Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 185

"I think we should introduce ourselves" Georg said to Heracles.

"Very well. My name is Hercules, I am a descendant of the Mighty Greek Hero Hercules and the Greek god Zeus." said the man smiling with a thirst for battle.

Georg beside him sighed.

"My name is Georg, the descendant of the legendary wizard Johann Georg Faust. And this is..."

" name is Leonardo, possessor of the High Level Longinus [Annihilation Maker]"

Georg was surprised by what he heard from Leonardo, and then looked at Gilgamesh with a amazed expression on his face.

"Leonardo doesn't usually respond when others talk to him."

Georg then looked up and realized that Gilgamesh was narrowing his eyes toward Leonardo with a slight frown.

"That boy is more emotionless than Koneko, but his motives and to something coming from his body and is completely different from his Sacred Gear..."

Gilgamesh then gritted his teeth with an irritated expression.

"Why did they involve a child in this?" asked Gilgamesh angrily.

Georg fixed his glasses and replied

"Why not? It would be a shame if a high level Longinus like his wasn't being used properly, at least that's how Cao Cao explained it. Although, he wouldn't join us voluntarily ..."

"You brainwashed him?" groused Gilgamesh angrily as an oppressive golden aura came out of his body surprising everyone.

Everyone's attention was turned to Cao Cao who slammed his Sacred Spear into the ground generating a wave of sacred energy.

"We didn't come here to talk about that, we came here to talk about you King of Heroes" Cao Cao spoke as if he didn't care.

"I hope you have a good reason for putting me here" said Gilgamesh angrily.

Cao Cao laughed.

"Yes, we do, but I admit I was surprised to see Arthur Pendragon by your side, it looks like you've got yourself a powerful ally" said Cao Cao laughing.

"Well, you didn't save him, but I did. So what do you want?" asked Gilgamesh.

"We have come here to invite you to join our Faction, the Faction of Heroes. You must understand our desire, angels, devils, dragons and gods are the humans who defeat these beings, no, it is they who must defeat these beings, and it is our desire to see how far we can go amidst the supernatural as humans, our desire is to defeat the supernaturals and prove human supremacy" explained Cao Cao.

"Then will you join us?" asked Cao Cao.

"No" said Gilgamesh shocking them.

"W-what are you talking Gilgamesh, you have always defended humans" said Siegfried surprised.

"Don't get it wrong, I like your ideals" said Gilgamesh laughing.

"Then ... why do you challenge us?" Cao Cao asked.

"Because you are nothing but a hypocrite, who thinks that only you can decide what is best for humanity, how can I not laugh at such a thing? And I know that many of them have been brainwashed by some magic, how would you feel when the magic is broken and you see behind the veil?" Gilgamesh asked.

"That will be irrelevant, once they see how much better the world is without inhuman creatures, peace may finally come," Cao Cao said.

"Peace ... uh? Can a man who has his hands covered in blood say such things?" Gilgamesh said.

"Silence, Cao Cao will bring humanity to its rightful place" Heracles said angrily.

"Humanity is weak, we are very weak, we are not even blessed with long lives and not even happy, but to delude yourself of being strong and kill those who only wish to live in peace ... that is not justice, that is not strength ..." Gilgamesh said.

"That is simply old human weakness ... attacking ... like a petulant child who didn't buy a candy bar at the store, and that's what you are, an insolent child who got a new toy and wants to try it out," Gilgamesh said.

Cao Cao's expression could only be described as pure anger as his Longinus glowed in holy energy.

Cao Cao took a deep breath as he contained his anger but you could still see the fury in his eyes.

"So that's your answer" said Cao Cao before pointing his Longinus at Gilgamesh.

"We are the vanguard of humanity, and you a traitorous hero, so we must judge you, for crimes against humanity and association with inhuman beings, you must be executed as an example, humanity must be preserved, and your death will serve as an example against traitors" said Cao Cao, "We must make you atone for your sins."

Gilgamesh who looked on simply laughed as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Atone for my sins? I have no sins to atone for, nor have I ever forced such a meaningless concept on anyone, let us then ... the so-called heroes of humanity, I will show you how high the price is for pretending to be heroes only to commit murder, I will put the full weight of the power of 'Humanity' and break you all" said Gilgamesh as his golden aura emerged from his body into battle.

Then the battle began.

The first to move was Heracles who caused a huge orange aura to emerge from his body representing his Sacred Gear [Variant Detonation].

"Amuse me Sekiryuutei" shouted Heracles before firing at Gilgamesh.

Heracles advanced against Gilgamesh with amazing speed, even more so for someone of his size, his speed easily surpasses Kiba.

Each step Heracles took on the ground caused explosions due to his aura and power.

Sacred Gear [Variant Detonation] allows its user to create an aura that is capable of exploding anything it touches.

Heracles advanced further and further with his aura gaining more and more power and causing explosions wherever he passed, until he arrived in front of Gilgamesh who had not even moved.

"Die!" shouted Heracles as he lowered his fist against Gilgamesh.

The moment the fist of the descendant of the greatest hero of Greece struck Gilgamesh an immense explosion occurred generating shock waves that were sent everywhere.

When the dust settled, Heracles was revealed with a confident smile that soon died when he saw Gilgamesh.

The King of Heroes stood with a single arm outstretched as he held Heracles' hand as if the blow was insignificant, Heracles' blast had not even caused an injury to Gilgamesh who was unharmed.

Everyone's eyes went wide at this, as Gilgamesh had held the blow as if it was nothing.

"My turn" said Gilgamesh as his eyes flashed in power.

At the same instant Gilgamesh released an amount of aura into his hand causing Heracles arm without pushing backwards causing the man to lose his balance.

Gilgamesh quickly closed the distance and struck Heracles with a punch that made the big man bend over and spit up blood, and in one swift motion Gilgamesh kicked Heracles sending him flying backwards.

Heracles quickly took position in the air and landed on his feet on the ground skidding.

"Hahaha now that's fun" shouts Heracles with animation.

"It's surprising that he has a strength compared to Heracles" said Cao Cao slightly impressed.

Georg nodded.

"Yes, impressive, imagine the power he must have with his Longinus" spoke Georg surprised.

Heracles started to move forward before an immense smile crossed his face.

"You really are worth it" said Heracles before his power increased and his aura became larger.

"Balance Breaker" Heracles shouts.

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