Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 70

"You are rusty Mordred, not being able to beat him," says Gilgamesh with a mocking smile.

Mordred just sticks her tongue out at Gilgamesh and says.

"I wasn't at my 100%" says the Knight of Betrayal.

Gilgamesh smiles and nods, after all what Mordred said is true.

Mordred was still not back to her best form due to having some Bararaq Saiqa remnants in her body, and in the fight with Ewald Cristaldi she can't wear her armor or her Mana Buster due to wanting to limit the damage, which is surprising coming of Mordred, but even so she managed to keep well.

Of course, if you put physical attributes, Mordred was much superior to the priest, but in technique Ewald Cristaldi was better, after all Mordred fought more with instinct.

However, the same could be said about him. This man was a user of three swords. His just using one of them was proof that he was also holding back, you could tell we were currently at an impasse as Mordred didn't have all of her power and the priest didn't have all of his swords.

Gilgamesh sees Asia approaching the priest

"Cristaldi-sama, can I heal your wounds too?" She asked gently.

Ewald gave Asia a gentle smile and nodded, he held out a hand with a bruise mark on his wrist.

"You can, kid. Looks like my little confrontation here dislocated part of my joint." He said, accepting the offer.

When Asia had finished healing him, Ewald looked at his hand and flexed it, probably trying to test it, and he seemed pleased to look at Asia with a smile.

"This healing ability of yours is excellent, as the rumors say." He complimented her and Asia smiled kindly.

"Thank you, Cristaldi-sama."

"You can only call me by my first name...." Ewald told her and Asia nodded.

"Let's get down to business then."

Hearing this, we all straightened our posture. Asia itself moved to a chair next to Gilgamesh, and Ewald also made a serious face as he looked at us.

"So could you tell me what this is about taking Asia away?" asks Gilgamesh seriously.

"Right." Ewald nodded with a stoic face: "As you can see, Asia-san here was accused of being a witch and a traitor to Christ for being able to heal a devil. The Sacred Gears are a gift that God gave us so that we could defend ourselves against supernatural creatures aimed at us, these creatures being devils." He explained to us and we nodded, "So it would be a big shock if the power to heal devils suddenly existed. to the user's feeling and -"

"You all concluded that Asia here was a witch who had a black heart and therefore could heal devils." Gilgamesh said and can see Asia's eyes widen in horror at this. Ewald nodded to me with a solemn face.

"Are you kidding me? You look at her now." I pointed to Asia, which looked horrified. "If she's a witch, then what does that make you? Ewald Cristaldi." I asked with a menacing look.

"You are a first-class exorcist. How many did you kill Cristaldi-san? How much blood stains your hand?" I kept asking, "So much that even you can't measure anymore, right? And yet they praise his name and call him an honorable title for the massacre you wrought." Gilgamesh laughs sarcastically: "Should a being like you, who has killed more than hundreds, be called a monster? Why is Asia, which hasn't killed anyone and only healed others, being called a witch?"

Ewald showed no signs of offended or anything when Gilgamesh started talking and pointing out the facts to him. He sat silently and looked at me with a stoic face as he listened to his insults and complaints.

"Believe me, there's an explanation for this. However, as much as I hate to say it, I can't explain it to someone outside, even to you, after all you're not part of the Church anymore." Ewald replied to Gilgamesh as he closed his eyes for a moment before reopening them.

"But one thing is certain, there is evidence that Asia-san here is not what she was accused of being and if she comes with me, we can clear her name."

Asia looked at Ewald with wide eyes when she heard this. I could tell there was a glimmer of hope growing in his eyes. Proof, huh? What did they find?

"And why do you want to clear Asia's name in the first place? Why do you need Asia back?" Gilgamesh asked. There had to be some reason they wanted Asia back, but what?

"Believe it or not, our intentions are sincere." Ewald replied and furrowed my brows. The priest let out a sigh "Gilgamesh-san, I know from your point of view and considering what we've done, we're probably the bad guys in your eyes, and I can't blame you. But you need to trust me this time. sincere and genuine. The Church is trying to save a lost lamb like Asia here. She was not the first to receive her title and reputation." He said and Gilgamesh just stared silently.

Well, I couldn't just rebuke that statement. While it was true that the Church had shown a bad attitude so far, that didn't mean there weren't good people there.

He knew that very well, after all he spent a few years there.

"As you can see when Asia was exiled, Cardinal Priest Vasco Strada tried to help her so that she would not be exiled," said the exorcist.

Gilgamesh cannot help but be surprised by this statement.

"However, when Strada-sama tried to gather proof that Asia-san was innocent, the other people had already made the decision themselves, making it too late to save her. However, that doesn't mean that Strada-sama was willing to give up, he went to the cardinal responsible for Asia-san's exile and talked to him, trying to prove his innocence" Ewald explained to us.

"Strada-sama..." Asia muttered. It was clear from her tone of voice that she was very happy to hear that.

"After some debate, Strada-sama got permission to do an investigation and he managed to prove that Asia-san here is innocent, so Asia-san's name and reputation will be restored. And Strada-sama did his job very well " Ewald told us. He then started to reach into his tunic and pulled out a folder. He opened it and took a paper he gave to Asia: "Tell me, Asia-san. The devil you saved, does his appearance match the description of this paper?"

Asia started to pick up the paper and I too looked at it with my eyes reinforced. Short black hair, ages 17 to 19, pale milky skin, brownish-yellow eyes, pretty face, picture included.

Yes, the devil in that photo was clearly Diodora.

"Y-Yes. H-that's him..." Asia said with a nod and I immediately saw Ewald's face go grim as if he had just confirmed something bad.

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