No need, as long as you stay on your side and don’t make sweet ideas, our sisters and brothers can be in peace with each other. Last time it was sweet and okay, so I will do nothing. I said, if Next time, whether Tiantian is okay or not, I will let you lose everything you have now.”

Su Tian was shocked when she heard it. In fact, she knew that there was no evidence for the kidnapping last time. The reason why Uncle Shang Yu kept less and less between words and his attitude became more and more tough. It should be because he suspected that Uncle Pei Huan had been The accident caused by falling objects…also related to them, but no evidence was found.

The Shang family did not have a fuel-efficient lamp. Since they dared to do it, they were sure that they would die without being dug up for evidence.

Shang Yu couldn’t do anything about this, but he could use it to threaten him.

They are not afraid of evidence, are they not afraid of losing their existing assets, business, and even social status?

Shang Li smiled wryly: “Where is this? Then Shang Zhe and I explained it to you very clearly. It really has nothing to do with us. Yes, although we are in a competitive relationship over the years, it seems to me. , You are my cousin. We treat you as a family member. There is competition between family members, but vicious competition is not necessary. What’s more, hurting Tiantian is good for us, and Tiantian will not inherit the Shang family.”

Su Tian was afraid of Shang Yu’s anger, so she simply helped to make the rounds: “Sister Shangli, I take your mind. As for the misunderstanding between you and your uncle…not to mention it. In short, my uncle will still need the assistance of your cousins ​​in the future. For such a huge business empire, you are all ministers of the arm stock, and each perform your duties and settle your own points, so that the Shang family can maintain the unattainable peak state forever, right?”

The expression on Shang Li’s face was a bit stiff, but he still smiled reluctantly.

Shang Zhe couldn’t laugh anymore, and the corners of his lips twitched: “Miss Su’s literary attainments are really good. The’auxiliary’ and the’brachial minister’ are very good, and they are used extremely well.”

Su Tian smiled innocently and blinked: “That is, although I studied science, but before the second grade, my history scores were also very good. I am familiar with the history of all dynasties and dynasties.”

The corners of Shang Zhe’s lips twitched again, as if looking at Shang Yu with profound meaning: “Now the whole city knows that you have a baby niece. It’s a birthday for your niece. I’m afraid that the gifts from our Shang clan can be piled up. A room is full. I am so envious. Why don’t I have a niece who is so smart, beautiful and sharp-toothed?”

Shang Yu always didn’t like to do this kind of verbal controversy. He was a pragmatist and didn’t care about trivial matters. Once he touched his bottom line, he would directly kill him.

Su Tian smiled and took Shang Yu’s arm: “Fate is also a blessing between relatives. Uncle Shang has a good-natured niece like me. Of course, it was the blessing of his being a good person in his previous life.”

Shang Zhe: “…”

When Shang Li heard Su Tian face-to-face, her cousin hadn’t been a good person in his previous life, not only was not enough to get good fortune, but he also wanted to laugh a little.

Su Tian didn’t want to pay attention to them, and turned around with Shang Yu: “Go, uncle, accompany me to open the present and see what I have received.”

Shang Yu was taken to the gift room by her, slightly surprised: “You really want to open it? Shouldn’t you wait for the cake to be cut and the candles blown before you open it?”

Su Tian smiled and picked one casually: “There are so many, the guests have to send hundreds of them. People who have not been invited but gave gifts add up to thousands. Let me take a few and take a look. You and Uncle Pei’s… I will wait for the cake to be cut and then torn apart.”

The five-layer super large cake was so beautiful that Su Tian couldn’t bear to cut it.

But she reluctantly stood on the stool, folded her hands together to make a wish, then blew the candle amidst the cheers, and cut a knife with her own hands.

Unlike many giant cakes that are only used for decoration and are not delicious, Su Tian’s birthday cake is flavored with rose and lychee. Pei Huan invited a recent super red cake master to make it by himself. It is very delicious.

Su Tian ate three yuan by herself.

She also quietly cut a large piece and asked the servant to pack it up in a small cake carton and put it in the refrigerator for her to hide.

When she quietly did this, no one else paid attention, only Pei Huan found out.

Pei Huan moved his **** and knew who she was for.

It’s ten o’clock right now, and the party is almost over at eleven thirty. The old man didn’t mean to show up at all, I’m afraid this stupid girl will be disappointed tonight.

Su Tian showed no signs of disappointment. She happily played games with her friends, and laughter filled the entire villa.

Tired of playing the game, a friend urged her to open the present.

Su Tian knew that this was also a part of the party, and hesitated very well with the atmosphere: “Um… which one should I remove first?”

Someone chanted: “Of course it was the first to dismantle the young master!”

“Let’s demolish Actor Pei first!”

“Yes, I must tear down the two uncles first!”

“Sister Sweet, open the gifts of the two uncles.”

“I really want to see what gifts the two big brothers’ uncles give Sweet Girl.”

Su Tian complied with public opinion and demolished Shang Yu and Pei Huan’s at the same time.

As for why they both need to be at the same time, of course, it is because they are afraid that they will be jealous again with this fight.

To make a bowl of water level, even the gifts have to be unwrapped on one side, and finally unwrapped at the same time.

Pei Huan’s gift was a small box. Many people guessed it was jewelry, but it turned out to be a car key.

This is the ladies’ sports car that Pei Huan customized from Maserati four or five months in advance. It is a girly model, silver and pink, super beautiful and super noble, but not too cool.

Su Tian couldn’t laugh or cry: “Uncle Pei, I don’t know how to drive yet…”

Pei Huan waved his hand: “Don’t be afraid. It’s easy to drive. You can learn it in one month. When you have time, your uncle will teach you personally.”

Although Su Tian has just grown up and hasn’t taken the driver’s license yet, she has to be delivered by someone when she is an adult.

When Pei Huan became an uncle, he hoped that Tian Bao would drive the first car in his life.

Shang Yu’s gift box is large, but quite light.

Su Tian couldn’t guess what it was, and everyone else followed up.

“Is it jewelry?”

“This box is quite big, but it’s too flat. It doesn’t look like a bag. Is it a dress? A limited edition dress?”

Some people even stepped forward and shook the box, and leaned closer to listen to the voice: “It seems to be the sound of paper! Isn’t it a check?”

“Is Cao so real? Will Master Shang be too straightforward, is it really okay to send a check to the little niece?”

“Hahahaha laughed at me! Isn’t it really a check?”

Su Tian finally opened the box and found that it was a stack of thin documents.

The title of the document reads: Real estate transfer agreement for Block 1/2/3/4 of Dingsheng Office Building in Beicheng New CBD Business District.

Even Pei Huan was stunned: “I’m going, you give Tianbao office as a gift? What kind of gift is this???”

Someone exclaimed: “Dingsheng office building! One of the most central office buildings in the most expensive area in the city. Each building seems to be 48 floors. It is rented by countless companies for a long time. These four buildings are so valuable?”

“I’m sour and I’m sour, sweet girl is so happy, my uncle will give us an office building for my birthday! There are four buildings as soon as I get it!”

Shang Yu smiled, holding his niece’s shoulders, and explained in person: “Uncle knows that there is no shortage of sweets, bags, shoes and beautiful clothes, there will be many people giving you, and Pei Huan has sent you to the car. Uncle has thought about it for a long time. , I always feel that after all, it is the first birthday my uncle accompanies you, and it is also a coming-of-age ceremony. You are eighteen years old and an adult in the legal sense. Uncle wants to give you a meaningful gift.

These four office buildings were at the stage of independent entrepreneurship, and I first bought them after earning the first pot of gold. At that time, this was not the new CBD of Beicheng. I liked this lot. I bought it at a not high price. Then I returned to China. It took me more than two years to personally build this area into a new CBD. The land price has soared a hundred times, and the rent of office buildings has also doubled dozens of times.

Uncle is a relatively boring person, has no special hobbies, but is good at doing business, you are an adult since today, financial management is also a very important part of life, not to mention that you already have the ability to make money. The property rights of these four office buildings will be yours in the future. You can continue to earn rent, or you can use it for other purposes at the right time. In short, it is the heart of your uncle. ”

Su Tian was so startled that she could hardly close her mouth: “Uncle Shang, this…this is too expensive, and it was bought with your first pot of gold…”

Shang Yu fondly stroked the top of her hair: “Hey, keep it away. Every birthday from now on, uncle will give you a meaningful gift.”

Su Tian shivered.

This is more than meaningful, it…regardless of the value of the land.

Four 48-storey CBD office buildings, just the annual rent…Tsk tusk, she can retire.

Pei Huan flipped through the transfer agreement, revealing an expression of disgust: “Cut, vulgar! vulgar! What a meaning, if it is blunt, it is not money, it is great to have money.”

The privately ordered sports car that Pei Huan gave was also worth more than 10 million yuan, but compared with Shang Yu’s gift… he was suddenly crushed by several heads, so angry!

Su Tian couldn’t bear to look directly at the scene of the two uncles being jealous.

She continued to open other gifts.

I opened a box with a jewelry box inside. When I opened it, a single pure white pearl was lying quietly in it.

Su Tian exclaimed sincerely: “It’s so beautiful, this pearl…how can it be so beautiful! Whose gift is this?”

Lu Xiao’s expression was slightly embarrassed, and he coughed awkwardly, “This is mine…”

This was bought by Lu Xiao at a foreign auction. The legendary “Regent King Pearl” from the Napoleonic era.

Round and elegant, beautiful.

Lu Xiao just glanced at it and felt that he wanted to give it to Su Tian.

Su Tian didn’t know the allusion of the pearl, but felt that the pearl should not be too expensive, so thanked and happily accepted it.

Because she blamed Lu Xiao on the impulse last time, she was always ashamed.

In order to express her importance to Lu Xiao’s gift, she even took off the blue jewels that matched her dress and replaced it with this pearl in front of everyone.

She smiled and asked: “Does it look good?”

Lu Xiao nodded: “It’s very beautiful.”

Pei Huan frowned slightly.

The price of this pearl seems to be very expensive. He seemed to have seen a photo of a certain auction house in F country when he was wandering the Internet a few days ago. He was not sure if it was this one.

If so… Lu Xiao still has illusions about his sweet treasure.

How else would you give such a valuable thing.

But Tian Bao…she already had that kind of relationship with Bo Jingmo, wouldn’t Lu Xiao be disappointed?

Since Lu Xiao had his head on his back, he ran to the hospital and saved his dog’s life. Pei Huan treated Lu Xiao as a brother from his heart and couldn’t bear him being hurt.

When he was struggling, Shang Yu slowly nodded and praised: “It’s very beautiful, Mr. Xiao Lu has a unique vision. This pearl is really suitable for sweetness, a jewel in the palm, but that’s it.”

Su Tian felt more embarrassed when she touched the beads. She whispered to Lu Xiao, “Thank you, brother god.”

Lu Xiao was also smiling on his face, but the emotions in his eyes were very complicated.

In the eyes of Pei Huan…inexplicably feel wrong.

He took advantage of Su Tian’s play with his friends, pulled Shang Yu outside, and asked him in a low voice, “Don’t you think it is weird? Lu Xiao gives such an expensive gift. He likes Tianbao! Don’t you worry?”

Shang Yu’s face was not disturbed: “Why should I worry, Lu Xiao is a very good boy.”

After Pei Huan shaved the board, his head seemed to be brighter than before.

With a flash of inspiration, he suddenly had a terrible idea.

After working with Su Tian half a year ago, he also bought an expensive pink diamond for her.

At that time he didn’t know that he was born out of blood instinct, but he liked Su Tian very much, wanted to love her, pet her and treat her well, but he didn’t think it was a man-woman relationship…

He suddenly jumped out: “Lu Xiao is 20 years old this year? Do you think he will be…”

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