Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 87

"G-God is dead?" asks Arturia perplexed.

He may not be faithful to God, but even so it was surprising to imagine that God died, after all she was not like other Gods, like Zeus and Odin, but the God who created all humans.

Gilgamesh nodded.

"What happened to the Factions?" asks Arturia curious.

"Well after the death of the Four Great Devil Kings, a series of events took place in the underworld and this resulted in new devils being chosen to take their place, they were Sirzechs Gremory with the rank of Lucifer; Ajuka Astaroth with the rank of Beelzebub; Serafall Sitri with the rank of Leviathan; and Falbium Glasya-Labolas with the rank of Asmodeus, and it remains so to this day"

"The Angels after the loss of God had the Archangel Michael taking control and becoming their leader, while the Fallen Angels continue with Azazel as their leader, and this continues today as a kind of Cold War between them" says Gilgamesh to Arturia .

"What is this Sacred Gear?" asks Arthur.

"Sacred Gears, also known as God's Artifacts, are items with powerful abilities granted to humans by God from the Bible. The original God of the Bible created the sacred gears as part of his system for performing miracles on Earth. It has been stated that certain individuals with Sacred Gears grew up to be very powerful and influential, and that a large number of people who had their names recorded in history were likely possessors of Sacred Gear. There can be more than one sacred gear of the same type, such as Blade Blacksmith. Sacred Gears can range from the common Twice Critical, to the rare Sacred Gear Twilight Healing, with the only exception being the Longinus, which are unique in their own way. If a Sacred Gear is removed from the owner, they will die."

Arturia understood and thought it was like the Noble Phantasm

"Can any being be born with them?" questions the King of Knights.

"Only humans or human hybrids can be born with Sacred Gears. Angels and devils can get them by resurrecting a human or human hybrid as one of them. The Fallen Angels created a ceremony to extract and possess a Sacred Gear from the original wearer."

"The Sacred Gear also has a final activation state called Balance Breaker. which is the most powerful manifestation of the Sacred Gear. Once achieved, the Balance Breaker can be re-inserted much more easily than the first time. An incomplete Balance Breaker can be achieved by self-sacrifice on the part of the user. However, this method of sacrifice does not count as a true Balance Breaker activation. Achieving Balance Breaker can be triggered by its owner's feelings. It is said that Balance Breaker was never intentional and that it was a flaw in the system created by God"

Arturia nodded in understanding.

"What is this Longinus?" asks Arthur.

"The Longinus are world-class Sacred Gears, each with multiple abilities compared to a normal Sacred Gear, which has only one, and has the power to kill Gods. This class of sacred arts is also known as the God-destroying tools. There are 13 Longinus in total. Also, Longinus and Balance Breakers were never planned and are system failures. The Longinus class of Sacred Gears is named for the first Sacred Gear to reach this level of power, the True Longinus"

Arturia was stunned to hear this.

Weapons capable of killing gods? It's scary.

"Do you have one of those?" asks Arturia.

Gilgamesh smiles and summons Regulus' ax, Ddraig's Gauntlet and a small tornado in his hand.

"I own three of them" said Gilgamesh to Arturia who widened her eyes in bewilderment.

"Well Valerie has one too," Gilgamesh says to Arturia who stares at Valerie who smiles.

"Now about the Holy Grail" says Gilgamesh to Arturia who starts to pay more attention.

"He doesn't exist in this world," says Gilgamesh.

"Which?" speaks Arturia perplexed and frightened.

"As I said, they are different worlds, that's why in this world there is no Holy Grail. To invoke you I used another method. The closest thing you have to the Grail is Valerie's Longinus [Seraphiotd Grail]," says Gilgamesh making Valerie raise her hand and manifest a chalice.

Arturia was perplexed, if the Holy Grail did not exist there would be no way for her to fulfill her wish.

But looking at Valerie's cup, an idea emerges.

"But you can use hers," says Arturia about the goblet in Valerie's hand.

Gilgamesh shakes his head.

"Although powerful, Valerie's Sacred Gear does not allow the user to fulfill an omnipotent wish, only to connect to the principle of life," says Gilgamesh.

Arturia was perplexed and scared.

"And I believe that even if You got the Grail your wish could not come true" says Gilgamesh making Arturia look at her with hatred thinking that he despised her wish.

"After the third Grail War, it was polluted by Angra Mainyu and became an evil "eddy power", a curse, the third element. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to correct inconsistencies by precise calculations or interactions, and he will interpret any owner's wish as nothing but destruction and grant it. Furthermore, once opened, it will continue to flow endlessly and bring disaster," explains Gilgamesh.

"So…my wish," says Arturia perplexed.

Arturia couldn't believe it, her wish would be nothing but destruction.

"So…my people" says Arturia in a sad whisper.

"The Grail may not exist here, Arturia, but we may one day find a way to fulfill your wish. So I want to give you a choice, I can't force you to stay here, so if you want to go back to the Heroes' throne and maybe be summoned again I won't stop it," says Gilgamesh as he stands up.

The biggest problem was not summoning Arturia but convincing her to stay.

But there was another problem, Arturia became a Heroic Spirit to get the Holy Grail and save her people, but in this world the Holy Grail didn't exist.

So what could make Arturia agree to stay here?

This was something Gilgamesh did not know.

"Know that if You want to stay we will welcome you with open arms as part of our family. Maybe one day we can get the Grail, but until then you can see it as a chance to start over," says Gilgamesh as he leaves with his group and leaves Arturia to her thoughts.

In her mind, Arturia didn't know what to do.

Should she stay or go?

Some hours later.

It was already past midnight and the whole house was quiet representing that everyone was asleep.

Arturia had been skeptical and uncomfortable with the situation she ended up getting herself into with Gilgamesh as her master, but she was already more at ease due to Asia and Valerie who had been close to her.

Gilgamesh got up for a glass of water, something he does most of the time, and he felt a presence nearby.

Following Gilgamesh's presence he saw Arturia sitting on the porch floor while gazing at the stars, she was no longer wearing her armor but an outfit that Valerie had lent her.

Gilgamesh had to admit, Arturia Pendragon was beautiful.

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