Giants From All Walks of Life Vie For Uncle Xi To Be Uncle

Chapter 85

Chapter 82 Sweet boyfriend?

Lu Shu’er was chilled behind her back by the chill in her eyes, and she was shocked and uneasy.

It stands to reason… It’s only two years, two years, for adolescent girls, it is normal for adolescent girls to have a greater change in appearance, but this personality and even aura, the core seems to be replaced, is this normal?

Lu Shuer refused to show her timidity, and her attitude became even more arrogant: “This is my Lu family site! Is it to give you the confidence to be rampant in front of me? Lu Xiao? Don’t you know that Lu Xiao is just a wild species? I am the Lu family. Fairly speaking, Miss, from now on I don’t want to see you in the Lu’s house, just get out of here!”

A cluster of flames appeared in Su Tian’s heart.

It seems that Lu Shu’er really can’t speak well. It’s no wonder that Lu Xiao will develop such a temper when living with such a sister.

Su Tian didn’t realize that she actually wanted to teach her sister for Lu Xiao, but she was angry because she thought she was offended.

Su Tian has always been able to speak and not easily.

But this Lu Shuer’s sister, she said that she still wanted to do something. She grabbed Su Tian’s hair, Su Tian’s face sank, and she clasped the other’s wrists, and slammed it–

Just listen to the “click” in the air, it is suspected that the hand bone is dislocated.

Lu Shu’er’s eyes were red from the pain, and he raised his other hand to slap her.

Su Tian slapped her backhand, and she slapped Lu Shuer’s right cheek with accuracy and fierceness. A few red marks suddenly appeared on her right cheek.

Bai Xuejiao couldn’t hide, for fear that the two men would injure herself by mistake. She stood trembling in the corner, watching the battle with wide-eyed eyes.

Lu Shu’er is her cousin, her aunt and daughter, of course she is on Lu Shu’er’s side.

But Su Tian…she didn’t dare to provoke anymore, she could only cheer her cousin silently.

It’s a pity that her cousin is really unsuccessful, she was slapped by Su Tian, ​​so angry!

And this slap sounds loud, it must be painful… Bai Xuejiao stepped back two steps in silence to make sure that she was absolutely safe.

Lu Xiao rushed over from a distance and cursed Cao.

Was it so exciting? He just smoked a cigarette while urinating, and the two women started doing it? ? ?

There was nothing in Lu Xiao’s mind at this moment, and he grabbed Su Tian’s arm and protected her behind him.

Lu Shu’er slapped him in vain, and tears rolled in his eyes. Seeing Lu Xiao involuntarily protecting Su Tian’s attitude, she stomped her feet with anger.

“Lu Xiao, my C, your surname is Lu! You just help outsiders like this? You didn’t know that Su Tian is a scumbag! She lives with you during the day and lives with Shang Yu at night, and she has a surname behind her back. Man, ambiguous, do you like being green so much?”

Lu Xiao’s face was black: “I told you that she is here to make up lessons for me, and it’s not my woman. I’ll take care of who she is with.”

Su Tian took two tissues from the table and carefully wiped every finger of her left hand, her tone filled with disgust: “Tsk tusk, it’s so greasy, your face must have eight layers of powder.”

Lu Shu’er’s hair was messed up, and his face was embarrassed. She was slapped and humiliated by Su Tian, ​​how can she bear it? !

She rushed up and wanted to do it again, but was directly blocked by Lu Xiao, staggered a few steps, and almost fell to the ground.

The housekeeper stepped forward to support her, but he didn’t speak or even persuade her.

The domestic servants, including the housekeeper…none of them said anything, they were all watching the play silently.

To be honest, when Lu Shu’er came back, none of the Lu family servants could laugh.

Lu Shu’er is domineering and self-willed, and often quarrels with Lu Xiao. When she came back, the Lu family would jump around. The servants were all getting dead wages. Although Master Lu Xiao had a bad temper, as long as no one provokes him, He will not lose his temper to the next person.

Lu Shu’er is different. As long as she is a little bit unhappy, she has to take down people to suffocate her anger. As a servant, she least likes to serve this kind of lady.

At this moment, seeing Su Tian clean up Lu Shu’er, and it is still the kind of hands-on, these silently **** servants are stealing pleasure in their hearts.

Su Tian curled her lips and smiled: “Lu Shu’er, if you didn’t mention those things about Ling Han, after all, you were still young at the time, and I didn’t suddenly turn over the old account. But since you mentioned it, it seems you are Have a memory and know what good things you have done in the past.”

Su Tian said in her mouth, she took two steps forward.

Lu Xiao didn’t stop her, but followed her footsteps and walked a little bit forward, still keeping Su Tian’s petite body behind.

“This slap is to pay you back. I heard that you bullied and bullied the girl classmates. Today, you can be regarded as teaching you instead of those female classmates. Lu Shu’er, I hope you have a clearer mind. No one will be wronged because you are Miss Lu. Forbearance you let you, those girls will be bullied by you, but it is because you are carrying a group of mentally handicapped girlfriends, there are many people. If it is one-on-one, you will be indifferent and unresponsive, just casual A girl can **** you!”

With a fierce light in Su Tian’s eyes, she took another step forward, and Lu Shuer’s feet were soft, and she hid back uncontrollably.

The slap on her face is still light, her wrist is the most painful now. Just now, Su Tian was afraid that her wrist was broken.

The resentment in Su Tian’s mouth is true feelings. When she watched the video, her back was cold.

She couldn’t figure out why so many little girls with gorgeous clothes and good family background should have so much malice towards the original owner, who has lost her mother.

Is the original owner really that hateful?

Su Tian reflected on what she had done wrong on behalf of the original owner.

The final conclusion is-the fault is not strong enough.

The original owner has become popular since she was a child and is well-known to everyone. She lived in flowers and applause since she was a child, and there was another IT boss mother who loved her.

In this way, the girl must have never been wronged since she was a child, and the death of her mother is already the most tragic pain for her.

The original owner may not be a weak girl, but when he was the most vulnerable and on the verge of collapse, he met a group of bad children.

These children see her as being bullied, no one is guarding them, and they have no power to restrain the chicken, and they are unable to resist even if they are bullied. Over time, they will have a sense of violence.

Even among peers and classmates, this evil exists.

The original owner has never done anything to miss. Lu Shu’er and Su Wan are essentially the same, they both cheated her to be young and vulnerable, and deceived her to lose her mother.

Su Tian raised her hand in a gesture of fright, making Lu Shu’er tremble and ran back two steps.

Su Tian laughed aloud: “Look, I’m right. You also know that you don’t have much strength, and you can’t beat a girl in a fight. There are no bad girlfriends like you, and no one is black and white. You, so even if you are in your own home, you know that you are afraid, Lu Shu’er, you just have no education and lessons!”

Bai Xuejiao was watching the battle, and at the beginning she silently waved the flag to her cousin. At this moment, listening to Su Tian’s words and words to teach her cousin, she unexpectedly felt that Su Tian was a little bit shameless…

Lu Xiao and Lu Shu’er were in the same situation. He watched Su Tian, ​​the girl now has such a powerful mouth, and even the strength value has increased, and a sense of pride appeared in his heart. He really grew up, and he didn’t need to protect him.

Two years ago, he rescued Su Tian from the ground, and now he looked at her like this… he even suspected that Su Tian could step on Lu Shu’er into the ground when he got angry.

He smiled and helped: “I heard it, Lu Shuer, I have taught you not to play with elementary school students. Now country A attaches great importance to legal education and campus safety. If you bully other little girls, they will report to the police and arrest you. Entering the junior management office, it’s less embarrassing to the Lu family.”

Lu Shu’er finally cried with anger: “Lu Xiao, you go to death! You threaten the same school bully every day, how can you face me?”

Lu Xiao: “…” The last retired school tyrant couldn’t refute it.

He coughed awkwardly: “I have never bullied anyone, let alone bullied female classmates!”

The so-called school bully is the love of his classmates.

The so-called intimidation is all about punishing **** and eliminating evil, and seeing injustice on the road!

Su Tian suddenly felt that the atmosphere had changed for Mao? ? ? The painting style became so strange that she couldn’t continue her preaching seriously.

Su Tian was about to turn off the fire, but the door was open. Mrs. Lu, Bai Yufeng walked in with a sullen face. She stared at her daughter’s palm prints on her face, her eyes were dark, and she asked Lu Xiao harshly, “You fight?”

Lu Xiao spread his hands innocently: “It’s not me.”

Su Tian raised her hand and admitted: “It’s me. It’s just that Lingyuan is the first to do it. I am a legitimate defense.”

Mrs. Lu’s face was gloomy, her stern eyes scanned the faces of Su Tian and Lu Xiao, but for some reason it did not happen.

Then Lu Cheng, the head of the Lu family, also came in, and Su Tian immediately understood why Mrs. Lu hadn’t been stern at Lu Xiao as she did last time.

Lu Cheng’s front foot came in, Lu Shu’er’s face turned white on the back foot, and then he covered his face and cried: “Dad…”

Lu Cheng’s face was stern, and his aura was quite majestic. In addition to the rich businessmen and local tycoons… Su Tian vaguely smelled a hint of bookishness from him.

Although Lu Cheng and Bai Yufeng are husband and wife, their auras are not very similar.

Lu Shu’er looked terrified of her father. As soon as she saw him, she began to betray her. She covered her face and kept crying, and she complained: “Dad, look at your brother’s new girlfriend… It’s too unreasonable, she actually did it. Hit me, brother will help her regardless of black and white… I just haven’t returned home for half a year. I am also Miss Lu family anyway. Is there no place for me in this family? Any outsider can bully me. !”

Lu Cheng’s expression didn’t have any warmth, and he didn’t seem to care much about his daughter.

Instead, he stared at Su Tianduo for a few moments, and then said solemnly: “Don’t cry, Uncle Chen told me everything happened. You picked things first. Miss Su came to teach your brother homework. , I know that your brother is repeating his third year in high school, and sincerely want your brother not to enter the university, right?”

Uncle Chen is another butler of the Lu family.

Lu Shu’er’s voice became weaker, but she was still debating: “I don’t believe that she really came to take her brother to study. She is a little star, if she is not dating her brother, how could she give him homework tutoring! I think she uses tutoring. In the name of homework, I want to join our Lu family and be the young grandmother of the Lu family. Is it still rare to see little stars like this?”

Lu Xiao was full of irritability: “I think you are really sick, you don’t understand people, do you? I said that she is not my girlfriend! Ask your mother yourself, if you are not the president of the school council, you have to follow What kind of mutual help group is in the Opposite Third Middle School!”

“There are so many top students in the Third Middle School, why is it so coincidence that she is giving you counseling?”

Lu Xiao snorted, “I think you are jealous of others who are good at studying and still filming.”

Lu Shu’er blushed and said, “I’m jealous of her? I need to be jealous of a little star, am I crazy?”

Lu Xiao never felt that Su Tian’s results were so useful: “People are the first in the province in this provincial quality inspection. They are really a pediatrician. Is it comparable to your kind of foreign vegetable chicken high school scum?”

Mrs. Lu’s face was ugly: “Enough, do you have to say that to your sister!”

She looked at Su Tian and said with a cold face: “Miss Su, you are willing to help Lu Xiao with his homework. I am very grateful as a mother, but you are also rude and rude to Shu’er. Shouldn’t you apologize?”

Su Tian’s flat mouth: “I said it, it was Lingyuan who did it first.”

Madam Lu wanted to speak, but Lu Cheng stopped in a deep voice: “Enough, please stop talking about the noise at home!”

Su Tian was quite curious about Lu Xiao’s father. She didn’t know whether Lu Xiao’s relationship with his father would be better.

However, Lu Xiao didn’t give her time to observe, and he took her out directly.

Su Tian was pulled into a sports car by him, and Lu Xiao could not help but drove out.

Su Tian puzzled: “Where are you taking me?”

Lu Xiao’s expression was bad: “Lu Shu’er will be fine when he comes back. How can I study in a mess?”

Su Tian felt a little bit in her heart, yes, she had a schedule for reviewing tasks every day, and she was still halfway through today.

She thought for a while and said, “Or go to the school library.”

Lu Xiao said, “No, I don’t want to go to school during the holidays.”

Su Tian was speechless: “You don’t go very often, so where do you want to go? Star father? Cafe?”

In the original world, Su Tian often went to a coffee shop with friends to study on weekends, and stayed for a day.

But now that she is making her debut, and there are more and more fans, it is not so convenient to go to public places.

When Lu Xiao drove out for a while, he suddenly said, “Or… go to your house?”

Su Tian was taken aback.

Lu Xiao immediately explained: “Isn’t this coming out in a hurry, didn’t you bring the book? You should have a book at home, or you have to go back and get it.”

Su Tian didn’t want to go back to Lu’s house at all today. Normally, when she taught Lu Xiao, there were no other people at home except the servants, so she always felt very at ease.

But in today’s environment… she is really unwilling to go back.

After thinking about it, Su Tian really brought Lu Xiao back to Shang Yu’s house.

The housekeeper Shang Bo was shocked when he saw that Su Tian brought a boy back.

“Miss, this is…”

Su Tian quickly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, let alone brainstorming. This is how I have been tutoring classmates recently. Today, there are many people in his family and it is too noisy. Our class hasn’t finished yet, so I brought him home. ”

Uncle Shang nodded, but kept his eyes on Lu Xiao’s face: “This is the classmate who had difficulty studying after two years?”

Lu Xiao: “…” I have a knife.

Su Tian: “Yes, it’s him.”

Lu Xiao is a boy after all, and Su Tian did not lead him to her princess room.

Instead, all the things needed for learning are moved to the small meeting room.

Uncle Shang’s villa is invincible, with all kinds of functional rooms available. Su Tian found a small meeting room, which felt very suitable for one-on-one teaching.

Lu Xiao looked uneasy and looked around.

Su Tian felt strange: “What are you looking at?”

Lu Xiao said: “This villa is really **** big, and the Shang heir is really rich.”

Su Tianxin thought this was nonsense.

The Shang family is a century-old prominent family with a solid foundation. Although the Lu family’s Bai family is also very good, they are all rising stars. They have developed in the past two decades and are still far from the Shang family, the richest man in Beicheng.

Lu Xiao even offered to visit the entire villa.

Su Tian was a little surprised.

This Lu Xiao is also a dude young master anyway, he should have seen a lot of the world, is it really envied by the magnificence of Uncle Shang Yu’s family? ?

After all, the visitor was a guest, and Su Tian was not good at rejecting it, so she took him around and urged him to do the problem quickly after finishing the round.

Shang Yu got off work early today.

Because the housekeeper called him madly and told him that the young lady had brought a very handsome young man back, saying that it was during the summer vacation that he had been tutoring the scumbag classmates.

However, Uncle Shang seriously suspected that this might be Miss Su Tian’s little boyfriend. No matter how bad he is, he still likes people. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so caring.

When Shang Yu heard this, he was naturally curious. Whether he was an ordinary classmate or Tiantian liked a boy, he had to rush back to see him.

So Shang Yu went home early and saw his little niece speaking to the young man in the conference room.

In the process, Tiantian reached out and patted the back of the young man’s head, and screamed fiercely, “Isn’t this grammar memorized, and forgotten?”

The boy rubbed the back of his head, his plain reaction seemed to be accustomed to this teaching mode.

Shang Yu eats whales in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Tiantian and the likes of lads… is this way of getting along, savage girlfriend? ? ?

He knocked on the door and walked in with a smile.

“Uncle, you got off work so early today? This is Lu Xiao. I told you that the opposite high school classmate was teaching him.” Su Tian introduced him with a smile.

Lu Xiao actually stood up, appearing to behave like never before, and even nodded in favor, almost bowing: “Mr. Shang, hello.”

Su Tian was full of question marks, when did Lu Xiao become so polite? ? ?

Shang Yu had already looked at him several times and nodded slightly: “Hello, since you are a friend of Tiantian, you don’t have to be restrained. Tiantian rarely brings friends back…it’s not too early, so it’s better to stay here for a while. Light meal.”

Su Tian felt that this was really unnecessary, “Uncle, this is not necessary, Lu Xiao…”

“Mr. Hao Shang, then I would be disrespectful.” Lu Xiao responded politely.

Su Tian:? ? ? ? ?

Shang Yu gallops in the mall and is good at knowing people.

The boy Lu Xiao is dressed casually, with bright colors and fashionable styles, which shows that he is more open-minded, at least not a dull and boring person.

His face is handsome and sunny, his eyes are very clean, and he is generally pretty good.

It gave Shang Yu a good impression.

Although Shang Yu is very reluctant to fall in love with Tiantian, she is still old after all, and Tiantian has spoken to this boy many times before, which is obviously very unusual for him.

If this is really sweet to like boys, Shang Yu would not stop it.

Although he himself didn’t have the opportunity to experience campus love, he also knew that youthful relationships are very beautiful. Tiantian made her debut early, and he didn’t really want Tiantian to devote all his attention to his career at such a young age.

A career can be done anytime, but a girl’s youth is only once.

The most important thing is… Tiantian took a young man home, which made Shang Yu a sigh of relief.

Since confronting Bo Jingmo last time, he has always been holding cold sweat in his heart.

Fortunately, fortunately… Now it seems that Tiantian is absolutely impossible to like an old man like Bo Jingmo.

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