Giants From All Walks of Life Vie For Uncle Xi To Be Uncle

Chapter 130

Chapter 126 Catch the rape?

No matter how powerful and mature people are, they always have the reality that they instinctively avoid.

When the **** truth is torn apart by others, the air is so cramped that one can hardly suffocate.

Bo Jingmo’s face was expressionless, and he didn’t say a word for a long time.

Jiang Baozhu was excited at this moment. She was really not sure to make the cold and uncertain man in front of her interested in herself.

Even if the plot is set like this, she is not sure.

But she is still satisfied. All of Bo Jingmo’s reactions at least showed that he had no doubt about everything related to the plot, and he knew that everything she said was true.

So even if she can’t get it, Su Tian will lose it.

For Jiang Baozhu, victory was already in sight.

Bo Jingmo’s gloomy expression made her heart rate speed up. This man…cold a bit colder, but he looks really charming.

Even with a blank face, she looked better than any man she had ever seen.

The host thought she really liked it, and Yan would be enough for her to hold and eat for a lifetime, not to mention the identity of the world’s richest man here.

Bo Jingmo didn’t say anything, she just treated him as time to digest.

After a long while, she struck the iron while it was hot, and continued: “Su Tian is greedy for fame and fortune, not to mention it for the time being, just as her move is just to protect her uncle Shang Yu, blood is thicker than water, which sounds understandable at first glance. But in fact, Her calculations changed the whole plot, directly or indirectly changed the destiny of countless people, how selfish, for her own and Shang Yu, she wants people from all over the world to be her part.”

Having said so much, Jiang Baozhu still didn’t see the slightest wave on his face.

She was not in a hurry, she slowly stretched out her hand, picked up the exquisite teapot on the table, poured a cup of fragrant black tea for him, and handed it to him personally.

“As far as I am concerned, what Su Tian did has made me lose my protagonist position, but the role priority is also relatively speaking. My career is still going smoothly, and my strength and natural conditions are destined not to be downcast. As for the protagonist or not, it’s just a matter of mentality. In my own life circle, I am still the center of the circle. But for Mr. Bo, the situation may not be so optimistic. Under normal circumstances, the plot goes very well. Clearly, Mr. Bo laid the foundation for becoming the world’s richest man by defeating Shang Yu and acquiring Shang Shi. Without this trend, your future will be rewritten. The aura and glory that were originally destined to belong to Mr. Bo will be burned.

Whether I am the richest man in the world or not is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you should have become the youngest and richest man in global history five years later. ”

When Jiang Baozhu left the suite and returned to the room he was staying in.

The agent has been waiting nervously, for fear of her going wrong.

The agent was relieved to see her come back unscathed.

“Treasure Pearl…You are too courageous, just go straight to see Bo Jingmo, if Bo Jingchen knows, will he turn his face and deny him?”

Jiang Baozhu chuckled, “I know how Bo Jingchen is. Not only will he not turn his face, he might even find it interesting.”

The agent is getting more and more confused about Jiang Baozhu’s operations.

In the past year and a half, although Jiang Baozhu’s career has developed steadily, her new works are about to compete for global awards. This is a very promising prospect at her age.

But the agent still has concerns. He always feels that since Jiang Baozhu had a car accident a long time ago, his mental state has become unstable. Most of the time it seems normal, but once it involves a man with a thin name… Become nagging.

Some time ago, I paid a high price to hire a well-known screenwriter. I asked that screenwriter to write a customized script. She accidentally picked it up and took a look at the plot of the script. She thought it was Jiang Baozhu who planned to invest in a movie by herself, so she couldn’t help it. I made some comments, for example, this persona is too exaggerated.

What is the world’s richest international movie queen, will it be too old and outdated Mary Su?

Jiang Baozhu came to her and gave her a hard look, and told her not to flip through her script at will in the future.

Jiang Baozhu looked inexplicably joyful, but the agent was still worried.

“This Bo Jingchen is a bit weird. Since he knows you are interested in his cousin, how come he has been spoiling you, and he has paid money and sent the car to the house. It is too strange. What kind of weird preference is this? In my opinion, Bo Jingchen is not a normal man, and Bo Jingmo should not be normal.”

Jiang Baozhu seemed to have become accustomed to the broken thoughts of the agent, and did not respond, just smiled.

Her confidence is increasing day by day, especially after today’s showdown showed her position.

Men are all chasing fame and fortune in their bones, not to mention a man like Bo Jingmo who was born with the conditions to reach the top.

No matter how much he likes Su Tian, ​​it is only the emotional part. But for men, feelings are just a tiny part of life, even if they are completely cut, they will not affect normal life.

But if he realizes that the appearance of a woman will ruin his future and prevent him from embarking on the road to the peak that God originally arranged for him, then his mentality is completely different.

For Bo Jingmo, a woman is just a pet to accompany. It may not make much difference whether it is she or Su Tian.

If Su Tian just concealed him on an ordinary matter, maybe he might not turn his face because of it.

After dealing with Bo Jingchen for so long, Jiang Baozhu boasted that he understood these high-ranking men more and more. The essence of their tolerance towards women is actually contempt. It is not harmful for women to make small mistakes or even have obvious weaknesses in their nature. Because it’s just a woman.

But when it comes to interests, it is still the most important and most attractive power and honor, then it’s a different matter.

There are still twenty days before the official launch of the suspense film “Laboratory”.

Su Tian wanted to take advantage of this not too busy time to accompany her boyfriend.

But Bo Jingmo seemed very busy, and even had no time to reply to her messages for these two days, which made her a little bit disappointed.

But Su Tian is quite sensible. After being together for so long, she understands Bo Jingmo’s living habits. She is so busy that there is no room for replying to messages. It must be very hard work. Apart from a little bit of loss, she feels more heartbroken for him.

However, within a few days of emptiness and calm, Su Tian suddenly received an anonymous email.

I don’t know what code the email was written with, but it would be automatically shattered 15 seconds after clicking it.

The main content of the email is a group of photos. The protagonist of the photos is Jiang Baozhu. She wears wide sunglasses and a well-wrapped skirt, and frequently enters and exits a hotel suite.

There is no one else in the photo, but the name of the hotel, Su Tian, ​​is familiar after a glance.

Fifteen seconds later, she looked at the empty white mailbox that had been smashed, and the letters of the hotel name appeared in her mind.

… Isn’t that the hotel where Bo Jingmo stayed in R City?

After thinking about it, I’m afraid Jiang Baozhu is doing something again.

After meeting in the old London house last time, Su Tian was stuck in her heart for two days.

She was astonished and Jiang Baozhu had already known her identity as the heroine in the original, which was quite worrying, but it lasted for a few days, because there was no follow-up development, she didn’t see the woman again, so she couldn’t help but forget the matter. .

As for this email, it was obviously showing off to her. Is it necessary?

Su Tian turned off the mailbox and prepared to continue writing the thesis.

But within five minutes of writing, she couldn’t help but click to open the mailbox and try to recover the email.

Su Tian tossed for half an hour, sweating out of anger, still nothing. She seems to have not inherited Zhen Yu’s IT talent.

After hesitating for two seconds, she remembered a friend of Lu Xiao’s that she had known a while ago.

It was Lu Xiao who met in the university community and was a senior in computer science at National National Taiwan University. The two boys are also like-minded, and soon became buddies. Su Tian met twice during dinner.

Lu Xiao also told her that he planned to hire this buddy to work in the technical department of his new company.

Su Tian knows that Lu Xiao has recently developed a large-scale game project, and it has become so popular that it really needs technical talents.

Su Tian remembered adding WeChat last time, opened WeChat and flipped through it, and she found it.

She immediately clicked on the dialog box for help.

The other party responded quickly and promised to help her recover the email.

Su Tian hugged the computer and passed directly.

The little brother worked for more than half an hour, then rubbed his eyes: “Recovered. This email is poisonous enough. It should be made by a top hacker. It’s not easy. I tossed it 10 times before it recovered successfully.”

Su Tian thanked again and again.

The younger brother scratched his hair: “You are polite, sweet girl, you are Lu Xiao’s girlfriend, that is, my younger siblings, all of whom are my own. Besides, now I have worked for Mr. Mrs. Lu, I’m not welcome if you’re polite.”

Su Tian suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, but she was really not in the mood today, too lazy to give any explanation, and immediately withdrew.

She took her computer home and kept staring at the e-mail on the way.

She observed the details of each photo, and finally found that the shooting time of each photo was different. Jiang Baozhu had been in and out of the suite three times in just three days.

And the camera clearly captured the scene of her pressing the doorbell and waiting, obviously not returning to her own room.

Su Tian became more disturbed. She checked the date and checked the flight again, and immediately booked herself a flight ticket for departure two hours later.

On the way the driver took her to the airport, Uncle Shang’s phone came in at the same time.

She told the truth carefully…

Fortunately, Uncle Shang didn’t respond much, and just watched her go out to be safe, and come back early.

Su Tian considered telling Bo Jingmo during the flight.

But in the end she said nothing.

Isn’t he busy? If he is too busy to reply to her WeChat, then just fly over and kill him by surprise.

However, when the plane landed, Su Tian’s depressed mood was gone. All she thought was that she would take a luggage and take a taxi to the hotel to see him.

After the taxi arrived, Su Tian dragged the small box into the hotel lobby.

When she was considering whether to call Hawthorne first, she saw Jiang Baozhu wearing sunglasses in the open-air elevator.

Next to Jiang Baozhu should be her agent. The two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere looked good.

Su Tian rushed over without hesitation, and blocked the elevator entrance unceremoniously.

When the open-air elevator landed, Jiang Baozhu and his agent came out.

Seeing Su Tian, ​​the agent without sunglasses first showed an obviously surprised expression, and then pursed his mouth without saying a word.

But Jiang Baozhu curled his lips and smiled, his voice turned soft?

“What a coincidence.”

Su Tian raised her chin, her tone was cold: “What a coincidence? My boyfriend is on a business trip in Switzerland, and I’m here to find him.”

Jiang Baozhu pretended to sigh in surprise, then slowly nodded: “So, I wish you a good time.”

Su Tian smiled.

She originally suspected that Jiang Baozhu had sent the email.

Otherwise, who would be so boring to find a hacker to write a program that shreds emails in 15 seconds. Is it sick?

Su Tian didn’t bother to make a roundabout, anyway, she was here, she should have a stronger attitude: “Jiang Baozhu, the email that will disappear automatically in 15 seconds, did you send it?”

Jiang Baozhu stuck her sequined nails, pinched the legs of her sunglasses, and took off her sunglasses, revealing her delicate but rare and not very strong makeup.

She laughed a little exaggeratedly, “What email, why can’t I understand what you are talking about?”

The agent repeatedly observed Su Tian’s expression, only to think that she seemed to be aggressive, with a gesture of inquisitiveness.

The agent wasn’t actually Jiang Baozhu who went to Bo Jingmo’s suite to talk about…I don’t know if anything happened.

But Su Tian is someone’s serious girlfriend after all. At least she hasn’t broken up yet, so it’s too embarrassing to make trouble.

The agent smiled and rounded off: “Miss Su, Baozhu and I are here to work. Baozhu talked about an endorsement and is negotiating with the person in charge of the headquarters. I don’t know if what happened or caused any misunderstanding…”

Su Tian glanced at her coldly, and then snorted: “Is it a misunderstanding? Your treasure knows well.”

Jiang Baozhu smiled again, and she made a gesture of please, leaving her agent aside, and talking to Su Tian alone.

The agent stood awkwardly in the distance, looking nervously at the two arrogant women.

Judging from Su Tian’s understanding of Jiang Baozhu, she thought she would pull herself to the corner, and she would first say some bitter irony when she opened her mouth. She was ready to wait, and even the mood of recovery was brewing.

However, Jiang Baozhu’s voice was very gentle, changing from the acerbic sourness of the past: “Su Tian, ​​look at your hurrying appearance, are you worried about something?”

Su Tian was a little bit overwhelmed by the woman’s inexplicable change of voice, feeling strange that it was strange.

She intends to end the conversation, “I’ll just ask you about the email, if you don’t admit it.”

Su Tian turned around to leave after speaking.

Jiang Baozhu whispered behind her: “Seeing you know nothing, I think Bo Jingmo hasn’t talked to you yet. Alas, it’s pitiful. Even if you want to break up, you have to talk frankly and openly. I’m bold to guess. A guess, Bo Jingmo must ignore your state these days. Whether you call or send a message, he has no response. You think he is very busy, so you waited distractedly for several days, but then Received a strange email.”

Su Tian stopped and she took a deep breath.

I thought Jiang Baozhu would play stupid to the end, but she didn’t expect that her acrid nature only covered up for two minutes, so she couldn’t hide it so soon.

Su Tian was anxious to see Bo Jingmo, and did not feel much in the mood to argue with her.

What’s more, not only did she not believe these instigating words, but she didn’t even bother to listen to the punctuation.

At least now, Jiang Baozhu is tantamount to admitting that the email is related to her, so he doesn’t have to think twice about it.

Su Tian ignored the woman and went straight to the elevator. Several people who were also going upstairs entered the elevator.

Everyone pressed the floor button, but Su Tian was stunned for a while.

She never asked which room Bo Jingmo lived in, nor did she know which floor to press.

Just now she entered the lobby with the intention of contacting Hawthorne. When she suddenly saw Jiang Baozhu and her agent, she put her previous plan behind.

After hesitating, a blond gentleman standing in front asked her about the floor.

Su Tian felt even more stunned, and she uttered a number in a ghostly manner.

That number… is the floor she saw in the email photo.

This behavior made her more upset.

It really seems to have come to catch the rape.

But knowing it is impossible.

It is impossible for Bo Jingmo to have anything to do with that woman…

But why did she say that number? !

When Su Tian got off the elevator, the elevator was already empty.

The highest-end suites on the top floor of a seven-star hotel have few guests.

She got off the elevator, but did not walk towards the room.

She did not dare and did not want to leave.

Dragging the box that was not heavy, I felt very tired at the moment.

Su Tian walked to the rest area on the floor and sat down on the sofa.

A service butler delivered hot drinks and refreshments immediately.

She dialed Hawthorne’s phone without expression.

Hawthorne seemed a little surprised when he received her call: “Miss Su?”

Su Tian felt like her two lips were stuck together, making her mouth very difficult.

“Hawthorne, I’m in City R.”

Hawthorne remained silent for a few seconds, “You… Are you in City R? Okay, I see, are you at the airport, I will send a car to pick you up now?”

Su Tian: “No, I’m already at the hotel. But I don’t know which room he lives in.”

Although Hawthorne was surprised, his reaction was already very sensitive: “Okay, I will tell the hotel butler to open the door for you immediately, are you in the lobby right now?”

Su Tian directly reported his floor and location.

Hawthorne at the end of the receiver seemed to be silent for two seconds, and the air became more and more awkward.

Su Tian deceived herself and generally explained: “I was bored during the flight, so I looked at the introduction of this hotel on the Internet. The suite on the top floor is the best. I guess it should be on this floor.”

Hawthorne said with a smile: “Yes, Mr. Bo is staying here, and the entire floor is covered by us. Wait a minute, and I will notify the hotel butler immediately.”

Su Tian closed the line and her mood became harder to describe.

It’s okay for Hawthorne not to say, she can still believe that Jiang Baozhu is playing some tricks after thinking about it.

Maybe she knew that Bo Jingmo was staying on this floor, so she also booked a suite on this floor.

With her financial strength, it is understandable to live in a penthouse suite.

But at this moment, Su Tian had to be inclined to believe that Jiang Baozhu had seen Bo Jingmo.

No matter what happens between them, meeting and talking are certain.

Thinking back to Jiang Baozhu’s face holding the winning ticket… it was just what made her nauseous.

The hotel butler rushed over immediately, picked up Su Tian’s suitcase, and invited her into the suite with a smile on his face.

Hawthorne unexpectedly rushed back ten minutes later, ordered Su Tian for a meal, and was busy.

Su Tian was sitting on the sofa, and it was amused to see him busy.

She couldn’t help interrupting: “Secretary Huo, you don’t need to be busy, I’m not very hungry. Where is Bo Jingmo?”

Hawthorne always had that official smile, a decent smile, and an attitude so good that people couldn’t say anything.

“Mr. Bo is in the middle of the meeting and cannot come back to accompany you temporarily, but I have already informed Mr. Bo that you have come to the hotel. After the meeting, Mr. Bo will come back to accompany you as soon as possible. .”

Sue Dessert nodded.

Hawthorne was in the same state as usual, nothing wrong, he found that Su Tian’s attitude was a little cold today, and even showed a puzzled look.

Su Tian reluctantly pulled out a smile: “It’s okay, you go to work, I am going to eat something to sleep for a while.”

“Okay, then I will go out first. Miss Su will call me whenever she has something to do.”

Hawthorne’s state is really not in contact with Jiang Baozhu’s words.

After he respectfully took the door to go out, Su Tian couldn’t help but wonder if she was instigated by that woman and was hit.

In fact, nothing happened.

After flying for several hours, she didn’t eat much along the way.

Hawthorne has experience in taking care of her. He understands her taste and orders the food she prefers.

Su Tian felt a little hungry when she smelled it, so she ate some, and then asked the butler to come in and pack up the leftovers and send them out.

She just changed clothes and got ready to take a bath.

There is nothing wrong with Su Tian’s body, except for her waist. Maybe it was because I was too hard studying when I was a child, and my sitting posture was not particularly good, so I had some problems with my waist, I would feel a little discomfort after flying for a long time, and my entire lumbar spine was stiff.

She flew by herself by civil aviation today, and naturally she does not have the comfortable conditions of a private jet.

After taking a bath, my waist relaxed a little, and my mood seemed to ease a lot.

Su Tian flipped through her mobile phone casually, and somehow clicked on the chat history between herself and Bo Jingmo.

He didn’t reply to her in the past two days, but she didn’t send any important messages either.

Turning forward further, the corners of her lips couldn’t help but grin.

Their feelings are still very good, and Bo Jingmo is responsive to her, and a while ago, he finally got uncle Shang’s acquiescence.

Everything is in a good state, and she shouldn’t think about it because of a Jiang Baozhu.

After she figured it out, Su Tian lay in the warm quilt, and her sleepiness came up.

Woke up, rubbed his dry eyes, and faintly heard movement outside the bedroom.

The sky was already dark, and Bo Jingmo must be back.

With some joy, she lifted the quilt and jumped out of the bed without wearing slippers. She stepped on the carpet and pushed the door out.

The suite is very big, she ran a few steps along the movement, pushed open the door of the small meeting room, her body froze immediately.

Several pairs of eyes glared at her, and Bo Jingmo who was sitting in the middle was startled.

Su Tian only felt that the blood was flowing backwards, she hid the embarrassing scream, turned around and ran.

When she heard the movement in the bedroom, she thought it was Bo Jingmo who came back, and ran out without thinking. How could I have thought… he did come back, and he was sitting here for a meeting with three or four men!

Su Tian blushed and ran away for a few steps. In the next instant, the man’s warm palm pressed her shoulders, screamed, and was hugged by him.

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