Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 101

"Very well let's settle this," said Gilgamesh, snapping his fingers.

Beside it a huge golden portal in the form of ripples appeared and from them emerged a great amount of treasures of the most varied shapes and types and all emit the same aura as Tiamat.

All these were Tiamat's treasures that had been lost by Ddraig.

"Like?" Tiamat asks perplexed and Ddraig was also scared.

"A Dragon's treasures are very valuable Tiamat, they absorb a part of their owner's aura and are able to use it, I found their treasure in the hands of a group of rebel mages who were trying to use their power, so I kept them and fixed it," said Gilgamesh to Tiamat who was looking at everything in surprise.

This was true, Gilgamesh had indeed found Tiamat's treasures during his travels and so he had rescued them and with the help of the system he had rebuilt them.

After all Gilgamesh wanted to talk to Tiamat before and so the treasures would be useful.

Tiamat stared at her treasures almost seemed to smile with her draconic face.

Quickly she smeared her tail around on his treasures and made them disappear as he guarded them with magic.

"With this our debt is paid Ddraig" said Tiamar to the Welsh Dragon who sighed with relief from inside the [Boosted Gear], he couldn't remember how many times his former hosts had been killed by Tiamat and now that was very good.

"Tiamat if you don't mind my asking, why would you chase or Ddraig users if they couldn't give you their treasures" asks Gilgamesh curiously.

Tiamat, how happy he was to retrieve his treasures, replied.

"Because it's amusing their faces when a big Dragon starts chasing them and breathing fire," said Tiamat laughing.

Gilgamesh and Ddraig could only stare at it in bewilderment.

"Now I want you to become my familiar, and I don't want you to just roll over for me, I'm going to defeat you with my own power. That means Ddraig won't be helping me in this battle," Gilgamesh explained.

Tiamat was taken back by the words of Gilgamesh; it was a strange feeling that Tiamat felt the mixture of surprise, joy and anger at the same time. She was surprised and felt a little joy that Gilgamesh had returned her treasure, however, she was angry that he still wanted to make her familiar to her. She was nobody's pet, she was the strongest of the Five Dragon Kings.

"You've got courage... Although I'm grateful that you've returned my treasures back, I'm nobody's pet!" Tiamat roared before flying at Gilgamesh at great speed, Gilgamesh quickly crossed his arms in front of him as Tiamat slashed at him with her huge claw/paw. The force of the blow sent Gilgamesh flying through several trees before coming to a complete stop.

Groaning in slight pain, Gilgamesh pushed himself to his feet.

"Yes! You really deserve to be my familiar, you are strong!" Gilgamesh laughed with glee before falling to the ground as he flew across Tiamat like a Japanese bullet train. Gilgamesh's body was enveloped in a golden aura. Using his left arm, Gilgamesh punched Tiamat and threw her towards the ground.

Tiamat caught herself before hitting the ground as she growled in rage before releasing a burst of azure flames from her mouth. The flames completely enveloped Gilgamesh in its golden aura, while the smile on his face never faded. Tiamat prided itself on having some of the hottest flames in the supernatural world; right behind Amaterasu the Sun Goddess, Ddraig, 666 (Trihexa) and Great Red. However, Tiamat was shocked to see that Gilgamesh in his golden aura had not taken any damage from her fire.

"Doesn't that make sense!? You must be nothing more than a pile of ashes!" Tiamat roared, with a flap of her mighty wings Tiamat ran towards Gilgamesh bringing her clawed hand/paw down to hit Gilgamesh and sending him flying away.

"Roar of the Dragon of Purgatory" Gilgamesh literally unleashed a sea of ​​flames that threatened to engulf anything he came in contact with. Tiamat was taken back by this the only being she knew who could release so much fire and at once it would be Crom Cruach, Ddraig and the two beasts of the Apocalypse. Thinking quickly, Tiamat unleashed a giant wave of ice from her mouth that met the sea of ​​flames at Gilgamesh.

The resulting clash caused a huge wall of vapor to form, filling the entire area and making it nearly impossible to see.

Tiamat quickly rose into the air and flapped her wings causing all the steam to vanish and reveal Gilgamesh standing on the ground as he smiled unharmed as well as his shirt revealing his bare upper body.

Tiamat would have to admit that Gilgamesh was the most beautiful man in the supernatural world she had ever seen.

Gilgamesh knew that Tiamat would be strong and that was really amazing.

Tiamat is one of the Five Great Dragon Kings, who are Dragons capable of killing Ultimate Class Devils, however Tiamat had enough power to rival Maou class beings and when angry can make even Ddraig, a Celestial Dragon capable of killing scared Gods.

Gilgamesh looked at this whole display of power impressed.

Maybe he could get loose in this fight for a change.

Looking down at his right arm he saw a silver bracelet with a jewel in the center, and in that jewel dwell a djinn.

Currently Gilgamesh had three of his djinns with him, however he could only use two of them as if he used the third only death would await Tiamat.

Raising his right arm he placed it in front of his face as a magic circle glowed over him.

"My servant of Rule and Submission I command you, inhabit my body and transform into the body of a great and mighty sorcerer" said Gilgamesh while reciting the order to the Djinn.

At that moment a tornado appeared and engulfed Gilgamesh's body.

When the tornado disappeared from Gilgamesh's body and his new appearance was revealed, he assumed the appearance of a bird, with dark feathers covering various parts of his body. His hair grows longer and is like a feather at the ends. He is adorned with a gold necklace and gains a third eye on his forehead. He is able to control the wind (in the form of a tornado) with his palms.

"Masou: Focalor"

This was the Djinn Focalor, the djinn of rule and Submission that allowed its user to manipulate the wind.

Gilgamesh leapt up and positioned himself in front of Tiamat in midair.

Tiamat stared at that in surprise as this transformation increased Gilgamesh's power considerably and was very curious about the origin of that power.

Not wanting to understand too much, he quickly inflated his lungs and spat out a gigantic amount of flame that filled the entire sky as he headed towards Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh quickly raised his hands and summoned two tornadoes that shot towards the flames and collided with each other.

Naturally the wind was supposed to increase the flames and their potencies, but what happened was totally unexpected.

Quickly Gilgamesh's tornadoes suppressed the flames and made them disappear while nullifying them.

Gilgamesh had manipulated the winds to nullify the flames by creating a vacuum dome against them and wearing them down.

Gilgamesh quickly created two tornadoes in his hand and thrust himself towards Tiamat who did the same thing to him.

The impacts were gigantic, shaking the skies and making shock waves that went through the entire forest scaring away all the animals and beings around.


Leave your power stones, or I'll break into your house and sleep with you 0_0

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