Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 128

*Unknown Location.*

With the sun shining down on them, two brothers were strolling through what appeared to be a field.

One was a young man, with blond hair tied up in a small braid and wearing a pair of glasses that almost hid his blue eyes, dressed in a business suit, and beside him, an elegant-looking sword. Leaking some kind of holy aura, he looked very handsome, and to demons and other dark creatures, he was a kind of nightmare.

The other was a girl, who looked to be about 15 years old, blonde hair that went down to her shoulders and blue eyes, with a cute appeal to her. Wearing a school outfit that had a gray blazer with blue plaid details at the wrists and waist, over a plain white shirt and a black tie. In addition, she wore a normal school skirt, along with a blue cape that had stars all over it, and on the right side of the inner side of the cape, there was a symbol of a golden lion with a crown, this was the magic symbol of the Golden Magician, and then she wore a magician's hat that was also quite pointy.

"So Le Fay you sent your messages to Gilgamesh-sama?" said the boy to Le Fay.

"Yes Onii-sama and he sent me many interesting formulas" replied Le Fay cheerfully to his brother named Arthur who smiled.

"I wonder if I could fight Gilgamesh-sama. You would be okay with that, right Le Fay?" asked Arthur.

"Fighting with Gilgamesh-sama? B-Well, I have no objection, I'm sure Gilgamesh-sama would like to study his sacred sword. He likes many things, you know? He loves Sacred Gear, sacred and demonic swords, different kinds of magic. He even found a way to use Reverse without damaging his body, you know? I would love to know the secrets, Gilgamesh-sama must be very smart to know how to do that" Le Fay said cheerfully.

Then Le Fay pulled out a map.

"Are we getting close to the possible location of Excalibur Ruler Onii-sama?"

Arthur absorbed what was said for a few moments, before inclining his neck.

"According to some contacts, it might be here. It's been lost for many years, so no one knows exactly, but I have some contacts. Anyway, let's go ahead."

"All right then Onii-sama!"

Le Fay cheerfully cheered and began to follow his older brother once again, while happily looking at the letter he received from Gilgamesh.

Some Time Later.

By now after class Gilgamesh was home with his friends.

The class had been normal, he had even talked to Sona and Devil thanked him for helping Rias.

Rias also thanked him however she got the wrong idea that Gilgamesh saved her because he was in love with her, what an idiot, after a while of talking and a call to Sirzechs and Rias knew the truth and looked sad.

Not that Gilgamesh cared.

Gilgamesh and everyone was now sitting in the room, the reason for this was that Gilgamesh was going to summon another servant.

Gilgamesh was only going to summon him because he had won the summoning card and he already had in his mind who to summon.

A golden portal opened beside Gilgamesh and from it came a huge spear that is longer than Gilgamesh's height, the head itself is a meter long and possesses a size that makes it impossible for a human being to wield. He uses the sharp point and its great weight in heavy attacks.

This spear is Vasaki Shakti: O Sun, Abide in Death.

It was the spear that the King of the Hindu Gods, Indra bestowed upon the Hero of Charity Karna.

Naturally this spear was not in Gilgamesh's [Gate of Babylon] as it had never been used before and therefore was not recognized for use in legends.

However Gilgamesh had gotten this spear from the system.

Everyone when they saw the spear their eyes widened as they felt the divine power present in it.

Gilgamesh summoned his summoning card and placed it on the spear.

[Do you wish to use "Vasaki Shakti: O Sun, Abide in Death" as a catalyst?]

Gilgamesh nodded and a large explosion appeared in front of him.

When the dust subsided a being was revealed.

He was young with long tousled white hair that almost looks transparent, his gaze is sharp as a steel blade with the red stone buried in his chest, projecting a captivating glow, what is more eye catching than anything else is the set of golden armor he has fused with, giving off a divine glow. Although each part is considered beautiful on its own, once combined, they exude far more ferocity than attractiveness.

Gilgamesh instantly recognized who it was.

It was Karna the Son of the Sun God Surya, The invulnerable hero of the Indian epic Mahabharata, as a hero of the losing side. The central conflict of the Mahabharata is the war for influence between the Pandava royal family and the Kaurava royal family. Karna became famous as a rival of Arjuna, the great hero of Hindu mythology.

"I have come in response to your call. Servant of the Lancer class, I am Karna son of the Sun God Surya" Karna said as he opened his eyes and looked at everyone, "Are you my master?"

Gilgamesh could only smile at that.



*Unknown Location.*

Arthur and Le Fay scoured the entire area they thought Excalibur Ruler would be in, but he couldn't find it in the end. Searching several ruins, they couldn't find it, and eventually they left the ruins, finding themselves on a grassy hill with nothing for miles but grass.

Arthur looked up with a complex expression, while Le Fay tilted his head.

"Onii-sama, what are we going to do now? Should we accept Cao Cao-sama's offer to join the Heroic Faction? Maybe they can help us find the Excalibur Ruler."

At the question, Arthur frowned.

"Although I have an inclination to fight that Siegfried, and also Cao Cao, I can sense the evil intentions within them. I'm not sure I'd like you to be in that kind of world."

Le Fay placed his hand on his chest.

"Onii-sama, I know you are worried about me, but I would go anywhere you go. Even if it is to the Heroic Faction."

"Wouldn't you rather go home Le Fay? Staying with me will be dangerous. You followed me and I wasn't sure about it then, even now I worry about you."

Le Fay was moved by what he said, it really seemed like she was being treated with kindness.

"I know you care about me. I care about you too. If something happened to you, then I wouldn't know what I would do. I would just ..." He paused as he felt a change in the atmosphere. "Le Fay come here."

Le Fay did just that when a young woman stepped forward.

She was dressed in purple lolita gothic clothing, with narrow eyes and thin lips. Several ribbons adorned her hair, which was a short style, stopping just above her chin. A magical aura surrounded her form, as her eyes landed on Arthur and Le Fay.

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