Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 131

The sword/bow fired at blinding speed, with such speed that it distorted even the space around it to hit its enemy.

Blue light shot out in a straight line, fast, very fast like a shooting star adorning the sky. No, it is faster than that, as for a moment space itself seems torn in a spiral motion as the blue light rises toward Karna.

The son of Surya raised his flames to the limit as he advanced fearlessly against the power if Caladbolg.

The explosion was gigantic, it destroyed everything in its path making a trail of destruction in its path.

When the explosion dissipated Karna was revealed in the middle of it with some scratches and wounds that soon healed and returned to normal.

Gilgamesh could only stare in surprise.

He had thrown Caladbolg at Karna's face and it had only come out with scratches.

This weapon had already destroyed three hills, three fucking hills when it was launched and only caused scratches.

Karna's armor really was the biggest problem.

An armor that caused all damage to be reduced to one tenth.

To nullify the power of this armor Gilgamesh had to resort to overwhelming power, Gilgamesh even considered using [Sunshine] however Karna is Son of the Hindu Sun God and therefore immune to fire and heat, the most Gilgamesh could do was the raw power and magic it would grant.

"Any suggestions?" asked Gilgamesh to his tenants.

[Maybe use Balance Breaker?] speaks Ddraig with a suggestion.

"That's a good idea" speaks Regulus.

{Arashi said.

"I won't use Balance Breaker for a battle like this, you know how disastrous it always is" said Gilgamesh in response.

Usually when Gilgamesh used Balance Breaker it usually ended with a lot of destruction because it was hard for Gilgamesh to control them.

[So if you use the Boost to multiply your power enough to wreak havoc] said Ddraig.

"That's a good idea however it will be tricky if I have to store that much power and I will need at least four Boost and that's forty seconds, Karna won't wait that long" said Gilgamesh to them.

"How about using Ddraig's Penetrate" says Regulus.

"No, that will kill him" said Gilgamesh.

[Exactly, my Penetrate breaks through any defense, physical and magical, however when she nullifies that armor the spear will totally pierce his body, there is a reason it is the spear of a Chief God] said Ddraig to them.

{What about using Verethragna's Authority the Golden Sword to cut his deity} says Arashi

"That's a good idea however I don't know the history of Karna well enough to forge the sword" said Gilgamesh.

It was a good idea however to use the golden sword one needed to have enough knowledge of the target.

"I have an idea, I will solve it," said Gilgamesh to his tenants who were already giving him a headache from all the talking.

All this talk lasted only three seconds in Gilgamesh's mind.

Then Gilgamesh prepared to advance against Karna, who also prepared himself.

Gilgamesh prepared to run while activating the Verethragna Authority, and chose the incarnation of the [Raptor], an ability that allows its user to move faster than lightning.

Everything around Gilgamesh went in slow motion as he entered another dimension.

Normal people would be in slow motion, and Karna seemed to be able to perceive Gilgamesh, although Karna's speed was extremely slow.

At that moment Gilgamesh turned into red lightning, and in an instant Gilgamesh was in front of Karna.

In an instant Gilgamesh undid the [Raptor] Authority making Karna's eyes widen at seeing Gilgamesh in front of him.

The King of Heroes closed his fist as he activated another of the [Ten Incarnations], the [Bull].

Gilgamesh punched Karna who used his spear to defend himself.

The impact was deafening, the space seemed to crack with the super strength that the incarnation of the [Bull] granted it.

Karna was hurled meters away across entire mountains before coming to a stop.

Gilgamesh gave Karna no time to think before lifting Gungnir high into the air.

The sky darkened and rumbled as lightning surged in it through the Longinus [Zenith Tempest], Gilgamesh further increased the power while activating another of the [Ten Incarnations] the [Goat] that allows its user to manipulate lightning and thunder.

In an instant all lightning was increased by Gungnir's divine power.

When Karna stood up from the crater he was sent into he couldn't help but stare, from the sky tens of thousands of bolts of lightning and thunder descended upon Karna.

The entire sky of the dimension darkened as Gilgamesh fired an infinite amount of lightning, whether Divine or of Nature, whether produced by his Longinus or by the Verethragna Authority being driven by the divine power of Gungnir.

It was really like watching the end of the world many times over. The land and the sea split under his attack and power. The mountain arched and disintegrated like pieces of paper that burned, the sky itself tore and darkened as all possible lightning struck Karna.

Gilgamesh lowered his spear making all the lightning stop as he watched the mountain Karna had been thrown into.

Or what the mountain was, for now the entire mountain region was nothing but barren desert where nothing else could be born.

From the rubble of the mountain emerged Karna, his body had several injuries, not fatal or very serious, but injuries that would bother him.

Karna knew that the only way to defeat Gilgamesh would be if he released one of his Noble Phantoms.

Karna prepared to advance however in an instant Gilgamesh appeared in front of Karna with his body emanating a white light and his fist in a sphere of light.

"Holy Fist of the White God"

Gilgamesh simply punched Karna who defended with his spear, but the moment Gilgamesh's fist collided with Karna's spear the Son of Surya's eyes widened as he felt his body growing weak before he was sent flying.

Karna quickly took his position and skidded off before looking at his skin and seeing that he was leaking blood.

Then Karna realized what that light somehow had the God Slayer attribute.

This attribute basically gave its user the ability to cause great damage to divine beings, it was like holy magic for devils, and this would be very problematic for Karna who was a demigod, being hit by a few more of these would be very bad.

Karna's eyes widened as he looked forward and saw dozens of light arrows advancing against him.

Karna quickly swung his spear with supernatural mastery causing all the light beams to be nullified.

Karma's eyes widened as he looked up to see Gilgamesh floating in the air.

"Howl of the White God!" roared Gilgamesh as he threw a huge beam of light at Karna.

Karna quickly put his spear in front of him and released his flames, but Gilgamesh's light swept through everything as if it was purifying the darkness.

Karna swung his spear and completely dispelled Gilgamesh's light and looking forward he saw the King of Heroes smiling as he stared at him.

Gilgamesh raised his hand and at that instant a great bolt of lightning fell exactly on his hand and formed in the form of a blue sphere of lightning.

Gilgamesh smiled as he pulled the lightning bolt as if he were throwing it, causing the orb to take the form of lightning.

The lightning burst into electricity as Gilgamesh mixed the power of the [Ram] incarnation together with the power of the [Lightning Devil Slayer Magic] making the power of the lightning increase even more.

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