Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 89

"But this is wrong" bright crimson eyes turned to the sky: "this is dead wrong. Life is meaningless, none of us are born with a meaning. We are just born, and that's it. Life has no higher purpose. than live, no matter how much poets and philosophers like to tell us otherwise. The truth is that there is no reason for us to exist."

A small smile, nothing but a small twist of her lips. "But that's okay. Just because we're born meaningless doesn't mean we can't find one."

Gilgamesh leaned against the wall and looked up at the sky.

"In this world, we are all born without purpose, but surely, if you search, if you search throughout your life, one day you will surely find something of value. A treasure for those who are their own.

"And when you find the most precious treasure, when you hold it in your own hands, you will surely realize 'ah, so this is why I was born. This is my life's purpose.'"

Gilgamesh looked at Arturia.

"In this world I found mine, whether wanting to protect people close to me, or a desire"

"Just because you've lost your purpose doesn't mean you can't find another one," said Gilgamesh.

Arturia turned her gaze to him.

"Maybe one day you can make your dream come true, I'm willing to help you if you want, but until then nothing stops you from finding a new reason to continue" said Gilgamesh while looking directly into Arturia's eyes.

She looked at the sky before letting out a weak little laugh.

"I never thought I'd hear that from you," she said to Gilgamesh who laughed.

"Yes, I never imagined myself saying that to King Arthur either," said Gilgamesh with a laugh.

"You shouldn't trust me, but here is proof of good faith," said Gilgamesh, drawing Arturia's attention.

The King of Heroes snapped his fingers as a golden ripple appeared in front of Arturia before an item came out.

It is a luxurious piece of equipment made of gold and decorated with blue enamel that looks more like a treasure to show dignity and nobility like a crown or staff than a weapon, an inscription written in Fairy Letters engraved in its center to show that it is not. man's work.

This wasn't just any item it was Avalon.

Avalon: The Eternal Utopia, the sacred and crowned scabbard of King Arthur's sword, Excalibur.

The moment Arturia's eyes settled on her, she couldn't believe her sword scabbard was there.

"Like?" asks Arturia as she takes Avalon in her hands.

"The [Gate of Babylon] has all the treasures in the world," said Gilgamesh as he looked at Arturia.

He actually already intended to give it to Arturia Avalon, so he had two in his treasury, so he would always be complete.

The moment Arturia put her hands on Avalon her sword Excalibur manifested and entered its original scabbard and Arturia could feel the connection between them and them gaining the healing abilities of the Eternal Utopia.

Excalibur's sheath, Avalon, grants its wearers limited immortality through constant regeneration, in addition to preventing physical deterioration caused by aging. The Avalon utopia was thought to be derived from the island that produced the "Apple of Immortality" in Greek mythology.

The wearer of the sheath receives a potent healing, allowing critical and fatal wounds to be quickly repaired to restore the wearer's health. Minor injuries are easily restored, and even large missing parts of the body and destroyed vital organs, such as the heart, can be quickly restored at the critical moment before death. Targeting anything other than the wielder's head in order to destroy their brain is futile, requiring a decisive attack to be made in order to do some real damage.

His role as a noble ghost is an "absolute defense" that completely protects its wearer in the fairy realm, Avalon, the unapproachable utopia King Arthur dreamed of and said to have gone after his death. It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defense or reflection, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the ordinary world. The sheath dissipates into countless tiny particles in the air and engulfs the wearer to become a "portable fortress" that eliminates all interference. It is the limited field of the fairy's tranquil domain that keeps all the filth of the outside world and allows nothing to harm the tranquil king who stays in the land of Avalon. The individual is protected from all destructive interference in the physical realm, translinear from parallel worlds and multidimensional communication up to the sixth dimension. It is on the level of true magic, true magic in itself, which transcends all magic, and not even the Five Spells can overcome the barrier.

Something as valuable, if not more, as the Sword of Promised Victory itself.

Running a hand over the scabbard of her sword, Arturia sighed and made her decision.

She stood up and looked directly into the crimson eyes of Gilgamesh who was looking at her in doubt.

In a swift movement she pulled Excalibur from its scabbard and pointed at Gilgamesh who did not flinch, the simple reason why he felt no ill intent from Arturia.

In a quick move she placed her sword on the ground before speaking.

"I accept You as my master. From now on my sword is your sword and your destiny will be my destiny" said Arturia with an honor that can only be said for possessing the King of Knights.

Gilgamesh gave a big smile to Arturia that had her cheeks tinged with pink.

Mainly because of Gilgamesh's charm that she is able to make even a Goddess of Beauty blush.

Then Gilgamesh said something that took the servant by surprise.

"I swear here too Saber, or rather Arturia Pendragon, I swear on my pride of the King of Heroes and on all my friends that I will never disrespect your will and your honor, and if I did it you can kill me" said Gilgamesh with a serious face taking Arturia completely by surprise.

The King of Knights smiles.

"Very well, I accept your oath," said Arturia respectfully.

Gilgamesh laughs before catching Arturia in a hug making the woman blush before trying to get free using Excalibur, only to have Gil dodge and start laughing.

They spent some more time talking before each went to their room.

Arturia slept with a thought.

"Perhaps he is not such a bad master" thought the King of Knights before going to his sleep.

A few days later.

It had been a few days since Arturia was summoned by Gilgamesh and although she was a bit skeptical and closed off at first she let go.

The King of Knights had achieved a good relationship with everyone.

She had become good friends with Asia and Valerie and always talked to them and they had a good relationship, with Enkidu and Sebas as well and surprisingly with Mordred too although their relationship was neutral, and with Gilgamesh also where the two had a good relationship and Arturia came to see him as a different person from his ancestor.

Arturia had also learned more of the supernatural world through Gilgamesh who taught her everything in detail, from the Evil Pieces and the abilities of supernatural beings to the Sacred Gear and its abilities with the Longinus.

Now she was quite at ease with everyone, especially with Gilgamesh.

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