Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 121

Some Time Later.

Gilgamesh was currently following Tiamat wordlessly, after his victory against Riser and his nobility. Tiamat claimed that three of the four Satanists wished to speak with him. When he asked what they wanted, Tiamat said that he honestly did not know. Gilgamesh could tell that Tiamat was being honest, but she seemed a little happy with the way he treated the nobility of that spoiled brat.

After the battle Gilgamesh had met with Tiamat who told them to go find the Devil Kings, and honestly it was helpful, after all Gilgamesh didn't want any devil nobles trying to put him in their nobility, Gilgamesh also told his friends to wait for him outside.

Gilgamesh also knew that from now on his life would no longer be peaceful, for now all the supernatural beings in the world would know of his existence and be after him, well he never really had a normal life.

Power attracts power, after all.

"Gilgamesh-kun? Is everything okay, have you been awfully quiet?" Tiamat asked softly. Although she absolutely despised Ddraig, she really enjoyed Gilgamesh's company, especially the warmth his body provided at night.

How she could break into his room and lie next to him without him noticing was something even Gilgamesh didn't know how.

"It's nothing Tiamat, I'm just thinking about life a bit" Gilgamesh said softly to her.

Gilgamesh also noticed that several of the maids they were passing by were giving him a look of pure fear or lust. It was starting to get on his nerves. I mean, they were evil beings based on sin and all kinds of negative emotions. One would think that they would be worshipping him like a God, instead of shunning him for his brutal battle tactics.

"What will you do about the Devil Kings' offer, Gilgamesh-kun?" asked Tiamat curiously.

"I will analyze Tiamat, I really have always been a free spirit and that no one can control, it all depends on what they say" explained Gilgamesh to her.

Tiamat sighed.

"Just be careful what you decide. Regardless I will still be your familiar anyway" said Tiamat smiling.

"I will be careful. But know this, Tiamat, whatever happens to me, it won't change anything between you and me. You are one of my only friends I ever had, and that is something I don't want to lose" Gilgamesh said before leaning forward and Gilgamesh gave Tiamat a small kiss on the forehead.

This action caused Tiamat to recoil in shock and surprise as she could only look at Gilgamesh with a look of astonishment. Her cheeks were beginning to heat up while a small blush was present on her skin. She gave a playful look to Gilgamesh, who simply smiled back at her. He was enjoying this and she knew it, and worst of all she didn't know if it was a genuine kiss or if he was just toying with her.

*With Sirzechs, Serafall and Ajuka.*

Sirzechs along with Serafall and Ajuka were waiting patiently in Sirzechs' office. They were waiting for Tiamat to bring Gilgamesh here so that they could discuss their plans for him. And they were confident that the plan to turn him into an allied member of their Faction would never backfire on them. Unfortunately, they didn't know Gilgamesh as well as they thought they did.

"Where is Tiamat, should she be here with Gil-chan by now?" Serafall's childish voice broke the silence in the room. As Sirzechs laughed while Ajuka rolled her eyes, at Gilgamesh's new pet name. Yes, Serafall would be the first to die, at the hands of Gilgamesh.

"I don't think he will like that nickname Serafall. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who lets others give him nicknames like that?" Ajuka muttered softly as she played with her tablet-like device.

"Aju-chan! Don't be like that, I'm sure he'll love it!" Serafall whined comically while the more serious Satan rolled his eyes. Sirzechs simply laughed softly. However, a knock on the door caught the attention of the three Satan's occupying the room.

"Come in!"

Gilgamesh and Tiamat entered the room, Tiamat glanced nervously at Ajuka, who gave her a nod of acknowledgement before returning to playing on her tablet. Sirzechs gave Gilgamesh and Tiamat a kind smile as she gestured for them to sit down, which they both did.

"Greetings Gil-chan, I am Serafall Leviathan, I am glad you accepted our invitation! But you can call me Levia-tan!" Serafall exclaimed in pure joy.

Tiamat cringed at the volume at which Serafall was speaking. Gilgamesh simply raised an eyebrow at that.

"Nice to meet you Serafall" Gilgamesh said with a smile that made Serafall blush.

Sirzechs laughed a little, making Serafall pout and sit down again.

Gilgamesh turned his gaze to Sirzechs.

"I believe you had something you would like to discuss with me, Sirzechs-san." said Gilgamesh to Sirzechs who nodded.

"First of all thank you for helping my sister, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart" Sirzechs said smiling.

Gilgamesh nodded, and realized that Ajuka and Serafall didn't seem to be surprised by this news so it's likely that they already knew this.

"So I would like to know what are the three requests you want?" asked Sirzechs with everyone turning their attention to Gilgamesh.

"I would like you to release the bishop of Rias, Gasper Vladi, for me to talk to him" said Gilgamesh.

Everyone quickly turned their attention to this.

"Do you mind if I ask why that is?" asked Sirzechs with everyone's curiosity.

"You know Valérie right?" spoke Gilgamesh to Sirzechs who nodded, "She is a Dhampir and Gasper's older sister and one of the reasons we moved to Kuoh was so she could reunite with him" said Gilgamesh to the great surprise of all.

Sirzechs actually knew that his sister's bishop had an older sister but didn't imagine that she would be with Gilgamesh.

"Although it is an important request I really can't do it" Sirzechs said nervously.

Gilgamesh frowned his eyes.

"Why?" asked Gilgamesh dangerously.

"The Bishop of Rias can't control his power and that's why he was sealed" Sirzechs explains.

"And why didn't you teach him to control it? He has been with you for years" Gilgamesh said to Sirzechs.

Ajuka snorted at this.

"That's what I said, but Sirzechs found it too dangerous for his dear sister, he could be of great help in the battle against Riser" said Ajuka to Sirzechs who laughed with embarrassment.

"Sorry about that Gilgamesh-kun, but Gasper will be released in a few weeks then he can be reunited with his sister, that won't count as a request" says Sirzechs to Gilgamesh who nods.

Gilgamesh though a little sad for Valerie understood.

"So is there anything else you want?" asks Sirzechs.

"No, there is nothing else for now. Now why did you guys want me to come here? After all I doubt that's all it's for" Gilgamesh said to them

"I would like to offer you something" Sirzechs said to Gilgamesh who frowned his eyes.

"I hope you are not talking about entering your nobility?" says Gilgamesh to them.

Surprisingly Sirzechs shake his head negatively.

"I wanted that before, but now I know you won't accept that. And that would also be like mocking you, after all you are the descendant of the King of Heroes and the current Sekiryuutei, you wouldn't bow down to anyone like that" Sirzechs said seriously.

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