Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 145

"My name is-"

"Gilgamesh-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" She let out a feminine cry, "Ooh my God! It's you after all! Gilgamesh-sama! I-I must have gone to Kuoh without even realizing it! I was just following my brother's trail and ended up with Gilgamesh-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"I guess you know who I am then."

He laughed, with the young woman's lower lip trembling.

"C-clearly, m-my name is Le Fay!"

Gilgamesh was surprised to find out who it was, but it kind of explains the fact that Arthur is attacking them and seems to be being manipulated.

"Ooh, Le Fay-san, it's a pleasure to meet you face to face. Did you get my recent letter?"

Le Fay jumped up and down on the spot, unable to imagine a life in which Gilgamesh would speak to her so casually, nodding so quickly that her neck nearly broke.

Valerie gained a clueless face.

"Wait, Gilgamesh knows her?"

"She's a fan of his." Enkidu replied as he tilted his head, "I believe she is in Gilgamesh's fan club."

"And-he has a fan club? Can I join?" asked Asia innocently.

Enkidu nodded to the girl who smiled.

"G-Gilgamesh-sama, i-that's been a dream of mine ... b-but, I also ... b-well, I need to ta-t-think about ... ooh God, Gilgamesh-sama. ...Gilgamesh-sama."

Gilgamesh went to approach her, when he noticed on her body, there were some marks, it looked like she had been hurt, so he bent down towards her, and gave a gentle smile.

"You are hurt. Come with me, I'll send Asia to heal you, okay? Then you can tell us what happened."

Le Fay laughed uneasily and started to walk forward, when her legs gave way, folding under her.

Gilgamesh reached out and caught her in his arms, lifting her up, so he was carrying her bridal style.

"Ooh my God ... a dream of mine has come true ... S-being carried by Gilgamesh-sama ... ... to be held by Gilgamesh-sama ... I must be dreaming, it doesn't happen in real life! Gilgamesh-sama's arms are so strong and comforting, after all the pictures I took of Gilgamesh-sama from images, it seems so surreal ... hehehe, I even get carried away by Gilgamesh-sama ... "

Le Fay's face turned red.

The heat in his chest grew hotter and hotter.

Being carried by Gilgamesh, was a true dream of hers, a dream she didn't want to end.

Gilgamesh was perplexed and began to move.

It seemed that Le Fay needed help and if it would help he would understand what was happening to Arthur and the attack he would make.


After taking Le Fay into the house, Asia began to make sure that she was examined while the others did other things in case they needed to defend themselves, although they were almost certain that the threat at the moment was over.

As they did this, Gilgamesh witnessed Le Fay staring at him with an admiring smile on her face, and also twiddling her thumbs repeatedly. It seemed that she had a mixture of nervousness and excitement inside her, mixed with sadness.

It was a combination that Gilgamesh had not really witnessed before.

Although he was wondering exactly what had happened for Le Fay to be like this.

"So, Le Fay-san, how about explaining-"

Before he could continue, Le Fay quickly spoke up.

"Gilgamesh-sama! First of all, I am so sorry for what happened! With all that's going on, I have to say that I'm sorry for bringing this trouble to your door! It was not my intention in the least! And Onii-sama, he didn't mean to hurt you! He doesn't know what he's doing!"

Gilgamesh exhaled slowly, seeing that Le Fay seemed to be panicking about the situation at hand.

Gilgamesh also knew that Arthur was Le Fay's brother from what the girl had told him through her letters, and from what he already knew from the anime, and he also knew what happened to Le Fay and Arthur from what the girl told him and about this mysterious enemy.

"I don't blame you or your Onii-sama for what happened. It seems that the enemy targeted you for a very specific reason, your skills with a blade are undeniable. Your sword is the strongest Holy Sword in existence. It makes sense that he wants you in his group. But to control you ... leaves little room in my mind for someone capable of something like that," said Gilgamesh.

To think that someone was capable of manipulating someone like that, Gilgamesh was really surprised that something like that existed, Gilgamesh even admits that he thought it was like his [Kotoamatsukami] but it was quite different.

Le Fay's head lowered, thinking of her brother and what happened when she disappeared, the regret and anguish that was on her face.

"...I ran away. I was a coward. Onii-sama told me to run, but he ... he stayed behind... and my cowardly actions ..."

"If you had stayed, would the outcome have changed?"

Gilgamesh's words made Le Fay begin to think about what he had said.

"B-well ... no, probably not. But still, I ..."

"That man is very powerful from what you have told me. If you had been captured, you couldn't have gathered allies to fight him, to expose what he intends to do."

Le Fay's eyes began to water, his small body trembling from side to side.

"... I lost Onii-sama ... and now if he dies ..."

Seeing the young woman in distress, Asia went to give her a comforting hug, when Enkidu gasped.

"He's not going to kill you." Enkidu interrupted, "He clearly needs his Onii-sama for something. Until he has that something, he will keep Arthur Pendragon around. It seems he desires strong warriors."

Gilgamesh nodded at what Enkidu said, and then continued.

"He's right, Le Fay. You are not to blame for this. Your Onii-sama must have really loved you if he stayed to fight a losing battle, to protect you. In my eyes, he did a very noble job and self-sacrifice, and it was worth it, since you're safe, here" Gilgamesh sat next to the young woman, putting his hand on her head, "We're going to save you, right? No matter what happens. We'll find out more information and find him, I promise. Until then, you can stay here. Sebas, you'll get a room, right?"

"Yes, leave it to me young master."

Sebas bowed his head as he said this, giving Le Fay a gentle smile, Le Fay being touched by the act of kindness, so much so that she was on the verge of shedding tears.

Gilgamesh nodded gratefully, then turned to Le Fay once again.

"You are no longer alone, we will stand right beside you and do what we can to return your Onii-sama. Until then, you can stay with us, no problem. If you need anything, just ask."

Le Fay's eyes filled with tears.

All these acts of kindness were too much for the young woman.

She didn't think she deserved all this kindness. With Arthur attacking them under control, with her just showing up like this and putting a burden on the whole group, it was something she couldn't understand.

"M-much thanks ..."

Le Fay collapsed onto Gilgamesh's chest and cried.

"Well I think we should go to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow and we will look into this" Gilgamesh said to them.

They started nodding and Sebas walked over to Le Fay.

"If you want to follow me I will put you in one of our guest rooms."

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